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Posted by *DAMN Mauti
on Mar 17, 2009, 09:55:13 AM
Category: *DBL
Just a short note that I'm in Sweden for one week. So no updates for a while.

Last but not least I updated the news headlines color scheme for enhanced contrast and visual guidance. Let me know what you think.
Posted by
PUNiSHER on Apr 15, 2009, 08:20:02 AM
Mauti what happened here??  Is it any closer to being done??  Its sad to say but Ghr is almost completely dead on Gameranger.  It would be nice to see working ladders launched soon.
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Apr 19, 2009, 07:06:04 PM
Hi Punisher,

well something unexpected stopped me: my gf is done with me after 3 and a half years so my thoughts where somewhere else… But this week there should be some overdue updates.


Posted by
BFG on Apr 22, 2009, 10:55:27 AM
Mauti im sorry to hear that mate, hope your ok. Never a nice experience especially after a period that long. 
Your life is more inportant than finishing this - if it means a few more weeks or a month then it should be that way, the other stuff has to take, and should take priority. 

Take it easy
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