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Posted by *DAMN Mauti
on Mar 16, 2009, 03:34:25 AM
Category: *DBL
Hi guys,

today I have uploaded a bunch of updates for you to check out.

  1. The team ranking module is now working(at least for all team ladders with elo ranking)
  2. You can now remove yourself from any clan you have signed up
  3. Admins can now manage any clan
  4. You can browse beyond the 5 most recent cbs on the clanbattles page
  5. All cbs of a ladder and season are now also shown on the ranking pages
  6. The cb info pages have been reworked slightly(I'm still not completely satisfied with the layout, but that's a low low priority)
Limitations of the updates:

  • Autoconfirm hasn't been added yet
  • Recent cbs and cbs you have to submit haven't been added to the clan/user pages yet
  • In Safari the Go to page input field doesn't work anymore with newer Safari versions(2+). The window.location.href function is messed up. I'll try a workaround later. FIXED 16.3.2009
  • In the case there should be more than 40 clans/users on a page the recent cbs pages update may also update the page view of the ranking. I have to adjust the javascript to solve this. Will be solved in a free minute. FIXED 16.3.2009

Behaviour of new updates:

  • Although it doesn't force you always the winner should submit the cb, because always the loser has to confirm the cb. In daily usage this should be no big deal
  • Contrary to the *DBL 1.0 when a clan has rejected the cb, and the issue has been solved without any admin involvment they can accept the cb although status is on pending by admin
  • I'm not sure how we handled that in the *DBL 1.0 but as soon as a cb gets submitted(not yet approved) the ranking pages will be updated. Is this behaviour ok with you?
  • As long as the cb is on pending the poster can edit the cb. As soon as a cb is submitted only admins can edit/delete cbs.
  • To keep it simple and to save a lot of hassle you can only change the score of a cb after submission. The submitted players and substitutions aren't editable. Further you can't change winner and losers afterwards. In these cases you have to delete the cb and resubmit. Depending on the amount of wrong player submissions maybe I'll add this later.


Although they have already been included for the HS and COOP ladders there are something on their own for TEAM and FFA cbs: Overall ladders give you a combined ranking of all your successes. It's like a yearly worldchampionship ranking. No matter if you play an ELO ranked season or a tournament. You will always gain points. For the first season the rankings might be ident(depending on the chosen ranking) but after that it will be an interesting addition because it includes much more cbs to compare and rate your performance. Last but not least you don't have to enter your cbs twice. The score will be calculated and submitted in the background. Another cool thing is that the overall season is always open so if there is no open season or you missed the registration you can still play a cb and submit it just to the overall ladder.

Alright that's it for tonight. Last but not least only 794 lines to go until I reach the 30.000th line of code(or 340+ printed A4 pages), hip hip hooray and my eyes fall to sleep!
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 17, 2009, 09:23:24 AM
Another small bug has been fixed: When no substitution players were available the cb wasn't submitted.

Also winrates get now rounded to 2 decimal numbers
Posted by
tin on Mar 17, 2009, 05:00:41 PM
Is this a bug? I'm not sure, since I'm a total noob, it could be a problem on my end.
I get this error message but only for this CB ID and only when I'm not logged in.
Logged in:http://img18.imagesh...mg18/3527/bild5l.png
Different CB ID:

Oh, and I use Firefox.

*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 17, 2009, 05:14:49 PM
Yes, it is. It has nothing todo with the browser just a screwed user check on team cbs.

Already fixed. Thanks for the bug hunt! "Only a dead bug is a good bug!"
Posted by
tin on Mar 18, 2009, 09:13:39 PM
  • I'm not sure how we handled that in the *DBL 1.0 but as soon as a cb gets submitted(not yet approved) the ranking pages will be updated. Is this behaviour ok with you?
As far as I remember we had it reversed in 1.0.
I understand it'll tricky to implent this in the script, since the point calculator of an elo ladder needs the ratings of teams at the time the clan war was played, but you never know if there will be a conflict and the match will actually be confirmed, therefore the ranking shouldn't auto-update after every submission.

  • To keep it simple and to save a lot of hassle you can only change the score of a cb after submission. The submitted players and substitutions aren't editable. Further you can't change winner and losers afterwards. In these cases you have to delete the cb and resubmit. Depending on the amount of wrong player submissions maybe I'll add this later.

I'm gonna sound like a ClanBase Fanboy and certainly don't want this to become a shabby copy of CB but I'd like to point out how clan war submissions work at CB.

Either clan can enter the result of a match, unless the other has already done so.

 A match result can be:

  • The real score of the match.
  • A no-show if the opponent didn't show up.
  • The result reflects the punishment specified in the rules which the opponent violated.
  • A forfeit if the opponent violated rules with no punishment specified.

Once one clan has entered a result, five things can happen:

  • The score is edited by the clan that entered it.
  • The score is accepted by the other clan, and ladder ratings are adjusted accordingly.
  • The other clan refuses to accept the score, and enters another result.
  • The other clan refuses to accept the score, making it a match conflict (see below).
  • Both clans do nothing for 4 days, after which the score is accepted automatically.

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