Hint 1: Sign up to post comments and much more
Posted by testadmin
on Mar 11, 2009, 10:02:36 AM
Category: *DBL

Nice work mauti this is looking great mate, will start testing and playing with everything i can get my hands on now!!


Posted by
testadmin on Mar 11, 2009, 10:12:51 AM
My bad, it renders fine but the background colour is set to transparent??
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 11, 2009, 10:39:51 AM
It should load a 50%transparent background picture. It may need half of a second until it is loaded?
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 11, 2009, 10:43:41 AM
If that doesn't help let me know and I just set it to a bg colour.

Posted by
PUNiSHER on Mar 11, 2009, 01:52:34 PM
Mauti my computer does the same thing, it takes it a second to load the transparency and then its fine.
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 11, 2009, 02:55:40 PM
Alright that isn't worth the transparent effect. I removed it.
Posted by
BFG on Mar 11, 2009, 08:44:27 PM
Cool - Yep for some reason the semi transparency wasn't really working for me and in terms of UI i think its a lot clearer opaque :)
Posted by
BFG on Mar 11, 2009, 10:10:30 PM
More of a request than a bug this time - 

Mate looking through in terms of Admin control etc im missing a few much used old features - and finding some a little hard to find - are any of the following easy to add? 

? Admin ability to add/remove users from clans (if this is possible how'd you do it? - If not can we have that as an option within the user settings (ie a drop-down option alongside say the settings for whether they are a admin or DBL staff etc?) 

• Any chance of having a Admin page that lists all the subbmitted cbs? I can't see a way of seeing the back end behind the ladders as it were - also if people submit and there are errors i see no way that i can edit submitted games to correct them? (something we often had to do with DBL1)

- I can't seem to submit CBs - despite saying on the ladders im competing - when i try to submit its saying im not signed up... ? im finding it a bit counter intuitive?!

Also under clan management all the options for changing the rank (ie member or leader) are greyed out? is this intentional? 

Lastly - what are the supported file formats for the screen grabs - jpg is standard i guess - is it possible to add others like .png? 

sorry im being a bit all over the place with this, i'll try submit stuff a little more coherently!! 
Posted by
BFG on Mar 11, 2009, 10:18:53 PM
oops just a bit more - on these news posts - any way of showing us when there are new comments? with all these posts and different news items its hard to see where new comments have been made since the last visit. 
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 11, 2009, 11:09:43 PM
Indeed the comments etc. need a "NEW" tag or otherwise you get lost. It's on my todo list.

Right now I have limited any uploads to jpgs. I also had already pngs. It's only removed temporary because I have to change some image functions on the back end so a png gets saved as jpg on the server so it doesn't need too much space. 

About your questions:

Most important:  contrary to the *DBL 1 all admin controls are almost always there where the regular user views the content.  So you wanna change a clanbattle go to the clanbattle page, go to the details view of a cb and then there will appear an edit button if you have the permission. You wanna change a ladder setting - go to the ladder page, select your ladder and click the edit button, and so on...

The only thing were this isn't working yet, because I simply forgot it is removing members. Right now only clanleaders and clanadmins can remove members and even a normal user can't remove itself. It's just a minor addition I'll change as soon as I'm done with the team ranking.

Editing and submitting cbs: well of course you can edit your own cbs as well as an admin can change all cbs. Just click on the Browse->clanbattles then you see a list of recent cbs. Just click on the ID or the comments and you will see a detail view. There is also an edit button. Just click it. A normal user can only edit the data while an admin can also delete it and change it submission status

What's not here yet is an admin dashboard where you get an overview about all unsubmitted cbs, etc...

What cb did you try to submit? Right now only HS and COOP games can be successfully submitted.

Clan Management: yes if you aren't a clanleader or clanadmin the options are greyed out, because you don't have the permission to change members with a higher clan rank ;-)

Hope that helps, but thanks for remembering all those little things I haven't added yet.
Posted by
BFG on Mar 12, 2009, 11:54:45 AM
Awsome, think you've done a fantastic job mate. 

- Cool. My bad i think im just so used to the old system im still looking for things in the wrong place, just need a bit of time to get used to it!

edit - yep just tried and feel a bit stupid for asking all that now - its even easier than before!!! :D

Admin dashboard sounds lovely - will that be able to pull up a list of any cb's that havn't been submitted/approved or that have been marked with problems or something? 

Yep i tried to submit a different game - i'll try one of those too now. 

- greyed out even with admin privileges though? - Many times we had cases where a clans leader would go awol and disapear and the rest of the clan would be stranded until we replaced one of them as the leader. - that would be handy do do in this system as well :)

Bloomin awsome though, btw i LOVE the breadcrumb menu at the top, so easy and quick to see where you are and hop around the site!! :D
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 12, 2009, 01:47:49 PM
Admin dashboard sounds lovely - will that be able to pull up a list of any cb's that havn't been submitted/approved or that have been marked with problems or something?

That will probably be the main purpose a quick overview of all cbs with a pending by admin status. And since issues can directly be discussed there you don't have to look any further. 

Another thing on the dashboard that will appear are list view of the rules with the most recent postings. Because if you might have already seen if people have questions about rules they can just reply to a rule. Another advantage of this UI approach is that all other user also can read all previous questions. Only general discussions about new rules, etc have to be discussed in a forum.

greyed out even with admin privileges though? - Many times we had cases where a clans leader would go awol and disapear and the rest of the clan would be stranded until we replaced one of them as the leader

Yep that's an UI bug. The reason it is also greyed out although you are an admin is that is simple just looks for your clan permissions. As soon as you can access all clan management panel you will also be able to change clan permissions as admin. About leader replacement I might add that just all clanadmins will be upgraded to clanleaders.

Last but not least thanks for the kind words. =)
Posted by
BFG on Mar 12, 2009, 06:39:02 PM
one last thing... and not a bug just a UI thing - if you are already signed up to it would it be possible to remove or 'greyout' the big 'signup' button that displays on the ladder page - just a bit odd having it there if yo are already joined!!?
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 12, 2009, 06:58:28 PM
Yes I know, the reason why it isn't like the submit  cb button(which only appears if the season is active) is that for the header it hasn't loaded the sign up information. But I'll get this right now. Should be a quick fix. 

You know pretty much about UI design. Just intuition or did you learn something it somewhere?
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 12, 2009, 07:51:06 PM
Fixed. For clan pages it checks if you are actively participating. So if your clan plays on this ladder but you aren't on that roster you will also see a sign up button.
Posted by
BFG on Mar 12, 2009, 09:45:49 PM
You know pretty much about UI design. Just intuition or did you learn something it somewhere?

Nothing officially although it was something i studied and worked on closely  for my major multimedia project for my degree. Just find it fascinating stuff how we interact with this sort of stuff though :) 
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 12, 2009, 10:01:04 PM
Nice! and as you see pretty useful.
Posted by
BFG on Mar 21, 2009, 06:06:33 PM
Its a really small thing but... in a couple of the menus you have 'user' - my english is pretty shocking (no excuse i know) but i think it should actually be the plural 'users'

browse > user   
admin > user

Lastly would it be possible to move the search box? Feels like in terms of UI its current position is a little confusing as it almost feels like its part of the bread-crumb menu - id suggest moving it to the right hand side perhaps - maybe lifting it also so that it sits below the 'user dashboard' box?? 
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