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Posted by *DAMN Mauti
on Mar 10, 2009, 11:26:57 PM
Category: *DBL
Hi guys!

Finally the *DBL is back on track. Before you take a look around please always remember this is a PREVIEW version with uncompleted code and features. 
E.g. this start page is of course not the final main page. I just put it together in a few minutes so you aren't greeted by an empty page. My focus right now is to finish the team ranking module. Also I haven't fully tested the script on the server so you might experience some blank pages with mysterious messages ;-) All bugs you experience should be posted in the *DBL Forum  or just here as a comment.

Please also note that for the public release I gonna empty and reset the database so your accounts and posts will be deleted.

For testing purposes I have also added a test admin account with full admin privileges. Please don't delete this account as well as mine.

The access code is:

username: testadmin
password: testadmin

Alright I'm sure you are waiting that I send you the link to the preview so I'll post more notes here later.

Cya, have fun and I hope you like it!

Posted by
PUNiSHER on Mar 11, 2009, 12:06:38 AM
I know its probably not your top priority right now but are you gona improve the banner at the top of the site?  It looks too generic.  I liked the color scheme from the old *DBL site.
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 11, 2009, 12:11:37 AM
Do you mean the logo or the text part? In both cases I gonna refine it later. Especially so everyone recognizes that the grey part between the 2 faces form a trophy.
Posted by
PUNiSHER on Mar 11, 2009, 12:17:01 AM
I meant the logo part.  It looks like a Mac logo thats why.  I dunno maybe PC people will see that and think its a Mac only league.
Posted by
PUNiSHER on Mar 11, 2009, 12:19:09 AM
Also I found an error you might be aware of already.  When I go to edit user settings and type in my verify e-mail address I get this error:
Posted by
tin on Mar 11, 2009, 12:20:12 AM
i doubt pc ppl even know the orignal macintosh logo. 
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 11, 2009, 12:23:24 AM
Thanks Punisher.

I also just discovered that whenever you upload a picture it doesn't have the correct permissions. It will be uploaded fine but not shown. Gonna fix that asap.
Posted by
PUNiSHER on Mar 11, 2009, 05:07:31 AM
What about having different color themes for the site and letting users pick what color theme they want?

*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 11, 2009, 09:56:07 AM
That's something with a very low priority right now, but I also thought about it, especially to customize your clan and user pages. So if you take a look at the source code you might see that I have used centralized colours like "col_fgmain, col_bggreen, col_bcontent,..."

About the logo I have already made a few of such customizations and played around with it but such last tweaks will be done when at least everything else is working flawless.

The current theme with dark text on light background follows design rules for a better and more relaxed reading.

Right now the team ranking and ffa has to be done. So at least all ladders are operational.

Thanks about so many ideas and suggestions. It's good to get feedback.
Posted by
Stripes on Mar 11, 2009, 12:18:36 PM
I like the setup and the profile user thingie, but punisher and tin has a point about changing the colours with some kind of *DBL Logo.

Good work Mauti, as always
Posted by
PUNiSHER on Mar 11, 2009, 02:19:16 PM
I know you posted this isn't the final homepage but is the final version gona have side blocks that display current standings for ladders and other information?  Some of the things the old *DBL site has.  Newest downloads, latest news, who's online...etc.  Maybe something customizable for each user so they can display the standings for the ladders they play for.  Something like this:
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 11, 2009, 02:47:14 PM
Yes, of course. For the release there will be a sidebar on the right. It is especially reserved for personal user data like online clanmates or on the start page some general stats, polls etc.

Right now at the clan and user dashboard you can view all current rankings at a glance. So after reading the start page you should stop at your dashboard to get an overview what happened

*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 11, 2009, 04:06:52 PM
I just replaced the blue header from the reply infobar. I think it is easier to follow the comments this way, isn't it.
Posted by
BFG on Mar 12, 2009, 06:34:35 PM
Yep much better.

ps, nope, wasn't me breaking thing for once ;0)
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 13, 2009, 02:47:37 AM
Just posting some feedback from Flies from the other thread to this one because I have screwed the posting order while working with the database

Mauti-1:When a clan wants to sign up, there is a huge problem concerning the homepage. Either its the "helptext" or its the procedure - i dont know.
But its really complicated to enter a new clan, and enter the clans homepage at the same time. It ends up with the clanleader being confused and annoyed.
Mauti-2:"replies". If you post a message in the forum, you will be interested in peoples replies.
These replies arent visual right now, unless you enter the forum, and go all the way to the end of the topic.

Mauti-3:CB´s should be able to arrange via the DBL homepage. I need a "challenge-clan" button.
Mauti-4:Statistics could be more useful. The ladderpage could show the number of CB´s fulfilled, denied and forfeited
Mauti-5:You simply GOT TO implement the old forumposts into the new concept. Those posts are the backbone of the DBL-league and people love to stroll back and read conflicts years ago. Remove them from the new DBL and you remove the history, concept and reason why you have a mac-league.
Mauti-6:I need basic information to show up. You are prolly already into this, but info such as " posts-since-your-last-logon" ...."new values entered on your ladders"..."CB-invitations"...."registred clanleader comment"....would be appreciated.
Mauti-7:Rules... I expect we are all doing this evaluating for a reason, right ? So when do we start making rules for the leagues ?
 Mauti-8:Punkbuster. Are you planning to lead the games into the hands of Punkbuster ? If so - prepare some d/l for mac - if not : all admins are needed to make setups that exclude cheating the best way possible.
Mauti-9:This isnt going to be dull - is it ? Plz keep in mind - designwise as well as conceptwise - that we need something funny.

Posted by
BFG on Mar 14, 2009, 12:57:35 PM
Yep i have to say (i said it already i know) but i think to be able to integrate the current yabbse forum and related info into this new DBL site is really really inportant - can't begin to imagine how complicated that might be but if you can do it mate, it would be spot on!
*DAMN Mauti
Posted by
*DAMN Mauti on Mar 14, 2009, 03:23:08 PM
Just moving the *DBL topics and messages could be be possible but I don't know what to do with the user accounts. Also the formatting of the YaBBSe posts could be a challenge. So yes it's not easy.

However why do you think it would be important? Same reasons as Flies ^? I ask because also in the old *DBL the forums were not integrated.
Posted by
PUNiSHER on Mar 14, 2009, 06:31:20 PM
I say create a whole new forum!  People might like reading that old forum and enjoy living in the past but its time to move on and start something fresh and new!  You need to let it go!
Posted by
BFG on Mar 21, 2009, 05:56:27 PM
Oh thats a hard one to answer. - Yes i suppose in a way because of the history - because DBL isn't just something new - it has a real weight of years and years of players and CBs behind it - and i think it would be a great shame to loose that. I understand what Punisher is saying about it being fresh and new but i would say that while the site is fresh and new, while the support of games is new etc, this is still the same *DAMN BL that so many people love and have been a part of for such a long time. 

Admin wise i can see a huge advantage for tying the forum to the accounts on this new site - and i can appreciate its a lot easier to write a forum module for that now than try to integrate with the yabbse forum. At the same time the yabbse forum has a huge amount of flexibility and control/management which would surely be a huge amount of work for you to recreate?

Perhaps on reflection there is no big need to tie the two together - we managed fine before as you say. Is there a way we (ha i love how i say we when i really mean you!) could add a link to user accounts in the yabbse forum that linked to their DBL account? - obviously easy for users to do in their signature but maybe something we could add as a button like 'message this user' - ie 'view users DBL account' . 

Ah i can't decide both ways seem to have real advantages. 

If you could do the link (or we just tell people they can put it in their signatures if its to complicated) and the *DBL forum look could be updated to tie into the new site i think i'd end up voting for keeping the current forum - just feels like all that history and depth that has made the *DBL such a big thing outways the advantage of forum acounts that tie into the DBL (which we didn't have before) 

Sorry, im really rambling!! 
Posted by
testadmin on Apr 04, 2011, 08:59:22 PM
Alright the password has been changed and testadmin access disabled.

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