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The Austrian Army - Live and Uncensored by *DAMN Mauti 7.2.2003

"I'm free, I'M FREE AGAIN, YEAAAH I'm free...", were my last thoughts before the bootcamp disappeared once for all in my rear-view mirror. But back to the beginning.

In Austria every man has to join the army(army in terms of national defense that includes sea,air and land forces), called Bundesheer, for 8 months or can do civil services for 12months. I chose the army but at this time I couldn't know that I'll have to join an elite unit. - On 3rd september 2001 I became a Panzergrenadier at the Panzergrenadierbattalion 35(PzGrenB35). I was one of 500 per year that have the honor to get a special military training. In other words, usually when you join the army you have a basic training for 6 weeks and then you get a comfortable job. Most guys think the basic training was very hard but I experienced it can be worse, much worse. 6 weeks basic training, 6 weeks border deployment over christmas and happy new year, and the rest of the time training and combat excercises with a green painted face at temperatures down to 26 degrees celsius below 0.(-14.8 Fahrenheit) 72 hours per week. Sounds fun doesn't it.

Facts and Stats:
  1. I served from 3.9.2001 - 2.5.2002(243days) at the Jansa Kaserne(PzGrenB35). I was at the 1.Grp/1.Zg/1.Kp/PzGrenB35 (group/zug/company/battalion)
  2. I learned to use each infantry weapon of the Austrian Army:
    P80(Glock 17); 9mm
    Steyr StG77(AUG); 5.56mm
    MG74(improved version of the WW2 MG42); 7.62mm
    ÜSMG; 12.7mm
    MK; 2cm (machine cannon)
    PAR74; 7.4cm (bazooka)
    PAR66/79; 8.4cm (bazooka)
    The only gun we, as Panzergrenadiere, don't use is the sniper rifle
  3. In these 8 months I shot over 16000 shots with the weapons above. Most with Steyr StG77 and MG74.
  4. During my border deployment I caught 39 illegal immigrants on my own
  5. In the first 5 weeks of basic training 3 guys tried to commit suicide because of the isolation you experience at bootcamp. One slept in the bed above me.
  6. Clothes with the sticker waterproof aren't waterproof
  7. The used camoflage colors cause rash
  8. The heat from our markmanship tanks never worked, brrr.
  9. In our first combat excercise I learned that the chance to see the enemy who just killed you is very low
  10. The Steyr StG77 is one of the best guns in the world blowing away every FAMAS, M4, M16 and Kalashnikow. Hitting targets is ten times easier than in Rogue Spear.
  11. On a shooting contest I bet my instructor =) I got 86points out of 100. Distance 200metres - 10shots. Max. 10points for headshot(head target size 23*23cm).
  12. Panzergrenadiere die first! In the WW2 each Panzergrenadier that survived a mission got a medal because the chance to survive was so low.
  13. One of the worst things is to run around with your gasmask. However after getting in contact with tear gas during an exercise I learned to like it.
  14. I learned how to build bombs into Coca Cola cans and other things of daily use.(I guess Amnesty International would like to hear more about that)
  15. We learned to modify the Steyr StG77 so it causes a tissue shock(more about this in the Steyr StG77 report, see below)
  16. After the army you know what freedom means
  17. Make love not war

More about my experiences:

-[ Steyr StG77(AUG) - Detailed report
-[ Panzergrenadier - Tasks and Combat Exercises
-[ Border Deployment
-[ More pictures...

FOR WRONG FAME AND HONOR that describes best my opinion about the army and war. 18years of my life I was taught to solve problems in a peaceful manner but suddenly an instructor shouts at you "Get the barrel through his head. Kill him, KILL HIM 'cos YOU ARE A KILLER. Die for your country... and enough other bs. Sorry this hero-fame-honor nonsense doesn't work for me but unfortunaly many others believed in that.

I really disliked my time at the army, I don't wish anybody to experience the same I also was somehow disappointed about the organisation. I expected an extrem well done organisation that reacts fast but the army acts very slow, a problem that unfortunaly all modern armies have. However, don't ask me why, I would do it again. I learned very much about myself, how far my body and mind can go, how I react under extrem conditions and how SENSELESS and STUPID the army is and war would be(you really only learn to destroy objects), how fast you die, you can laugh about every action movie and last but not least you learn what FREEDOM means.

I hope it was interesting for you although I could tell you only a fraction of my experiences. Please don't forget to leave your comments.


*DAMN Maut
ps.: if you have questions also post them at the comments.


© by *DAMN Mauti a.k.a Clemens Mautner Markhof, Salzgries 17/11, 1010 Vienna, Austria; Phone: +43-676-6158786; Thanks to PlanetRainbowSix a division of Game Spy Networks for hosting and supporting us. All rights reserved.
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