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« Reply #40 on: July 15, 2005, 04:24:46 am »

“I just don’t care for the flamers” – Deora/Rapid

I have read this whole thread and it boggles my mind. How can one possibly reason with another so obscenely out of touch with the realities of his actions or anything that happens in a room? He answers nothing, does himself the things he accuses others of doing and all the while feels persecuted. In reading his posts here, I can’t decide which is the most “special” in the way the drooling, bed wetting mumbling retard in some school for the challenged is “special”.

If you have spent any time playing with Sheix or playing on a server for which he is an admin, you would completely agree that he is willing to suffer fools well beyond the limits of the average player. Why? Because he values fairness and he realizes not everyone gets along. Further, he is honorable in his playing and doesn’t resort to TKing or throwing tantrums or insulting people. Everyone enjoys playing with him, but more importantly, everyone respects him and knows he is reasonable and levelheaded and forgiving.

Game Ranger is a limited arena to get to know someone. We do this through gaming, messaging and sometimes voice. Mostly people get along, and when they don’t I am always surprised at how people seem to reconcile their differences. Being a community, we are responsible to others for our actions. As such, when individuals are causing problems for the group, the group generally removes the problem in the best interest of everyone – it is a kind of social contract, which can be abused. For the vast majority of us this is well understood, but there are a few people who just don’t get the joke.

I truly have never run into someone who has so much turbulence in dealing with others as Deora/Rapid, and what I just don’t understand is how he continues to feel wronged by this community. When you are constantly complaining about unfairness, constantly complaining about being victimized in one way or another, constantly being told to relax and play well with others, constantly getting kicked from games or banned from servers, constantly seeing clan mates bail on you and constantly getting into threads like this on sundry forums, I think it demands a little self-examination. And if anything is clear from this thread, or any other, it is that Deora/Rapid’s aptitude for self-examination is woefully insufficient.

I believe I am far from perfect, and I have done my fair share to antagonize him. But I didn’t wake up one day and pick Deora’s profile randomly and decide to single him out as someone I was going to treat unreasonably.

And I am certain I have never seen any of his many names at the top of a leader board in a respectable room.
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« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2005, 04:33:01 am »

What? You mean NOW you're denying that youre actually ARE Rapid??
This is quite diferent from that  hour long private chat with Monk...One of your oldest clanmates, who called you Rapid for the ENTIRE hour, where you never corrected him, so when i said, no wonder, theres talk that youre actually Rapid, i was curious how and why this noob dude Deora gets to be a dick to older guys like Ender, you laughed and said


"I please Sheix, keep it on the Downlow, there are fools that got a grudge on Rapid from the RS days""

Can you make up your mind who you are? Cuz if you cant, or arent proud of who you are, and feel the need to alias... A VIOLATION of one of your BIGGEST forum rules about being AK..then what are you really, if not a puss AND a hypocrite??

So again, why would you say that to me and laugh about it with monk and then deny it all these months later?  A rose is a Rose, so if we call you Rapid, I think youre getting the point.

Dont talk about posers,and losers if youre still playing kindergarden games about hiding your identity so you dont have to own your past.

fill me in here.....

Are you a LIAR or a chickenshit?  
it has to be one those, becuase there are only TWO choices..

Anxious to hear your response and see some more of your antique screens.
Theyre nothing if not desparate and entertaining.
Got anything recent? again, no?
Bummer for you.

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« Reply #42 on: July 15, 2005, 05:23:38 am »

As someone's sig says "Never argue with an idiot, they just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." Rapid went away for awhile because we all stopped paying attention. Let the sad little man have his hot dog stand, and please god don't provoke this immature, arrogent blowhard anymore.

I have no desire to stoop to that level, so I'm done with rapid and done with this bullshit. I hope this gets locked very soon.

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« Reply #43 on: July 15, 2005, 05:27:44 am »

Are you trying to be the idiot here Spike. As I remember it Mauti asked Rapid to leave for a season, and Rapid took offence and left for good... or so we thought. If Rapid is consistent in one way, it's that he can get all the attention he wants. You guys seem to have no problem ganging up on him... apparently this is between Rapid and Sheix.

Let's clear this once and for all. No more hearsay on answers.

Deora has stated time and time again he wants to 1v1 sheix. So what is the answer here? You guys both agree then you can go forward from there to end this.

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« Reply #44 on: July 15, 2005, 05:57:52 am »

Spike, you came out of nowhere, to try and flame me, and got put in your place.  Of course you'll stfu now.

Kurtz, just because you decided to TK me, and think you could justify it, without me getting mad, is where you went wrong.  Any time I've seen you in a BF42 game (which is where I first ran into this sorry ass), you go out of your way to act the ass to me.  Too bad, you still end up dead, competitively speaking.  lol   How bout you use all that energy to "harrass" me, to try and do better than me.  Hey, now there's an idea!  clapping hands lol Sniper

Now let me re-phrase it, so Sheix's dumbass, can understand it. 

I'm a rather passive, and yes, competitive person.  I can be nasty, like any, and all of you that have posted nonsense against me, have found out.  You, never find me coming to these forums out of nowhere, claiming I'm doing better than somebody, like Sheix.  He began this whole thing, out of nowhere, flaming on me, and claiming he was this far superior player than me.  Why?  His medicine running low?  IDFK, but it's gots to stop...  That's why I came here to the Criticism section, and pointed out there was a bit of nonsense going on in the GG section.  And, as you can see, these flamers, followed me in here, to flame away even  more...   Np, since nobody else is taking time to address the issue, I started to address each flamer individually.

Sheix, you really think you are in the right to come out of nowhere to flame me in these forums?  Do you really need your ego stroked that bad, you have to badmouth me, to feel better about your sorry being?  You're pathetic.  That's why I show you the old SS's.  So you remember, I, have been killing you for how long now?  And you, just, start to do a little bit better(I'll give you that much, even though you use NF to do better), and feel the need to flame on the person that's been owning your sorry ass this long?   

Don't forget, you never saw me back in the day come in here to flame on how hard I was owning your sorry ass.  And, sad to say, it took you long enough to start doing better.   And to top it off, now you find it also, to try and brag about barely outscoring me, what, couple of games to my thousand?  lol

It's just sad, to see you come here to flame me, and think I wasn't going to put you in your place.  And to top it off, when I called you out, to even a 1v1, where you could show off all these skills you've gained over the year and half, you couldn't even step up to the plate.  You my friend, are a loser.  And, for flaming me, got your card pulled. 

Don't forget, flaming is for losers like you.  My asking of your flaming to be moderated, is what's right.

BTW, that last SS I put up there, was in Harvey's Host.  Just last week.  lol

Thx mysterio, for taking time for the under dog.

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« Reply #45 on: July 15, 2005, 06:10:40 am »

Do you think all the young guys that got knocked the fuck out at the
Hands of Mike Tyson got to call him out on THEIR terms?

Nope, it just aint done that way.
The Piss-ants NEVER FUCKING EVER call the shots.

No one sets my agenda but me, Myst...but nice of you to be all cute to stir it up.
Since you think a  1v1 with Rapid would be bullshit and excuse free, much less be worth the time it would take to agree to the terms, YOU fight him. I think that just might be a good fight./

And if you think he would deal with a loss like a man and be quiet, you should have heard his ass after Nixon whipped him..It didnt change a fucking thing. The only reason id ever fight him, was if it would shut him up..and it wont.

See how far expecting normal adult behavior out him in any match will get you.
If you stomp him, he'd either lie about it, make exccuses about it, accuse you of cheating, or blame the phone or lag, or your choice in guns..like with Nixon.

 So is that worth it? Not to me it aint.

I've never been one to be bothered in the least with a lesser man calling me a chicken.
Chihuahua's like Rapid will bark and yap at a Rottweiler thru a screen door...
Amazing dog really, got lots of balls, no bite, and still thinks its safe...standing way back at the end of the sidewalk...yipping it up.

I know the truth and i could give a flying fucking wah-tusi what the entire population of GR or DAMN thought about me not fighting him. Concensus is, there is no return and no benefit from kicking his ass.
If Nixon couldnt shut him up with a win, neither can i.


1. Not good enough to waste my time
2. Not stable enough to have my respect. (cannot decide if hes Deora or Rapid)
3. Not important enough to make me care WHAT he fucking thinks about me
4. Not mature enough to handle a loss without the extraneous bullshit.
5. Cant address simple, but relevant IMPORTANT questions in any forum ive met with him on..like about his real identity, or how he wants teams set up if some are on NF without complaining.
6. Cannot recognize reality if it shot him in the ass.
    (ie...he STILL thinks its OK to use apple's TRADEMARK Icon in his designs, using year-old ss's to prove    he owns me now?)
7. all he does is duck, dodge, lie, avoid, blame, and make excuses for himself.
8. I pick my own fights, on MY terms...not his, and i CERTAINLY wont fucking be baited by Myst for such a pointless excercise..

and those are all the reasons i need.
He can stand outside and yap all he wants..won't change a thing.

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« Reply #46 on: July 15, 2005, 06:27:20 am »

deora..your last post was a work of retard strength, selective memory and was about as accurate as the tabloid that claimed madonna had been abduced by aliens. that you can even write the things you do...i mean, do you have no sense of what is happening around you? you would not know reality if it fucked you in the ass all night long.

and if you had any clue whatsoever, you would remember that this whole thing started on rvs a long time ago, when you gimped me three times in a row running away from our spawn in three consecutive rounds while firing your weapon with nothing but your own teammates to shoot at. then after you had ruined three rounds in row for me, after i asked you not to do it again, and again, i tkd you, which apparently made me the unreasonable asshole because after all you "didn't kill me", you only gimped me.

and MYST, respectfully, NOTHING will ever end it (people's gripe with him) unless people just ban him. he has not changed one bit and seems bent on being an irritant forever. ignoring him just doesn't work, especially if he joins your team just to tk you.

this isn't an RvS issue or an issue with sheix. i have been in countless 1942 rooms where he has gotten kicked for tking...and it is'nt like it was a few tks...he would have a -10+ or -20+ score in a room where he was asked to stop, and because it is so difficult to get rid of tkers in that game, he can do what he pleases without consequence. i have seen him in ghr rooms too..same thing, though he gets booted because people won't stand for it.

it doesn't happen as much anymore in rvs rooms because when he comes in people have taken to mocking him. i always beg for him to be booted because he is so painful, and i have not hidden my fierce loathing with regards to deora, but people seem to have taken to toying with him and provoking him instead of booting him...so in light of that, and the ganging up here - you make your bed, you sleep in it. if his tactic is to get as much attention as possible...well...he wins because he seems to have pissed off everyone who knows him.

as for me, i have blocked him. and when i am in rooms with him i try to get on the other team. but it doesn't always work, and there certainly are not enough servers to avoid him altogether.

in the end, everyone isn't making this shit up.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2005, 07:09:02 am by [:]Kurtz » Logged
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« Reply #47 on: July 15, 2005, 07:03:25 am »

Kurtz, you're so delusional, it's pathetic.  I don't go into games to act an asshole, ever.  And this bullshit of me always getting kicked for TK'ing?  WTF!  You really are a low life, spreading nonsense lies around.  Anybody that knows me, knows I shoot to kill the opposite team.  When I TK, I say sorry, because I never do it on purpose.  If, I ever was to TK somebody on purpose, it would be, because they TK'ed and mouthed off to me first.  Also, I love giving people a dose of their own medicine.  So when you find yourself getting punked, after trying to punk me, crawl back in your hole and stfu.  Those that act an asshole to me, such as yourself and Sheix, get what they deserve!  See how it works dumbass?  And this whole story of me gimping you?  LMAO!  If that's even true, you do need to get the fuck out of the house more, loser!   You telling me, that I gimped you, and you're holding a grudge?  Gimp me back, I don't give a fuck!  How old are you?   You're stupid.  Most likely, you were mouthing off, like you are now, and pissed me off enough to gimp you.  I'd never just pick on a person for NO reason.  You really gots to piss me off to even get me to gimp you or tk you, because I don't do that as an everyday thing.  You got what you deserved then, and funny enough, are still pissed off about it lol

Sheix, once again, avoiding why you even got your card pulled.  It doesn't feel too good does it "hunny"?  You decided to flame, and I decided to put your flame out.  See how that worked?  In the meantime, keep trying, you're quite amusing.  lol  Mr "I have to tell the world I outscored Deora, and flame him while I'm at it".  Gawd you're an online dork...  Lips Sealed

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« Reply #48 on: July 15, 2005, 08:19:52 am »

deora. you need help. seriously. the accuracy of your posts has been approaching zero at faster than the speed of light, which according to physics isn’t even possible. my guess is if you saw a shrink, they would lock you up and medicate you into oblivion.

it is unbelievable...truly unbelievable that you can write that crap in good conscience. the quotes are so goddamned funny - "anybody that knows me, knows i shoot to kill the opposite team"? laughable..i seem to remember you getting banned from the six server a while back because you would go into the rooms and tk your whole team, but then you would post that they banned you because they were afraid to fight you. sounds familiar...maybe that was a different deora, or was it rapid at the time you chickenshit aliasing punk.

"When I TK, I say sorry, because I never do it on purpose.  If, I ever was to TK somebody on purpose, it would be, because they TK'ed and mouthed off to me first.  Also, I love giving people a dose of their own medicine" - i am in awe of your ability to believe that. you must have a rich and fulfilling inner life. i never do it on purpose followed by the reasons you would do it...if anyone has ever been in a room with you they know you mouth off all the time...you are like john starks to michael jordan...all bark and absolutely no bite..what is funnier is the only time starks dunked on jordan, the media made posters of it, calling it "the dunk"...much like you and your pathetic screen shots. how much space on your computer is dedicated to the screen shots? you could print them out and make a book for yourself entitled "a history of my mediocrity", by AK Deora, if AK is around much longer.

the story about you gimping me? the whole reason we are here is because you would not stop tking me after that because you were so upset. "gimp me back, i don't give a fuck"?..now i'm just embarrassed for you...talk about holding a grudge – you would not spend your life writing (poorly, i might add) endless rants on numerous servers making your case against everyone that you have been wronged by over and over again. it is absurd.

Then every time i run into you it is the same old story, act like an ass, mouth off (which is hilarious because if someone mouths off to you they get tkd, but you seem to want to do it without the same treatment), antagonize somebody until they give you a taste of your own fucking lame ass medicine, then you cry to the whole world how unfair it was, then nobody listens to you because you ARE the boy who cried wolf on top of being a despicable prick, then you get pissed and start tking, throw a tantrum and either leave or get kicked. i'd be happy to ask sword, raver, jaydillo, or deus ex to come in here and estimate how many times they have watched you get voted out of their servers...it is not like one guy kicks you, the ENTIRE server votes you out. you seem to miss that point here, which sadly is no surprise.

the "how old are you" question followed immediately by "you're stupid" is just beautiful. if this thread goes much farther you will have shot yourself in both feet, both knees, a hip or two, a wrist and an elbow. luckily for you, your revolver would run out of ammo.

so keep it up smartness. dazzle us with your baby-spoon-dull intellect. say something less than clever because clever for you is just not realistic. you could say almost anything at this point and we would find it entertaining. the whole forum is rooting for you, we want to see your best effort. but it has been so disappointing thus far that everyone has set the bar so low for you – there is no pressure, you can only impress now.

in all seriousness, there are plenty of other places for you to seek the attention you have been deprived in life and for which you are so desperate. it would be nice if you could take your emotional and mental disorders elsewhere, as i’m sure everyone here would be appreciative and think it uncharacteristically big of you. it just sucks when you come into a room and talk trash and throw fits and tk and bait everyone. it would be nice if you could take out your issues on other people (doctors, for example) instead of the gaming community. i know i speak for a lot of people when i say we would appreciate it.

people don’t go to game ranger because they need practice ignoring painful, horrible people – to practice taking the high road in the face of insurmountable annoyance. there is enough of it in the real world. people come here to play games and have fun. unfortunately, on almost every level you manage to stand in the way of that ideal because of your selfish need to matter here.

please. im begging. stop. play nice. or go elsewhere.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2005, 08:54:26 am by [:]Kurtz » Logged
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« Reply #49 on: July 15, 2005, 11:13:51 am »

I pwn you all.

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« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2005, 04:50:22 pm »

The Piss-ants NEVER FUCKING EVER call the shots.

No one sets my agenda but me, Myst...but nice of you to be all cute to stir it up.

One, I stirred up nothing, merely got to the point. I don't appreciate your comparison, just for the record. Furthermore I didn't set your agenda, nor try to set any agenda. I stated that you had been challenged, and that that answer as of yet remains unanswered.

Since you think a  1v1 with Rapid would be bullshit and excuse free, much less be worth the time it would take to agree to the terms, YOU fight him. I think that just might be a good fight.

Once again the tone is not particularly friendly Sheix. You would get nothing out of me fighting Deora because I hardly know Deora. I assume that's who you imply when you say Rapid, who I do know. In either case, I personally have no problems with either, as they haven't harmed me personally in any way. You would simply see a friendly battle with generous results.

I read into your "I think that just might be a good fight" comment and think that you think very low of Rapid, and you are putting me on this low level that you place him on as well. I don't appreciate that either.

And if you think he would deal with a loss like a man and be quiet, you should have heard his ass after Nixon whipped him..It didnt change a fucking thing. The only reason id ever fight him, was if it would shut him up..and it wont.

See how far expecting normal adult behavior out him in any match will get you.
If you stomp him, he'd either lie about it, make exccuses about it, accuse you of cheating, or blame the phone or lag, or your choice in guns..like with Nixon.

So is that worth it? Not to me it aint.

I find this statement very Ironic. You seem to place a 1v1 as a different standard than endlessly battle on the forums... oh right 90 words per minute... The post to which I am replying is 473 words, so that's 5 minutes give or take a few seconds. Now, I don't believe that you're one to talk out of your ass, no, so you wouldn't just spew out endless words without thinking about them. I would say this post took you between 10-15 minutes to make. Now lets take another statistic here:

In this thread you have posted 3749 words, according to your speed, 42 minutes. You have spent time thinking and pondering each unique post, which really adds up. I mean with all this time you could have done that 1v1, hell you could have set it up too, It doesn't take a genius to have a refereeing 3rd Party host.

I've never been one to be bothered in the least with a lesser man calling me a chicken.
Chihuahua's like Rapid will bark and yap at a Rottweiler thru a screen door...
Amazing dog really, got lots of balls, no bite, and still thinks its safe...standing way back at the end of the sidewalk...yipping it up.

I know the truth and i could give a flying fucking wah-tusi what the entire population of GR or DAMN thought about me not fighting him. Concensus is, there is no return and no benefit from kicking his ass.
If Nixon couldnt shut him up with a win, neither can i.

A Rottweiler would not simply stand by as a Chihuahua barked at it. This is a invalid comparison. The truth you speak of is that you think you're better than rapid, but won't prove it. I think that this is a stoop down to the level you are trying so hard to avoid.


1. Not good enough to waste my time
2. Not stable enough to have my respect. (cannot decide if hes Deora or Rapid)
3. Not important enough to make me care WHAT he fucking thinks about me
4. Not mature enough to handle a loss without the extraneous bullshit.
5. Cant address simple, but relevant IMPORTANT questions in any forum ive met with him on..like about his real identity, or how he wants teams set up if some are on NF without complaining.
6. Cannot recognize reality if it shot him in the ass.
    (ie...he STILL thinks its OK to use apple's TRADEMARK Icon in his designs, using year-old ss's to prove    he owns me now?)
7. all he does is duck, dodge, lie, avoid, blame, and make excuses for himself.
8. I pick my own fights, on MY terms...not his, and i CERTAINLY wont fucking be baited by Myst for such a pointless excercise..

You have baited yourself into this exercise, not anyone else. I merely attempted to end all the flaming here by bringing forth a way out. I am not standing up for Deora here, because quite frankly he has said some stupid things here himself. The reason why I'm not picking apart his posts is simple, he has not:
- Personally attacked me.
- Thrown out more excuses then his own accuser uses and places on him in the same paragraph.

I am on neither side, but if you want me to be Sheix, I can tell that Deora needs all the help he can get with the continual rotation of people willing to flame him.

Now how about you use your 90 word per minute skillz to good use, and type one word in reply... and Deora you can use your typing skills to do this too. YOU ARE WASTING MORE TIME POSTING HERE THAN IT WOULD TAKE TO DO THIS 1v1. So once again, I encourage you to cut to the point. Yes or no? Will you 1v1, and, oh yes there is a and, agree to end this regardless of results or excuse?

Sorry to "force" agenda on you Sheix, but I think that continuing a flame war wouldn't fall on the agenda of someone of your maturity.

"There's room at the top they are telling you still. But first you must learn how to smile as you kill"
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« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2005, 05:21:19 pm »

OMG, is this ever going to end?  It's times like these I just want to put a bullet in my head!  lol

"On the fields of friendly strife are sown the seeds that on other days and other fields will bear the fruits of victory."

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« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2005, 05:37:27 pm »

Better idea, go to the nearest PC, load up this thread, and give it a symbolic execution....that way you get two things you don't like with one bullet..

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« Reply #53 on: July 15, 2005, 05:41:13 pm »

Better idea, go to the nearest PC, load up this thread, and give it a symbolic execution....that way you get two things you don't like with one bullet..

That is just bloody brilliant, Brutha!

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« Reply #54 on: July 15, 2005, 06:06:05 pm »

i was referring to Dora as the pissant.
But its entertaining to see you get all bent up assuming i was taking shots at you,
and flip your position in less than a day. Since when have you been an advocate of putting out flame wars?
I probably should have clarified that its only the piss-ants who use the chicken argument to try to control an agenda when theyve got NOTHING else..
Its up to you whether thats your category or not.

My wife does that, take a generality, and just automatically assume that I was referring to her personally, so she can rally herself and get all wound up to go on the attack. Young people, forum dwellers and women have refined that tactic to a fine art.

Sorry you misunderstood, although i stand by the fact that you got no business stirring this up as this really has nothing to do with you either, and having you bait it up certainly isnt going to convince me that theres a point to fighting him.  Theres no tone aimed your direction in asking if you think that a 1v1 with him would be bullshit free...You're reaching there...you think ive insulted you, and reading into shit so you can be offended. I actually think ive pegged you anyway, and you dont like to think people can figure you out so easily.

I didnt mean that id get anything out of you fighting Deora, and for a fairly intelligent kid, Im surprised you werent better at reading between the lines as to the point i was actually making.  I was saying that if you grudgematched him (assuming you had one) that youd end up coming to the same conclusion as I, that its not worth it, and that a win, in reality would solve nothing with his mouth and his attitude.....which would be the ONLY benefit from kicking his ass. If had you not incorrectly assumed you were the target there, youd grant those reasons, although id never expect you to agree publically.

And back to the point about the Rottweiler. Invalid comparison?  You dont know much about dogs evidently. A rotttie wont always fight the little dog, just becuase it's barking up its tree.
A rott will take a real threat seriously tho, and Rapid doesnt pass muster as a threat no matter how you slice it up and poke at it, just becuase youve misread my post and decided to take up Rapids ridiculous chorus..

And Dont worry, your cutting commentary does nothing, absolutely nothing to make me feel that i gain a thing by fighting him. Again, you arent in control of my agenda, and making allusions to my fear about it is nothing but a sad attempt to use the 'chicken' argument, which doesnt mean a fucking thing to me.

I dont particularly care If you cant read, or refuse to believe what you read. I put my reasons for refusing  out there in very clear terms.  Dont make Rapids mistake, and refuse to take FACT into account whats already been stated PLAINLY, to fall back on the chicken thing. If youre practicing your thesis making, tired crap like that wont get any respect for your logical abilities or your writing skills. That might work on some people, but not me.
And you say you aren't attempting to set my agenda.
BULLSHIT myst. Youre as hard to read as a large-print readers digest.

I HAVE asnwered the challenge, although im sorry it doesnt meet your criterion, but again, i dont give a fuck WHO thinks im a chicken or thinks that Rapid gets to set my agenda just becuase either of you thinks Im afraid. It doesnt work that way...again, the challenger doesn't get to set the terms of anything..

I guess since you won't acknowledge the fact that ive said NO more than ten times in this thread (with reasons WHY not) and you've made the conscious choice to be insulted by my post, so you can disregard what my reasons actually are for saying no...Ill say this..Yes, I AM better than Rapid, but i dont have to prove SHIT to either of you, or anyone who thinks im afraid of that half-talent..

The one word answer for you is NO.

I discovered why the buddha laughs.
The truth is so horrifying, it's funny.
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« Reply #55 on: July 15, 2005, 06:54:24 pm »

Wow, Sheix, if there's a guy that can define excuses, it's you.  Are you serious you're gonna keep on writing essays on your why you won't 1v1 me after you talked so much shit?   You know what's funny, I'm glad the whole community got to watch you put your tail between your legs.  And even better, your representation of a cowardly chihuahua barking and barking. 

Remember, I wasn't the one that came into these forums, to flame on Sheix, and talk about how I've been owning him and "outscoring" him his whole career.  He decided, that since he's finally doing a little better (after a year and half of playing RvS), he'd come in here and talk about how he outscored me and flame me.  I'm glad you never found me being such a low life coming in here to point out silly things like a game score.  But I'll tell you this much, it was quite amusing watching this chicken-shit, sorry ass excuse of a gamer, flaming as if he's got reason to. 

Don't forget, I've been "outscoring" you your whole career.  Quite funny, that now that you finally got a game or two under your belt, you find the need to come to the *DAMN forums, and flame me.  Must feel good to finally do better eh lol  And on top of it all, you won't even 1v1 and show off these skills you're so proud of.  G'damn you're a sorry ass bitch.   

Kurtz, you think acting like an ass to me is going to do anything for you or your game?  lol  Gawd you're pathetic.  Keep trying to harrass me, and I'll keep owning your sorry ass.  Want it to end, stfu and play your own game without saying anything to me. 

All in all, thx for wasting everybody's time with your flames Sheix, and Kurtz.  You're quite the class act.

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