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 on: June 23, 2024, 10:41:56 am 
Started by *DAMN Mauti - Last post by *DAMN Mauti
Antoher year, *DAMN's 24th anniversary and soon to be again father  Shocked (coming in early August). I can't keep up that pace for the 25th anniversay  Grin.

Hope you are all doing fine.

Cheers and stay safe,


 on: March 31, 2024, 02:55:31 pm 
Started by *DAMN Mauti - Last post by *DAMN Mauti
Hi Hologram,

that's awesome. Congratulations. Und ja du hast recht sie werden verdammt schnell groß.

Alles Liebe aus Wien,


 on: December 23, 2023, 04:41:33 pm 
Started by *DAMN Mauti - Last post by [[EUR]] HoloGram
Hey Mauti, this sounds great. This year our family grew up to 6. my oldest boy is 6 right now, my youngest girl is 4 months old ( 2 boys,  2 girls  clapping hands) It is a great journey. Genieße die Zeit mit der Kleinen, sie ist soooo schnell vorbei.

Grüße aus dem schönen Katlsbad.

 on: October 05, 2023, 01:04:53 pm 
Started by *DAMN Mauti - Last post by *DAMN Mauti
Haha, thanks BFG. Don't spoil anything, I'm just happy when I get some kind of normal sleep cycle back.

Zita was already sleeping through from 22:30 - 5 from 1,5m til 4m. Then I had to learn the hard way, that everything is just a phase, 'cos since her "toothache" (she still doesn't have any teeth with her 10months) started everything went down the hill again and since the end April I have to get up about 3 - 4 times a night.

Otherwise it's just one wonderful journey  Grin.

Awesome, with 4 you might be be able to play already Super Mario with her!? Love it and greetings to you and your family.

All the best,


 on: October 02, 2023, 08:10:29 pm 
Started by *DAMN Mauti - Last post by BFG
Congrats dude!!!

My daughter just turned four... and looking back at it you have VERY exciting times ahead, brace brace brace for impact!! Wink

 on: June 13, 2023, 11:00:59 am 
Started by *DAMN Mauti - Last post by *DAMN Mauti
Whoop whoop 23 years!

First *DAMN anniversary as husband and proud father of a daughter. It's been a wild year.

I'm currently working on a new Trufflepiggy product since Amazon kicked me out of their affiliate partnership I lost about 90% of my revenues within 24hours. So a new product around bookmarks is in the works.

Beside that I still love and play most of the time Squad. Sometimes I also go for a few rounds of Ground Branch and I might try out Six days of Falludja.

All the best to you. Please post a short update where you are now. Still great memories about our *DAMN good times together.



 on: November 21, 2022, 04:45:32 pm 
Started by *DAMN Mauti - Last post by *DAMN Mauti
Hi guys,

after 13 years of concubinage my girlfriend and I finally married on 29th of October 2022 and expect our first child already next week. Yes, I know that was quick Wink Exciting times ahead. Can't wait.

All the best, yours,


 on: June 13, 2022, 11:06:58 pm 
Started by *DAMN Mauti - Last post by *DAMN Mauti
OMG 22th anniversary! Happy birthday *DAMN!

 on: April 23, 2022, 05:51:45 pm 
Started by BTs-FahQ2 - Last post by BTs-FahQ2
Hello All!

It has been many many years since coming here.

I wanted to let you know that I am part of a new start up that will allow you to wager on your gaming skills. I always wanted to do this when we had the Battle League going.

 The company is named Challenger Interactive www.playchallenger.com

Right now we support only Windows and Counter Strike. If you have any questions or want to know more, just let me know.


 on: March 13, 2022, 02:02:54 pm 
Started by iroc38927 - Last post by *DAMN Mauti
8 years forward,  I just joined a random european Ground Branch server and I'm instantly greeted with "Mauti? Is that you, *DAMN Mauti?". Lol, couldn't stop smiling. Always nice to meet some former Rainbow Six/Rogue Spear/Ghost Recon players.

It was great to meet you today James, aka (SEALs) i roc!

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