*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: -ViP-PUNiSHER on September 28, 2005, 05:32:59 am

Title: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: -ViP-PUNiSHER on September 28, 2005, 05:32:59 am
Ghost Recon FFA

I'm rejecting the FFA match on 9/27/05 due to horrible lag during the games.
The Match was played on Ghost Snipers host and the other players involved were, Vickedson, Jamo, Nazgul, and Brandon.
There was horrible lag to the point when I couldn't stop my guy from running and this was going on for the entire game.  It seemed like someone was downloading during the match or had a memory intensive application open.  I'm sure others who participated in this CB can confirm this bad lag.

Title: Re: CB Reports
Post by: Jamo on September 28, 2005, 05:43:23 am
I confirm Punishers complaint about that game. In every game I had mobility problems, and found my self auto running and having to hit each directional key to stop. Many times my bullets would take a 2 second delay. GhostSniper won everygame, and obviosuly had no lag problems.

Title: Re: CB Reports
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 28, 2005, 05:45:52 am
Punisher, it's just an FFA.  Sometimes you get some lag when you have 6 or 8 people in a solo sharpshooter game.  Nomad plays all the time with the lag because he's on a 56k connection in Canada.  It happens.  Not like it's a team game though.  After that game, I had bad lag on Jamo's host...I didn't complain, I just played.  Might just be that I'm in the area where Hurricane Katrina hit and they may not have everything at the cable company at 100% but it's no big deal.[/size]

Title: Re: CB Reports
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 28, 2005, 05:47:24 am
I confirm Punishers complaint about that game. In every game I had mobility problems, and found my self auto running and having to hit each directional key to stop. Many times my bullets would take a 2 second delay. GhostSniper won everygame, and obviosuly had no lag problems.

If I won every game, how did I end up in 2nd Place for the FFA?[/size]

Title: Re: CB Reports
Post by: Civrock on September 28, 2005, 05:55:19 am
Jamo and Punisher, didn't you play a lagtest round first (which you should ALWAYS do)? If not, why didn't you complain in or after the first game already if it was really this bad? Complaining about lag afterwards is really no reason to reject a CB or an FFA in this case.

And GS, that's because the people you won against are all lower ranked than you. This is how the scoring works, you get more points if you win rounds against higher ranked players, which Vickedson apparently did and therefore gained more points than you in this GhR FFA. And you got into 2nd place in round 2, therefore didn't win "every" game. ;)

Title: Re: CB Reports
Post by: Jamo on September 28, 2005, 06:27:01 am
Civic, no offense but we did complain after the first game, and we wanted to stop but he said we had to  just finish it, cause you could not switch hosts on a FFA. Ghost also stated that you can't do Lag Tests in FFA's, once on his server, and on my host. Explanation?  ???

Title: Re: CB Reports
Post by: Jamo on September 28, 2005, 06:30:58 am
...I had bad lag on Jamo's host...I didn't complain, I just played...[/size]

Notice how everyone said they had bad lag on your server, but only you say you got lag on mine.  ::)

Title: Re: CB Reports
Post by: Civrock on September 28, 2005, 06:35:32 am
Well, it's right that you can't simply stop or leave an FFA when it already started, just like a CB, but there's nothing preventing lagtests, logically. It's recommended for all games and ladders to make sure there's no bad lag, ping and bars in-game aren't reliable. Theoretically it's not disallowed to switch hosts in an FFA game either.

But besides, you should make an online speedtest, GS. To see if your connection is fully recovered yet, or if there's just bad roouting on the ISP side (possibly because of the hurricane).

Title: Re: CB Reports
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on September 28, 2005, 10:12:33 am
Rules II.1 page 9: clanbattle setup:

Before a CB begins, the first host can setup a Lag Test. A lag test isconsidered a warm up in  which a maximum of 2 games may be played with random teams. After these games are  finished, the host must ask if all players agree with the quality of the connection. If the players  do not agree, another member of their clan can replace the host.

So far about the comment you can't do a lagtest in FFA games. This counts for all cbs, including FFAs.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 28, 2005, 01:27:39 pm
I didn't say we "couldn't" do a lagtest in an FFA, I simply said we didn't have to.  We usually don't do them in FFA's simply because everyone is always in such a hurry to get to playing.  Then on the next match when we went to Jamo's host, he asked if we have to do a lagtest and I said "no", let's just get started.  Maybe everyone should start doing them in all FFA's, but in the past we really havn't been doing them.

P.S. Doesn't having one of the players on a 56k dial-up connection cause more lag in the game?  I believe one of the players in that match was on dial-up.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: cO.twist on September 28, 2005, 01:47:14 pm
this is why i don't do ffa's on GS's host anymore...it will lag the shit out of you if there is more than 3 people playing.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: BFG on September 28, 2005, 01:48:27 pm
Punisher and co, there seems to be no valid reason for this FFA to not be valid - your entitled to request a lag-test at the beginning of a FFA - but normally most players tend to jump in and get stuck into the important bit (playing). It appears there was a misunderstanding regarding the laggest etc, but if you were not 'denied' the lag test then there has been no breach of the rules.

- no having a 56k player in the room shouldn't affect or lag other players.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on September 28, 2005, 03:57:38 pm
this is why i don't do ffa's on GS's host anymore...it will lag the shit out of you if there is more than 3 people playing.

I am perfectly happy playing on someone else's host.  Do you know why I always host?  BECAUSE NOBODY ELSE IS EVER HOSTING!!!

Get on and host and I'll be there!

I'm getting kinda tired of people complaining about my host when I'm usually the only one on doing it.  I've only seen 2 other people host when I was on this season and I jumped into those FFA's because I just love to play.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: cO.Vickedson on September 28, 2005, 04:27:03 pm
I played with the lag everyone is talking about.  Won the second round, got 2nd place on two others, and third on the last map.

Now of course I would have won all four had there been no lag but I'm not complaining.  Shit happens...move on.  Bad sports are killing shit around here.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: Ein on September 28, 2005, 04:57:31 pm
Agreed... Get over it. I've played a few FFAs on GSs host. I experienced lag and joked about it in game... But I also accepted my loss in the FFA, even kicking myself for doing another when I knew what I was in for. But there was really no one else to kick but myself. Let me give you all a tip. If you have 5-7 players running around a small map like aztec, or better yet, dust....ITS GONNA LAG. Either accept it and accept your placing in the round or just don't play in games that big. But with the bigger risk of larger games comes larger point pay outs when you win. Your choice.

Oh and btw, I host FFA when I can but I'm not gonna guarantee that my server will lag any less with 6-8 players on aztec. (Well probably less than GSs... Hehe j/k)


Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: Archon MkIV on October 01, 2005, 12:02:53 am
This is your own fault, Punisher, for not reading up on the rules. Same goes for Jamo.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: Vermin on October 01, 2005, 12:11:40 am
I must say I'm getting rather tired of the constsant bitching of clan =US= in these parts. Is all you do demand or refuse? You demand Phara to be banned from the *DBL because he supposedly glitched in a public game? You refuse to approve a bloody FFA because of lag issues you didn't even care to test before commencing the games? Hell, you've even claimed me to purposefully glitch.

It's getting rather far-fetched.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: -ViP-PUNiSHER on October 01, 2005, 01:51:47 am
When 5 of 6 people in a FFA complain of lag, there must be a problem, and the lag didn't start until midway through the 1st game, it seemed like someones software update was running in the background or they were downloading.   And if you have a problem with our clan why do you even read our posts and get your nose in our buisness.  We're the most active team clan on here and without us 50% of the games that took place in the Ghr ladder would never have happened.  Don't give me the bullshit, its amazing z][t goes and CB's a clan (NSF) that has no players signed up for the *DBL league, and then they go and post the results knowing they aren't signed up, but hoping somehow they will let their wins count anyway.  The league breaks the rules for z][t and allows you to CB Tribe 3 strait times as long as you CB 2 other clans by a given date.  Getting rather far-fetched eh?

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: Tin on October 01, 2005, 03:33:54 am
When 5 of 6 people in a FFA complain of lag, there must be a problem, and the lag didn't start until midway through the 1st game, it seemed like someones software update was running in the background or they were downloading.

Yes, then there must be a problem, indeed.
But if it was really that bad you could have refused to continue playing on the FFA on GS host and anyways you have the possibilty to do a lag test before you start playing, its always easy to bitch afterwards.

Don't give me the bullshit, its amazing z][t goes and CB's a clan (NSF) that has no players signed up for the *DBL league, and then they go and post the results knowing they aren't signed up, but hoping somehow they will let their wins count anyway.

"rather far-fetched" suits ur hilarious comment well. This is such a vague supposition.
 Cant take criticism? In fact it seems you can't.

The league breaks the rules for z][t and allows you to CB Tribe 3 strait times as long as you CB 2 other clans by a given date. 

Like krush already said somewhere on the forums, its their veteran advantage. Wtf?
What the hell do you  accuse the DBL of? In ur opinion the DBL gives some clans the preference?

If I didnt know that you are serious about this, I would just laugh at you.


Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: Croosch on October 01, 2005, 08:29:28 am
yea, I was being sarcastic.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: Vermin on October 01, 2005, 01:23:11 pm
When 5 of 6 people in a FFA complain of lag, there must be a problem, and the lag didn't start until midway through the 1st game, it seemed like someones software update was running in the background or they were downloading.   And if you have a problem with our clan why do you even read our posts and get your nose in our buisness.  We're the most active team clan on here and without us 50% of the games that took place in the Ghr ladder would never have happened.  Don't give me the bullshit, its amazing z][t goes and CB's a clan (NSF) that has no players signed up for the *DBL league, and then they go and post the results knowing they aren't signed up, but hoping somehow they will let their wins count anyway.  The league breaks the rules for z][t and allows you to CB Tribe 3 strait times as long as you CB 2 other clans by a given date.  Getting rather far-fetched eh?

I see that you're once again trying to shift the attention on me and my clan to avoid having to face the arguments I just presented you with. It's exactly as with DeUmRabbit and Phara. I can't say I'm surprised.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: -ViP-PUNiSHER on October 05, 2005, 10:15:58 am
You demand Phara to be banned from the *DBL because he supposedly glitched in a public game?

My clanmember was banned for glitching in a public room so obviously I must defend him, I don't think you understand the point I was trying to make.  It wouldn't be fair that one guy gets removed from the league for public glitching and another can get away with it.

You refuse to approve a bloody FFA because of lag issues you didn't even care to test before commencing the games?

The admins needed an explanation on why the CB was rejected, 5 of the 6 people in the room rejected the CB and obviously the reason had to be stated here in the forums.  Just because a lagtest is lag free doesn't mean there isn't gona be a lag problem later.  Somebody could have a friend or someone on another computer making downloads while the CB is happening.  A lagtest can't confirm you'll have lag free gaming for the entire match.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: Vermin on October 05, 2005, 10:23:40 am
My clanmember was banned for glitching in a public room so obviously I must defend him, I don't think you understand the point I was trying to make.  I don't think it would be fair that one guy gets removed from the league for public glitching and another gets away with it.

It's not, however it must be said that the issue with DeumRabbit was quite much more complex than Phara's.

The admins needed an explanation on why the CB was rejected, 5 of the 6 people in the room rejected the CB and obviously the reason had to be stated here in the forums.

Well, 5 people rejecting it doesn't really make any difference when none of you were apparently very familiar with the rules. :)

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: BFG on October 05, 2005, 05:05:32 pm
Quote from: Vermin on September 30, 2005, 11:11:40 pm
You demand Phara to be banned from the *DBL because he supposedly glitched in a public game?

My clanmember was banned for glitching in a public room so obviously I must defend him, I don't think you understand the point I was trying to make.  It wouldn't be fair that one guy gets removed from the league for public glitching and another can get away with it.

I am aware of no issue concerning Phara and therefore cannot comment.

The admins needed an explanation on why the CB was rejected, 5 of the 6 people in the room rejected the CB and obviously the reason had to be stated here in the forums.  Just because a lagtest is lag free doesn't mean there isn't gona be a lag problem later.  Somebody could have a friend or someone on another computer making downloads while the CB is happening.  A lagtest can't confirm you'll have lag free gaming for the entire match.

Ok let me explain it for you. the FFA match was carried out meeting all *DBL rule specifications. The complaints against the CB it seemed could have been avoided had players followed the DBL suggestions for playing cbs - although yes i totally agree a lag test does not mean that it will be a lag free cb, it is a fundamental problem with the internet which we do not have control over. There were alternatives that could have been followed including switching host which were not followed.

In general the BL is not about to start voiding CB's because of complaints regarding clan battles. That said im rather surprised by the aggressiveness of the attitude regarding the outcome of a FFA "fun ladder" match.

I'll leave this open for any other responses but this will be locked and people warned if this degrades into any more of a flaming match

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: cO.Vickedson on October 05, 2005, 06:32:09 pm
Once again, I did not reject this FFA.  Just wasn't given the chance to confirm because it was immediately put under DBL approval.

Title: Re: GhR FFA cb issue: #3993
Post by: BFG on October 05, 2005, 06:33:59 pm
thats fine vick its no problem, for the record this issue was closed a while back and the cb was confirmed!