From the
Macworld forums:
I just downloaded the game and my initial reaction (after playing for only a few minutes) is the controls need to be more intuitive.
For instance, the mouse should be able to be used to control axis and the arrow keys used to control forward and reverse motion.
So that you could get more of a feeling of "flying".
Being able to configure keys is paramount.
One thing that is always important in a game is being able to look around and get a feeling of your surroundings, I felt that this was very difficult to do.
I'll go back and check it out further.
I think many people will quickly give up on a game if this is difficult.
But for now, this is my initial reaction.
Thanks for the feedback Jim.
About the controls:
The reason why you can't configure the control layout is that it would have required lots of extra time in GLUT. GLUT is very basic and GUI options are even more back to the roots. Of course we could have written all information to a textfile and then you can costumize this, but in the end there was no time for it and for the lecture we just had to create our own engine and 1-2 levels you can play.
The controls scheme itself is very similiar to a first person shooter; AWSD is moving forward/sidewards and with the mouse you control the viewing direction. The only difference is that contrary to a first person shooter you have six axis of freedom, so if you look up and move forward you fly upwards.
To be honest we found this way very intuitive, but it's hard to be objective if you test the game day in day out.
What maybe helps is to turn off any action cam modes. Just press "5" and "6" to get rid of some cam features. Then the cam and mosquito doesn't move that much.
If you just want to look around you can press "2" to go into FREECAM mode where you can explore the level. The Freecam ctrls are the same as the mosquito but without any cam features and it is like you would control the mosquito from 1st person view.
Hopefully that helps. Just imagine you are playing Wing Commander or any other space shooter. Their controls are pretty much the same.(all this hints are related when you are flying in walk mode the cam can be moved along the z-axis to get a better overview).
Thanks, and such feedback is really appreciated and will help to improve quality in our next project!