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*DAMN Mauti
« on: January 25, 2001, 12:43:30 pm »

NVG Ness, formerly Sithlord, is making a tips file for Rogue Spear.  He
needs people to add to it.

So far it has only 2 people on it, Ness, and Damn Postal Worker, both experienced players.  So take your time to read it and PLEASE add stuff to Ness and Postals tips or send them to schilders@triad.rr.com

Take a look at the following tips,

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
NVG Ness RS Tips:
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2001, 12:44:54 pm »

Guide for Newbees to Rogue Spear

Welcome to this guide for newbees to RS.  RS is the abbreviation for Rogue Spear.  This is also for people who wish to improve their RS skills.  First of all is the tips secession.


Ness:      Get use to your weapons. Figure out if you like Sniping, Assault, Recon, and what type of gun you like, Sub-Machine, Shotgun, Assault Rifles, or Snipers.  If you want to be a sniper, you need a good speed modem.  There is no "best gun".  Here's some tips tough, the MPW is automatic, very fast, but not as powerful as the other mps.  If you have problems getting your shot off (assuming you are a newbee) play around with this.  If you are not accurate, for me it is usually because of A) Bad day B)Not thinking well.  What I mean by not thinking is aiming stupidly.  If a guy is running, shoot a little infront.  That is my favorite trick with the AK-47, I aim just a little ahead, and let a mag go.  Don't use this if there are a lot of guys, because you may need to reload.  If you are having a bad day, you just may not win today.  On these days, try to learn stuff rather then going all out to win.  If your accuracy is bad, and you think it's the guns fault, you may need to switch to a less powerful gun, or use less recoil, a faster recoil, or a 3 shot burst.  If you are patient, like REALLY patient, play 1,000 straight games with a shot gun then switch to an automatic and go hit every single shot, since a SG is hard to aim, you will get better.  Just a sidenote, don't complain bout lag, play or leave.  If you are hitting your target but not killing, it's a simple solution: AIM FOR THE HEAD.  Easy kill.  Big armor isn't always best.  Slow and loud.  Find a friend, maybe another newbee to learn with.  Then find some1 else who is good, and ask for tips.  Share tips with your learning partner.  If you 2 play a lot with each other, make plans, in a 2 on 2 game there is seldom little reason for 2 snipers.  Find a Sniper, maybe a few Assault, and a couple sub machine guns that you like.  Don't use the same gun each time.  Not only is that not fun, but its easy to predict.  But you also want some guns that you fell good with, not a random gun.  Click the green light each time you are ready.  Don't diss the host.  Make friends, it helps.  Don't join a clan, until you are good, and figure out which one you want to join.  Don't make a clan, DON'T.  Trust me.  Never tell anyone your age.  Never make an enemy.  Always tell the people in the game when your g/f is behind you.  Practice makes perfect, if you want to be good, lose your life, if you don't care that much, its ok.  Some1 is better than you.  If you are on a 56k or lower do 2 things A) Get a new modem B) tell people in the gamethat you have one.  Have fun.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
*DAMN Postals RS Tips:
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2001, 12:46:18 pm »

*DAMN Postal Worker:  Alright maggots! Listen up!  You are now in Postal Workers Covert Ops Training Camp!  Is that clear??  I can't hear you, maggot!  Alright, Enough with the formalities.  Right.
Alright, I don't think you all will understand one iota of this but here goes.
1. NEVER...EVER sweep a team-mates head with your gun.  This GREATLY reduces the risk of a TK.  Always bring the gun muzzle up and over your team-mates head.  It is of the up-most importance that you remember this.
2. Don't be stupid.  There is no "best" gun so don't even bother asking.  Pick the gun that fits your style of playing.  If you want to be hard-core SWAT kind of guy, use the real deal, the MP5A4.  If you like more of a long range thing but still want to pack some punch, load up that M4 Carbine or G3A3.  Any other thing you want to do pick up and gun that you think will fit the matter...ect ect.
4. God damnit...stop  telling the host to "go go go"
5. Green up when ready.  Unbeknownst to most people, the game loads faster when everyone is green.
6. When falling back, use the "shoot and scoot" maneuver.  VERY popular in the Navy SEALs and Delta Force.  You set down in a line in which you'll fall back in.  One person falls back at a time.  The person right behind the one who will be running back should have his gun pointed at the ground...but as soon as that person passes you, go all out with full auto.  Then, when your out of ammo, your turn to fall back while someone covers you.  
7. Always call "fire in the hole" before throwing a Frag, Flash, or setting off C4 and make sure everyone acknowledges.  
8. Use MP keys to keep in contact with your team... typing is so 20th century.  
9. Don't you dare shoot me.  
10. Use flashes to "prepare" a room for entry.  Nades have a bad habit of killing your team-mates if they are in the area...just flash it and go.
11. When you see a frag fly in the room...do 1 of 2 things.  1) Run in the direction of the frag (chances are, the guy that threw it is preparing another one) 2) Get behind some thing (chair, table, someone else, ect) and if you can't get behind something, run to a corner and duck.
12. Respect *DAMN
13. Always know when to reload.  If your clip is 2/3 empty, its time to change it.  Just make sure you have good cover before you attempt a reload.  If you reload on the run, don't run blindly around a corner, trust me on this one.  
13. Remember why you have camo on...use it.
14. Stay in a "safe squad form.  Close enough for support, but not so close that a frag takes out 4 people.
15. In bunkers, don't use the pillboxes or the crescent sand bags in the middle.  
16.  Ammo Types : FMJ (Full metal jacket) better for going tough armor, but may over-penatrate. JHP (jacketd hollow point) better for lightly armored targets.  Expands on impact for greater damnage and doesn't over-penetrate much.
18. Always keep a clear side view.  Look to see what your team-members are doing and what you can do to help.  If you here "Need a Frag"...do the obvious and chuck a frag.  If one is sniping, breaching, preparing a frag/flash...cover them.  Just try to work as a team to get things done.  

     Well, that's all I have to say.  Maybe I'll come up with some more tips later.  If you see me in GR, feel free to drop me a line if your having trouble...well, even if you aren't feel free to say "hey".  Good luck and watch your six.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
Celo (Guest)
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2001, 11:56:58 am »

hmmmm....a tip..... Use the red thingy to aim at the people that are NOT on your team.... I learned that it helps a bit....

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
(SiX) Rogue
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2001, 09:42:54 pm »

hehe celo....pssst everyone celo is a whore..j/k..
tips tips tips...hmmm
1-shoot for the head
2-strafe when firing (reticle stays closer together)
3-if your rushing at a guy chances are your reticle is going to be too far apart to hit the head accuratly, so go at him full auto...guns blazing.
4-oh yea, the reticle is the red thing celo was talkin 'bout, the crosshairs.  when u move it splits wider to represent the difficulty of aiming while moving..it will also split when u fire..anything that could throw it off will in RS..you're gonna wanna keep it close as possible to the centre.
6-the white skulls in the debrief  are your kills, red skulls are tks (team kills, or ppl that are on your team that you killed, BAD!), and the red crosshairs is who killed you.
6-if you dont see a red cross hair and you died, you A) killed each other (pretty commun) or B) you fell from a building, cliff, and killed yourself.
7-also when firing, fire in small bursts, because when you fire full auto the crosshairs will split faster than celos legs due to recoil.....
thats all i have to say for now..
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2001, 03:57:47 pm »

Here ya go ness... sorry i lost your email:
:|HARM|:ToonmaN tip's:
I think that the best thing when you are starting out is make friends with a pro... buddy up, follow him around, he will like the cover you are giving him and you will learn a lot. Don't be afraid to ask questions, sure you will give away that you are a newbie but if you don't learn you will still be a newbie.   Another thing... LEARN THE MAP, if you know the map well and you have a idea of where the enemy is then don't just walk out in front of him and hope to shoot him.. find a a way too get behind him, and go for a head shot ; ). Never be predictable, don't something  dumb, just don't run down the same hallway five times in a row.  ALWAYS check behind you every now and then, and don't stay in one spot to long unless you are snipin' and have really good cover, even if you are sinpin' is not good to say in one place to long, if you do stay in one place to long you will be found, and once you are found and maybe out gunned  you may have your escape route blocked of.  When you feel like a  sniper,  make sure you know the area well and having a buddy to help cover you is a good idea.  In some places its dark, use your nightvison (hit 5 for NV), yeah i know this may sound like a duh, but you would be suprized how many people don't use it. Don't forget to reload, try and find some cover to duck under to reload, reloading is a good thing.  Oh and in my opinion, mp5's suck.  Remeber to look around, when you enter a room make a brief scan around the room, if there is a floor above with a window or a balcony keep your eye on it if it looks like a possible snipers spot. Never get tunnel vison, this is when you look at the same place for a while and you don't look to your sides, even if there is a sniper peaking around a corner be careful not to get to focused on him, he may have a buddy that's come up on you from the left.  RS comes with the coolest little gizmo, its called a heartbeat sensor (hbs). Use it.  It will give you a good idea of where your enemy is if he is near by.  If you are playing a team game, there is a thing called teamwork, it seems only the clans work in a team, but you dont have to be in a clan to cover your teammates.  Don't afrad to take risks, really the only way to learn is to talk risks.  And for my last tip, don't act like a five year old, as my dad says, don't act your age, act older.
[hey ness, that was kinnda long you can take stuff out if you want to.]
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
(SiX) J?miroquai
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2001, 04:17:41 am »

Learn the proper application of the Heartbeat Sensor and the Corner Map.  It's the difference between mediocre players and good ones.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2001, 05:31:10 pm »

I do not pretend to be a very good player, but I have noticed a few things that might be helpful.
First of all never volunteer to snipe. In most mission severyone has to snipe near the beginning or theres no need for snipers. Wait idly for terrorist to appear would therefore be a waste of time.
Also, whenever you are trailing someone on a stair well or by a doorway, give them some room to back out. There's nothing more annoying thatn trying to run away from enemy fire and be stopped by your teamater.
If ai backup is on, leave your guys behind (r is default key). Put them in a safe place and give yourself more freedom of movemnet and less clutter for other players.
And finally, NEVER, EVER, EVER join a game whose description says coop and request teamn. It is highly annoying to the host and to any player who read the description and entered the game wanting to play coop

hope this helps...
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2001, 05:44:09 pm »

sorry about the triple post. First two tries I was informed of an internal server error so I tried again. Sorry (hope im not adding insult to injury by posting an apology...hehe) - [Don't worry Ed add I  have deleted them in few seconds. Thanks for your tips, Mauti]
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2001, 11:02:44 am »

ummmmm...I think just about all the tips in here are so pointless.  Every tip that was given here was common sense.  I just got the game last Thursday.  I may be a newbie to you; call me what you want; but it looks like all your doing is replying to hear yourself talk.  

Posted by: *DAMN Postals RS Tips:

11. When you see a frag fly in the room...do 1 of 2 things.  1) Run in the direction of the frag (chances are, the guy that threw it is preparing another one) 2) Get behind some thing (chair, table, someone else, ect) and if you can't get behind something, run to a corner and duck.

#1-Run in the direction of the frag?!  You're just giving death tips.
#2-Duh, what kind of moron is going to stand in the way of a frag?  

Like I said before, you're replying to hear yourself be talk.  And dont even tell me thats what I'm doing.  This thread deserves to be closed.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
*DAMN Mauti
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2001, 04:17:23 pm »

Fox do run in the direction is not a death tip because so it could be the the nade flys over your head and you can even kill the opponent. This tactic works very well in multiplayer. Try it out and second he doesn't stnd in the way of the nade he wrote you should duck behind a wall or table that also can save your live.

Test it out and you will see that these tips are not as bad as you think....
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
*DAMN Bander
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« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2001, 12:13:21 pm »

okai - after ?ons of years i managed to get rs running on my beige 233mhz g3 dudes.

my tipps are these:

disable sky, sounds (except gunsounds), dynamic lightning and all other cool (but crappy stuff)

go to the weakest graphic resolution
add a full install

then go out on some maps u never have seen before and shoot everyone not wearing your camo (sounds familar to ole r6 eh?)

by the way - where are u all  folx?

bander - alone in GR
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2001, 12:26:23 pm »

yes bander u must remember to kill people that have DIFFERANT camo remember when i first played wit u on rs i killed a guy behind u and then u come runnin at me with your guns blazin and tk me hehe. Remember OTHER team u must kill not diablo.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged

                       *DAMN Diablo
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« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2001, 04:11:50 pm »

bs bander.  I am online (GR) far more than is healthy, but maybe the time difference makes it seem like none of us US people are ever on.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged

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« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2002, 12:20:22 am »

ok these are my tips(i am assuming that you know NOT to kill your teammates, and to shoot at the other team)
1) learn how to use an automatic rifle to snipe. reagular snipes usually have more zoom than you need and the sights lock slow as hell (the aug and the m4 are good choices for this)
2) the walther ?is the fastest snipe to sight in, but if you take a round, you cant hit shit at a distance, the dragonauv is a close in speed second and is much more accurate.
3) unless you are playing a user made map(fortress comes to mind) you will almost never need the extra accuracy of the PSG-1(unless you really want to put that bullet right through their eye and not hit the skull on the way in)
4) if it is laggy FORGET about head shots, if you get one, it's pure luck any way
5) the barret is a 1 hit kill. period
6) the fastest ?sights in the game belong to the pdw, along with the mp5a4 the mp5a2/10, and the ump 45. (i like the the mp5a2/10, fast rate of fire, and yet the bullets do a fair amount of damage)
7) dont hump dead bodies. if i had a dollar for every person i killed humping dead bodies, i'd have a G4 instead of this pos iMac
8) get a better modem, your play will improve immensly
9) if you use full metal jacket bullets(FMJ) you can shoot through wood doors
10) you cant shoot while crouched and running
11) reload often, i reload when ever i have 10 or fewer rounda remaining (depends on the gun)
12) reload on the run(this on is risky, you might run into someone else and get ventelated)
13) reloading after each kill, on the run is a good idea(unless you have alot of ammo left in the clip)
14) if a team mate dies, head toward them, or look for the shooter, you might be able to kill the shooter
15) watch where you throw your nades. 1 nade can easly kill 3 ppl.
16) if you are in a gunfight and you run out of bullets, switch to your secondary weapon, it is faster than reloading.
17) prefire corners, your accuracy will go to hell, but you won't (if you do, you will most likely take your killer to hell with you)

ok that is all i can think of for now

"Engineering is the art of modeling materials we do not wholly understand, into shapes we cannot precisely analyze, so as to withstand forces we cannot properly assess, in such a way that the public has no reason to suspect the extent of our ignorance."  Dr. A. R. Dykes -1976
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2002, 12:13:04 am »

1. aim
2. c4
3. run!
4. dont be predictable
5. dont nade unless you sure they wont counter you
6. dont miss =/
7.  uhhh i dunno i posted this some where in the gossip forums
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2002, 12:19:18 am »

here you go
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
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« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2002, 01:53:56 am »

i've heard from a friend who is a huge PC rs player that if  you select a female, as your multiplayer charicter, you can take more hits.
aparently when RS was programed the developers decided that girls suck at gaming so they gave them a higher endurance, so they won't die so quick, like the girls they are. I'm not a homophobe so i use this just in case its true

also, in turn your gamma all the way up, so you can see most things that are covered in shadows. and you don't get uniforms mixed up.

Turn off weather effects, it makes sniping on bunkers alot easyer.

Running RS at a lower resolution makes veiwing the map a piece of cake.

No sig pics please! - Mauti
Next time you get a ban, Jeb.
|?K|*R@p1d*: i mean, i'm like the worst rs player ever
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2002, 11:22:36 am »

I actually started writing a tactics site for RS n00bs. But my slacker nature got the better of me before I was finished. I shall reprint some of my tips here.

Guns and firing:
    Try playing with your gun set to single-shot mode. I use a single-shot Steyer Aug almost exclusively these days, and it's amazing how efficient it is. In most 2-4 kill games, I never reload. Single-shot also ensures maximum accuracy at all times.
    A related tip is to set your "change rate of fire" key to one that is easier to reach. The default is B. I've got mine set to TAB, which lets me change from single-shot to full auto quickly when I'm heading into a situation where I know I'll be faced with hot and heavy CQC fighting.
    Learn when to stand your ground. Most people play with their guns on full auto. If someone panics and leans on their trigger, they don't have a chance in hell of hitting anything that's more than ten or twenty feet away. If you're at a distance from an enemy who's scared, you can usually stand your ground and pick him off with little to no risk to yourself.

Dodging and moving:
    I explain my dodging strategies in verbose detail at my tactics site. You can hit it at http://members.cox.net/mr.lothario/

Learning new tricks:
    After you die in a team game, always flip your view to the most skilled person on your team (that is, the person who's consistently getting the most kills). Observe their playing style carefully. When they do something interesting or effective or both, remember it. This is how I learned most of my techniques and strategies.

Knowing the maps:
    This one's common sense. Since RS is a game where new maps are not easy to use, you'll be playing virtually all your games against people who know every square inch of every map. You must learn every square inch of every map too. Also pay close attention to the paths that people take through each map, as well as where they hide and so on. If you can guess where that last enemy probably is, you can get the drop on him.

The mini-map:
    I recommend playing with your map zoomed out far enough so that you can see the entire level at once. That way, if an enemy shows up on it, you will see it no matter how far away they are.
    Always keep half an eye on your mini-map. Even if an enemy is well-camoflauged or barely visible, they will show up on your mini-map if they are in your view. That little purplish dot on your screen can give just enough warning for you to get behind cover or get the drop on them.

Well, that's all I've got at the moment. Good luck and I'll see you on GR. : )

--Mr. Lothario
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged
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« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2002, 09:12:35 pm »

one small caution about the mini map, dont use it too much, it can get you killed sometimes
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1029654000 » Logged

"Engineering is the art of modeling materials we do not wholly understand, into shapes we cannot precisely analyze, so as to withstand forces we cannot properly assess, in such a way that the public has no reason to suspect the extent of our ignorance."  Dr. A. R. Dykes -1976
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