*DAMN BattleLeague Logo
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*DBL News
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*DAMN SheepIcon [Registration started] - [15.6.2006 ; 9:19 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Registration for season XIV started today and is open until 13th july.

The GhR and RvS Tourney dates have been set and can be seen on the left.

The qualification requirements will be posted together with the rule updates for season XIV within the next days.
*DAMN SheepIcon [Admin team season XIV] - [13.6.2006 ; 10:54 am by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
The admin team for season XIV is:

[a] Lynx, mesa, weakspot, GhostSniper and BFG.

The new additions are: Po)| TiroFino, Phara from -7in, and BTs Mysterio.

Rule and setting changes will be posted within the next days. If you haven't read the forums: Schedules are gone and are replaced by a challenge system. Read more in the *DBL forums.


*DAMN SheepIcon [Season XIV starting date] - [8.6.2006 ; 9:30 am by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Season XIV gonna start on 22nd june 2006 and will end on 21st august 2006.

Registration period is from 15.6 - 13.7.2006

The season won't have SuperFinals, however there will be a *DBL 1.0 farewell tournament for Ghost Recon and Raven Shield played during the season. The best and most active clans until a given date in the season will qualify for them.

After season XIV the *DBL will see a complete overhaul and will be presented at the end of september/early october(estimated release).

More news will follow.
*DAMN SheepIcon [Season XIV wish list] - [31.5.2006 ; 11:20 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Do you have some special wishes for season XIV!? Post them here, in the *DBL forum!
*DAMN SheepIcon [Icons updated] - [31.5.2006 ; 8:21 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [1] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Due a request also clanified winner icons for the advanced ladders are available:

Virus Adv Raven Shield:
Virus Large
Virus Forum

Po)| Adv Ghost Recon:

Po)| Large
Po)| Forum

The icons represent the double title of the mainseason and SuperFinals. The old icons are still available.

About Season XIV: the starting date and setup will be announced soon. May some threads pop up in the *DBL forum about it.
-[ Season 14 is at an end;
    Season 15 starting soon!
-[ Total CB's played:
-[ Total Members:

-[ Qualification Deadline
16th July 2006
-[ GhR Farewell Tourney
22nd/23rd July 2006
-[ RvS Farewell Tourney
29th/30th July 2006
-[ Status notice
-[ GRPA Mod version 2
-[ IMG interviews Mauti
-[ Winner icons
-[ More winners and other things
-[ GhRa> vs {E}
-[ Po)| vs
-[ Po)| vs
-[ GhRa> vs *
-[ [a] vs GhRa>
*DBL NoCheating Pic