*DAMN BattleLeague Logo
.:| GR CQB pic GR CQB AA pic AA GR FFA pic GR FFA RvS Adv pic RvS Adv GR Adv pic GR Adv RvS CQB pic RvS CQB GR Tourney pic GR Tourney RvS Tourney pic RvS Tourney |:.
*DBL News
page: « ... [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] »
*DAMN SheepIcon [Merry Christmas!] - [24.12.2001 ; 5:20 pm by PsYcO_aSsAsSiN] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Well, this is a great Christmas present from Elandrion. Thanks again Elandrion for making such a good looking clan ladder. I encourage all clans currently playing R6, RS, and RSD to sign up/re-sign up for the ladder ASAP.
*DAMN SheepIcon [Additional Info:] - [24.12.2001 ; 2:58 pm by *DAMN Elandrion] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
If you are new to the BattleLeague, don't forget to login and take a look at the settings page!

*DAMN Elandrion
*DAMN SheepIcon [Welcome!] - [24.12.2001 ; 6:59 am by *DAMN Elandrion] - [3] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Well, finally the new BattleLeague Script is finished. I wrote a new news-script, included poll support, and added some cool functions to the original BL script.

To use the new features, register here.
I am sorry for the redirect, but if you want a bookmark please bookmark this page.

If you find any bugs, feel free to email me

*DAMN Elandrion
-[ Season 14 is at an end;
    Season 15 starting soon!
-[ Total CB's played:
-[ Total Members:

-[ Qualification Deadline
16th July 2006
-[ GhR Farewell Tourney
22nd/23rd July 2006
-[ RvS Farewell Tourney
29th/30th July 2006
-[ Status notice
-[ GRPA Mod version 2
-[ IMG interviews Mauti
-[ Winner icons
-[ More winners and other things
-[ GhRa> vs {E}
-[ Po)| vs
-[ Po)| vs
-[ GhRa> vs *
-[ [a] vs GhRa>
*DBL NoCheating Pic