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*DBL News
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*DAMN SheepIcon [+-KoS-+ vs -M7-] - [13.1.2002 ; 10:55 am by +-KoS-+_Ultimo] - [1] - *DAMN CommentIcon
+-KoS-+ defeats M7 6 games to 0, 12 kills to 1. This moves +-KoS-+ into 2nd, and pushes M|N into 3rd.
*DAMN SheepIcon [SWAT vs ?K] - [12.1.2002 ; 4:32 pm by PsYcO_aSsAsSiN] - [27] - *DAMN CommentIcon
*DAMN SheepIcon [Two cb's, two clans deleted, two clan added] - [11.1.2002 ; 9:55 pm by PsYcO_aSsAsSiN] - [3] - *DAMN CommentIcon
*DAMN SheepIcon [SWAT vs IAM] - [9.1.2002 ; 3:53 pm by +-KoS-+_Ultimo] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
*DAMN SheepIcon [Clarification] - [5.1.2002 ; 9:04 am by *DAMN Elandrion] - [4] - *DAMN CommentIcon
As you know, the BL had to be reset due to server problems. So Mauti and I thought some things over and invented a point system. In the past, the rank was determined on how many ClanBattles a clan had won. But now there are the points which determine the rank of a clan:

  • The winning clan gets 10 points plus one point for every player (as you know, the BL rules say that the number of players per clan have to be determined before the CB) plus the rounded result of the division of the losing clan's points through the points of the winning clan multiplicated by 4.
  • So if a clan which has few points wins against a clan which has many points, the result of this division is higher than in the opposite case.

I hope this clears a few things which have been a bit foggy.

*DAMN Elandrion
-[ Season 14 is at an end;
    Season 15 starting soon!
-[ Total CB's played:
-[ Total Members:

-[ Qualification Deadline
16th July 2006
-[ GhR Farewell Tourney
22nd/23rd July 2006
-[ RvS Farewell Tourney
29th/30th July 2006
-[ Status notice
-[ GRPA Mod version 2
-[ IMG interviews Mauti
-[ Winner icons
-[ More winners and other things
-[ GhRa> vs {E}
-[ Po)| vs
-[ Po)| vs
-[ GhRa> vs *
-[ [a] vs GhRa>
*DBL NoCheating Pic