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[First Season!First CB!] - [6.6.2002 ; 12:08 am - by *DAMN Mauti]
KoS opened the new league with a clanbattle vs. [G.B.] and won it 6 - 4 in a 3 vs.3.

To all other clans: Let's start the show and CLANBATTLE!!!

And by the way: Where is AK? - Camping on toilet? Cowering under the bed? Leave your comments where AK is and why they don't sign up!

Sorry Rapid but after reading your posts in the forum "We will clanbattle all clans..." I couldn't resist to write this. You have to SIGN UP! Also if your clan isn't at the league tell your leader to register as member (if he isn't already one)(don't worry you won't get advertise emails) and then sign up with your clan. Use the Add your clan link above. If you have problems to sign up post it in the BL forum.

Bye take it easy,

Comments: Back to Main News
Grifter | 21.6.2002 ; 11:44 am
Bondo, I wasn't insutling those clans... I actualy get along with them quite well (when TASK existed). It's not their fault that the system could be exploited last season... and to their credit, they didn't go around bragging about it either.

As for Rapid, you child.... just set up the time to CB us and stop creating all this DRAMA.... you being the bitch of it. And it looks like my little theory came true... TASK beat AK... KOS beat up on TASK, and now KoS schooled AK... maybe I do know what I'm talking about you twit.

Grifter | 12.6.2002 ; 6:38 am
Rapid, enough with the "flamers" already...are you a homophobe? And btw, Grifter is a very intelligent, and a very cool guy. And I'm sure he has more of a life than you, I mean, he has a wife to look after. And what do you have? NOTHING! You're just a stupid teenage prick who has nothing better to do than rag on people online, I mean, RS is only a game... Get a life!
Grifter | 7.6.2002 ; 6:53 pm
la di da.... i sense a lil unrest in the management. So far.. only 3 or 4 clans have CB'ed, and i see this as no change from the usual CB rate. it's only been one week. I have one reccomendation: take a chill pill. some people don't do things in just one or two days. I was a few days late to sign back up for the BL.

P.S. if you try to force Rapid to join the BL, he won't. He'll consider it "hatin' " and it'll just encourage him to stay off, just as a form of rebellion.
Grifter | 7.6.2002 ; 2:37 pm
Grift, StFu didn't use the flaw to their advantage, they played a lot of CBs from start to finish. But I guess you'll overlook that detail in insulting clans that finish ahead of SWAT or SECT. Only TASK can really be said to have used the flaw, but what were they supposed to do, not CB AK? Not CB at all because they joined a later than others?
Grifter | 7.6.2002 ; 2:18 pm
Yes Grifter the skillpoint system flaws are all wiped out. Now you can win(and lose) at max 40 points so you dont have any advantages if you play later. We have also set the penalty to max. 40 so better clans dont have to worry to lose many points - they can still battle equal or better clans.


Grifter | 7.6.2002 ; 12:52 pm
OMG, here goes the fabricator at it again...

The Drama Queen doesn't stop poking at us. Even if he has to start making shit up the way he is now... That asshole will never change... How sad... But I don't give a fuck about his dumbass. Sorry Typhy, I've had a lot of work lately and so have the other AK's such as Monk and Tsunami and we haven't had a chance to meet and organize ourselves for this new season. Happens, but what can I say. We do have lives outside of RS and GR unlike Grifter who spends all his energy trying to prove himself around here and attacking our clan... What a fucken Loser Grifter is...

Told you Mauti you would get the "FLAMERS" going...
*Looks at Flaming Grifter*
Grifter | 7.6.2002 ; 12:19 pm
Besides, if there is a lesson from TASK and STFU from the last BL... exploit the point system by not CB'ing until the end....

Hopefully that is fixed.

Mauti, you are right, they are on... it's only a three month league... maybe they are just skipping a turn... after all, TASK just schooled AK... and KoS just schooled TASK... I think I see a pattern.....
Grifter | 7.6.2002 ; 12:38 am
First off, hello from London England! Rapid, get us there, and get in some battles already, please. Good luck team. I will be back in another 26 days.
Grifter | 6.6.2002 ; 8:19 pm
AK you still suck ass
Grifter | 6.6.2002 ; 5:13 pm
Thanks, just help me out by not starting pits for "flames" to fire

When we are active as a team, you will know
Grifter | 6.6.2002 ; 3:05 pm
Well actually I also saw you playing RS in GR with your game titled Congrats to all AKs so I thought you are still active and at all I was kidding

Grifter | 6.6.2002 ; 2:45 pm
1 more thing Mauti, we did CB all active clans(some clans differently than others) last season and came in 1st in 3 ladders. Try showing me respect rather than lash out at me like these other "flamers" in these forums... >:
Grifter | 6.6.2002 ; 1:42 pm
Grifter | 6.6.2002 ; 2:48 am
mb they forgot they had to cos there so "big" now.
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