*DAMN BattleLeague Logo
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*DBL News
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*DAMN SheepIcon [Status notice] - [14.2.2011 ; 6:39 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
It's been almost 5 years now that the *DBL is inactive. In early 2009 the private beta of the *DBL 2.0 went online, but never left that status, due time constraints and the changed Mac gaming community due the Intel release 2006.

If you are curious how the private beta and unfinished *DBL 2.0 looked like go here: http://www.damnr6.com/preview/dbl/

The design was never meant to be the final one. I just played around with typography changes, but as the beta testers said completely right the design was missing some contrast. The core of the completely selfdeveloped ladder CMS is still a good piece of code. I personally think the general requirements for a ladder have changed within the last years and some setup tweaks are required for a relaunch. Right now the once so successful *DBL is on hold for an indefinite period.

That's the reason why you can access the *DBL 1.0 nowadays again. You can check out the *DBL winners and clanbattles from the past.

Enjoy, I wish you all the best, cheers,

*DAMN SheepIcon [GRPA Mod version 2] - [28.10.2006 ; 6:53 pm by [a] LYNX] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
just a short notice that you're now able to download the popular new GRPA mod from the Mac Downloads section.

<Direct link>

For GhR.
*DAMN SheepIcon [IMG interviews Mauti] - [10.10.2006 ; 11:24 pm by [a] LYNX] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Some off-topic news while we all wait for the *DBL 2:

Our favorite Mac gaming site Inside Mac Games got Mauti, got *DAMN interviewd!
So, if you always wanted to hear about the beginning of, the games and the future of *DAMN, you better read it!

Inside Mac Games

btw, often forgotten: theres a comments function!
*DAMN SheepIcon [Winner icons] - [22.8.2006 ; 3:32 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [5] - *DAMN CommentIcon
The winner icons can be downloaded here:

Ghost Recon Advanced:
- Large
- Forum

Ghost Recon *DBL 1.0 Farewell Tourney:
- Large
- Forum

Raven Shield Advanced:
- Large
- Forum

Raven Shield *DBL 1.0 Farewell Tourney:
- Large
- Forum

Fun ladders(GhR and RvS CQB, FFA):
- Large
- Forum
*DAMN SheepIcon [More winners and other things] - [22.8.2006 ; 2:43 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Season XIV had also another winner: Punisher won the GhR FFA ladder, and defeated his 6 opponents clearly.

Beside all the winners I would also like congratulate our newcomers DJrs, who also played the most cbs in the GhR Adv ladder, and AGC. Both showed excellent sportmanship and had no fear to play versus the best of GhR and RvS. They just showed fun playing a game as it should be.You can expect their first successes next season.

The winner icons can be downloaded within the next minutes from the *DBL news page.

Last but not least this was really the last season with the current script. It was improved constantly over the last 4 years. It is now time for a complete new and more powerful script. The new *DBL relaunch will be late september/early october.

Until now over 4000cbs have been played, and we have seen over 300 clans with 2500 players registered players coming and going.

You gonna find updates about new features in the *DBL 2.0 Dev log. Also your help will be needed to create an overwhelming ladder gaming experience.

The *DBL 2.0 will also be a new chance for all our banned players and users. All bans are hereby deleted. The *DBL Administration and I hope that you gonna use this chance.


-[ Season 14 is at an end;
    Season 15 starting soon!
-[ Total CB's played:
-[ Total Members:

-[ Qualification Deadline
16th July 2006
-[ GhR Farewell Tourney
22nd/23rd July 2006
-[ RvS Farewell Tourney
29th/30th July 2006
-[ Status notice
-[ GRPA Mod version 2
-[ IMG interviews Mauti
-[ Winner icons
-[ More winners and other things
-[ GhRa> vs {E}
-[ Po)| vs
-[ Po)| vs
-[ GhRa> vs *
-[ [a] vs GhRa>
*DBL NoCheating Pic