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*DBL News
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*DAMN SheepIcon [Season XII winners] - [15.1.2006 ; 8:19 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon

I hope you all had a good start in the new year. I'm just back from vacations so sorry for the late announcing of the season XII winners.

GR TEAM and CQB winners:

=US=, who did a great job in both ladders and have beaten PO)| in the very last second of the main season.


dr., once more the dr.'s have shown a great team performance.

RvS Coop:

Unfortunaly only a group of guys participated without having any other clan trying to beat their incredible good mission times. However I would like to mention the players for the FFA Coop team:

Ein, Drk Dea, we:jollyroger and warez_waldo_.
You can take a look at their mission times here. Excellent job guys.


rabbitofdoom won the GR FFA followed very closely by Tin.

Congratulations to everyone who participated in season XII.

The winner icons can be downloaded here:

GR Team Large
GR Team Forum
RvS Team Large
RvS Team Forum

The next season, the last one with the current *DBL script, gonna start on 15th february. New modi and features will be discussed in the BL forum and BL Admin Zone.

Stay tuned,

*DAMN Mauti
*DAMN SheepIcon [First Coop times] - [20.12.2005 ; 4:38 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
The FFA Coop Team finished the first missions. The new besttimes are:

Mission 1: 1:58
Mission 2: 4:50
Mission 4: 6:22

For the FFA team played ghra Ein, Drk Dea, we:jollyroger and warez_waldo_.

Good job guys. Who of you can beat these times?

Last but not least only 9 days and a few hours until the mainseason ends. Right now it seems no team ladder gonna have finals, which require that at least 4clans have played at least 15cbs. So if you wanna have exiting SuperFinals in the end of the season, cb as much as you can.
*DAMN SheepIcon [FFA Coop Team] - [18.12.2005 ; 3:36 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
A small addition for the recently added RvS Coop ladder:

A Free For All(FFA) team.

If your clan doesn't have enough members online, or you wanna try the Coop missions with your buddies that are in a different clan or are playing clanless, just play together as FFA team and submit your times.

Everyone can participate and normal RvS Coop rules apply, with the only exception that you have to send the screenshot of your time immediately to our bladmins(bladmins "at" damnr6.com), and submit the time in the RvS Coop Ranking thread.

Have fun!
*DAMN SheepIcon [Not signed up?] - [15.12.2005 ; 2:35 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
You aren't signed up on the RvS Coop ladder but would like to submit your scores as well? No problem, as long as your clan is registered at the *DBL with all its players. Just drop us a line in the RvS Coop Ladder FAQ until 23rd december: http://www.damnr6.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=9692.0

Admins will add you to the RvS Coop ladder.

Btw maybe my late night RvS Coop rule post wasn't very clear, in short:

Play the coop missions posted below with adversial game settings and take an ingame screenshot of the success message together with the time that is left and submit the time in the *DBL forum.

Good luck and happy hunting!
*DAMN SheepIcon [RvS Coop Rules] - [15.12.2005 ; 1:38 am by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Alright as announced here are the RvS Coop rules for season XII.

RvS Coop Ladder Rules:

Team size: 4 players(AI backup allowed; at least 2 human players)
Missions: 4
Time: 60minutes(will also be taken as default value if you don't accomplish a mission)
Submitting of each mission: unlimited
After Action Screenschot must be made and stored in native format until the end of the season + 1week(details see below; if you can't provide a screenshot if asked the default time will be taken)
iGuard activated
Camera settings as well as other game settings are equal to the RvS Team ladder

So far the very simple game settings. To win the RvS Coop ladder you have to play all 4 missions and submit your time. The clan with the shortest overall time is the winner of the season. In the case of a tie, the outcome of each single mission will be compared.

The missions you have to complete:


Mission 1:
Terrorist Hunt
30 Tangos


Mission 2:
Terrorist Hunt
35 Tangos


Mission 3:
Terrorist Hunt
40 Tangos


Mission 4:
Hostage Rescue
40 Tangos


Just post your best times in the according BL Forum thread, together with the Mission name and participated players. The BL admins gonna add the times to the ranking table until I have updated the BL script.

Proof of Success - Mission time:

Here comes the tough and annoying part. Raven Shield doesn't show directly how long you needed to accomplish your mission. The after action screen doesn't show your time. So to get a proof of your time you have to take an ingame screenshot: when the mission success message appears, press the key to show the current mission stats and then make a sreenshot. You can find an example shot here.

Closing words: Teamwork, tactics and skills gonna decide who will win the ladder. Especially the Hostage Rescue missions allows a lot of different ways to accomplish the mission. Watch your six and don't forget the season gonna end already in 2 weeks so good luck everyone!
-[ Season 14 is at an end;
    Season 15 starting soon!
-[ Total CB's played:
-[ Total Members:

-[ Qualification Deadline
16th July 2006
-[ GhR Farewell Tourney
22nd/23rd July 2006
-[ RvS Farewell Tourney
29th/30th July 2006
-[ Status notice
-[ GRPA Mod version 2
-[ IMG interviews Mauti
-[ Winner icons
-[ More winners and other things
-[ GhRa> vs {E}
-[ Po)| vs
-[ Po)| vs
-[ GhRa> vs *
-[ [a] vs GhRa>
*DBL NoCheating Pic