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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: KoS PY.nq.ict on May 09, 2005, 12:49:56 pm

Title: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on May 09, 2005, 12:49:56 pm

SEATTLE - In a turnaround Friday, Microsoft Corp. chief executive Steve Ballmer said the company will support gay rights legislation.

Ballmer made the announcement in an e-mail to employees two weeks after gay rights activists accused the company of withdrawing its support for an anti-discrimination bill in its home state after an evangelical pastor threatened to launch a national boycott. The bill died by a single vote in the state Senate in late April. (MSNBC is a Microsoft-NBC joint venture.)

“After looking at the question from all sides, I’ve concluded that diversity in the workplace is such an important issue for our business that it should be included in our legislative agenda,” Ballmer wrote.

The bill that failed in the state Legislature would have banned discrimination against gays in housing, employment and insurance. Microsoft had supported the measure in the past, but more recently took a neutral stance on the bill.

Critics of Microsoft called it a corporate coward, and a prominent gay rights group asked the company to return a civil rights award it had bestowed on Microsoft four years ago.

Late last month, Ballmer said the company had decided to take a neutral stance on the bill and focus instead on a shorter list of legislative priorities that had a more direct impact on the company’s software business.

He said that decision was made well before executives met with the Rev. Ken Hutcherson, pastor of a Redmond church who has organized anti-gay-marriage rallies.
© 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

© 2005 MSNBC.com

URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7762073/

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Brutha on May 10, 2005, 09:36:56 am
Well, one right out of endless wrongs don't make a good company...

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 11, 2005, 10:13:53 pm
Gay rights is not right nor will it ever be.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Typhy on May 11, 2005, 10:36:22 pm
Gay rights is not right nor will it ever be.

Rebel's right, and the freeing of the slaves is the low point in our nations history, along with women's right to vote.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: BFG on May 11, 2005, 11:00:35 pm
lol typhy, im guessing that Rebel was being ironic though?... no ???

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: bronto on May 11, 2005, 11:30:41 pm
i dunno, rebel has proven his lack of grey matter in the past.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on May 12, 2005, 12:58:31 am
You mean when he said its impossible to hack xbox live?

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: crypt on May 12, 2005, 01:32:52 am
Maybe not impossible, but the developers have much more control over cheating than any PC or Mac game.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on May 12, 2005, 01:44:05 am
Indeed, but the worst of them are the ones who devote their sad lives to this pursuit of ruining games. The point is he said it was impossible  ;D

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 12, 2005, 01:45:48 am
There's more to the story than M$ backing gay rights. For the past fifteen years they've been one of the most progressive companies in regards to civil rights for gays. Every year they have come out,heh, in support of gay rights legislation in Washington state.  This year, after being attacked by a solitary fundamentalist wingnut, one of their big shot lawyers drafted a new policy for M$ -- no policy on social issues. Which effectivedly killed the civil rights legistation in Washington - the bill lost by one vote. Then, a bunch of activists jumped on M$s back, right has they started to promo the new bullshit os of theirs, and instead of the media coverin the OS, they covererd the ass-fucking they gave the gays. And lo! Their policy has gone back to progressive.

That's a win for the good guys. One of the last places in our society that proudly supports gay rights is corporate America. M$ jumping ship because of one wing nut might have back-slid us all at the workplace, since a lack of protection for some Americans means there is no really protection for any of us.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 12, 2005, 01:54:11 am
To answer the question of if im joking, im not. I dont believe gay people serve a purpose on the planet. The purpose of the human is to live, do something to benefit mankind, reproduce, and die. Then the cycle continues. Gay people cannot reproduce, therefore they are a waste of human. If you feel differently then so be it, but my views will never change.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Croosch on May 12, 2005, 02:31:43 am
And that's one thing I can finally agree with Microsoft on... afterall, this is the "land of the free"

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on May 12, 2005, 02:40:25 am
To answer the question of if im joking, im not. I dont believe gay people serve a purpose on the planet. The purpose of the human is to live, do something to benefit mankind, reproduce, and die. Then the cycle continues. Gay people cannot reproduce, therefore they are a waste of human. If you feel differently then so be it, but my views will never change.
rebel knows the meaning of life therefore he can't be wrong  ::)

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Typhy on May 12, 2005, 02:44:39 am
To answer the question of if im joking, im not. I dont believe gay people serve a purpose on the planet. The purpose of the human is to live, do something to benefit mankind, reproduce, and die. Then the cycle continues. Gay people cannot reproduce, therefore they are a waste of human. If you feel differently then so be it, but my views will never change.

And you show, once again, that your mind is as simple as that of a worm.

You would've made a kick ass Nazi, deeming people unworthy of life.

So, Adolf, you think that people are unworthy of life, and serve no purpose if they can't reproduce? That's such a shallow attitude, that it's hard to know how to respond to it, other than to say, strap your swastica on your arm, and join the American Nazi Party.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Croosch on May 12, 2005, 02:59:47 am
To answer the question of if im joking, im not. I dont believe gay people serve a purpose on the planet. The purpose of the human is to live, do something to benefit mankind, reproduce, and die. Then the cycle continues. Gay people cannot reproduce, therefore they are a waste of human. If you feel differently then so be it, but my views will never change.

you must feel the same way about people who are sterile? or just choose not to reproduce, right? no?

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: DarK. on May 12, 2005, 03:15:42 am
NO rebel beleives that people whø are sterile are reincarnations of evil people like hitler and Elton John (when he Dies)

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Brutha on May 12, 2005, 08:31:26 am
My god, there are ppl that still have medieval values. Guess BFG and I have to visit him and do the "looove doctor" on him.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: BFG on May 12, 2005, 11:44:19 am
To answer the question of if im joking, im not. I dont believe gay people serve a purpose on the planet. The purpose of the human is to live, do something to benefit mankind, reproduce, and die. Then the cycle continues. Gay people cannot reproduce, therefore they are a waste of human. If you feel differently then so be it, but my views will never change.

OK so if we get into all this we're probably going to go way of the Microsoft end of the topic, and its probably going to degenerate into something nasty. But i just can't leave this one alone.

First i don't want to presume so are you religious, christian?
You list a cycle, to live, do something to benefit mankind, reproduce, die.

My question is very simple. If you regard a gay man/woman to be a 'waste of a human' you surely value the reproduction of people over what a person does to benefit makind. So could we perhaps assume for one moment that Ghandi was gay, that Martin Luther King was gay, that Charles darwin was gay.  Now, If these three men were theoretically gay which is more inportant, the fact they love and care for other men, or their unique and immense lives that have changed the world?

The reason im going into this is although your welcome to your own opinion, my opinion is that it is a uneducated, bigoted, and well obviously homophobic.
Gay people cannot reproduce
So what if your gay do you think that a guy suddenly becomes infertile? Are you perhaps totally unaware of the role of surrogate mothers?

Its not a matter of not being able to reproduce, its a matter of choosing not to reproduce with the opposite sex. So do you feel that heterosexual couples who choose not to have children are a waste of human life? Is a Catholic priest a waste of human life because he follows a life of chastity? Why is the mass reproduction of our race more important than anything else?

I have several friends who are openly gay. I don't believe they are worthless human beings.... And im not even going to go down the nazi topic here, i expect you get the jist of who what you sound like.

Its not a personal attack at you, i guess its your parents or school or community or society that i blame... ok and you a bit.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 12, 2005, 08:13:20 pm
So, basically, our infallible God put gay people on this earth simply to be humiliated and treated like shit? Right.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on May 12, 2005, 08:49:23 pm
I could make the argument that (SET X) 10 conscientious, intelligent, gay doctors, teachers, scientists, engineers, and geneticists, has done more to advance humanity, and therefore serve GOD, than (SET Y) 3000 angry, GED-educated, right-winger, war-mongering, gay-bashin, Pat Robertson-lovin, N-hatin, beer-swillin Nascar fans.

It is indisputable that set X is not a subset of Y, so which has more right to exist??


Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 12, 2005, 09:29:16 pm
to answer your question about my religion, i am Catholic. to retort against the arguement that im a nazi, that is a baised look at how I feel. Nazi's were against other people that were perfectly straight and killed them over religion, not sexuality, therefore they are two completely different topics.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Croosch on May 12, 2005, 10:00:49 pm
two topics... same sort of thought

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: BFG on May 12, 2005, 10:09:11 pm
um by the way it wasn't just about religion. I know that most people only learn about the Jews and how the Nazi party used them basically as an escape goat, as a channel for everything that was wrong with germany at that time etc, but what a lot of people miss out looking at the Holocaust are the thousands and thousands of Gypsys, homeless, mentally ill, and gay people that were also murdered.

However i specifically didn't get into all that nazi stuff. but the question still stands, do you value the reproduction of our race above all else, and actually if i could get you to answer just one question

You said that a gay person couldn't reproduce and therefore was a waste of a human. But as i pointed out it is a matter of choice and not any biological difference. Im assuming then that you feel that anyone who chooses not to reproduce is a waste of a human... Therefore as a Catholic how do you feel about priets who follow a life of chastity, surely following your logic then the servants of your faith , to put it in your words, do not "serve a purpose on the planet"

Can you see what im getting at? The statement you made which i assume you came to because of your faith, actually undermines your faith.... and that is just the start of it!

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on May 12, 2005, 10:13:51 pm
To retort against the arguement that im a nazi, that is a baised look at how I feel. Nazi's were against other people that were perfectly straight and killed them over religion, not sexuality, therefore they are two completely different topics.

O Rebel...you should know better.
Check on your facts, Check your facts, check your facts.
Now...you are completely entitled to your opinion, BUT.....

You are 100% DEAD WRONG about the Nazis and Gays. Therefor the comparison to your opinion is valid.
If thats unsettling to you that your views are so similar, it should be.
Gays were killed SPECIFICALLY for their sexuality...it was not necesarry to be jewish to end up on the truck.  These were the "Pink Triangle" prisoners btw. Oops...You stepped in one there...

"""In every camp in which he served — Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Auschwitz, and Ravensbruck — Hoess says there were "many" homosexuals. It is very clear from his account that homosexuals constituted a significant proportion of the inmates: his comments imply that there were nearly as many homosexuals in Dachau as there were Jews, which would have been about 12% of the prison population in 1936. This does not include those homosexuals who arrived at the camps by train and proceeded directly into the gas chambers, nor does it include the SS gay men who were brought to the camps and "shot while attempting to escape."

The death toll for all inmates was 8 million. It is impossible to estimate how many of them were homosexuals. But Hoess, according to his own estimate, personally supervised the extermination of 2,000,000 homosexuals, Jews, Gipsies, communists, and Russian soldiers: this would imply that he alone could have killed at least 15,000 homosexuals, the figure often cited for the total number of homosexuals killed in the concentration camps. Concentration camp records were systematically destroyed by the Nazis, and surviving records are sparse and incomplete, so there are no really reliable figures for how many men were dealt with under Hitler's "final solution" to "the homosexual problem". The estimate ranges from 430,000 (which is probably too high) to 10,000 (which is probably too low).

Detailed statistical analysis of surviving records indicates that homosexual prisoners were systematically placed in the hardest work commandos (notably the gravel pits at Dachau and the brick works where all of the homosexual inmates of Sachsenhausen worked); that the death rate for homosexuals was 50 percent higher than for political prisoners; that they received more brutal and more frequent extra punishments than the other prisoners; and that they formed the highest percentage of prisoners who were "transported" (the Nazi euphemism for transfer to the gas chambers). One survivor of Dachau reported: "The inmates with the pink triangles never lived long, they were exterminated by the SS with systematic swiftness."

By all accounts, hardly any of the homosexual inmates of the concentration camps survived. The pink triangles were spurned by all other groups in the concentration camps, and most non-gay survivors even today refuse to acknowledge the existence of their fellow gay prisoners. After the war, homosexuals were denied the reparations given by the German government to other groups, because they were still classified as criminals under German law. They were even denied state pensions to compensate for the amount of time spent in the concentration camps. They could be re-imprisoned for "repeat offences," and were kept on the modern lists of "sex offenders." The humane institutions of every country have condemned the treatment of all of the victims — except for homosexuals. On annual days of mourning for the victims, few countries officially mourn for homosexuals. To the survivor's comment that "one day they were simply gone" we might add "and today are all but forgotten.""""""

Copyright © 1975, 1998 Rictor Norton. This essay was originally published in Gay News No. 82, 6-19 November 1975. It is believed to be the first time that an article on the subject was published in a British publication. I have made some amendments in the light of new information since 1975. The sources include Jiom Steakley, "The Gay Movement in Germany" and "Homosexuals and the Third Reich," in Body Politic, Issues 9, 10, 11; John Lauritsen and David Thorstad, The Early Homosexual Rights Movement (1864-1935) (New York: Times Change Press, 1974); W.I. Scobie, "Death Camps," in Gay Sunshine No. 25; Hans Peter Bleuel, Sex and Society in Nazi Germany (Bantam, 1975); Gerald Reitlinger, The SS: Alibi of a Nation (Viking, 1968); Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz (London, 1959); and Gillian Rodgerson, "Out of the shadow of the pink triangle," news feature in Gay Times, November 1995, pp. 40-41; Rüdiger Lautmann, "The Pink Triangle: The Persecution of Homosexual Males in Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany,", in Licata and Petersen (eds), The Gay Past (1985), pp. 141-60. (in case you thought i was making that up)

And secondly, Being Catholic, answer this....since Catholic priests do not reproduce, are they useless humans as well?   Ok OK, youre being jumped on a bit..but then again, you posted a rather acidic opinion on the issues, opening yourself up to it.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: BFG on May 12, 2005, 10:19:14 pm
And secondly, Being Catholic, answer this....since Catholic priests do not reproduce, are they useless humans as well?   Ok OK, youre being jumped on a bit..but then again, you posted a rather acidic opinion on the issues, opening yourself up to it.

hehe see my last two posts shiex  ::bussi::

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on May 12, 2005, 10:35:18 pm
1. if we all ask him over and over again, he might actualy answer with his thoughts on it
2. yes, i read your posts, and i cant help it that your posting button is faster, or else i might get to ask you to read MY last two posts...(BOTH times, it made me wait becuase "someone else has posted a resposnse since.... blah blah") 
3, i DO get google-it brownie points tho, for my intense research- COMPLETE, i might add with a bibliography....whereas you do not.
4. omg....when are you coming back for games :o  i miss you.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: BFG on May 12, 2005, 11:08:40 pm
1. whats that we have to ask him about? ;)

2. Ah yes Tis the joys of touch typing and the memory of a goldfish - if i don't type it i um... errm... somthing happens... who are you?

3. Here is a cookie/brownie my google'esk adventurer ;) Alas all my rubbish came out of my noggin, you would need a shovel and some industrial cleaning equipment to sort through it all, i take my hat off to your bibliog... biologorgo... biblibilogofy  - shit i can't spell it let alone write one ;)

4. omg, next weekend i'll be free, no more University!! Saturday night will be the beginning of a disgusting gaming fest, including beer and pizza, and you never know if friday goes well women ;) i miss you too!

edit: Wow look all my smilies line up in some freakingly freakish... um line.  weeeeirrrd  ::stupid::

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 12, 2005, 11:46:21 pm
To answer the question of if im joking, im not. I dont believe gay people serve a purpose on the planet. The purpose of the human is to live, do something to benefit mankind, reproduce, and die. Then the cycle continues. Gay people cannot reproduce, therefore they are a waste of human. If you feel differently then so be it, but my views will never change.

What about impotent straight men? Barren straight women? And priests? Those fuckers don't reproduce -- they are not part of God's plan.

"but my views will never change"

That's because you're too afraid to let yourself learn anything.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 12, 2005, 11:55:14 pm
To answer the question of if im joking, im not. I dont believe gay people serve a purpose on the planet. The purpose of the human is to live, do something to benefit mankind, reproduce, and die. Then the cycle continues. Gay people cannot reproduce, therefore they are a waste of human. If you feel differently then so be it, but my views will never change.

Damn it, every one else already nailed him to the wall.


Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: DarK. on May 12, 2005, 11:56:36 pm
Damn sheix you beat me to telling him that the nazi's killed the gays because they were gay (they also killed gypsies too rebel, so Im sure you have something against gypsies?)

Gays should have everyright though, we were all created by one god who supposedly loves us (or in rebels case just creates things he hates (gays))

So why cant we just all get along, in the meantime rebel, BFG and Brutha will put on a sex show for you whiles shade tapes it and I promote it, its th MoD sex fest! also starring the BIG FREAKING GIANT!

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Brutha on May 13, 2005, 12:41:29 am
christ...what did you eat???

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 13, 2005, 02:33:25 am
Sigh...i now remember why i stopped posting on here

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: crypt on May 13, 2005, 02:44:24 am
You have to like something about it to keep coming back.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on May 13, 2005, 02:51:29 am
Why? Is it inconvenient to have people call you out to explain your fucked up facts, and seemingly self-contradicting opinions? My guess is that you were baiting, so why complain that You got what you asked for?

"""Sigh, I now remember why I stopped posting here""" <<<---Can you dodge the debate any harder than this after throwing your gas on the fire?

And don't complain, you just got debated about the worth of a certain population, and questioned on the implications of some things you said...(ie...using your own logic, are priests worthless humans?...)
Lets hear your side, unless you just popped in to be a shithead.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: DarK. on May 13, 2005, 03:44:09 am
Get em' sheix... hehe you tell him!

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 13, 2005, 03:58:42 am
"The extent of one's abilities is only limited by the restrictions of one's mind"


That's your quote, Rebel?

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: BFG on May 13, 2005, 10:33:32 am
Sigh...i now remember why i stopped posting on here

THATS IT? "I talk complete bullshit and i can't back anything that i say up so i better not say anything"?

What did you expect? That nobody was going to complain about a kid saying that he didn't belive that gay rights should exist, or even worse that he thought people who didn't have children were a waste of a human?  You didn't think perhaps that might just annoy one or two people here?

You made a statment, several of us questioned it and then pointed out to you that your statment actually undermined the reason you made that statement.

If you can't respond intelligently to making such absurd disgusting claims (yes i think your lack of appreciation for human life is pretty disgusting) then your right, don't post.

god damn that has really pissed me off. >:(

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: spike on May 13, 2005, 05:15:47 pm
Except thats a completely different issue GS, our stances on abortion dont change that fact that Rebel is a bigot and a homophobe.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: .vooDoo. on May 13, 2005, 05:33:02 pm
Topic falling off track.....get er back please.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Spetsnaz666 on May 13, 2005, 07:57:27 pm
People are fucking people, and they cant help how they are fucking born.

So for all of you with homophobia, (Rebel) maby you need to do some deep introspection and come to terms with your own homosexuality, becuase the only reason men are hostile towards homos is because they themselves cannot deal with their true deep seeded identity. So don't be afraid to be gay Rebel its ok we won't make fun of you.

PS i cant log into my own account because im at a hospital in godforsaken Gainesville Florida.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 13, 2005, 08:37:40 pm
I guess it's only the "Land of the Free" for some, not everyone. "All are equal, but some are more equal than others."

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: spike on May 13, 2005, 09:13:00 pm
People are fucking people, and they cant help how they are fucking born.

So for all of you with homophobia, (Rebel) maby you need to do some deep introspection and come to terms with your own homosexuality, becuase the only reason men are hostile towards homos is because they themselves cannot deal with their true deep seeded identity. So don't be afraid to be gay Rebel its ok we won't make fun of you.

PS i cant log into my own account because im at a hospital in godforsaken Gainesville Florida.

I feel like thats a generalization that isnt quite true. Men could be homophobes for many other reasons, like their upbringing, a bad experience with a gay person etc.

p.s, what are you doing in the hospital spetz?

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: Spetsnaz666 on May 13, 2005, 11:09:09 pm
Spets, removed this part of your post in an effort to split the gay rights/abortion threads apart.  I copied the text to my computer, and can re-post it in your name if you'd like, or save it for you to post at your leisure.  Whichever you would prefer.  (Or I can trash if it you dont care) -Lone

I'm at Shands cancer research center at the Univeristy of Florida because my father has pancreatic cancer and doesnt have much longer to live.

But back on the topic of homos, to extend Rebels logic that homos dont deserve to live beacuse they can't procreate is right on par with the logic that ignorant fucks don't deserve to live because when they procreate they produce offspring that serves no purpose for the greater good of humanity.

Title: Re: Microsoft Supports Gay Rights Legislation
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on May 14, 2005, 02:44:50 am
 Ok, a couple of quick things.  The posts dealing with abortion rights have been moved to their own thread, which can be found here: http://www.damnr6.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=8668.0  Obviously, please dont post about abortion rights in this thread.  Put it where it is appropriate. 

GS - I delete our two posts to keep the continuity of this thread together. 

Everyone else - You're welcome to keep posting here on the issue of gay rights, though i suspect the thread wont really go anywhere if Rebel seems to have cut and run. 

Carry on