*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: [d]-[p a t] on March 29, 2003, 04:53:56 pm

Title: ?KotA vs AK ruling
Post by: [d]-[p a t] on March 29, 2003, 04:53:56 pm
Hey guys, I do not like this ruling at all. AK is never on thus this cb will not be finished. The main problem with it is how we aren't allowed to cb anyone but AK. We have plenty of chances to CB other clans... but AK hardly ever has any members on  :(. Punisher and Zak cb'd FrEaK and won yesterday because neither my two members nor jack and Goku knew about this no cb'ing until we cb AK ruling. I told jack about it and he thinks that it's BS (the AK decision). He told me that he would email Mauti about it and that the cb vs FrEaK which we won should count.
I don't know, either drop the whole CB with AK or let us CB anyone and then pick up against ak 5-2.

Title: Re:?KotA vs AK ruling
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on March 29, 2003, 05:44:07 pm
It wasn't me that brought up this issue...

However if you read the BL news you will see that you can cb other clans but only losses will be posted immediatley - wins only if you finish the cb vs AK.



Title: |?K| came back and almost won!
Post by: AK_Rap1d on March 31, 2003, 10:48:33 pm
Well, it got deleted once, but all I pointed out, was how |?K| made a terrific comeback and almost won the whole thing!

We were able to get ahead 9-8-1, and all I had to do, was take out grape, since I had just taken zak out, but I was too gimped and when I found grape, he was able to get his shot off before me.  Btw, he almost had a REAL heart attack.  We had to pause to wait for him to gain his composure.  After that, they were able to win the next 2 games.  LoL.  That's what CB's are all about.

Pat, gets no respect at all in this CB for trying to force a forfeit.  Not only did he almost pull it off, but he wasn't even disciplined on it! >:(   Anytime a BL MOD tries to count CB's in their favor with unjustifiable reasons, I see no reason why not to discipline them!  Of course, since it was against "me and my clan", it's ok that he did that, and he doesn't need to be disciplined.  He just needs to finish with his current score. :o   Of course, if I would've tried to turn in a win like that, our CB would've been thrown out, or counted against us...   Whatever...   Even with fucked up mediation, we always prove that we're no easy kill.  

If that CB would've been 0-0(Like it should've been after Pat trying to cheat us out of a win), we would've won.  But since they had a "5-2" lead, they were able to walk away with a win.   I am proud of our performance and comeback! (We even lead the CB at one point! ;) ), and the way we proved to EVERYBODY, that |?K| CAN comeback from ANYTHING.  Gj |?K|'s and I hope today we get some CB's in with NO turn downs! cough*FiRE*cough ;)  

Mauti, I hope you're not always going to rule against us in situations like this, where we did nothing wrong.  All we did, was stand up against your BL mod posting false wins!  Somehow, he's allowed to do that and not be disciplined...   What bs... :o

Title: STFU
Post by: Shut the Fuck up on March 31, 2003, 11:56:48 pm
dude, will u just stfu, you lost , jesus

Title: Re:?KotA vs AK ruling
Post by: [d]-[p a t] on April 01, 2003, 12:05:50 am
Like your respect means anything, Rapid. And if you really read my post, it was just about how I wanted to CB other clans than |AK| because you guys are never on.