*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: Typhy on December 18, 2002, 08:17:04 am

Title: Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Typhy on December 18, 2002, 08:17:04 am
 When I look at the Battle League ladder right now, I see 3 active clans; those being AgT, AK, and RnT. - While other clans do CB, they're generaly smaller clans, who are rarely on. With many players converting from RS to GhR, I would request for the rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan to be removed, or at least for an exception to be made for another AK vs AgT CB.

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Jeb on December 18, 2002, 11:37:06 am
i seem to agree with you for once  ;D
Acually i think that the rule involving a minimum of 3 cbs per season should be lifted because GHR came out and fucked things up. Cunt, Kos, Dr, and Rpm are all on the RS bl but never got the chance to start cbing in RS because of the GHR conversion. Just my thoughts, if the rule doesn't change we will be forced to lose some cbs in order to be on the GHR latter.

(cognac = spelling errors and bad grammer)

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: BTs_Colin on December 18, 2002, 08:34:54 pm
I think there needs to be a limit.

Don't assume people wouldn't abuse this because it could greatly skew BL results.

I don't think i need to say how this could be abused because i don't want to put ideas into people heads.

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Agent Wallabie on December 18, 2002, 11:17:39 pm
  I've been busy and havn't been keaping up with the forum that much. But when i saw this thread I just had to say something  ;D Three CB's is low in my mind. I dont think it should be unlimitted or enny thing but 4 to 5 would be nice.
   Mostly saying this becouse I know we all want to CB ?K once again.


Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Typhy on December 19, 2002, 01:03:15 am
I think there needs to be a limit.

Don't assume people wouldn't abuse this because it could greatly skew BL results.

 That's exactly why I recommended only infident battles against clans in the top 5...

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Typhy on December 19, 2002, 05:57:57 pm
 Time is running out! We only have 12 days left; would Mauti or a BL admin please respond to this soon?

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on December 19, 2002, 07:35:49 pm
Well Typhy you and Jeb are speaking about 2 different rules: the rule that you have to fight at least 3 cbs per season will be removed about the 3cbs against another clan hmmm there was a reason why we made this rule and it was never a problem in the 1st season. I know you would like to battle AK because this can decide who will be second. Nevertheless I don't think I can make an exception well I'll talk with the other admins.



Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Typhy on December 19, 2002, 11:56:29 pm
 Well, the rule was to prevent against CBing newbie clans over and over. - But with so many people going to Ghost Recon, I think we need to eliminate that rule. More coming later.

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: .vooDoo. on December 21, 2002, 08:52:59 am
Is this just because we went 2 - 1 against ak this season or is this a legitamate request Typhy? Just because something didnt go your way doesnt mean you can just change a rule everytime that happens. The 3 cb limit to each clan is to help the battle league stay active and makes sure every clan is kept in the mix of things. If it wasnt there noob clans would just battle noob clans for points.

Title: |?K| vs AgT is a legit battle since both clans are not noobs.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on December 22, 2002, 09:16:32 am
Unless you're implying AgT is a noob clan, I don't see how that applies here VooDoo ;)

Don't get me wrong, but it sounds as if you don't want to CB us again VooDoo?  I just hope you're not scared we'll beat you and tie it up 2-2. ;)

We have good clan battles, and being that both of our clans are active RS clans, we should be allowed to CB each other since it wouldn't be abusing "CB'ing noobie clans over and over", since AgT isn't a "newbie clan".  Sound good?  

LET'S GET IT ON!!! (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/uzi.gif)

All about the competitive close combats!  Let's keep them going during this holiday season for the fun of the game! 8)

btw, Merry Xmas to all!!! :)

::|?K| Keeping RS Alive 1 game at a time!... ::

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: .vooDoo. on December 22, 2002, 05:29:05 pm
Rapid, true, we do have great clan battles and yes, I wouldnt mind giving you the chance to even things up, but....I dont see why  *DAMN should change the rule only because you want that chance. It seems to me that the only reason you want the rule changed is because you guys have fallen to 6th place and want to cb higher clans for higher points but you have already reached the limit with most of em.

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Typhy on December 22, 2002, 06:55:02 pm
 Well VooDoo, I actually made this thread when we were in second...

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on December 22, 2002, 07:47:36 pm
Let's see. On one side their is the constant nagging of every AK member and their mother and on the other is the fact that no one cares your not special the rules shouldn't be bended because you want to make a run for first place.

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Agent Wallabie on December 22, 2002, 10:58:03 pm
   The problem is it's hard to find RS CB's theise days. And maybe some things should be changed. And it doesnt sound like ?K is whining. But I got one question, Is ?K able to CB RnT? Or have they CBed 3 times as well?


Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: .vooDoo. on December 22, 2002, 11:34:47 pm
I just checked the match list and AK has only cb'ed RnT once with a forfeited win.

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Typhy on December 22, 2002, 11:36:49 pm
 Yes, AK has CBed RnT once. The problems with CBing them:

1.) They have the worlds laggiest hosts.

2.) They complain and try and pull shit.

3.) Their 10 hours different than I, and 9 hours different than most of my clan so they're harder to find.

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on December 23, 2002, 12:10:04 am
Yes, AK has CBed RnT once. The problems with CBing them:

1.) They have the worlds laggiest hosts.

2.) They complain and try and pull shit.
Problems with cbing AK:

1) Look above.

Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Agent Wallabie on December 23, 2002, 03:31:45 am
   RnT seems to be on a good deal so 3.) shouldnt be hard to pass. Sinse when have u run from lag? And Patt is the only bitcher, the rest seem good. So maybe you guys should CB them if you want to go high on the BL.   :)


Title: Re:Requesting the removal of rule banning more than 3 CBs against a clan
Post by: Absalon - RnT on December 28, 2002, 03:04:49 pm
Hi guys!

we are ready to cb u all...but dont try to win like myst and psyks pls, do a fair match and then nobody bitches ;-)

talk to me on GR

see ya