*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: +-KoS-+Rebel on May 28, 2002, 02:34:18 pm

Post by: +-KoS-+Rebel on May 28, 2002, 02:34:18 pm
I have one thing to fucking say. WHY THE FUCK DID U ERASE ULTIMOS MESSAGE ABOUT EXPLAINING THE WHOLE REASON WHY WE LEFT THE BL????? Watch if u erase this im gonn bring u down. Watch and see. Everyone deserves to know the truth. IF U ALL WANNA KNOW THE STORY AND HOW DAMN SCREWED US PLEASE EMAIL ME.

On a side note: Bondo, BURN IN HELL ASSHOLE

BOndo ::)

Post by: Grifter on May 28, 2002, 02:48:35 pm

Were the posts in General Gossip, or the Battle League?  I didn't see them at all yet (but I'm guessing I know what Ultimo was messaging to me now).

Post by: +-KoS-+Rebel on May 28, 2002, 02:52:17 pm
It was in general gossip. It was up for about 5-15 min then i tryed to look at it again and it said. Post does not exist. coughcoughwtfcoughcough.sonspiracy??i think so

Post by: Bondo on May 28, 2002, 03:16:13 pm
A.) I am not moderator in General Gossip so I can't have touched it. ?And now I know what happened, Mauti transfered it within the DAMN only forums, that is why it appeared there. ?But it really wasn't appropriate, oddly it ended the same way as your post Rebel. ?Getting mighty toasty here.  And exactly what reason would Mauti have for deciding against you other than it being the proper decision based on the rules.  Mauti has been nothing but fair in his decisions in the BL, I'm sorry one had to go against KoS, but that is just the way things are.

Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 28, 2002, 03:57:38 pm
It's been a long time coming, but Bondo as finally pushed me over the edge. Let me explain from the beginning....

Last night +-KoS-+ had a cb with sTfU. The first 5 games were played on my host. sTfU had some nice tactics on Turkish and went up 3-2. Then it was their turn to host. Meth wanted to host however everyone in kos was pinging very high . I was pinging in around 500 and rebel was in the thousands !!. Here is a SS to prove it :


Then , he accepted that I refused his host, so he got his fellow clan member "Dummy" to host. We played there, and tied it up 5 games to 5. This means that we had to do a tie breaker, therefore we played another game on his host, and another on mine. They went up 6-5 on his host, and we tied again on my host 6-6. Then we played another 2 games for a double tie breaker. They went up 7-6 on my host, and when we were going to switch back to their host, dummy had to go. Meth told me that I would have to be forced to play on his server because "none" of his players could host but him. We already rejected his host in the past, so why should we have to play on it now ?

It was already 11 o' clock P.M. and some of my members had to go. Rebel and SBD both left at 11:30 after we waited 1/2 hour for them to get another host. After they left to go to sleep, another player showed up which could host for sTfU. At this point I already told them we would finish at another time, however being that I was the only one online, they said we had to "forfiet". I don't see how this should result in a forfiet ? Just because we are a east coast clan and they live in Hawaii. My players left before they had a decent host, and would have stayed if they knew about this new guy coming.

Now, when I left, sTfU went on a spree telling Bondo the whole story. By the time he came to me to hear what I had to say, it was obvious he had already made up his mind. He told me it was my fault that we didn't stay up and that KoS will be losing. He made this decision last night, all by himself, without asking any other admins. Did assassin or Nixon get asked about how they felt ? NO. Right away, Bondo sent an email to his best buddie Mauti, and of couse he agreed with him on everything.

I am sick and tired of how Bondo thinks he is running the show. He is the newest admin yet he acts as if he is Mauti's #1 back up admin. I am ?posting this here not to bitch about you anymore Bondo... because that would get me no where. I am posting this here to announce that I don't want to admin anymore for the BL. I do not want to be in anything associated with Bondo. I am sure other moderators feel the same way I do.... Grifter has already spoken out.

+-KoS-+ will be leaving the BL and has no intention to coming back. This is the last time we will get jipped. This doesn't mean that we won't be cb'ing anymore, we just won't do it for *DAMN and their Battle league. I hope you guys have more success in the future, because right now it really needs work. Thank you for the experiance you gave me Mauti, and GL.

On a side note : Bondo,  Burn in Hell

Post by: Bondo on May 28, 2002, 04:34:56 pm
To save the moderators time I am going to repost Ult's original post. ?Note, this version I have added my replies but it is his whole post.

KoS Ultimo said
"It's been a long time coming, but Bondo as finally pushed me over the edge. Let me explain from the beginning....
Last night +-KoS-+ had a cb with sTfU. The first 5 games were played on my host. sTfU had some nice tactics on Turkish and went up 3-2. Then it was their turn to host. Meth wanted to host however everyone in kos was pinging very high . I was pinging in around 500 and rebel was in the thousands !!. Here is a SS to prove it :
Then , he accepted that I refused his host, so he got his fellow clan member "Dummy" to host. We played there, and tied it up 5 games to 5. This means that we had to do a tie breaker, therefore we played another game on his host, and another on mine. They went up 6-5 on his host, and we tied again on my host 6-6. Then we played another 2 games for a double tie breaker. They went up 7-6 on my host, and when we were going to switch back to their host, dummy had to go. Meth told me that I would have to be forced to play on his server because "none" of his players could host but him. We already rejected his host in the past, so why should we have to play on it now ?"

STFU wasn't obligated to let the match be continued at a later time, your clan is the one that couldn't finish the match then so your clan is the one that forfeits

"It was already 11 o' clock P.M. and some of my members had to go. Rebel and SBD both left at 11:30 after we waited 1/2 hour for them to get another host. After they left to go to sleep, another player showed up which could host for sTfU. At this point I already told them we would finish at another time, however being that I was the only one online, they said we had to "forfiet". I don't see how this should result in a forfiet ? Just because we are a east coast clan and they live in Hawaii. My players left before they had a decent host, and would have stayed if they knew about this new guy coming."

Don't start a CB that late then.

"Now, when I left, sTfU went on a spree telling Bondo the whole story. By the time he came to me to hear what I had to say, it was obvious he had already made up his mind. He told me it was my fault that we didn't stay up and that KoS will be losing. He made this decision last night, all by himself, without asking any other admins. Did assassin or Nixon get asked about how they felt ? NO. Right away, Bondo sent an email to his best buddie Mauti, and of couse he agreed with him on everything."

Ok, I didn't have my mind made up after talking to STFU, I was patient in asking you to confirm or deny parts of STFU's story and to give your own, from that I decided that you had broken the rules. ?And maybe Mauti agreed because I was right, not because I was me. ?And I didn't tell Sin or Nixon because this involved a admin and that is Mauti's domain.

"I am sick and tired of how Bondo thinks he is running the show. He is the newest admin yet he acts as if he is Mauti's #1 back up admin. I am ?posting this here not to bitch about you anymore Bondo... because that would get me no where. I am posting this here to announce that I don't want to admin anymore for the BL. I do not want to be in anything associated with Bondo. I am sure other moderators feel the same way I do.... Grifter has already spoken out."

I don't get hung up over personal opinions of me. ?And about being the newest admin, sure, I'm the newest person with the actual admin powers but I was involved with the BL from the start, longer than you were Ult. ?And if other moderators feel this way, I'm sorry they can't handle someone with a spine voicing their opinion and then submitting their findings to Mauti to make a decision.

"+-KoS-+ will be leaving the BL and has no intention to coming back. This is the last time we will get jipped. This doesn't mean that we won't be cb'ing anymore, we just won't do it for *DAMN and their Battle league. I hope you guys have more success in the future, because right now it really needs work. Thank you for the experiance you gave me Mauti, and GL.
On a side note : Bondo, Burn in Hell "

Wow, how nice. ?I'm sorry that you felt you had to leave but that was your choice, not DAMN's

Post by: *DAMN Silent on May 28, 2002, 05:02:02 pm
Dude ok this has gone way to far and you have to wine a bitch and leave the BL i dont c why thats *DAMN's falt

But i have to admit

i had the same problem CBing with P.D.A (they suck, we waisted them)
but most of our clan had to go becasue are guys are east coast and its like fucking 10:30 everybody elces time but their time is like 4:00

I think the clans should think about everyones time schuedual in the CB and make sure its ok and everyone can be there before u host the damn thing

And to ultimo and Reble

You guys can leave the battle leage but its not mautis, bondos or anyone elces fault but yoursleves for setting up crappy times for the CB

I think it is stupid of StFu to tell them that its a forfit i think the Bl should just delete the whole damn CB and everybody stops bitchen

jezus mother Fuckers

:) DAMN   ::) KoS         :)Kos      ::)DAMN

dont worry, be happy now

(like the singing fish)


*DAMN Silent Killer

Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 28, 2002, 05:08:21 pm

STFU wasn't obligated to let the match be continued at a later time, your clan is the one that couldn't finish the match then so your clan is the one that forfeits

We agreed earlier that we would not war on Meth's host. That was a final decision. Then it was time for them to host for their tie breaker, mysteriously Dummy couldn't host anymore. They knew very well that it was 11:30 at night for us, and I think they were trying to stall. They had 7 sTfU members on and Meth told me NONE of them could host but him. I even recall a time when one of them said "I can host", and when I asked him to, he said "O wait I forgot my game was broken". Total F*cking BS.


Don't start a CB that late then.

We started at 9 o' clock, however we went through alot of BS because of how they didn't want me to refuse to play on Meth's server. They were taunting me saying "comon I played on yours" and BS like that. After about 1/2 of bitching on their part, I finally got Dummy to host for them.... So don't say it is our fault it went this late.


Ok, I didn't have my mind made up after talking to STFU, I was patient in asking you to confirm or deny parts of STFU's story and to give your own, from that I decided that you had broken the rules. ?And maybe Mauti agreed because I was right, not because I was me. ?And I didn't tell Sin or Nixon because this involved a admin and that is Mauti's domain.

Since when does Mauti only decide on situations like these ? I remember (before you were an admin) Assassin and I kicked CIA out of the BL. This was a huge decision and it did not involved Mauti at all, why should it be any different now ?


I don't get hung up over personal opinions of me. ?And about being the newest admin, sure, I'm the newest person with the actual admin powers but I was involved with the BL from the start, longer than you were Ult. ?And if other moderators feel this way, I'm sorry they can't handle someone with a spine voicing their opinion and then submitting their findings to Mauti to make a decision.

Bondo.... all that you proved here was that you have been on GR longer then me. Yes, I was not involved in the BL when it was R6 only... although I was a member of *POD* which played for the BL. But ever since RS came out I have played a major role in the BL (atleast I think so). I truthfully don't think you should be making ANY decisions about a game you don't play .


Wow, how nice. ?I'm sorry that you felt you had to leave but that was your choice, not DAMN's

I did not feel like I had to leave. I felt like I wanted to leave. I am sick and tired of being BS'ed by you and the BL.Ever since our 14-0 record got erased nothing has been the same. Bringing Bondo as an admin was the icing on the cake. He brings as much controversy as Romulus did.

Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 28, 2002, 05:09:10 pm
Bondo why wouldn't stfu have to forfiet?  They were the first ones to leave.  But Ult calm down man.  Things happen...you don't think other clans have had problems with cb's and arguments?  Bondo and Mauti are fair and do what they can to find out the full story before making a decision.

Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 28, 2002, 05:11:13 pm

?Bondo and Mauti are fair and do what they can to find out the full story before making a decision.

That statement makes me laugh  :o

Post by: Bondo on May 28, 2002, 05:16:34 pm
Ult, what has changed is that Mauti isn't in the army anymore and therefore has time to handle these things.

Infection STFU never left, they always had enough people to play, they couldn't though as Ult wouldn't allow the host they had.  KoS was the clan to first leave.

Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 28, 2002, 05:27:57 pm

Ult, what has changed is that Mauti isn't in the army anymore and therefore has time to handle these things.

Infection STFU never left, they always had enough people to play, they couldn't though as Ult wouldn't allow the host they had. ?KoS was the clan to first leave.

Bondo I am seriously starting to wonder if you are autistic. When Romulus was removed as admn and CIA was kicked out, Mauti was not in the Army at that time. I remember emailing Mauti and talking to him about it. So, don't talk about what you don't know.

It is not that I would not allow the host they had. I refused it earlier, why should I have to accept it later. They accepted the fact that we would not cb on Meth's host earlier, but then all of a sudden "nobody could host" and only Meth could. I think its total BS that all of them had "firewalls". I have a firewall yet I can still host. All you have to do is set it up in your router setting. Commen sense..... They didn't have a host for 1/2 and I gave them that long to come up with a host. I am not going to stay up ALL night and wait for a host for them... I don't have stupid written all over ymhead do I ?

Post by: *DAMN Mauti on May 28, 2002, 05:29:56 pm
Infection is right.

Rebel the post wasn't deleted I just made it invisible because I sent Ult 3 emails that could change his point of view any may you would be interested in it.

You don't know all facts but you harass Bondo and me well however we didn't screw you or do you saw or see that the cb vs STFU was posted somewhere!? DID YOU?

If you read the email(s) I sent to Ultimo you will see that I used many subjunctives, may you know what that means, nothing is decided yet "if it could be then it would be..."

You are so childish, no sensible dicussions only posting something without any facts. ?May Bondo is also wrong in some points of course he isn't perfet neither I am however I always try to be fair. Or did you ever read something like from me:

"Bullshit, I hate everything, it is so bad everyone is against me, die DIE, you think you are better you are nothing I have right I have right I have right I AM RIGHT blabla" Scaring, isn't it, uhu good start for discussions maybe you can identify yourself with such sentences. However may you see now that what you are doing is wrong and is leading to nothing. Ok leave the BL I sent Ult ?3 emails to persuade him not to do so because I think you act overhasty. Get all facts and come back start discussing and may you find out that not everything is bad.

I made Ults post invisible to keep the issue small because it is easier to solve problems if only guys are involved that should. I read his post thats important and in one of my emails I wrote that I'll make it visisble whenever he wants but first he should read through my emails again to understand them 100%

I know you probably keep harassing and I am totally wrong. It's fine.

Have a nice day,


Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 28, 2002, 05:45:50 pm
First of all,

I never asked Rebel to make that post. When I first posted my long speech, Rebel read it and I went offline. I guess Rebel noticed it got deleted (or invisable) before me cuz he is the one who made this post. I know Rebel has a temper problem (and I do too, trust me).

Now... I wasn't going to mention this here because I knew I would be laughed at but I have talked with other people who think there are cheats for mac. I think the reason I was pinging so high on Meth was because something was weird with his game. He had a 300 ping on my server... yet he did all of the killing for his clan. There was numerous games in which he all 3 kos players, with 3 head shots. Almost every time he killed someone, it was with a head shot.

Then, there was a time when pussy was going to try to host, but right before he started he said to me " If I host then you will have to play with modded guns because I have that on my computer".Of course, I said hell no, and we went back to ground zero on the drawing board. Eventually Dumm,y hosted after that...

The point that I am trying to bring up is I do believe cheats are out there.... Laugh at me all you want because I know peole will say "THERE ARE NO CHEATS FOR MAC". But I think you are all sadly mistaken.

And Mauti, I made all of these posts before I read my email because I was on a different computer. However my decision still stands. Sorry

Post by: PuNi on May 28, 2002, 05:49:52 pm
wow, with only 1 post of ultimo u can make a couple of books, he writes alot for only 1 expression

Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 28, 2002, 05:55:13 pm
I would like to say something here. :D (i know the suspense must be building inside of u! Gorf's gonna talk!! ;))

#1) ?Bondo when u said "STFU wasn't obligated to let the match be continued at a later time, your clan is the one that couldn't finish the match then so your clan is the one that forfeits", that is a complete load of BS. ? They couldn't finish because THEY couldn't provide an acceptable host. ?Therefore THEY are the ones who can't continue, NOT KoS. ?Kos argued with them and gave them PLENTY of time to find a new host, and they bs'ed their way through it until the KoS's had to go to sleep. ?PEOPLE HAVE LIVES. ?They can't be expected to sit at the computer. ?what happens if the power goes out in my house when me and colin are in the middle of a CB? ?HUH?? ?and all the other clan sees is us log off at the same time. ?WHAT ARE THEY GONNA THINK? ?and also will they believe us when we tell the story of what happened?? ?FUCK NO THEY WON'T.

once again, this BL is ? F U B A R

oh i guess i need a #2..... hmmm well how about DIE

Post by: CAM on May 28, 2002, 06:05:54 pm

well, this is my first message as a member..joyus!
 all i have to say is that stfu must be looking for a cheap way to beat KoS.  seriously? why couldn't stfu just wait..and cb in a fair matter.  not just some "oh i guess you guys have to forfeit" how lame.  do the cb over or just cancel the game.  
adios yall
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Post by: *DAMN Mauti on May 28, 2002, 06:16:06 pm
Gorf ?as I stated it ?above nothing has been decided by the admin/*DAMN side. Nothing well KOS removed themselve from the league and so the story is over. What Bondo is talking about is nice but he is not right in all points.

That KOS ?refuses Meth host is ok if they have said that before the cb. The only thing that leads to a loss would be that they left without saying a peep. That would mean they aborted the cb and so they would get the loss. Because in the first chat dialog Bondo had with Ult Ult only told Bondo his members were tired and left - nothing that he spoke with STFU to delay the cb. Here started the problem that Bondo thought my decision is 100% fix. But Ult sent me another mail where he wrote that he talked with STFU to delay the cb then if this is true the cb has to be continued. If this doesn't happen I will write the same as I did in the Disney - AK issue.

Gorf the only reason why you think the BL is FUBAR is that FORCE isn't ?the #1. And probably you don't understand the BL system at all well I can tell you the reason why TASK is on 3rd position with only 2 wins it is because there is a small fault in the skillpoint script, not a bug. One part of your points is made by dividing the losers point through yours multiplied by 5. Well AK has 274 points when you played them you already have played some cbs. I can't remember how many points you had at that time but I think it was around 50. Well TASK never won a cb before playing against AK. So 274/10*5 are 137 points plus the 10 points for the win and x points for the number of players.  Now calculate the same with 50 instead of 10 points now you know why they are ahead of your clan.

With the restart this backdoor will be closed together with many others. We are trying to improve the BL on a daily base and so I spoke with Bondo about ?new rules and met Elandrion for 3 hours to discuss script bugs and new features we could add to the league.

Making suggestions is the devise Gorf not complaining!



Post by: Bondo on May 28, 2002, 06:17:26 pm
Gorf, if there is only one person who can host for the clan, it can't be denied. ?Ult, you should have mentioned that Meth would only host with mods earlier, that would have given you reason not to play his host as they can't make you play with mods, but you left that part out and just said it was about ping which isn't an excuse. ?And as far as I know, you can only affect play by the host having the mod, not by just having the player with it.

NOTE BY Mauti: Well Bondo if they said before the cb started that they won't play on Meth host it is ok. There is no rule yet.

"Before a ClanBattle the first host can start a "warmup" (up to 5 games with random teams). After these games he has to ask if all players agree with the quality of the connection. If they don't agree the host can be replaced by another member of his clan (another warmup follows). If there is no better host the ClanBattle can be played with 1 player less on each side (at least 2 vs 2)."

That's the only rule concerning hosting yet. Sorry Bondo but in this point you are wrong read my posting above why I would have given KOS the loss it has nothing to do with Meth host at all.  

Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 28, 2002, 06:17:46 pm
 nah Cam but stfu were the ones that didn't have the exceptable host so that wasn't really fair but still ult you make me wonder..sigh relax

and if Ult stands by his decision to leave and not be an admin (which i hope he doesn't) I could do it if you need another person

Title: wow.  How immature...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 28, 2002, 06:22:25 pm
*Takes note on GORF and his Power Outage story for future CB's*

Can you 2 clans do me a favor and simply finish the CB? ?If someone has denied the fact they want to finish, then they should be the ones penalized. ?Other than that, finish up and let it be! ?Bitching, Arguing, Name Calling will lead you no where but to look like jackasses. ?Especially when you go insulting people that do their best to be fair in all situations (Even though I didn't think it was fair to let NIXON get away with abusing his powers more than 3 times with the last time topping off all other scenarios). ?Finish up or have your CB thrown out like |?K| - -DisneY- CB. ?End of story::)

Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 28, 2002, 06:44:06 pm
I said numerous times to sTfU that they needed a new host, or we would finish it another time. I know Rebel told them that he was tired of waiting and that he needed to go to sleep. We did not leave quietly... You make it seem as if we ran away, but that is not the case. I specifically said that we would have to finish it another time. But the whole reason I am stepping down and removing kos was not really because of this cb. Its how it was settled. I will not go along with Bondo's BS anymore. Period.

And I did not say that Meth was the person with the modded host. I said pussy was, pay attention.

Post by: Bondo on May 28, 2002, 06:52:41 pm
Ult, I thought you were saying the reason Meth had such high ping was that he was doing something with his host.

Mauti, what I mean more by having to accept it is that in this case STFU had only one host and for them to have an equal number of games on their host he would need to, but KoS rejected it, preventing STFU from having an equal number of games on their host.  Therefore it would make sense that either KoS accepts the host or the CB doesn't count.  Also, the fact that KoS never went into the host to do the test period nor did they drop a player from each side to cut down the lag that may have been there makes their rejection of Meth's host not by the rules.

Title: Re: wow. ?How immature...
Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 28, 2002, 06:55:14 pm

Can you 2 clans do me a favor and simply finish the CB?

Rapid, don't EVER say that again.......   Ever.

you have no place telling other clans to get along, let alone not having any place living on this planet.

lmao at the quote above.  l m a o......


Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 28, 2002, 07:09:26 pm
Gorf, you're a 15 year old pimpled neck virgin dork with nothing good to ever say.  You're a whiner and a shallow complainer.  Stay down there bud and maybe be quiet for a change.  It might earn you that respect you are so desperately seeking...  Take that advise or keep looking like an ass...

And remember, you've accomplished NOTHING.  


Post by: Bondo on May 28, 2002, 07:15:25 pm
Well, anyway, Ult had his say so we can lock this thread now.

Title: Re: wow. ?How immature...
Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 28, 2002, 07:18:23 pm

actually i am 16 and handsome:D, i'd give u the link to the picture but i'm afraid u might do what frank, i mean pun, did to it.

and rapid, i did accomplish something.  i fucked your clan down the drain. and you and bondo can deny it all u want but without my posts that would have never happened.  have you done anything to me at all?  lol, nopers.  but i made hmmm.... let's see here.... at least 5 maybe like 8 of your members quit.  You're shit now rapid.  and they even said what they "really" thought about you after they left, which absolutely made my day :D

hehe, god i love shutting you down.  ur like a little toy i like to play with.
8) 8) 8)

Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 28, 2002, 07:19:35 pm
Why lock it. ???..... maybe other poeple in the community would like to input what they think about the whole situation.

Post by: Ace on May 28, 2002, 07:24:34 pm
Unless Mauti comes in here and locks it for some reason, this thread will remain open for business.

Post by: Brain on May 28, 2002, 07:31:22 pm
you know, for once, i acutially agree with rapid(his first post)
finish the goddamned cb
the problem with this bl is that there is no civility any more if i was in this situation, i would let kos come back and finish the battle(after setting a deadline, and a time to meet) then if the breached that, then say they forfit
it sounds to me like stfu was looking for a way to beat an evenly mached clan(that is my opinon formed from my observation of the arguments i'm not favoring anyone here)
also, can anybody dig up that gr chat logs so we know what was really said? typhy prehaps(he seems too ?be tight with the gr powers that be)

one last thing, gorf, leave rapid alone
the same goes for you rapid

i am SICK and GODDAMMNED TIRED of listening to you to go back and forth like 2 six year olds on a school playground

Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 28, 2002, 07:50:41 pm
rapid = ghei   :D:D:D

Post by: Bondo on May 28, 2002, 07:57:08 pm
Ultimo, be happy that I was nice enough to post your original message after Mauti moved it away just so you could have your say, you'd be asking to much for it to stay open.  Ace, lock the thread please, or move it to a DAMN only forum like Mauti did.

Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 28, 2002, 08:05:53 pm
Is this what Mauti wants to do or what you want to do....

Post by: Brain on May 28, 2002, 08:14:50 pm
i see why ppl dislike you bondo
you can be extremely pompus at times(like now)

Post by: Colin on May 28, 2002, 08:20:08 pm
I thought i'd give a more human type response to this topic:

I don't want to get into all the technical rule crap but can't anyone else besides me see that by looking at the big picture this is comepletely wrong.  The BL was made to have fun and have a competition.  People have lost site of what is right and the difference between what is right and what is not.  Sure, its extremely important to have rules, but not to overdo it.  These bad rules are like unbreakable bindings that hold the some of the best clans, like KoS, in bondage so the sneaky clans can f*ck them up the ass.  Scuze my language, but SOMEONE FIX THIS THING!!!

;D ;D    Colin

Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 28, 2002, 08:40:29 pm
Ulti you have inspired me.

I am gonna ask the guys in my clan if they want to leave this BL.  there aren't any BL's as good, but the lousy enviornment of this one is causing people to start making their own.


Post by: Grifter on May 28, 2002, 10:24:48 pm
OK, everyone is expecting it, so I guess it's time for me to chime in here...

First, I completely agree that the decision should be that they finish the CB... there are just too many little twists in this to make it a clean situation.

Second, the only "acceptable" host for STFU had to leave (not crash, but abandon).  If STFU had 7 other members on, one of them should have been able to host.  I find it very hard to believe that not a single one of them is able to host.  Did they even try?  How is it that none of them can actually host a game??  

Third, sounds like there was confusion and agrivation on both sides... best that this should have waited for a night until it could be finished properly.

Fourth, and most of all, I think the bigest problem here is the push for quick judgement.  Things have gotten out of hand (with Ult and KoS leaving) due to how quick this was handled.  If you read Mauti's posts, you'll see him being his normal, fair and impartial self... but he was asked to make a decision without all the information, very quickly.  First of all, Mauti shouldn't need to be brought into it unless the BL admins can't agree (that's why there are admins... to handle this kind of thing).  Now, since this involved one of the BL admins, of course he can't be part of the decision, but that leaves Nixon and Assassin... where were they in this conversation?  

Here's my problem.  Bondo, you seem to be acting on your own again, instead of using the fellow Admins.  Hell, Mauti even says he never made a decision on this, but that's not how you put it to me.  This thing wasn't 12 hours old, and the fit hit the shan in a big way.  There was no reason that this needed to be handled like that.  If STFU wanted the forefit (which is clear from their post in the CB drop box), this should have gone to the problem drop box.  If it had, all these little fact would have come out, the three of you could have put your arms around it, and all would have worked out.  Besides, I thought you (Bondo) were supposed to be working on the rules for the new league, not cleaning up normal BL stuff.  Yes, I understand that STFU may have talked to you online, as people do that with me too...  but you short-cutted the BL Admins once again, which is bullshit in my opinion.  BTW Bondo, I can handle anyone having a spine and expressing their opinion (and even sending it to Mauti).  What I can't stand is your lack of respect for all the other Admins.  By not trusting them to do their job, you are being disrespectful.  And yes, I have the spine to say my opinion, and send it to Mauti as well...

Now, the oldest remaining RS clan is droping out of the BL.  KoS has been one of the top 3 RS clans for the past year (They have a better win loss over the past year then even SWAT or PsYcO).  Also, I have to say that there were not problems with their CB's until now.  Actually, there just seems to be many more problems with CB's in general lately.  

Ultimo, I hope you will talk to Mauti, and work this out.  It would be a shame to lose KoS from the battle league over one Admin's mistakes.  Yes, I share your pain over the resets of the BL in the past (after all, SWAT was in second place for two of those resets, and not by much)... but we all got past it.  KoS would be sorely missed in the BL, as all of the Vets still look at KoS as the clan to beat.  Also, you and Sin have done great work on the BL as admins.  Period.  Mauti has worked hard to make the BL a place for all clans.  He has always stood behind you and Sin, never listening to the jerks that say it should be DAMN only.  I'd rather fix the problem(s) in the BL then see it pulled apart like this.

Ult, you and I have been competators and friends for a good long time now... so listen up.  Talk to Mauti.  If you can't work things out, that's ok.  Mauti is being stand up here and trying to work things out, he's earned that chance even more then you and I have earned our spurs.  

Mauti, as always, I appreciate all you are trying to do here.  You are still the man.

Post by: Grifter on May 28, 2002, 10:34:11 pm

Ultimo, be happy that I was nice enough to post your original message after Mauti moved it away just so you could have your say, you'd be asking to much for it to stay open. ?Ace, lock the thread please, or move it to a DAMN only forum like Mauti did.


The reason Ultimo put this here in the first place was to keep it out in the open where you couldn't lock or delete it (according to Ultimo).

Also, Mauti said himself in his post that he was going to put it back if Ultimo asked, that he only hid it until he could talk to Ultimo... to see if he could calm things down first. ?So Mauti would have put it back here himself.

Also, yes, there are a few countries not heard from yet... so I don't think it should be closed down quite so soon.

Christ, it's like you want Ultimo and KoS to leave.

Sorry for the double posts everyone... but I was watching the OT in the hockey game while making the first post.. and had the whole second page pop up while I was writing it....

Post by: Bondo on May 28, 2002, 11:08:00 pm
Grifter, it is really hard for me to understand how you claim I'm doing this on my own. ?All I did was talk to both sides to get the story and then submit the transcripts to Mauti (and Sin as well). ?I also told Mauti how I viewed the situation based on rules. ?It isn't my fault Ultimo decided that he wouldn't let something go against him so he quit. ?That wasn't my choice. ?Ultimo is doing all of this over one CB that KoS might have lost. ?I had done nothing that would be unusual for an admin and suddenly Ultimo was telling me he and everybody (biggest exagaration I've heard in a long while) hates me and telling me to Burn in Hell. ?Sorry, but I haven't deserved any of this and while I have voiced opinions that Mauti disagreed with, I have done nothing that oversteps my admin duties. ?I'm just trying to do my fucking job here Grift but you and Ultimo seem dead set in convincing people that I'm not doing it right. ?About Mauti not making a decision, he had made a decision that he e-mailed me about this morning, but that changed with some additional info Ult provided (which he didn't give me last night despite me giving plenty of time). ?That is why Mauti has now yet to make a decision. ?Sorry Grifter, but you are being a fucking asshole here just like Ultimo, Gorf, and Rebel. ?Until this moment I was being very polite just stating my case and not succuming to name calling despite having a handful of people throwing all sorts of insults at me.  And the fact that KoS has been a clan for a long time and a successful one at that doesn't affect a decision on a rules violation, the question of whether they violated the rules is what matters.  That is all I'm trying to get at here.

Post by: Casper on May 28, 2002, 11:16:23 pm
Hey Kos Since you are Leaving the Damn Battle League Do you want to join the Tap.macclans.com Battle League i will let anyone have there oppions on the rules but untill some does my rules wont be much differant then the *Damn ones.....

But hey If you want to get some rules In I can change them... because i saw you didnt like some of the Rules last night ::) ::) 8)
Task Casper
P.s Any Clan Can join just talk to Me casper

Post by: .vooDoo. on May 28, 2002, 11:23:38 pm
i couldnt bring myself to read any farther then the 1st page. man, could u guys keep ur post to 50 words or less???phewww!...anyways, can anyone tell me if there is a rule against useing the phone with your clan mates in clanbattles? ;D

Post by: .vooDoo. on May 28, 2002, 11:27:12 pm
oh and one more thing, the rules of damn are very clear and to the point, even if bondo was autistic Ultimo i think that he understands them very well. some of you guys are reading into them to much
just a thought ;D

Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 28, 2002, 11:36:54 pm

i couldnt bring myself to read any farther then the 1st page. man, could u guys keep ur post to 50 words or less???phewww!...anyways, can anyone tell me if there is a rule against useing the phone with your clan mates in clanbattles? ;D

Can you use roger wilco?

Man Grift your killing me with these long posts.  Whatever if KoS and Ult are gone and Force and gorf are gone I will help with whatever you guys need Mauti whether it being an admin in Ults spot of whatever.

Ult I think you need to calm down..the bl is resetting soon and it's a new start for everyone.

Post by: AK_Kilzo on May 28, 2002, 11:40:15 pm
but i made hmmm.... let's see here.... at least 5 maybe like 8 of your members quit.

Gorf, wtf are you babbling about now? What members did you make leave? Because I sure as HELL can tell you that you NEVER HAVE nor have you EVER had any influence on me or anyone else. You are so full of yourself. OMG what a complete worthless pile of dog shit. You have no clue, I can't believe what a total moron you are..LMAO you fool!!!

Take your little Force members and go circle jerk it somewhere, you have no respect. I am sorry to everyone who has to see me react like this, but I HATE when people talk out of their ASS.

Get a life Gorf, stop meddling in everyone elses.


Post by: Bondo on May 28, 2002, 11:45:37 pm
I just talked to Meth and he wants to finish the CB if you'll give STFU a chance KoS.  Oh and Ult, looking at that screenshot (in the PM box to the right) Nomad was getting 280 ping on Meth, not bad at all so maybe it wasn't Meth's fault.

Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 28, 2002, 11:57:22 pm
Bondo, seriously, don't act so rash with your decisions. You cannot force a clan to play on someone's host...that is why clans play practice/warmup games on hosts to make sure if thye are acceptable. If it isn't, the guest clan has the right to refuse. Seeing as it was the STFU guy who ditched, why should KoS be penalized? It isn't KoS' fault that the guy ran away. You really can't expect KoS to hang around waiting for the off-chance that another host capable STFU might log-on to GR.

As for Ult, don't exacerbate the situation by leaving...Bondo can't do jack shit by himself. There are 4 admins for a reason (note: we worked well when there was only 2).

Finish this cb and get this situation over with.

BTW: THis is the *DAMN BL rule

Before a ClanBattle the first host can start a "warmup" (up to 5 games with random teams). After these games he has to ask if all players agree with the quality of the connection.

Post by: Brain on May 29, 2002, 12:04:49 am
damn, charecter wise, this has the potensial to be the longest thread in history
any way, fot those who cant read the long ass posts(wimps, where is your stamina?) let me summarize

stfu said kos needed to forfit, ult is pissed at bondo over the way bondo handeled the situation, and is threating to pull kos from the bl

the issue is over bondo, not the cb

my solution
finish the cb, by friday
get some valium for everyone involved , and seperate these ppl  before they kill each other(or rip the bl apart) :P

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 12:06:11 am
That is the thing Sin, Ult didn't even bother to go in and do warm-up/test games. ?And one of his members was getting a 280 ping which isn't something to be revolted by. ?Also, the rule I was using to say that they had to accept the host if no others were available was the rule about each clan having equal games hosted. ?Oh and Sin, it would work smoothly with just me and Mauti as well, what is your point. ?All I know is it wasn't working smoothly when I became an admin because the decisions came slowly which let the complaints become drawn out flame wars.  Things haven't become worse since I joined, it is just that the target of the flames seems to have changed to me rather than the opposing clan.  I'll remind you that STFU has not been in here posting insulting statements.  Either way Sin, I haven't made any decisions here, just offered views on how the rules can be seen to encompass the events.

Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 29, 2002, 12:08:28 am
you don't get it Bondo...like a lot of things. The flame wars resulted by conflict with the thrid admin. Ult and I did a damn snappy job witht he only complaint being the bitching of ingrates about the BL not being updated daily.

Post by: Brain on May 29, 2002, 12:12:41 am

BTW: THis is the *DAMN BL rule

Before a ClanBattle the first host can start a "warmup" (up to 5 games with random teams). After these games he has to ask if all players agree with the quality of the connection.

taking this rule to it's logical conclusion i think that it is obvious(from ultis comments)that kos would have refused meths host, thus delaying the cb, leaving us with an unfinished cb instaid of a forfit
ie, nobody is at fault
btw what is a reasonable time for a 10 battle cb?(for my own info)
(i know dbl post, but i started typing the last one before sin posted his)

Post by: Typhy on May 29, 2002, 12:15:47 am
This really shouldn't be that hard to figure out, it sounds to me like STFU couldn't provide a host, KoS was willing to wait for a while for one, however, it's not fair just to have to wait 35 minutes for a host to log on, if Stfu can't provide a good host, then thats Their problem, not KoS's. Also, KoS is one of the all-time great Rogue Spear Clans, if they leave the ladder then somtthing is seriously wrong. In my opinion this hosting crap for the whole battle league is BS, Basically, a clan can offer you two 14.4 hosts, and then you've got to take them. Thats not really fair. ?In my opinion, the question here shouldn't be does STFU get the win, it should be does KoS get the win by forfit or not. ?
Also, in making +-KoS-+ Ultimo and moderator, you're giving him the trust and all, It's his job to be fair, he should be the one who really decides this sence he was the only one who was really there. ?. ?Again, if you're gonna let STFU have the win on this, then you're saying that a clan can battle, not have a suitable host, and then just wait 6 hours for their top player to come on and host. ?Thats not really fair at all. In my opinion, sence KoS didn't win the battle, they shouldn't get credit for the win, however, it's total BS if STFU gets it. ?
Also, that night I did see Meth's ping, actually for me it was in the 1500s. It's not fair at all to expect KoS to either play on a 1000+ ping server, or to wait 1/2 an hour for another one.

Thanks for your time,

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 12:22:34 am
Typhy, what is the definition of a suitible host?  Ult certainly couldn't know that Meth wasn't one as he never went in and saw how it played.  Right now the debate isn't who will win.  Pretty much it will either not count or they will finish it.  Frankly, I'm not sure what they are arguing about, I'm trying to defend myself against Ults insults by showing that I was fair in how I collected and distributed info.

Brain, about the time for a 10 game CB, by the time you have about 15 games with the warm-ups I'd say even the longest overtime game would be less than an hour long.

Post by: Casper on May 29, 2002, 12:32:42 am
Before reading this post i was on Stfu side because i olny saw it from about were they found a new host and after Reading this post i see the hole thing and i think ultimo is right there Should be aloud to Cb at a later time because it was very late they did not have a host for about a half an hour after and Kos clearly Stated they    Were leaving... And so After olny ultimo Was there they Started to bager him about Calling rebel to wake him up when he did not know his number and that they would play later but they kept bagering him.... so he left.

Title: Re: wow. ?How immature...
Post by: theN00b on May 29, 2002, 12:52:50 am

lol, nopers. ?but i made hmmm.... let's see here.... at least 5 maybe like 8 of your members quit. ?You're shit now rapid. ?and they even said what they "really" thought about you after they left, which absolutely made my day :D

hehe, god i love shutting you down. ?ur like a little toy i like to play with.
8) 8) 8)

HOW DARE YOU GORF!!!! You did not make Kilzo, Nighthawk,Eliminator,and me quit. Jesus Christ! Please do not say you made us quit because that is offensive to us, and can give other people the wrong idea of why we quit.

Post by: .vooDoo. on May 29, 2002, 01:02:39 am

Ult and I did a damn snappy job witht he only complaint being the bitching of ingrates about the BL not being updated daily.

so why have a bl if the battles arent updated dailey??? ingrates you say,bitch you say, lol you sir, are an ass( and thats not an abreveation ) ;)the ppl that play rs and come to this site make the site. You should be more apreaciative assassin that ingrates like me took the time to expresse that the bl needed to be update on a more regular basis. Its something that has to be dun.

Post by: Casper on May 29, 2002, 01:03:22 am
Task has 5 ex-ak's heheheeehe And 4 left  not because of Grof  left because they wanted to start there own clan and the other (me) GOt booted twice :)

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 01:21:56 am
VooDoo, the reason the BL isn't updated as quickly as some would like is that we have to leave them there to allow people to file complaints, otherwise I'd post them within hours of being posted to the drop box.

Post by: Typhy on May 29, 2002, 01:30:13 am
I don't even feel like reading Gorf's post, somthing about making Kilzo, if thats what it is, here is what I Say, Kilzo chose to make himself a good player, he joined a top clan, got some of the best to train him, and then continued on to make himself even better, Also, |?K| is far from dead, Just to name a few members: Rapid, Monk, 5150, StealthSniper, Buckshot, Tusnami, Typhy ( on june 1st ). Gorf, also, what buisness of yours is it what the status of ?K is? Just 'cause you know with us around you have no chance of getting to the top.  Those members there that I just listed are some of our old members, very good players, and very loyal to |?K|, AK will never die, some day it will be shut down, howver, that day is no where soon.


Post by: Typhy on May 29, 2002, 01:31:34 am
Bondo, I say that a suitable host is someone who can host with a good ping for all players involoved in the battle.

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 01:40:42 am
Yeah, but that is about as likely as the Red Wings beating the Avs.

Sorry Grift, thought this might change the mood of the thread.

Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 29, 2002, 01:44:00 am

Task has 5 ex-ak's heheheeehe And 4 left ?not because of Grof ?left because they wanted to start there own clan and the other (me) GOt booted twice :)

Thank You Night Hawk. ?TASK has 5 of |?K|'s Newest Recruits. ?Big Deal:O ?They want to live by their own rules and learn from the #1 clan. ?No Biggie. ?If anything, I should've caught that earlier and booted them from our clan(So that would be my bad). ?Instead, they learned, asked questions and trained with the #1 Players that made it to the top from scratch. ?Smart bunch if you ask me ;)

See Gorf, you got nothing on me and never have, and never will. ?Now go pop your pimples and cuddle with your boyfriends and keep scheming away... ?You obviously made an ass out of yourself with all your false claims(lies) and that will be something hard for you to outgrow or have us forget since you're still on it and don't get the big picture...

Gorf = Fucken Idiot & Owned::)

Post by: AK_Kilzo on May 29, 2002, 02:40:01 am
This is sometihng I absolutely 100% agree with Rapid on!!!

Gorf you act like such a nOOb....LMAO, just goes to show how completely stupid he is.

And just so you know, we left ?K to form our own clan, that's it, period. Dork had nothing to do with it, I don't even know where or why he would think it since I never even speak to his sorry ass.

And Rapid, yes you did train us, but no, you should'nt have booted us...it's all good:)

And people please quit saying ?K is dead, just because a few guys branched off to do their own thing is no big deal. ?K has plenty of talented players and Im sure they always will, you guys just wish they would die off.

Fuckin drama....

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 02:49:23 am
DAMN is about the only clan that hasn't had many people leave (we just recruit and they go inactive ;)).  Most clans lose players and gain players and then finally the leader leaves and the clan is no more.  So to assume they left because of something other than wanting to leave is absurd.  I think it was a good thing, break up that AK powerhouse.  You have one clan AK, who trains players who form two clans STFU and TASK and they add players and train them and they start  new clans and then we have a number of great clans.  Just the natural progression.

Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 29, 2002, 05:35:36 am
Thank You Bondo :) ?

I guess you're right Kilzo, I shouldn't have booted you guys, otherwise we would still be beating you 6-1 like in your <SAS> days ;) ?Now we have fun competition with people we get along with and can grow this BL into a fun place to have CB's. ?Let's all keep up the good work and get down with some competitive, close combat, championship CB's for this coming season in RS. ?Great Job Everyone and Thank You for pointing out the greatness that has come out of our clan ;) ?Our great efforts and game play really got its chance to rub off on others and we are happy to be responsible for the next generation's greatest. ?It is our pleasure to have done our part of contribution and have all you recognize it. ?Thank You all :)

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<You guys make me sooooo proud>

Thank You all and I really really mean it. ?This place is all that and then some thanks to organized fair competition:D ?Keep Up the Good Work! ?And if you ever need help, don't hesitate asking me ;)

Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 06:39:50 am
Man oh man, where to start now....


Grifter, it is really hard for me to understand how you claim I'm doing this on my own. ?All I did was talk to both sides to get the story and then submit the transcripts to Mauti (and Sin as well). ?I also told Mauti how I viewed the situation based on rules.

This looks like a good place to start...  OK, how I claim that you aren't working well with your other Admins (which is what I said)... you e-mailed them to Mauti and Sin... First, where's Nixon in that mix?  Second, why bring in Mauti from the begining when you hadn't even talked to Sin or Nixon yet?  That would be a prime example of what I was talking about.  Thanks for demonstrating it.


I'm just trying to do my fucking job here Grift but you and Ultimo seem dead set in convincing people that I'm not doing it right.

Bondo, maybe because some of us don't think you are doing it "right".  And I wouldn't limit that list to just me and Ult... I see posts by Ace and Sin in here as well...  


?About Mauti not making a decision, he had made a decision that he e-mailed me about this morning, but that changed with some additional info Ult provided (which he didn't give me last night despite me giving plenty of time).

LOL, bullshit.  If you had given it plenty of time, all this would have come out.  That was a big part of what I said I thought went wrong here....  Instead of giving this a chance to resolve itself, you tried to deal with it at 1am, while tempers were still hot.  Like I've said before "swift justice usually isn't just"...  


Sorry Grifter, but you are being a fucking asshole here just like Ultimo, Gorf, and Rebel. ?Until this moment I was being very polite just stating my case and not succuming to name calling despite having a handful of people throwing all sorts of insults at me.

Well, I think I laid out my position pretty well... no insults, or name calling...  so, fuck you and your opinion of me Bondo you hypocrite (thought you respected having the spine to disagree with your fellow admins, you asshole).  I'm a fucking asshole for thinking that you didn't handle yourself well (again)... blow me.


And the fact that KoS has been a clan for a long time and a successful one at that doesn't affect a decision on a rules violation, the question of whether they violated the rules is what matters. ?That is all I'm trying to get at here.

I don't think I said anything about showing favor to KoS because of their history... I think I said that it was a fucked up situation on both sides of this CB right from the get go, and that's why I thought that it should be finished.  That I think both sides could have done it better.  I don't think the rules violation was as clear as you make it sound.  That was my position.  What you could do is show Ultimo a little more respect... along with a bunch of other people.  Like Ace said, you walk around with a huge ego... like you are better then your fellow moderators.  I think every moderator here has earned their respect, try showing some.  

And don't pretend that Ult or KoS is leaving over "maybe losing a CB"... they've lost before and taken it... Ultimo made it clear that it was you that was behind his decision.  

Oh, and one more point about you "doing your job"... it seems to me you couldn't wait to let Nixon or Sin do their job... this hadn't made it into the problem drop box yet (STFU and KoS could have still worked this out themselves)  I thought Mauti was pretty clear that you were supposed to leave the day to day stuff in the hands of the other Admins...  but you jumped into this one both feet and and a big ass hurry.  Why?  Mauti's instructions not clear??  You have something against all your fellow BL admins that you want to cast judgement over them??  First Nixon, now Ultimo... who's next, Me, Ace or Wrath??

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 09:42:38 am

Man oh man, where to start now....

This looks like a good place to start... ?OK, how I claim that you aren't working well with your other Admins (which is what I said)... you e-mailed them to Mauti and Sin... First, where's Nixon in that mix? ?Second, why bring in Mauti from the begining when you hadn't even talked to Sin or Nixon yet? ?That would be a prime example of what I was talking about. ?Thanks for demonstrating it.

Sorry, at least for the moment the talking to Nixon boat has sailed. ?And I'm glad that sending information to Mauti is now considered an abuse of power. ?Sorry, but none of the stuff you said above shows me doing anything wrong.

Bondo, maybe because some of us don't think you are doing it "right". ?And I wouldn't limit that list to just me and Ult... I see posts by Ace and Sin in here as well... ?

Sin didn't say that, and Ace doesn't really matter. ?From you it was first I was changing a punishment I asked the admins for to a lesser thing, then it was for not consulting them (but not making a decision in that) and now it is for not talking to the right admins. ?When will your bullshit stop Grift.

LOL, bullshit. ?If you had given it plenty of time, all this would have come out. ?That was a big part of what I said I thought went wrong here.... ?Instead of giving this a chance to resolve itself, you tried to deal with it at 1am, while tempers were still hot. ?Like I've said before "swift justice usually isn't just"... ?

Well, when I left Ult he had nothing left to say to me so I'd call that plenty of time. ?And Mauti's original plan was going to give it a chance to resolve itself, but you wouldn't know about that. ?Just because I got the stories doesn't mean a judgement was going to be made immediately.

Well, I think I laid out my position pretty well... no insults, or name calling... ?so, fuck you and your opinion of me Bondo you hypocrite (thought you respected having the spine to disagree with your fellow admins, you asshole). ?I'm a fucking asshole for thinking that you didn't handle yourself well (again)... blow me.

Yes you are Grift, because you are wrong and haven't said anything of what I did here that wasn't proper actions for me to take.

I don't think I said anything about showing favor to KoS because of their history... I think I said that it was a fucked up situation on both sides of this CB right from the get go, and that's why I thought that it should be finished. ?That I think both sides could have done it better. ?I don't think the rules violation was as clear as you make it sound. ?That was my position. ?What you could do is show Ultimo a little more respect... along with a bunch of other people. ?Like Ace said, you walk around with a huge ego... like you are better then your fellow moderators. ?I think every moderator here has earned their respect, try showing some. ?

And don't pretend that Ult or KoS is leaving over "maybe losing a CB"... they've lost before and taken it... Ultimo made it clear that it was you that was behind his decision. ?

Oh, and one more point about you "doing your job"... it seems to me you couldn't wait to let Nixon or Sin do their job... this hadn't made it into the problem drop box yet (STFU and KoS could have still worked this out themselves) ?I thought Mauti was pretty clear that you were supposed to leave the day to day stuff in the hands of the other Admins... ?but you jumped into this one both feet and and a big ass hurry. ?Why? ?Mauti's instructions not clear?? ?You have something against all your fellow BL admins that you want to cast judgement over them?? ?First Nixon, now Ultimo... who's next, Me, Ace or Wrath??

Well, I jumped into it because I was the first admin online to to get the information. ?I didn't rush into it, I took my time getting the information and then I handed it to the two people that I would hand it to, Mauti and Sin. ?And don't be stupid, you, Ace, Ultimo, and Sin all have just as big of egos so don't give me a lecture on that. ?And about respecting Ult, why should I do that when all I'm getting from him is that he hates me and that I should burn in hell, not something a respectful person says. ?And yet, I have been respectful of Ult. ?I got his side of the story just as much as STFU's, I just happened to think the rules favored STFU, that isn't being disrespectful. ?And I had respect for all of the moderators until you all started acting like idiots (Sin and Wrath excluded).

Post by: .vooDoo. on May 29, 2002, 10:35:18 am
man, this thread took a detour off the subject matter like all threads....btw. anyway we can get rid of the quote link, some ppl. seam to abuse it..cough grif cough bondo  ;D

Post by: Brain on May 29, 2002, 10:38:10 am
i think bondos ego has something to do with his massive post count

now, why dont we all take a 1 day break from bitching each other out, and come back when we aren't all seing red

also, there is one problem that i see with the whole ak breaking off into task and stfu,
how the hell am i going to get in the top 3 ???? ???

Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 10:50:06 am

I never said abuse.... I believe I said you show a lack of respect... ?you were supposed to let Nixon and Sin handle it. ?Remember... you are supposed to be dealing with the new league rules while letting the other three deal with "normal" BL admin stuff... ?yet you don't let them. ?As for you not talking to Nixon... deal with it pal. ?Nixon is your peer and equal. ?Mauti chose to keep him here, you now owe it to him to keep him in the loop. ? ?That is the core of my problem with you Bondo... you just make this shit up as you go... ?Oh, I'm Bondo, I can do what I want here, regardless of anybody else...


Sin didn't say that, and Ace doesn't really matter. ?From you it was first I was changing a punishment I asked the admins for to a lesser thing, then it was for not consulting them (but not making a decision in that) and now it is for not talking to the right admins. ?When will your bullshit stop Grift.

Bondo, it's all the same issue you moron. ?You don't keep undermining your peers.... you did it with the AK judgements... you did it with Nixon... you are doing it now. ?You take it upon yourself to be the leader here instead of working as a team. ?It's your bullshit that needs to stop. ?I'm just pointing the shit out. ?And yes, Ace's opinion matters... so does Ult's, Sin's Mine and Wrath's (and many others). ?You see... even when I don't agree with them, they are still my peers and I still should respect them.
As for you giving it ample time and Mauti letting things run it's course (yes, that's what Mauti was trying... too bad you weren't)

Now you are just full of shit again Bondo... this is just like when you "suggested" that AK not be allowed to post in General Gossip. ?Your "suggestions" sound just like DECISIONS to everyone else. ?I read your posts and your transcripts. ?In the STFU one, you even said it had to go through the other admins (Nix and Sin)... then you talk to Ult and start accusing him... ?He asked you to talk to him as an equal... you should have. ?He is your equal. ?He knows he doesn't get a vote in the fucking decision, that doesn't mean you treat him with less respect you arrogant asshole. ?

You think I didn't say anything you did wrong..??

OK, let me try to use small words so your little mind can try to understand them dipshit. ?What you did wrong was

    1) told STFU to post it as a win before talking to Ult at all (from your transcripts)
    2) Jumped into it in the first place instead of letting Sin and Nixon try to work it out (like I said before, aren't you supposed to leave it to them first?)
    3) In your conversation with STFU, you were quick to place blame on KoS. ?You didn't even ask if they tried other hosts (again, from your transcript). ?It was clear that you had already formed an opinion.
    4) Instead of directing them to Sin and Nixon... or you talking to Sin and Nixon, you decided to bring Mauti in from the start.... exactly why is that I ask again? ?Mauti gave the Admins the ability to deal with this... why wont you work with them?? ?Mauti is who is gone to when it can't be worked out at this level.... or why would there be Admins at all?


And don't be stupid, you, Ace, Ultimo, and Sin all have just as big of egos so don't give me a lecture on that. ...And I had respect for all of the moderators until you all started acting like idiots (Sin and Wrath excluded).

First, don't give me that ego shit... your ego is only surpassed by Rapid around here...

Second, you have not ever been respectful of the rest of us in my opinion... hell, I give Sin and Ult a complament, and you get bent out of shape that you weren't included... You talk about the rest of us not wanting to do our jobs (because we don't happen to agree with you). ?You are the only one here that doesn't seem to be able to work with the rest of us... for all of us having big ego's.. we can sure work together fine... (there goes that theory of yours). ?Instead of coming in here like the big bad and acting better then us, you should have come in like a normal fucking human being.

What you fail to realize in your ignorant way is that I don't have a problem with the fact that you THINK it should go against KoS... I just disagree with that. ?What I have a problem with is that you still can't fucking work well or play well with others (your peers). ?You should have sent the info on the Sin and Nix... or talked to them about it... gotten their opinion on it... then if you guys couldn't agree... then you go to Mauti to figure it out. ?By undermining the system, you are being disrespectful to Sin and Nixon.

Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 10:53:39 am

The way to get the the top in the current BL structure is to just keep CB'ing every chance you get.  Better to CB as high of clans as you can.  At least with STFU and TASK, they sure seem to CB anyone (and I really appreciate that attitude).  But you don't have to beat the higher ranked clans to get there... you just have to CB enough and win enough to earn points.

Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 11:03:52 am

DAMN is about the only clan that hasn't had many people leave (we just recruit and they go inactive ;)). ?Most clans lose players and gain players and then finally the leader leaves and the clan is no more. ?So to assume they left because of something other than wanting to leave is absurd.

Sorry, missed this crap earlier...

Bondo, DAMN isn't the only clan that hasn't had many people leave... shows what you know about RS clans...  Not enough to keep you from talking out of your ass.

Second... your statement about left  because of something other then wanting to leave is bullshit in the highest order...  Gorf could be right or wrong in his assumption (definately wrong in Kilzo's case)... but what you said makes no sense... Gorf was presenting the REASON behind the WANTING to leave... you don't just want to leave... you have a reason for that want... ie, didn't get to CB enough... or didn't like Rapid... or just tired of AK and wanted to be in a new clan with a buddy... those are all reasons.  If you want to mock Gorf for his assumption that he was that reason, that's all hunky dory... but trying and failing to talk down to him just made you look like a bigger pompus ass.  Assuming that they all had reasons for wanting to leave is not absurd.... thinking that they would take that action without reasons is what's absurd... but then, I guess you make decisions without thinking all the time, and that would be the basis of your thinking there.

Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 29, 2002, 11:50:54 am

They want to live by their own rules and learn from the #1 clan.

lol...  The #1 clan.   I can't wait till the BL point system is changed and then everyone will see where you really belong on the ladder.

And Rapid we challenge you to a cb the minute i get home.  (This saturday.)  Of course we all know you are going to decline it and say something like "No because you are an asshole to me and my clan so we won't cb you", but it's ok rapid, we all know you are scared to cb us because of how badly we raped you the last time  ;D

Cheers 8)8)

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 12:13:35 pm

Sorry, missed this crap earlier...

Bondo, DAMN isn't the only clan that hasn't had many people leave... shows what you know about RS clans... ?Not enough to keep you from talking out of your ass.

Grifter, it was a fucking joke when have you seen a ;) when it hasn't been.

Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 12:23:38 pm
Maybe you should learn where to put that  ;)... as it was in the comment about inactive, not about clans having people leave.

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 12:36:48 pm

First off, In this incident Ult was the leader of the involved clan and not an admin so I spoke to him as the situation required.  Also, it isn't my fault if you read my suggestions as decisions, don't blame me for your stupidity.  And I never said it would have to go through Nixon, just admin review which to me is Sin and Mauti because I'm not to work with Nixon.

You think I didn't say anything you did wrong..??

OK, let me try to use small words so your little mind can try to understand them dipshit. ?What you did wrong was

    1) told STFU to post it as a win before talking to Ult at all (from your transcripts)
    2) Jumped into it in the first place instead of letting Sin and Nixon try to work it out (like I said before, aren't you supposed to leave it to them first?)
    3) In your conversation with STFU, you were quick to place blame on KoS. ?You didn't even ask if they tried other hosts (again, from your transcript). ?It was clear that you had already formed an opinion.
    4) Instead of directing them to Sin and Nixon... or you talking to Sin and Nixon, you decided to bring Mauti in from the start.... exactly why is that I ask again? ?Mauti gave the Admins the ability to deal with this... why wont you work with them?? ?Mauti is who is gone to when it can't be worked out at this level.... or why would there be Admins at all?


1.  I told them to post the win but I wasn't planning on it being recorded, but for there to be a complaint, there must be a reported score as the basis so I was entirely correct to ask them to report the score.  I can't believe you are so anxious to prove I'm wrong that you'd pick that which is obviously the correct move.

2.  Once again, I was the one there and they wanted me to listen, and as I'm an admin I did my job by listening.  And then I did my job by sending the transcripts to Sin and Mauti.

3.No, I was just saying that if what they say is true than KoS would be at blame, I never said that is how it was, but you can't judge everything from a transcript can you.  And STFU told me that none of the other players could host, why ask.  Being someone who can't host why should I doubt them (yes, you told me how Grifter but that doesn't mean I can host at this moment).

4.  I contacted Sin and Mauti because Ult obvious wasn't going to get it and I'm not to deal with Nixon.  Once again, you're really barking up the wrong tree saying it is wrong for me to contact Mauti about things.

Second, you have not ever been respectful of the rest of us in my opinion... hell, I give Sin and Ult a complament, and you get bent out of shape that you weren't included... You talk about the rest of us not wanting to do our jobs (because we don't happen to agree with you). ?You are the only one here that doesn't seem to be able to work with the rest of us... for all of us having big ego's.. we can sure work together fine... (there goes that theory of yours). ?Instead of coming in here like the big bad and acting better then us, you should have come in like a normal fucking human being.

What you fail to realize in your ignorant way is that I don't have a problem with the fact that you THINK it should go against KoS... I just disagree with that.

First off, I respected all of you until the DisneY vs. AK mess and it has just been a downhill slide for most of you since then.  I give respect when respect is due, but it is no longer due for you Grifter.  Also ego doesn't have anything to do with cooperation.  The reason I can't cooperate with anyone but Sin and Mauti is because you guys don't let me cooperate.  My first move as BL admin was to get AK a warning suspension, I contacted the three admins and moved ahead.  I was doing my best, but then you come in and criticise me for lessening my own initiative that I had full right to lessen and then get pissed at me suggesting a way to clean up the mess (radical as it may have been).  Sorry, I was the first person to be disrespected and for no reason, I was the first person to not be cooperated with.  You blame me for these things but the ties were severed on your end.  Also, I initially thought that the rules were showing that KoS was to blame based on my chats, but further talk from Ult changed that and I don't think either side should get the win, that is why we are having them finish it.  Sorry for making my suggestion based on all available evidence at the given time.

Finally, if I'm doing things so incorrectly, why am I well liked and trusted by pretty much every clan except KoS, Force, and I suppose SECT and Virus.  You call it disrespectful that I don't give credit to clans or players just because they've been high on the ladder or been around long, but that isn't something that should matter on a CB to CB basis.

Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 29, 2002, 12:53:54 pm
:D :D :D

I think we have learned something from all this:


ty 8)

Post by: +-KoS-+Rebel on May 29, 2002, 01:02:38 pm
Guess what. The *DAMN BL is fuckin retarded. Ranks are messed up. Everything is messsed up. On the positive side, oh wait there isnt a positive side like usual

Anyone that
hate KoS ::)

Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 01:22:52 pm
Bondo, do you really believe all that shit you are spouting?  How come you seem to be the one that nobody can work well with... yes, even Sin was complaining about it, or can't you read his posts.

Listen, you were the one spouting that the BL admins weren't doing their job, so you had to step in (which was BULLSHIT).  You were the one that said that Ace, Wrath and me "didn't care" to actually moderate in the General Gossip... so don't sit there and lie to me about it.  Your head is that far up your ass that you can only talk in bullshit now....  Besides, Ace and I had nothing to do with the AK v DisneY bullshit, so you disrespecting us in that is just more of you being an arrogant asshole.

On the topic of talking to Ult.. you didn't talk to him the same way you talked to STFU... you talked down at him... there should be no talking down to anybody you dipshit.

On the topic of our being too stupid to not tell a suggestion from a command... maybe you should look at that.. if 5 other people heard it as a command, maybe you should learn to make your suggestions fucking clear asswhipe.

On the topic of you doing your job as Admin.. I don't agree, period.  You are supposed to let Nixon and Sin deal with it, but you don't.  Bypassing Nixon isn't doing your job, it's you making it up as you go along.

Bottom line, you just can't be a team player....  You don't work with anyone here at all.  Remember, we tried to "coach" you on how we handled things back when you first started.. you didn't want to conform at all... so fuck you.  You wanted to change things in your image without consulting any of the rest of us.. so fuck you again...

And if you refuse to work with Nixon, then you should remove your sorry ass from the Battle League, as you are doing it a disservice.  You refuse to work with 25% of the administration...  how is that right you pompus ass?  You don't agree with the decision that was made, so you wont accept it?  Bull-Fucking-Shit.  I'll fight that every step of the way.  You've caused a hell of a lot more problems then you've solved Bondo.  If you had just left this to Sin and Nixon, none of this current mess would have happened.

And don't get your hopes up... I wont just leave the Battle League because you chose to make this a pain in the ass.. I'll just be as big a pain in your ass as you are to us...  

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 01:32:33 pm

And if you refuse to work with Nixon, then you should remove your sorry ass from the Battle League, as you are doing it a disservice. ?You refuse to work with 25% of the administration... ?how is that right you pompus ass? ?You don't agree with the decision that was made, so you wont accept it? ?Bull-Fucking-Shit. ?I'll fight that every step of the way. ?You've caused a hell of a lot more problems then you've solved Bondo. ?If you had just left this to Sin and Nixon, none of this current mess would have happened.

And don't get your hopes up... I wont just leave the Battle League because you chose to make this a pain in the ass.. I'll just be as big a pain in your ass as you are to us... ?

You obviously didn't hear me Grifter, I'm not supposed to work with Nixon, I do my stuff he does his and Sin can talk to him.  So I'm not doing it a disservice, I'm doing my job.  And Grift, I never said you should leave the BL just like I never said Ult should.

Post by: Brain on May 29, 2002, 01:35:46 pm

On the topic of our being too stupid to not tell a suggestion from a command... maybe you should look at that.. if 5 other people heard it as a command, maybe you should learn to make your suggestions fucking clear asswhipe.


And don't get your hopes up... I wont just leave the Battle League because you chose to make this a pain in the ass.. I'll just be as big a pain in your ass as you are to us... ?

hey bondo, a little bit of wisdom to expand on grifters point here. it doesnt matter how you mean something when you say it, the only thing that matters is how it was recieved
so if every one interpreted your speach to be commands, it doesnt matter if you were 'suggesting' it, or not,it's a command. period. end of story.

and grifter, while your being a pain in bondos ass, can you please try to avoid making our lives a living hell.

Title: Gorf = Gay, owned by |?K|, Ass Kisser, Plain Idiot
Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 29, 2002, 01:43:56 pm
Listen Dork, Gorf*, you piece of scumbag, you got nothing on us and you keep claiming that you do. ?First, you did not "Rape" us, since I came back and made the game 4-6(If we would've gone to 10 like your teamates wanted, we would've beat your dumbasses) (And you were winning 6-2 against Goku and Typhy's bro, and I turned all that around RIGHT AWAY when I came in) ?Second, your clan played ONE of our players and the brother of another one of our players. ?You can continue to blah blah blah about how you think you "got" something on us, but you aint got shit kid. ?YOu got a boyfriend that rapes you everynight and an attitude cuz of it. ?You're leaving BL is all a front to add more coals to this flame about BL or its moderators not being cool. ?Shit, if anyone would've been close to leaving BL with a real reason, it would've been me after getting abused by Nixon(A fuck up of a Moderator) with calls he made against my clan and my teamates. ?Thank God someone like Bondo came in with nonbiased decisions, weighed out the facts, and took proper action based on them. ?He is the one that saved BL from the CORRUPTION that was "infecting" it. ?And for you Dork, to say you're gonna CB us as soon as you get back, goes to show that you got all intentions of staying in BL(since we only do CB's for BL) and are simply acting like this to kiss Ultimo's Ass. ?Too bad we can see thru that shit you idiot...

As for Grifter, you gotta back off your grudge against Bondo. ?Bondo is acting properly and you can not point out anything he really did that was wrong, so you get more frustrated and keep blahbing on and on trying to brainwash people. ?He's done everything right and all your attempts at attacking his credibility goes to show that you are the next moderator to get rid off for causing suck in depth drama. ?Things are being properly handled and you jump in as if you have reason or are needed, and start to ?attack Bondo because of your grudge. ?Sad but true. ?Either back off and let *DAMN settle this matter or keep adding coals to the fire and keep having all of us putting out your hot flame...

Post by: NiXon / ViRuS on May 29, 2002, 01:45:28 pm
Bondo wtf are your ?trying to do here run the whole show i completly agree with Grifter as usual damn he has a open and a ?broad mind get a grip you never mailed me at all to ask me what I think and i bet you did not mail ?Sin either me and Sin and Ulti were alot better off before you got into this and if you bring up the Disney thing you jummed into it right off the bat and did not give Sin Ulti and I the chance to fix and as far as your lossing respect Bah you never had any in the first place i think bah ya man i dont know why your try to run this yourself we see how your handling it bah NJ Grifter for pointing out the facts ::) ::) And as far Rapid goes get a  grip there was no Moderator here that went fool---> smacks Rapid The other moderators were just out pinged by Bondo I think that is unfair

Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 02:58:54 pm

You obviously didn't hear me Grifter, I'm not supposed to work with Nixon, I do my stuff he does his and Sin can talk to him. ?So I'm not doing it a disservice, I'm doing my job.

You quite obviously ignore the facts about that Bondo.. if you aren't supposed to be working with Nixon... then you aren't supposed to be working with Sin... and you aren't supposed to be working on this issue...  So you should have left it for Sin and Nixon...  instead you got involved... tried to solve it yourself (not your job I thought) and involved Sin and Mauti, not Sin and Nixon...

So yes, it is a huge disservice.  Thanks for playing.  If you argue that you were doing your job in taking care if it, then you have to work with Nixon... if not, then it wasn't your job and you stepped in anyway....  can't have it both ways...

Title: Re: Gorf = Gay, owned by |?K|, Ass Kisser, Plain I
Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 03:03:22 pm

As for Grifter, you gotta back off your grudge against Bondo. ?Bondo is acting properly and you can not point out anything he really did that was wrong, so you get more frustrated and keep blahbing on and on trying to brainwash people. ?He's done everything right and all your attempts at attacking his credibility goes to show that you are the next moderator to get rid off for causing suck in depth drama. ?Things are being properly handled and you jump in as if you have reason or are needed, and start to ?attack Bondo because of your grudge. ?Sad but true. ?Either back off and let *DAMN settle this matter or keep adding coals to the fire and keep having all of us putting out your hot flame...

Rapid, a dumbass like you telling me to back off means nothing to me... sorry.

And I was asked to get involved, shows what you know... but keep talking out of your ass Rapid, we are used to it.  And if your hero Bondo was so right, then Nixon would have been gone from the BL... which he was wrong about then too...  

As for this time, Bondo is either stepping into the space of Sin and Nixon, or he's not including Nixon where he absolutely should... either way, he's done something wrong.

Post by: Ace on May 29, 2002, 03:05:38 pm
Lotsa interesting reading, where to begin...

First order of business: Bondo, fuck you. From what I gathered, you have said that you cannont work with Nixon for whatever reason, you wouldn't even extend Ult a little courtesy, something he above all others should receive in BL matters for all the time and effort he donated, and you said that GRIFT and I among others are worthless and our opinions don't even merit being listened to. I don't know why you can't work with Nixon. I don't really follow many BL happenings (mostly to stay out of bullshit like such threads) but whatever happened in the past is irrelevant; if two BL admins are unable to work with each other, one should be removed. It's as simple as that. There is absolutely no point in having extra admins if they can't even communicate with each other. As for Ult, you basically told him to fuck off and his opinion didn't matter WHEN HE HAD A VALID POINT AND WAS RIGHT! After reading what happened, I can't believe how this even became an issue. STFU fucked up (pardon the redundancy) and should have forfeited or rescheduled as per KoS' request. Finally, you chose to try and step on GRIFT and I, apparently for speaking too much truth. Frankly, I don't give a flying fuck what you think about me. GRIFT and I both know firsthand how things can get messed up when you butt in where you aren't wanted, so I think our opinions would be relevant to the discussion. Also, yes we have egos. I have never been one to hide that. The difference is that we will not let our egos take over and cloud our ability to at least reason with and discuss maturely our opinions with others. We also respect when someone else can do a job well and should be left alone.

One final note. Now I don't know when Ult was removed as a BL admin, but I'll go back to this time and time again: Why not just let Ult and Sin be the only two BL admins. Things have always run smoothly with those two as admins, and there are invariably problems when other admins (i.e. Rom) are added. The one exception is I see Elandrion has been added as an admin (and is also silent from this discussion oddly). He has put in a lot of work and I don't wish this to mean he shouldn't be an admin. Obviously he has earned it.

Post by: Colin on May 29, 2002, 03:33:10 pm
Nice post rapid, thank you for taking bondo's dick out of ur mouth long enough to tell us that!  (no insult to bondo)

As for Kilzo, plz don't dis me or my fellow force comrades.  It hurts my feelings  :( :(   I can understand a tad of resentment towards gorf, but don't make me cry  ;D

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the best of rapid show:

"Listen Dork"
"you piece of scumbag"
"your dumbasses"
"aint got shit kid"
"boyfriend that rapes you"
"fuck up"
"you Dork"
"that shit you idiot"

Can u believe that ALL OF THESE are from rapid's last post?

This has been a presentation of "The Best of Rapid", now a word from our sponsers:

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 04:08:25 pm
The problem Grift is that it doesn't matter what I do, I'll still get yelled at by you.  I PMed Nixon on GR to ask him if he wanted the transcripts and he ignored me.  Now how exactly am I supposed to work with him if he doesn't speak to me.  And once again Grift I have to ask, why if I'm doing things incorrectly do the majority of clans respect me and think of me as a fair admin.  I mean, after Ult gave more info that was convincing in KoS not being to blame for the CB not finishing I apologized and said that neither side should get credited with the win.  But no, the reason this thread is alive isn't because of the KoS thing, it is because of your problem.  And I'll bounce the statement back to you Finally, Grift and Ace chose to try and step on me, apparently for speaking too much truth.  KoS wasn't right, they rejected a host without even playing test games which is against the rules.  No, KoS shouldn't lose the CB as it is but they certainly weren't right.  And I suppose you can say STFU was wrong for having their one acceptable host (of the three STFU hosts offered) leave before the end, but that isn't stricktly against the rules.  And stop telling me I should have shown more respect to Ult, he was the first person to be disrespectful.  I just let him know that as his clan was involved, he would be treated like a normal clan leader for it.  After that I made no comments other than to say that he can't reject a host without testing it and then he started saying I shouldn't be an admin.  He also said he'd fight anyone who sided against him.  That doesn't sound like something a proper member of the BL should say.  Clans are supposed to accept the decision of the BL, not fight it.

Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 29, 2002, 04:11:47 pm
lmao cuo, god do i ever love it when rapid does one of his long flaming posts and gets shot down by everyone.

It's def. the funniest thing on this forum :D


Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 29, 2002, 05:04:35 pm

?I PMed Nixon on GR to ask him if he wanted the transcripts and he ignored me. ?Now how exactly am I supposed to work with him if he doesn't speak to me.

I wonder why he fucking blocked you. Think about it Bondo... Nixon has probably spent the last 30 minutes reading what you have been saying about him, saying you won't work with him, so he decided to block you. What is so difficult to understand about that ?

Also... the point Grifter has been trying to put across to you (atleast I think) was that you should have sent the transcripts right away. The only reason you tried to sent Nixon the transcript now because everyone is challenging your motives for no sending them to him right away.


?And once again Grift I have to ask, why if I'm doing things incorrectly do the majority of clans respect me and think of me as a fair admin.

Simple moron, you just havn't pissed them off yet. I bet if every clan read this forum thread, they would look at you a different way. Some people just play the game, and stay out of politics, because that is what a clan leader is for. Just because they don't voice their opinouns about you doesn't mean that they trust and respect you.

When I asked you if you thought something was wrong when there is only 1 admin left that doesn't think your a dick, you gave me no answer. What you said instead was "Don't you think I am doing something right if 75 % of clans respect and trust me". Once again, my answer is NO . A normal admin has almost every clan respect and trust you. When I asked you to give me a clan that didnt trust me..... the best you could come up with was ?K.... My point is proven.


?I mean, after Ult gave more info that was convincing in KoS not being to blame for the CB not finishing I apologized and said that neither side should get credited with the win.

What apology  ?


Ult also said he'd fight anyone who sided against him. ?That doesn't sound like something a proper member of the BL should say. ?Clans are supposed to accept the decision of the BL, not fight it.

I found this to be the most Bullshit post you have made. When I asked you to show me where I said this, this is what your "evidence" was :

"+-KoS-+ Ulti: I will fight your decision like any leader would for his clan."

This has nothing do with me fighting anyone who doesn't agree with me . The point of me saying that was to inform you that your decision was wrong, and I was going to fight you for it. I know it is impossible for everyone to agree with me... why would I say that ?

To sum it all up, I left the BL because of Bondo, not as much this cb. I still respect sTfU, and it is unfortunate that we had to go through this. This whole situation reminds me of when zak was an admin, and I told mauti that I was not going to wor with him, and it was either him or I that had to go. This time, it would have been the same thing with Bondo. However, I didn't feel it would be right fror me to ask Mauti to make a decision like that, expecially with someone in his own clan.

I am sticxking with my decision to lwave the BL, with my clan. We figure that we will actually cb more, being that more clans will cb us not afraid of lossing. Now we can actually cb for respect and honor, not for some stupid ladder. Now I know why SiX never joined the BL....

Post by: Colin on May 29, 2002, 05:06:36 pm
By popular demand, welcome back to the best or rapid!!!
There is way too much crap coming out of rapid's mouth daily to pack it all into one episode so this is all of the best of rapid from this forum topic excluding the ones i have already done.  Also keep in mind that some of these were said more than once:

"an ass"
"pop your pimples"
"cuddle with your boyfriend"

And now for "Rapid's best Cocksucking":
This contains things rapid said in this topic to suck up to Bondo:

"Thank You Bondo"
"Thank God someone like Bondo came in"
"Bondo is acting properly"
"He's done everything right" <-referring to bondo
"your attempts at attacking his credibility" <-referring to bondo
"and start to  attack Bondo because of your grudge"

P.S.:  If u guys have other ideas about the "Best of Rapid", tell me...ALERT ALERT INCOMING FLAME FROM RAPID
                               \ /

Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 05:10:11 pm

The problem Grift is that it doesn't matter what I do, I'll still get yelled at by you. ?I PMed Nixon on GR to ask him if he wanted the transcripts and he ignored me. ?Now how exactly am I supposed to work with him if he doesn't speak to me. ?

First, exactly when did you try to include Nixon??  After being berated here for it??  Because up until now you said you wouldn't...

Second, who knows if he was ignoring you or just not there (like when Ult PM'd me about this yesterday and I was off playing RTCW...)


And once again Grift I have to ask, why if I'm doing things incorrectly do the majority of clans respect me and think of me as a fair admin. ?I mean, after Ult gave more info that was convincing in KoS not being to blame for the CB not finishing I apologized and said that neither side should get credited with the win. ?

Hmmm... two things here....

First, I wouldn't count on the majority of clans respecting you...  I think the other admins get more universal respect then you...  I don't hear anyone making fun of them on GR.

Second, did you apologize??  I never heard it.  I heard you defending yourself the whole time.  That you made the right decision and that Ult had "ample time" to state his case.... I must have missed it if you apologized or admitted that you were wrong.


But no, the reason this thread is alive isn't because of the KoS thing, it is because of your problem. ?And I'll bounce the statement back to you Finally, Grift and Ace chose to try and step on me, apparently for speaking too much truth. ?KoS wasn't right, they rejected a host without even playing test games which is against the rules. ?No, KoS shouldn't lose the CB as it is but they certainly weren't right. ?And I suppose you can say STFU was wrong for having their one acceptable host (of the three STFU hosts offered) leave before the end, but that isn't stricktly against the rules.

Like I said from the begining.. both sides had issues, and this shouldn't be a forefit on either end.... isn't that amazing.


After that I made no comments other than to say that he can't reject a host without testing it and then he started saying I shouldn't be an admin. ?He also said he'd fight anyone who sided against him. ?That doesn't sound like something a proper member of the BL should say. ?Clans are supposed to accept the decision of the BL, not fight it.

Funny thing there Bondo, you sure seem to fight the decision of the Battle League...  and you sure are not one to talk about what a proper member of the staff should say.. you the guy that said before all the sides had been heard from "I'll not stand for Nixon being a BL Admin after this"... I really don't believe you have any room to talk here.

Yes Bondo, this issue isn't about the KoS v STFU CB... that shouldn't even have been a big issue... it's about the way you have been doing things has made a good BL admin and a good clan feel it's better to leave then to stick around a BL that you are a part of.  

And yes Bondo, you still haven't said which side you were wrong on... butting in to the area you weren't supposed to... or not working with your peers...  Both in my opinion.

Also, whatever happened to you respecting people with spine that stood up for what they believe in?  It's not like you didn't start with the name calling here, dweeb.

You need to figure something out Bondo... I don't attack just anybody.  Hell, I'm probably one of the easiest going guys around.  Who do I attack....?  Hypocrite assholes.  There are lots of people around here I don't agree with... look at Typhy for instance... I don't treat him like shit, but I don't agree with him often either.  He treats me with respect while speaking his mind... and yes, I still respect it.  You, on the other hand, have been getting sucked off by Rapid for so long you are believing what he says about you.  You are not the long awaited savior of the Battle League, come to save it.  It was running fine for a year that you weren't involved...  

Maybe this is my fault... I thought you were an adult and mature... I've been wrong before, I'll get over it.

Title: Gorf = Idiot that won't give up and always will b?
Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 29, 2002, 05:22:27 pm
I love how Gorf avoids all the facts

* Fact that he CB'ed ONE of our members and a member's brother
* Fact that he Lied about us cheating
* Fact his clan got owned by me when I stepped in to replace the fake |?K|
* Fact that he Lied and attempted to brainwash others in here to believe that he was the cause of 5 of our Newest members to leave our clan
* Fact that he is in a mission to talk shit in any way possible towards my clan and has gotten idiots like Colin to join him
* Fact that he is NOT leaving BL, simply holding Ultimo's Cock in his mouth by acting as if he's disgusted with BL simply because KoS is not #1 and |?K| is and he's been getting clowned by EVERYONE so much.
* Fact that you been proven WRONG soo many times, yet he still thinks he's right
* Fact that he hates the fact we're #1 and he's at the bottom of the hill still struggling
* Fact that he has a "Peanut Gallery" of teamates that jump in with him to act like idiots cough*colin*cough
* Fact that NOBODY will forget all your lies and how stupid you really are by attempting to sound "cool"
* Fact that you don't realize how much of an idiot you look like lying and cheating the truth by spreading nonsense
* Fact is, you best just shut up, get a new name, and start respecting others to gain respect back since you've lost so much of it

You see Dork, Gorf*, you're a geek making all the wrong moves to try and achieve your goal of "ruining me". ?In fact, you make me stronger and give me the chance to unleash on a poor dumbass like you and you give me all the reason to do it:D ?Keep fueling me. ?It's only ruining YOU further...

Silent Killer, so you think you are "better" than me cuz of your account#? ?Give me a break man. ?I am here because ?I am the leader of the current #1 Clan in BL and assholes are talking shit about my clan in here and I decided to give them a piece of our mind. ?Now if you think assholes like Gorf deserve more respect than me cuz of his Account #, even though Gorf has lied, gossiped lies about our clan, and has not stop lying to this day, then you my friend would be the moron here. ?I didn't call you a moron yet SK, so don't jump all over me yet. ?I simply think your attitude that anyone with a high account # has no right to be heard is pathetic and I am positive that's not how your clan feels about such thing. ?I never disrespected you, so I am asking for the same back SK...

Post by: Brain on May 29, 2002, 05:38:42 pm
i agree with grifters point, on the  clans respecting you bondo
i would be willing to bet that half the clan members dont even know you exist, and i personally could car less dor that pompus , self rightoius attitude of yours
i'm fairly shure that most of the other ppl here feel the same way too(except for rapid)

fix yor attitude bondo, then talk buisness it wil go alort better, trust me

and colin, you may want to take a shower after digging through rapids shit filled posts, i know i would

Post by: Colin on May 29, 2002, 05:42:17 pm
Really rapid, i didn't know i lost THAT much respect. ?I won't say anything bout gorf, but i have not sworn at ur clan or called u a virgin ?;D ?or the list of things (Best of Rapid) that i posted. ?Please post if i have lost ur respect (i don't care bout rapid's respect) of me. ?thx.

btw, brain, i took a 30 min shower, still not off

Post by: NiXon / ViRuS on May 29, 2002, 05:42:36 pm
Ultimo i respect your decion I think that is very honorable of you! {just sad to see} Your clan was and is one of the best around and most {Bondo gets this } RESPECTED!! around, i feel its horriable that you must, i mean want to leave but i understand you, as far as Bondo PM ing me that is 100% not true he did nothing of the such i am still a Moderator and would not block him or not ansewer him if he wanted my advice or opinion so what he said is a full lie Ultimo we know us for a long time from R6 and Rs and as working together i always respected your opinion and asked you what you thought the same goes for Sin, Bondo with your one man Cowboy show you seen now where it got you ?but I know Mauti, and he is a nice fair man and he trusts who he puts to do his work, and to drag him in to this shit was totally wrong just to say fuck it I dont need Sin or Nixon, it was a big arrogauant mistake just like a lot ?of others Ultimo got your ?back i ? wish you would of told me sooner what was up we could of worked it out Grifter you are as well a good ?judge of charactor well its over now as you know Ultimo left and took Kos with him Gonna miss ya Nixon >:( :(  Damn it took a while to read all this Jesus

Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 29, 2002, 05:50:38 pm
WOW, thats a prettty long sentence Nixon, lmao ;D

Thank you everyone for telling me how much you respect kos. It means alot to me because I tried to make us respectful and good at the same time. But I think alot of you are getting the impression that we are dead or something. The only thing new is that we will be cb'ing on our own, and it won't count for the BL.

Post by: Colin on May 29, 2002, 05:51:27 pm
I vote that someone with experience as a moderator or admin (how bout it ulti?) design a new BL for those of us who aren't so sure about the current one.  It should be based on honor and pride.  <--My Opinion

If this goes through and we have another, better BL on gr, i'm quite confident Force (not comepletely sure) will give it a try.  The winds of change are blowing, no, i'm not talking bout a blowjob!   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Brain, back off or get your head cut off...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 29, 2002, 06:01:57 pm
Brain, STFU and stop acting like Gorf and Colin(2 of the Biggest Idiots I've ever heard). ?

You want to be known as one of them with their pathetic attitudes? ?I hope not bubba...

Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 29, 2002, 06:03:17 pm
Ok, let me make this very clear.

The purpose of us leaving was to not provoke other clans to follow us. We had a reason to leave, we didn't want to keep up with this BS by Bondo. Unless you feel the same exact way, please do not leave the *DAMN Battle League. Mauti, Elandrian and others have worked to hard just for me to go fuck it all up. I still respect them alot, and I DO NOT suggest other people leaving. It was just something we needed to do. I do not think I am going to make another BL, the Mac community already has a great one, but with some questionable leadership (Bondo).

Post by: Supernatural Pie on May 29, 2002, 06:05:48 pm
LMAO!! COLIN!! your "best of rapid" quotes are classic! ***SNiPE applauds. More! More! ;D

:-[                                                              ::)?

Post by: NiXon / ViRuS on May 29, 2002, 06:13:38 pm
Well put Ulti hey guys dont leave the BL just beacaue of this problem Ulti pointed out they have worked hard here to make it a great BL and it is just we got a Monkey   wrench thown into it at the moment but we will fix it you never know what will happend maybe Kos will come back.   ;D ;D I like the statement about Bondo and Rapid sailing in the Wind together LMAO a lot of truth behind it

Post by: Colin on May 29, 2002, 06:21:40 pm
Hey rap, what's so pathetic about my attitude?   ???  Just Wondering   ;D

P.S.:  Yes, i am a virgin (only 14)  :(  but i'll have u know i don't have one pimple on my neck!  ;D

Title: Re: Brain, back off or get your head cut off...
Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 29, 2002, 06:41:05 pm

Brain, STFU and stop acting like Gorf and Colin(2 of the Biggest Idiots I've ever heard). ?

You want to be known as one of them with their pathetic attitudes? ?I hope not bubba...

rapid the thing you don't understand here is that everybody hates you. ?everyone here wishes you would just go away and stop bothering the Rogue Spear community. ?How many people hate me? You, Bondo, and a few AK's(such as typhy). ?How many people hate you? ?too many to count. look at all the rapid bashing that TONS of people are doing. ?don't u understand or want to know why? everybody hates you? ?it's because your an asshole. ?You threaten anyone who gets in your way and then you spam and flame about them. ?you do this with MANY MANY people rapid. ?I don't. i only do it with one, you:D
i mean, sure bondo and i may disagree now and then, but he doesn't hate me with a passion. ?You seem to think rapid, that you have everyone on your side against me? ?lol not quite, all you have to do is watch yourself get shot down over and over buy new people each day

ps - colin everyone loves the "best of rapid" episodes. ?That poor 12-year-old rapid was shot down yet again... sigh..... guess she still doesn't get it ?8)8)

Post by: cookie on May 29, 2002, 06:59:09 pm
bastard hierarchy.

really, my utmost respect extended to the league creators... ?but this leadership is really screwy. I think the sense of impartiality has diminished from Battle League and alot of the decisions behind unclear CB's in the past have been arbitrarily and hastily dealt with. ?When conflicts like the one at hand arise, I don't think it should be up to one persons judgement to determine the outcome. Credibility is fast running out in the *DAMN battle league. I'm not trying to bitch, as i do respect what *DAMN is trying to do for the RS/R6 community, but i think if you're going to run a league, you should run it right. I myself haven't experienced deficiencies in the system, but i think that gamers are being ill represented. I have nothing against Bondo, but i believe that because he is not an active RS player (that i've seen) it's not really fair to let him decide what happens based on his own judgement. It would be kind of like letting me decide R6 clanbattles. Although i am an avid RS player, i've got no idea what goes on in R6 world. I'm not in "the loop". Thus, i say more power to the people and may the system be reformed!!

</cheesy intellectual speech>

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 07:37:02 pm
For the record I have NEVER done any ACTION on my own. ?I have made suggestions (that some see as decisions) but I've never acted (such as Nixon booting AK or Sin booting MI6). ?I have never been accused of being biased. ?No one should be so dull as to believe Grifter's exagerations. ?And about not talking to the other admins, everytime I've been accused of that, the others have been mysteriously quiet in the forums where I hope to talk with them. ?I've tried sending e-mail and PMs to mixed results. ?When we had the CF vs. AK CB problem, me and Sin had a solution worked out before Nixon bungled it up by being the cowboy. ?In this case, all I did was collect information (because I was the one present) and gave it to Sin and Mauti. ?I didn't say this is how it will be, I just gave my interpretation of what happened. ?Basically I did nothing wrong (Grifter, I'm not banned from hearing people's complaints and sending them on, and the fact that I sent it on to two other admins means I wasn't going about it on my own) yet Grifter decided he would make a big deal out of nothing. ?And Grifter, it is hypocritical of you to call me a hypocritical asshole when you are a hypocritical asshole, claiming to be open-minded but not really being open-minded. ?I have shown to you why my actions are proper but you, despite not being able to point out a rule that I broke or anything else specific, you still claim that I've done wrong.

Nixon, before you had me off your buddy list and were accepting buddies only so I had to talk through Sin, this time I don't know why but I sent a message to an non-idling, non-playing you and you didn't reply to it.

Post by: jn.blackhand on May 29, 2002, 07:37:45 pm
I just spent a couple of minutes reading through this thread and going over older ones dealing with related matters. Frankly, I can only draw one major conclusion from all of this crap and it is simply that Bondo should not be a Battle League admin. I'd list reasons, but others have already listed them.

Why this whole KoS fiasco is even an issue is completely beyond me. Why they simply couldn't finish the CB tommorow  is also beyond me. And only God knows why Bondo didn't simply tell them to finish the CB the next day.

Bondo, step down as an admin.

Mauti, force Bondo to step down. It's apparent that Bondo is doing the same thing Romulus did when he was an admin; make DAMN, it's members, and the DAMN community look bad.

Post by: Bondo on May 29, 2002, 07:45:55 pm
The only reason I may be making DAMN look bad is because Grifter is constantly spewing rubbish. ?I may be more vocal than the other admins but I haven't done anything in a cowboy fashion like they say, I've made no individual decisions on action. ?I've done less to be yelled at then either Nixon or Sin (the AK and MI6 bannings). ?I'm sorry Grifter and Ult don't like me speaking in the forums but I haven't done anything that I wasn't supposed to do, although I have been wrong on some of my suggestions and accepted whatever was decided on. ?And about communicating with the other admins, well I haven't once been contacted on a BL matter that they are concerned with. ?Very hard to work together when they don't include you isn't it. ?I have never been included in their admin group which makes it harder for me to work with them but I have tried. ?Sorry, but maybe Grifter should not be hypocritical and should question the other admins with as much fury as he has me.

Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 29, 2002, 07:52:50 pm
The reason that I am not vocal is because when i speak(type) I want people to know it means something...this whole matter has gotten way out of hand and I will post more on it later if I see fit.

Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 08:32:10 pm
Bondo, I've not been hypocritical at all... I'm not the one sitting here telling lies to all these good people... look at your fucking posts you idiot.

You didn't talk to Nixon... you did talk to Nixon... you didn't talk to Nixon....   You are trying to work with him... you'll not even speak to him...  which one is it?  One thing is for sure.. there's a lie in there somewhere.

And like Ult and I posted.. where was that apology you claimed to have made??

Like I said, you tried to rush through this...  OK, STFU told you about a problem... that's where you should have either told them to post it in the problem drop box, or contact Nixon and Sin (not Sin and Mauti, for all the reasons I've already given) or both.  You aren't supposed to be messing in these area's... so you shouldn't have questioned Ult at all..  You should have kept your arrogant ass out of it at that point.  

As for you working with your fellow Admins, I find that hard to believe... they've complained about it... and I know you never tried to work with us on the Gossip side of it.

And for the record... you have ATTEMPTED to make decisions on your own... even argued that you had the right to do it... you just got overruled by your peers that you should have talked to in the first place.  Do I need to dig up the old posts to remind you?  Everyone else sure thought it sounded like a decision... you stated it pretty clearly (we have agreed...).

And you are taking lessons at dodging the facts I see... you are a hypocrite for saying that Ult should talk like that, while you are the asshole that said "I'll not stand for Nixon being a BL admin..." along those lines...  

As for me spewing rubbish and such... I'll pull your old posts and show you Bondo... hell, all anyone has to do is to read this thread to see how full of shit you really are.  Look at this, you keep changing your story, a liar caught in the middle of his web of lies... they are all coming apart.

And yeah, everyone here posting about your attidude is just dull and dim wittedly following me, eh?  Yeah, that's right, keep believing that you can't be wrong, that everyone else must be.  You pompus ass.

Post by: Ace on May 29, 2002, 08:50:34 pm

And I have not been accused of being impartial.

Won't hear any arguments from me on that one.

I won't go on and rehash all this other bullshit, but I would like to point this out. Look at some of the people who have called you out on this Bondo: GRIFT, Ult, Sin, blackhand, myself. We aren't exactly newbies who have just popped up. We have all been here for a long time and have seen the BL go from virtually nothing to something that at times has been very successful. We have also seen how the BL has had its share of problems in the past. Suggestions are made with the best for the BL in mind.

Post by: Cow on May 29, 2002, 09:39:04 pm
um isnt the ladder gonna be reset anyways so does the CB even really count?

Title: Re: Brain, back off or get your head cut off...
Post by: Brain on May 29, 2002, 10:47:28 pm

rapid the thing you don't understand here is that everybody hates you. ?

ok, let me make this crystal clear for you gorf, and you to rapid
i do not hate rapid
i hate his attitude
i hate the way his ego has him spew out baseless shit at anyone who pokes fun at him, or his behavior
i do not hate rapid
i am able to distinguish between the actions, the person, and the attitude
if rapid shuts down the attitude, i shut off the assing, that simple(look at rapid's e3 thread for an example, no attitude, no assing)
and gorf... you are getting very close to crossing that attitude line with me to. tread lightly because, right now you dont have the clue
on another note to rapid,if i see a cheap shot on the forums  i'm gonna take it, i don't care who it is against

Post by: cookie on May 29, 2002, 11:00:29 pm
eek, grudgematch.

i personally don't think Bondo should resign or be forced seeing as he's not done anything serious to warrant it, everyone makes mistakes. My point is that some admins need to learn about teamwork and taking other factors into consideration... I don't want to see anyone resign. Opinions are playing too large a role in decisions around here. While some of you may have beef with Bondo, I highly doubt it's any beef relevant to the subject of his admin capabilites. So put your personal opinions torward Bondo aside and think torwards the good of the general population, I'm sure there's a better way to solve this.

;D try and be nice.

Post by: Grifter on May 29, 2002, 11:15:01 pm

Actually Cookie, you got it backwards... about 95% of my problems with Bondo are in the way he handles his Admin duties...  

The reason I think he should step away from the BL is his refusal to work with Nixon.  He hasn't been a team player in the past, and he's said he wont work with him.  That's not him accepting the judgements of the BL, that's him ignoring it.

Post by: Bondo on May 30, 2002, 02:52:11 am
Ace, way to modify my post to make me say something I didn't, this isn't the time or the place for that.  Please leave it alone this time.

Grift, I never claimed to have contacted Nixon originally on this as I'm not (due to me thinking he should be out for his violation) supposed to work with him but since you wanted me to I tried to contact him.  I sent it to Mauti and Sin because they were the two I could work with.  But of course you wouldn't see how simple and right this is, you'd rather just accuse me of not working with Nixon because I'm not for teamwork.  Once again I state, when have I made a decision (a real decision that counts not a suggestion) without other admins imput.  Sorry, but your claim that I don't work with them is wrong.  I don't work with them to come up with my suggestion, but I do for a decision, just like I had been doing with Sin on Typhy's punishment.

Grift, not all apologies say "Sorry".  That is just a misconception, I did say that I was wrong due to Ult not giving me all the information originally and that my original suggestion didn't work, but you can't accuse me of rushing that as both sides didn't have anything more to say at that time, it isn't my fault Ult didn't remember to add what he did the following day.

Grifter, the fact that I've rebuffed your points yet you still say the same ones shows that you are full of shit.  And about never working with you and Ace in the GG forum, there is nothing to work with you on.  Moderating isn't something you work together on.  If it breaks the rules (Spam, porn, etc.) then it gets deleted, no conference necessary.

Post by: Ace on May 30, 2002, 05:16:09 am
Listen up fuckface, and listen well. I did not change your post in any way. Any accusation otherwise is an outright lie, and you can shove it up your ass.

As for not working with GRIFT, wrath (yes he is a mod too if you didn't notice), and I, no you didn't. It's one thing to delete spam or whatnot; I never consult other mods over bullshit like that. You straight up banned each and every member of a certain clan from posting WITHOUT talking to any of us. That's bullshit any way you wish to spin it.


Post by: Grifter on May 30, 2002, 07:51:07 am

Ace, way to modify my post to make me say something I didn't, this isn't the time or the place for that.

Actually, dipshit, you posted it exactly that way.  I saw it myself right after you posted it and was going to comment on it but then forgot to when I was responding...  Yes, you can fuck up and make mistakes, we don't have to help you.


Grift, I never claimed to have contacted Nixon originally on this as I'm not (due to me thinking he should be out for his violation) supposed to work with him but since you wanted me to I tried to contact him. ?I sent it to Mauti and Sin because they were the two I could work with. ?But of course you wouldn't see how simple and right this is, you'd rather just accuse me of not working with Nixon because I'm not for teamwork. ?

I don't see how simple or right it is because it was WRONG you half-wit.  I've said it a dozen times now... either you got involved where you shouldn't have (since you are supposed to be dealing with the RULES not the CB's) or you didn't work with your fellows at the time (Sin and NIxon) or both...  It's that simple to me.  You can work with Nixon, you chose not to.  Big fucking difference.


Sorry, but your claim that I don't work with them is wrong. ?I don't work with them to come up with my suggestion, but I do for a decision, just like I had been doing with Sin on Typhy's punishment.

Yeah, need I pull up where you changed the decision on AK's punishment and said you were justified since you suggested the first one...?  Even though you and Sin had already agreed to a course of action?  You see Bondo, you aren't really working with others if you latter change it.


Grift, not all apologies say "Sorry". ?That is just a misconception, I did say that I was wrong due to Ult not giving me all the information originally and that my original suggestion didn't work

You are right, not all apologies have to use the word "sorry"... but that is the meaning.  Blaming Ultimo for not giving you the information is not even close to an apology you nimrod.  Who do you think you are talking to?  Some kid that you can play word games with?  You saying you apologized is just another of your lies Bondo, plain and simple.  If you think my saying "I was wrong about Bondo being all that bad, but all the bullshit and lies he told had me confused and he should have been more honest from the start" is an apology, then you need to pull out your dictionary again.


Grifter, the fact that I've rebuffed your points yet you still say the same ones shows that you are full of shit.

Bondo, you havn't rebuffed any points.. just spouting that you are right.  Go ahead and take my old points and give them a whirl...  

Are you supposed to stay out of the CB's or not?

If you are, why did you continue to investigate this issue instead of handing it over to the BL problem box or directly to Sin and Nixon?

If you can deal in CB's, then why didn't you just consult with Sin and Nixon?  Like I said, Mauti has always been brought in when the Admins couldn't agree... why do you chose to bring him in from the begining??  Is that showing respect to Sin and Nixon?

How can the person that said "I'll not stand for Nixon being an Admin" accuse Ult of not talking like a proper admin and not be a hypocrite?

Why is it that when you have 4 and 5 respected peers telling you something, you don't even listen?  Going back to when you DID NOT work as a team with us... you kept deleting stuff and locking threads where the other 3 of us wouldn't... whenever we tried to tell you that, you'd get pissy and tell us "pardon me for trying to do my fucking job"... yeah, that's working with us.  And when we wondered if things crossed the line, we'd wait to hear another's opinion before doing something about it... instead of just doing it.

You are just a pathetic little child who wants his power and must prove to everyone how good he is.  Oh, praise me, for I am Bondo, savior of the Battle League, creator of it, you all owe me.... fall to your knees and worship the Bondo.  Shit, your pathetic little ego couldn't even take it when Ult and Sin got a compliment for their LONG history of doing well, and you weren't included.  Poor little Bondo, who didn't get enough attention as a child.

Title: Enough is Enough
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on May 30, 2002, 11:32:14 am
Grift I think it is enough Bondo same counts for you. Trying to defend yourself make everything worse.

However Grift, Ult, Rebel and all others I think you have lost orientation in this issue. You only shout at each other and don't listen. You bitch about Bondo like you did about Romulus.

The most guys here critizise that KoS was given the loss and it is *DAMNs fault. Well guys I have posted it once before In this issue nothing was decided nor posted You just bitch around like hungry dogs that can't await to hunt a wounded deer.

Well Bondo isn't perfect but he never did something total wrong. I know he tries to organize many things by his own yes sometimes he is very egoistic is that a reason to bitch around- ?you ?could tell him that in another way and at all it has ABSOLUT nothing to do with KOS. In his postings here he posted a lot of trash but he only tried to defend hisself but in real he made everything worse. He posted Bullshit but ?I know he didn't mean it that way. It was like in a bad movie. You all know the scene when a police officer interrogates if you say one thing wrong he will ask more and more about this and you answer more and more wrong things and all because you said something accidently wrong at the beginning.

Ult wrote that he has enough of Bondo's BS. Well there wasn't much - Ult never tried to talk with Bondo about his behaviour. I'll tell you something when I made zak to an admin Ultimo wrote me that he won't be an admin anymore if zak gets the job. Now tell me was Ult better than Bondo, I finally persuaded him to give zak a chance.

Bondo only has to change the way he make suggestions and yeah he should work more with the team as a team and he will I'll promise ya but I ask you was this thread at all necessary??? No it wasn't Ult posted the story because he thought everything was decided may that's Bondo's fault because he let it sound like it was decided but at all this thread bases on NOTHING absolute NOTHING about an unfinished clanbattle uhu BOYS and GIRLS you really make me SAD your behaviour isn't better than Bondo's in anyway.

Start your own leagues if you think it is necessary ?we will keep on working on ours and btw nobody, Grift you are one of the very rare exceptions, has made suggestions to make the BL better or where are problems. You only bitched around.

It is KoS decision to go, and not Bondo's fault when Ult doesn't try to talk with Bondo.(I know in the chat dialogs Bondo wasn't impartial as an admin should be but nevertheless you could have talked with him)

Nah that's under every niveau and I'll stop now. Start to talk about problems make compromises and restart.


Title: Re: Enough is Enough
Post by: Grifter on May 30, 2002, 12:10:29 pm

Bondo only has to change the way he make suggestions and yeah he should work more with the team as a team and he will I'll promise ya but I ask you was this thread at all necessary???

Mauti, yeah, I think it was necessary... only because Bondo made it clear during the Nixon thread and before that he didn't want to try to solve things through PM's... that he wanted to do it out in the open.

However, that said, you promise me it will change, and that's good enough for me.  I'm not here to bitch, but I am trying to make things better.  So with that, I'll take your word for it and let it go for now.

Post by: Bondo on May 30, 2002, 12:45:41 pm
I'm sorry to those who deserve apologies, Nixon, Sin and Ult. ?I may make mistakes in how I handle things, but with your help, I want to try to improve. ?It would help me a lot if you guys could actually talk directly to me with your concerns and not to Grifter (assuming Grifter is telling the truth when he claims everyone has complained about me to him). ?I think I deserve to be communicated about my problems from you guys and not Grifter. ?But I'll try to work as a team like I tried here by sending the files to some of you (better than nobody right?). ?I think I've been impartial and regarding the rules in my views of the complaints but I realize I haven't done enough to communicate that to everyone in a calm matter.

Grifter, I can't apologize to you, since your first moment in this thread you have done nothing but accuse me of this and that error, many of which you overstate. ?Sorry but I was trying to be civil, but that is very hard when you have a long winded Red Wings fan on your case. ?I do however apologize to everyone else for having to read this. ?It is natural human instinct to defend yourself and that is all I tried to do, but I realize there is no defense against a misguided Grifter.

Post by: Typhy? on May 30, 2002, 12:50:42 pm
Brain, I don't think that would work. Battles are for deciding the result of issues regarding their playing skills, or clans, this is regarding their diffrences and isn't somthing that could be settled in a battle, also here is how the battle would go: Grifter would own Bondo at RS, Bondo would own Grifter at R6.


Post by: Grifter on May 30, 2002, 01:00:36 pm
Sorry about this Mauti, but this asshole couldn't just walk away without the parting insults...

Bondo, I don't want your apology, since it would be from a lying scumbag like yourself.  You weren't trying to be civil, as you started the name calling in the first place.  Yes, people have come to me with complaints about you... why is that so hard to believe?  Like you say, why are you mad at me just because they want to come to me and I'm not afraid to say it?  Also, I have the right to say when I think you are doing wrong as well nit-wit.  Just like I would with Sin or Ult if I disagreed with something they've done.  

So asshole, show me where I've overstated it or lied.... I've shown you.  Pathetic little bed wetter.

I'm not misguided, and there is no defending yourself when you are full of shit...  So Bondo, blow me you fucking asshole.

Post by: *DAMN Mauti on May 30, 2002, 01:19:25 pm
Well Grift,

arg where to start? Do you know what parents do if their sons have a quarrel? Mom tells the boys to shake hands. It doesn't make the quarrel unhappen but usually boys forget it and go ahead.

Unfortunaly I am not your mom because then I would tell you to shake hands. Grift forget it just forget it, don't always see the bad things see  the good things as well:  Bondo trying to start from new(partial new).


Post by: cookie on May 30, 2002, 01:31:31 pm
Sorry about this Mauti, but this asshole couldn't just walk away without the parting insults...

So Bondo, blow me you fucking asshole.

??? I think if you're going to be pissed about "parting insults", you mine as well try not to make the same mistake. Grow up, kids. I mean really, calling eachother "fuckface" and "dipshit" isn't going to solve anything =P And what's with the personal cheapshots grifter? You guys are supposed to be grown men and mature admins, not little children calling eachother names. It's not going to justify anything or make your point any clearer.

Post by: Grifter on May 30, 2002, 01:37:20 pm
Yeah Mauti, and I tried that... but while I backed off to let it drop, Bondo decided to take another shot at me... now, at that point, my mother would have knocked that brother upside his head for being an ass.  But that's just the way I was raised.  And I wasn't raised to take cheap parting shots from someone I no longer have any respect for.

I understand you want peace here Mauti, but look at my first post... I was going to leave it.  Sorry, but It's very hard to see the good in someone's post when they are calling you a liar.  Too bad Bondo didn't hear you the first time either.

Post by: Grifter on May 30, 2002, 01:42:44 pm
Cookie, please try to read the previous post as well... for that matter.. all of them.

First, you didn't even get what I was pissed at Bondo about (the KoS issue was only the Catalyst, not the issue).  

Now, you talk about parting shots... but when I attempted to let this go three posts ago, I took none.  Bondo decided not to let it drop.  And as angry as I am at him, I don't feel like taking that crap from him.

Post by: *DAMN Mauti on May 30, 2002, 01:49:32 pm
I am beaten - I give up. Do what you have to do I am out.

With the time things will calm down.


Post by: cookie on May 30, 2002, 01:59:10 pm
it's not the reason you have for being angry with him that i dispute grifter, it is the way you go about it.

i think im going along with mauti, it's too hard to make sense of any of this.

Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 30, 2002, 02:15:35 pm

The reason I think he should step away from the BL is his refusal to work with Nixon. ?He hasn't been a team player in the past, and he's said he wont work with him. ?That's not him accepting the judgements of the BL, that's him ignoring it.

OMG Grifter! ?Why would Bondo want to work with Nixon after he Lied, Took Moderator action by himself, Booted a Clan on his Own without consulting ANYONE based on his(Nixon's) FEELINGS, called Bondo a liar, found out he(Nixon) was a DisneY after Nixon denied it for so long, continues to see Nixon deny he's a DisneY when he has solid proof. ?Bondo was advised to not deal with him anyways after their last confrontation anyways Grift. ?You see, Bondo helped get BL started and he never intended for fools like Nixon to come in and Corrupt the system and twist it to his(Nixon's) advantage. ?He has never agreed with any of Nixon's actions he's taken in the past 6 Months, and he has all reason to simply keep him out of the loop for his misbehavior. ?You Grifter are obsessed with Nixon and his word even though Nixon has proven to all Administrators that he Abused his Moderator Power to the fullest and lied. ?But instead, since he's part of the "Inner Forum Circle" you still choose to defend him and try and validate his actions, no matter how wrong they are, simply because he's one of "you". ?It is too hilarious to see you Grifter take this matter and make it look as if Bondo did something bad when it is MORE THAN OBVIOUS he did everything accordingly. ?You can keep blah blah blah'ing all you want, but it is all a Defense Arguement of the "Inner Forum Circle" that we've grown to hate so much. ?That my friend is what needs to be ended in BL for the corruption to go down and arguements to diminish. ?It is obvious that on matters that for example, involve one of the "Inner Forum Circle" Moderators and they are being questioned about an action they took, all his "Inner Forum Circle" buddies come in to defend him by steering the focus away from their buddy and turn it around to the accuser. ?I mean, we all saw how wrong Nixon was on his Actions against my clan and what did we see? ?Every one of the "Inner Forum Circle" fools not say a word and not even lecture Nixon for how wrong he was on what he did. ?That's why I see Nixon got away with murder(By not Being Properly Punished thanks to his "Inner Forum Circle" buddies who made it sound more innocent than it actually was) and has his "Dream Team" Lawyers("Inner Forum Circle") to help him out and take his side no matter how wrong he is. ?You see, this is something that is ongoing and needs to be dealt with now before the start of next season. ?You need New Moderators and New Attitudes. ?All this type of conflict will NOT end until you break up that "Inner Forum Circle". ?Mauti, please take action now and give your BL new faces to end all this unnecessary Drama for our next seasons. ?Thank You.

The Decision to have those Clans Finish the CB came DAYS ago and Ultimo decided to instead opt for not finishing and leaving BL to avoid the possible Loss. ?Sad but true. ?If Ultimo would've just kept his cool and simply finished the CB, everything would've been alright since STFU sayed they were down to finish when KoS was next available.

It just ticks me off that since Bondo prevented Nixon from getting away from BOOTING US OFF BL for no reason, found out Nixon was a DisneY, he now has the Whole "Inner Forum Circle" on his ass harrassing EVERY move he makes in here. ?They question why, with no real reasons other than, "You wouldn't talk to Nixon" when it's Nixon that doesn't respond. ?And since Nixon is sour at Bondo for Stopping his BS, Nixon has opted to act as if Bondo has been uncooperative to make him look bad. ?Nice TeamWork "Inner Forum Circle"::)

And since Grifter loves to avoid what I say, he will simply say something predictable like "Rapid you're an ass, As if anything you says matter" since he knows I hit the nail in the coffin.

Post by: jn.blackhand on May 30, 2002, 02:33:54 pm
"Inner Forum Circle" : read : non-dumbasses.

Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 30, 2002, 02:42:46 pm

that was THE FUNNIEST! post i've ever read in my LIFE rapid!  omg. omg.  must stop laughing....whew, caalm.....

cuo, i hope this make the "best of rapid" show.
"Inner Forum Circle"!!!  "Dream Team" Lawyers!!!!


(this is one of the few posts that i have actually laughed out loud at)

Post by: Grifter on May 30, 2002, 02:50:59 pm

OMG Grifter! ?Why would Bondo want to work with Nixon after he Lied, Took Moderator action by himself, Booted a Clan on his Own without consulting ANYONE based on his(Nixon's) FEELINGS....

Simple answer... because Nixon is still a BL admin, no matter who likes it or not.  That issue was closed, it was decided that Nixon made a mistake.  Bondo isn't respecting that decision.


You Grifter are obsessed with Nixon and his word even though Nixon has proven to all Administrators that he Abused his Moderator Power to the fullest and lied. ?But instead, since he's part of the "Inner Forum Circle" you still choose to defend him and try and validate his actions, no matter how wrong they are, simply because he's one of "you". ?It is too hilarious to see you Grifter take this matter and make it look as if Bondo did something bad when it is MORE THAN OBVIOUS he did everything accordingly. ?

Ahh.. where to start here.  First, there is no "inner circle".  There is just logic and reason.  I never said what Nixon did was right, and I don't agree with what he did.  But I found what Bondo was doing even more offensive.  You, Rapid, agree with Bondo because you see him taking your side... I, on the other hand, didn't take a side.  All I ever said was for Bondo to slow the hell down and let's hear from Nixon.. That Bondo deleting Nixon's posts and saying things like he wont stand for Nixon being an admin before we even hear the whole story is much more offensive to me.  Bondo was doing exactly what he was accusing Nixon of doing... all in his quest for "justice".... lynch mobs aren't justice.  Bondo was starting a lynch mob.


Mauti, please take action now and give your BL new faces to end all this unnecessary Drama for our next seasons. ?Thank You.

Yes, I agree... getting rid of Bondo would help.


It just ticks me off that since Bondo prevented Nixon from getting away from BOOTING US OFF BL for no reason, found out Nixon was a DisneY, he now has the Whole "Inner Forum Circle" on his ass harrassing EVERY move he makes in here. ?They question why, with no real reasons other than, "You wouldn't talk to Nixon" when it's Nixon that doesn't respond. ?And since Nixon is sour at Bondo for Stopping his BS, Nixon has opted to act as if Bondo has been uncooperative to make him look bad. ?Nice TeamWork "Inner Forum Circle"::)

Actually, some of us have been pissed at Bondo long before the Typhy incident... you just didn't notice it back then Rapid, because it didn't effect you.  As for the team work... none was needed, since it's all the truth.  Bondo himself said he "wouldn't talk to Nixon"...  And I'm on Bondo's ass because he hasn't been a team player, he's been a hypocrite, and he's now become a liar.  He's done all the thing he says he's against... I've pointed them out... you and he just seem to ignore them.


And since Grifter loves to avoid what I say, he will simply say something predictable like "Rapid you're an ass, As if anything you says matter" since he knows I hit the nail in the coffin.

And wrong yet again Rapid.  I am always happy to talk about the facts.  I don't start the name calling, I just participate after the insults get thrown towards me.  Bondo says I exagerate... I ask where?  I offer to show the old posts that prove what I'm talking about...  But it doesn't work that way when people are wrong and have talked themselves into a corner.  

Bondo may not like the way it was said to him (and that's a good part his fault, since he doesn't like to deal with these things in private)..  but the bottom line is that he wasn't working as a team, just like I said.  And he makes his suggestions sound very, very much like decisions to EVERYONE but himself.  So now, his latest so called suggestion was a straw that broke the camel's back with KoS...  Before Mauti ever posted here, Bondo made it pretty clear to both Ultimo and Me that the decision had been made....  All within 12 hours of it happening... which was my first beef.. that Bondo trys to rush into these things instead of giving it the chance.

Hopefully, you will actually bother to read this, instead of ignoring it like usual.

Post by: Grifter on May 30, 2002, 02:53:38 pm

I am beaten - I give up. Do what you have to do I am out.

With the time things will calm down.


Sorry you feel that way Mauti... I just think you are preaching to the wrong one here... I tried to let it go, Bondo chose not to.  

Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 30, 2002, 03:03:10 pm
i thank you grifter for once again easily closing the door on rapid's stupidity :D

rapid: why bother fighting if you know you always lose?? 8)

Title: Grifter's Obsession On Ruining Bondo = SAD
Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 30, 2002, 04:15:34 pm

Simple answer... because Nixon is still a BL admin...

Bondo seen Nixon in Action unlike others. ?Others seen it and/or know it but choose to not talk about it since he was doing stuff against us and "they" don't like us anyways so they get a kick out of it rather than take action on it.

Ahh.. where to start here. ?First, there is no "inner circle"....

There is Obviously an "Inner Circle Forum". ?Otherwise these other "moderators" would have properly spoke out on past issues that involved for example, decisions about us. ?But since they dislike us, they choose to simply say NOTHING and act mad when others like Bondo take proper action. ?Then on top of that, after not answering in the proper given time, they act as if they didn't get a chance to say something. ?Some Moderator... ?Those Moderators that chose NOT to voice a proper opinion when their duty was asking for it, should be the ones to get rid of. ?Not Bondo.

Yes, I agree... getting rid of Bondo would help.

Those Moderators that chose NOT to voice a proper opinion when their duty was asking for it, should be the ones to get rid of. ?Not Bondo.

Bondo himself said he "wouldn't talk to Nixon"...

I don't ignore nothing. ?I analyze everything and know right from wrong. ?Bondo wouldn't talk to Nixon cuz he knows how much of a liar Nixon is. ?Other Moderators would act the same if they were as righteous as they claim they are. ?But instead, they opt to not talk against their "Inner Forum Circle" buddy. ?Bondo hasn't lied, unlike Nixon, yet you jump on his case way harder than Nixon, and Nixon is the BIGGEST MODERATING LIAR that has probably ever been involved . ?He ain't no hypocrite, you are Grifter by NOT jumping on Nixon's case for what he did and instead jumping on Bondo's case for something you claim to be a lie, yet can't prove it, and since he sided with us on that matter against your "Inner Forum Circle" buddy(Nixon).

And wrong yet again Rapid. ?I am always happy to talk about the facts...
Bondo may not like the way it was said to him...

Nothing Ignored(unlike you claim "usually")
Facts? ?You take your version of what you believe a fact is and lecture about it being blind of important factors. ?That you do a lot and you get so carried away lecturing, that you feel it's your duty to stand up for it no matter how wrong you are. ?Then you act as if you got the upper hand on the matter when really you are avoiding all real facts. ?So you see, you corner yourself and then gather others to come to your corner(Usually the "Inner Forum Circle")
Bondo's Suggestions sound like Decisions to you because you're choosing it to be to make him look bad. ?It was obvious to everyone else they weren't decisions except you and your "Inner Forum Circle" buddies.
And About Believing that Bondo made it sound like it was a Decision to you and Ultimo, of course it's gonna sound like that when you are already carrying an attitude against the guy. ?Common Sense man... ?If you live in the real world of course and not just a virtual one...
Again, Bondo gave it a chance and it was obvious after the final decision came in of making both clans finish their CB. ?Why did you choose to overlook that decision Grifter? ?Cuz you're stuck on making it sound as if Bondo made a decision prior to that, when that's not true? ?
Looks like this CB is gonna get thrown out all together like my |?K| - DisneY CB...

Post by: Colin on May 30, 2002, 04:21:03 pm
I don't think i will make fun of rapid anymore, sry gorf.  His fight is with Gorf, not me.  I kinda forgot how i got into this so i am giving myself a little me-time (no, not masterbation).

However, i am in Force, and if rapid chooses to attack Force along with gorf then i WILL defend my clan.  This also goes for anyone else who attacks Force rather than Gorf himself.

Rapid, i will mostly stay out of ur fight with gorf, so i expect u not to bring me back in.

;D ;D ;D     Colin

Title: Gorf = Left alone to look like an idiot
Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 30, 2002, 04:38:55 pm
Heh, good choice Colin ;)

<Looks at Dork, Gorf*>

You see Dork, Gorf*, your own teamates see how much of an idiot you are and choose to simply leave you to get clowned. ?Ouch 8) ?You see, tables have turned Dork, Gorf*. ? You are now gonna start feeling the consequences of your idiocy::)

Title: Wants to clarify
Post by: Colin on May 30, 2002, 04:46:38 pm
wait a sec rapid, i'm not leaving gorf, all i'm saying is i have decided to give it a rest.  I won't defend gorf since he seems to be doing that well enough himself.  Don't twist my words.

Title: Re: Wants to clarify
Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 30, 2002, 04:49:50 pm

wait a sec rapid, i'm not leaving gorf, all i'm saying is i have decided to give it a rest. ?I won't defend gorf since he seems to be doing that well enough himself. ?Don't twist my words.

lmao, poor crapid

Title: Re: Grifter's Obsession On Ruining Bondo = SAD
Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 30, 2002, 04:56:22 pm

I don't ignore nothing. ?I analyze everything and know right from wrong.

Grift could you take this one?  i'm tired of bashing him for today ;)

Title: More Clarification
Post by: Colin on May 30, 2002, 04:57:02 pm
one more thing!  Rapid, gorf is not all alone.  In this arguement with u, its u vs. him, no extra people.  But if u want me to help him and bring back "the best of rapid", all u have to do is let me know (or dis me)

Title: Re: Grifter's Obsession On Ruining Bondo = SAD
Post by: Grifter on May 30, 2002, 05:50:36 pm

Those Moderators that chose NOT to voice a proper opinion when their duty was asking for it, should be the ones to get rid of. ?Not Bondo.

I don't ignore nothing. ?I analyze everything and know right from wrong. ?Bondo wouldn't talk to Nixon cuz he knows how much of a liar Nixon is. ?Other Moderators would act the same if they were as righteous as they claim they are. ?But instead, they opt to not talk against their "Inner Forum Circle" buddy. ?Bondo hasn't lied, unlike Nixon, yet you jump on his case way harder than Nixon, and Nixon is the BIGGEST MODERATING LIAR that has probably ever been involved . ?He ain't no hypocrite, you are Grifter by NOT jumping on Nixon's case for what he did and instead jumping on Bondo's case for something you claim to be a lie, yet can't prove it, and since he sided with us on that matter against your "Inner Forum Circle" buddy(Nixon).

Again Rapid, get your facts right.  I did jump on Nixon... I didn't agree with what he did, and I flat out said it.  I also said that nobody should act rashly and start spouting out about getting rid of him before he even had a chance to defend himself.  You seem to equate the one with the other... either I am for AK and Bondo and against Nixon, or I am for Nixon and against AK and Bondo.... it really doesn't work that way... especially with me.  Nixon did wrong... yep, no doubt about it.  Bondo did worse...  I've shown exactly where Bondo was a hypocrite three times for you now Rapid, if you just keep ignoring it, it doesn't make it invalid...  Bondo treated Nixon just as bad, by deleting his posts and calling for his head on a platter...  That was wrong, even if you liked it.


Facts? ?You take your version of what you believe a fact is and lecture about it being blind of important factors. ?That you do a lot and you get so carried away lecturing, that you feel it's your duty to stand up for it no matter how wrong you are. ?

Maybe instead of telling me about some secret inner circle that lives in your mind, you can tell me some facts about how I was wrong...?  I don't take your talk about an "inner circle" as fact since it doesn't even exist, there is no way you could ever even prove it..  So why not just give me some plain simple facts... refute what I've shown.. if you can.


It was obvious to everyone else they weren't decisions except you and your "Inner Forum Circle" buddies.
And About Believing that Bondo made it sound like it was a Decision to you and Ultimo, of course it's gonna sound like that when you are already carrying an attitude against the guy. ?Common Sense man... ?If you live in the real world of course and not just a virtual one...
Again, Bondo gave it a chance and it was obvious after the final decision came in of making both clans finish their CB. ?Why did you choose to overlook that decision Grifter? ?

I didn't overlook that decision.. that was MAUTI'S decision, not Bondo's... I talked to Bondo on GR about it Rapid, so don't even pretend that you know what we are talking about.  Bondo sent me his transcripts... have you looked at them?  I do live in the real world Rapid.. the one where I talk about facts I know, not just defending the guy because he's stood up for me.  I actually do live in the real world Rapid, not your conspiracy theory filled fantasy.  And it wasn't obvious to anyone... especially when he first said that he thought he was empowered to make that decision.. and changed his story to call it a suggestion later....  

Rapid, it sounds to me like anyone that doesn't automatically agree with you is part of this "forum inner circle"... wake up and smell the coffee...  I've both agreed with decisions that went AK's way and disagreed with others... I don't play favorites.  Especially when it comes to clans.  I don't harp on AK.. never have... I harp on you, because you don't make sense, and you make this shit up (inner circle... pfft).

Post by: Brain on May 30, 2002, 08:00:45 pm
i love how once bondo is done, rapid just jumps in there with a massive ass post and is all but owned in a less than one sentance post
and after exaustive research, i have found out who makes up the forum inner circle!
aw hell i make this quick
basically everyone in the general gossip forum except bondo and rapid
sound about right rapid? ?8)

Post by: Inner Circle President on May 31, 2002, 12:05:16 am
No, if we let Mauti into the inner circle it wouldn't be an inner circle.  It is only Grifter, Ult, Nixon, Ace, and mysterious me.

Post by: theN00b on May 31, 2002, 02:53:11 am
I bet mysterious me is Oso. Just a hunch.

Post by: Brain on May 31, 2002, 10:18:33 am
hey, i think i did very well at tracking down your secret ogranizarion<sp>, mr president.
do you know how much shit i had to wade through to find your identities(after all, i had to read rapid's posts) tracking down leads out of half formed sentences, and a total lack of punctuation. ugh, i hope i never have to do that again. but give me credit, i sniffed out the whole inner circle, plus one extra, not bad eh?

Post by: Grifter on May 31, 2002, 11:00:18 am
DOH! foiled at last... and by a snow cow herder no less. ;)

You realize that now that you know our little secret, we'll have to kill you... ;)

Why do I have the sneaking feeling that Rapid will go and try to ues this as proof that some "inner circle" really exists..?

Post by: NiXon / ViRuS on May 31, 2002, 01:41:04 pm
I do this job and i do it well never had a problem with Ulti or Sin as you can see in other post me and Sin are a good team along with Ulti ?Fact !!! All the people were happy with my work except the IDIOT ?Rapid which no one execpt for Bondo can please, ?slurp Fact!! All ?other clans were very happy with me and the WHOLE team in the BL you should listin to Grifter more, you can learn something

THE INNER CIRCLE LMAO!! ?Grifter tommorw 29+48 = :-) park 5 !!Roger

Crapid you are one of the stupidest Kids I ever seen on this forum but i ?canLMAO Gorf too ?i see, ?it was better before Bondo was here. yes Sin and me and Ulti had it undercontrol and ?my Booting act was a misunderstands nothing more you dumb NEWBIE fool Crapid

lets try to make this place a playground not a FIGHT ground guys its here to make fun and that is what it should do Nixon

Post by: Brain on May 31, 2002, 03:22:31 pm
to nixon, god damnit man, use some punctuation, i havent the foggiest of what ?you were trying to say

to grifter, you have to find me first ;)
about finding you out, well,they didnt call me brain for nothing.
of course, you could let me in yon your little orginization, and my posts could mysteriously dissapear
that would also give you backup against rapid, 'cuz we know what was really said...
and then you wouldnt have to track me down...

and one last thing, i'm a cheesehead god dammnit, i only herd during the winter months(the school season)

*laughs at the fact that grifts search area just got 10 times bigger*