*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: AMBROSE on December 02, 2001, 04:11:30 pm

Title: Hey Coco
Post by: AMBROSE on December 02, 2001, 04:11:30 pm
you said in a previous post that you wanted to other kinds of mods before you did the International Tac mod. Well, why not try doing an all Terrorist Mod. like Rodspear did. make a bunch of cool Oprative characters up based on terrorist groups, ranging from Ira loyalist groups, Turkish freedom fighters, to Mafia families. Group them, by Sniper, Demo, Assualt, and Even Suicide Classes. Slap in some Sweet Terrorist weapons, AK-47s, Uzis, Micro Uzis, RPG Rocket Launchers, grenade launchers. Creat some nice maps, like Banks, Ammo depots, Chemical facilities, Russian Nuke Silos. TRUST ME THIS MOD WOULD ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please Reply If U like the idea...

      -AMBROSE ;)  

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: SiGmA_X on December 03, 2001, 02:00:24 am
I like teh idea....


Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: Cocobolo on December 03, 2001, 07:37:40 am
I had a lot of fun playing TTT, but now I don't think it's really that responsible to make a mod where you are the terrorists when people are tuned in to that type of thing right now. I don't want any negative publicity you know? I doubt PC ZONE would have touched us if we had done that mod you know?

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: AMBROSE on December 03, 2001, 01:50:23 pm
Yeah, yur right.. what was I thinking...


Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: Cocobolo on December 03, 2001, 02:24:45 pm
No problem, I mean if it was last year, I may have considered it! A spin on the concept would be to create a group of mercenaries and some missions, maps, weapons skins around the theme... They can have some not-so moral missions without that label "terrorist", it's all about how people react to things... I know at most it's just a game after all.

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: AMBROSE on December 03, 2001, 02:42:20 pm
HEY!! Why not do a spin off of the movie Swordfish! Were you have civillians taking out terrorists, instead of the Rodspear idea. just like in the movie, except the whole "we will kill even civillians to keep our country free" idea. Like a vigilantee mod. Cool guys dressed up in suites like in Resevior Dogs, and Swordfish, except on a mission of good instead of evil.

I though Swordfish sucked, but I like the whole guys in classy suites blasting up terrorist idea! Like a renegade James bond thing.


Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: Mr_Grenade on December 04, 2001, 06:41:54 am
How about good ol Mack Bolan ( the character the Punisher is based on ), he is the pimp. ( not as pimp as Coco though ) RS is bout fightin terrorists and nobody seems to mention Don Pendleton's The Executioner. Throw in the Stony Man crew ( Able Team & Phoenix Force ) and you got a team of new operatives to kick ter a$$. Mack Bolan was a vigilante before the goverment decided to hire him cause they could not stop him.

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: dave-s on December 04, 2001, 07:32:21 am
I think the Merc / Vigilante idea would be great, a pity the RS coding probably wouldnt allow 3 seperate teams per mission. You could have the terrorists in the normal location son the map, the Mercs going in and then having to get away from Rainbow operatives all in the same mission. There could be custom weapons made for the Merc operatives.

I wanted to make Merc operatives but dont know hoe to remodel characters or use the hex editor - Im just getting used to doing weapon mods :)

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: WardenMac on December 04, 2001, 10:06:31 am
Coco, I dont believe you will ever have to worry about running out of mod ideas, lmao. I was just wondering if you and Cobra have thought anymore about the guns you said you might add to US TAC. Cobra had some sweet shots of guns he had made, I loved the AR and the new Steyr. Just wondering bro.

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: Cocobolo on December 04, 2001, 12:43:19 pm
It's all there, ready tobe made and would probably not be too big, but I always get this feeling that we should do something that we haven't yet, and there are a few things we havent done..... There's a few other mods on the burner too, like Cake mod and the Light Infantry mod.

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: AMBROSE on December 04, 2001, 01:48:42 pm
I say, Make the addon, then start a new mod!


Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: Cocobolo on December 04, 2001, 02:00:55 pm
The add-on is the same thing as a new mod, lol. Same amount of work and same amount of time spent...  :o

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: AMBROSE on December 04, 2001, 02:29:50 pm
O.... Well... I still think you should make the TAC UPDATE :)

                                   -AMBROSE :o

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: ViX on December 04, 2001, 05:40:13 pm
freaky, i watched swordfish last nite.

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: AMBROSE on December 04, 2001, 05:56:41 pm
Really? Wow thats odd.............. Anyway how did you like it Cake?    


SWORDFISH sux sux sux sux sux sux sux sux sux sux sux sux sux sux

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: ViX on December 04, 2001, 10:10:03 pm
i dont really remember..... some elite hacker dudes.. bank, money... i dunno. The part where the one chick blew up and you could see the wave from the explosion move throughout was awesome. i would love that guys computer setup. man oh man was it nice.

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: Mr_Grenade on December 05, 2001, 01:47:04 am
Tarantino revitalizes Travolta's career and he repays the public by trying to do as many bad films as possible. While he deserved all the jokes about Battlefield Earth, it is not the worst movie ever made ,i could name at least 100 movies worst than BE.  

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: Cocobolo on December 05, 2001, 08:21:32 am
I thought Swordfish was hot as hell! The effects were crazy, Halle Berry, OMG... :o :o :o

Moment of silence for the goddess Halle.......

Plus there's a TVR in there, in a high speed chase. Yes, that is what that green/purple car was. Travota pulled out an M60 in the street! Yeah I loved it and I'll be getting the DVD.

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: AMBROSE on December 05, 2001, 02:29:39 pm


Great special effects
Cool cars
Cool guns
Cool music
Cool computers
Sexy chics
Halle's breasts........... oh yeah........ they were great actors!
Johnny is in it!
and DON CHEADLE one of my fav actors


Hero is a pussy.
Idea of anti terrorist group that are terrorists themselves
Plot was weak
The whole father daughter relashionship was stupid >:(
Ending was weak
acting was weak
unexplained things happen in the movie a lot

Sword Fish *** STARS

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: AMBROSE on December 05, 2001, 02:34:57 pm
MY FAV MOVIES in order

RONNIN *****

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: ViX on December 05, 2001, 05:19:06 pm
you've got issues ;D

Title: Re: Hey Coco
Post by: AMBROSE on December 05, 2001, 05:24:20 pm
yeah.. well... i'll go curl up in the fetal possision and cry now :(