*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Musk_Melon on December 20, 2007, 05:48:40 pm

Title: Raven Shield on OC'ed Core 2
Post by: Musk_Melon on December 20, 2007, 05:48:40 pm
Hi, just thought I would share some resuilts of overclocking a E6600 Core 2 Duo.
Stock frequency was 2.40 ghz, I got it up to 3.10 ghz after that my LAN card starts to act up.

Now if any of you are running Raven Shield on a Imac or other apple machine with core2duo proccessers, you probably notice the bad proformance, such as frame rates below 40 fps... especially in terrorist hunts.

This screenshot shows singleplayer gameplay with 30 terrorists and all settings on high at 90+ fps.

(http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/3261/snapshot12zx1.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

You can see a big proformance in any rosetta applications. I did all of this testing on OSX 10.4.8 and 2 GB's of RAM.

Title: Re: Raven Shield on OC'ed Core 2
Post by: mesa on December 20, 2007, 06:34:34 pm
I have RVS for PC but my video card wont run it...i dunno.  There a patch out there?  Vid card info below.

Title: Re: Raven Shield on OC'ed Core 2
Post by: Musk_Melon on December 20, 2007, 08:55:13 pm
Mesa, I was running a 8800gts 640 and had no trouble with it, preety much same system as yours.
There is a patch for Raven Shield, check fileplanet.com thats where i found mine. When you say "wont run it" do you mean the game wont even start up? or just bad proformance?