*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: c| Dr. NO on August 28, 2003, 02:15:29 am

Title: Sensors for season 5?
Post by: c| Dr. NO on August 28, 2003, 02:15:29 am
Had to be posted.  I personaly like the idea of banning sensors, i think this would kill most of the camping problems, but on the other hand may cause games to last longer due to guys running around looking for eachother.  Tough call, but i do know i'm up for new things.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on August 28, 2003, 09:00:47 am
 Personally I like the idea of banning sensors, this may even make warzone a little more accepted, but of course there will be those who would rather be drawn and quarted than to give up their beloved sensors.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: l ! l Dutchman on August 28, 2003, 11:05:52 am
Nr. 1 complaint last season: campers

I am a bit surprised, looking at the poll right now (65% against banning), so many people still wants to keep their sensors.
I am looking forward to some good arguments for keeping them.

Dutchman / ViRuS

Rogue Spear includes sensors, AND sensor jammers.
Raven Shield includes sensors, AND sensor jammers.
Ghost Recon includes sensors.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on August 28, 2003, 12:53:15 pm
njaaa....why not, ban em'

Would miss the zoom of the oicw though, my eyes arent what they used to be  ;)

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on August 28, 2003, 01:28:54 pm
Dear flies.

As you just noticed in the test we did, the oicw without the grenade launcher has longer zoom than the oicw without (thats the one you get with the sensor pack) (and this whole thing dosent make sense since the launcher one has a scope and the no-launcher model dosent, so the zoom levels should be the other way..)

And if sensors got banned, i dont think i would pick oicw and silenced gun or extra ammo  ;)

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Narauko on August 28, 2003, 02:39:27 pm
ban em BAN EM ALL!

i think it would be great

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: l ! l Dutchman on August 28, 2003, 02:41:11 pm
once u invented stuff, its hard to take away from ppl

Unfortunately we all have to adapt, in order to reduce camping.
I heared rumors you are getting pretty good with pistols :)

Dutchman / ViRuS

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on August 28, 2003, 03:14:35 pm
I speak for myself when I say this, but banning sensors sounds great.  It cures most of the problems and only creates a few.  It also keeps the element of surprise around every corner, nook and cranny.  You really cannot camp too much when you don't know which way to look.  
Some will of course still back themselves up to the first available corner, but hey, they always do it, so what can you do.
Besides this, the era of netfone has brought in the era of talking bodies.  So even though there is no sensors, you can still watch your body and report any movement.  
That is my current halucination of the sensor issue,

have a bad day,

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Aramarth on August 28, 2003, 03:39:15 pm
The banning of sensors is the step forward this BL needs, and I would be truly impressed if everyone was mature enough to accept it.  Heck, I would play LMS, WZ, or the mod I plan on making without sensors and love every moment of every game...

Though...I never use sensors anyway... yesss, thatsss right my preciousss m203... ;)

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Rampage on August 28, 2003, 07:43:03 pm
little late on the vote there, but i added my "for banning". I would probably cry for a week or so...missing my dear polished sensors, but it would sure bring another element to LMS! more realism for sure. and it adds to teamwork in a cb. a clan would have to cover eachother even more now than before. i think its a good idea and the people like me that love their sens - plz dont get all desperate and defensive as if youre loosing youre right hand - this may help the game forward. sometimes we gotta sacrifice.

here's a nut

[one] Rampage

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: core.C o k e on August 29, 2003, 12:00:57 am
banning sensors has my vote..
as faq sez, it keeps the element of surprise around every corner and, for me, that is a good thing.
So Yes, throw away your clothes!!!! umm i mean sensors, omg i been hanging around dutch ppl too long.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: l ! l Ross on August 29, 2003, 02:16:04 am
I would go for keep sensors.

I hate trying to attack campers without a sensor or two makes it alot easier to track them down and take them out.

I think banning them would increase camping or make it atleast harder to attack campers.

It might be helpful when you get those games where both clans make up a sensor net across the map and wait for someone to cross.

Flanking and stuff would be alot easier. But then if flanking is easier then the clan may not spread out as much knowing they don't have sensors covering there ass's.

I think over all I would keep them.

Ross / ViRuS

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on August 29, 2003, 03:26:52 am
yeah, i sorta agree with ross. In embassy take spawn 3 for example, 1 person watches south alley, 1 watches garage, 1 person watches entrance to spawn 3. I would also think banning sensors would increase camping, it would make people more cautious therefore less action would take place

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Ssickboy on August 29, 2003, 06:47:09 am
Speculation speculation... I'd like to test it out.  I go back and forth on the decission, but lean more towards the BAN!!


Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on August 29, 2003, 11:29:00 am
     SAR, in the scenario you described, what benefit does having sensors give to the attacking team? Knowing the locations of enemies is far handier to people in defensive positions.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: BTs_eight on August 29, 2003, 11:46:45 am
Well if your in the middle of a cb if you know where at least one guy is you can try an take him out... Which then makes the camping team move out of their hole an away from their sensors into yours.

I voted for KEEP!

I mean seriously? Lets just, 1. ban sensors, 2. adopt warzone... 3 ban a few maps....  HEY WAIT A MINUTE! lets just play a diffrent game altogether!

No sensors could equal more camping... On my end though i like knowing what is around the corner.

Sensors is crucial to attacking teams!

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: l ! l Dutchman on August 29, 2003, 12:17:27 pm
Well if your in the middle of a cb if you know where at least one guy is you can try an take him out... Which then makes the camping team move out of their hole an away from their sensors into yours.

This is excactly what the majority doesn't want anymore:
Be aggressive for the first 1 minute, kill some, retreat, place 6 sensors around a li'l campfire and wait for the last 9 minutes to let the other team come to you.

And banning sensors doesn't mean banning maps Eight. We could even play LMS next season if we got rid of the sensors.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on August 29, 2003, 01:54:27 pm
     Eight, why have you bitched about camping? Obviously it's your main strategy, since your gripe about banning sensors is that it would hinder your ability to sensor-camp. Personally, as much fun as it is to play the exact same game over and over again in a CB, I think I'd like to try a little of that "variety" stuff.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on August 29, 2003, 02:30:49 pm
Loth, in the situation i explained, say the attacking team drops a sensor near the end of the alley, and the guy watching the alley appears on map. The attacking team now goes to the garage and drops 1 or 2 sensors and boom, everyone is now on map! The guy who brought nades gets into a position to nade the guy he can possibly get thats on map. 1 down! Next, the camping team gets worried, 1 person comes through the alley, 1 person comes through the garage, and 1 enters spawn 3. 1 person cannot cover 2 areas, so that enemy is dead, and if by any chance he manages to kill 1 of your guy, no biggie. Next there is 1 guy left covering the alley, the 2 remaining guys close in on him and he is 99.9% dead!

  Withought sensors none of this could have taken place because the attacking team wouldn't have known where the campers are hiding! So you see sensors can be used against campers too, i think u should keep em.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: BFG on August 29, 2003, 03:43:25 pm

Well lets ban OLCW as well, and rocket launchers, and hey i don't like embassy map so lets ban that. Oh and i keep getting killed by guys with GL so lets remove that as well...

Anything else? Sensors were put in the game for a reason. I cannot understand why sensor blockers wern't.... pity as it would have been nice. But they are part of the game and i believe that is that. People are eager to say that sensors cause camping... and i understand that, but i'd argue that they can also do the opposite. Carfully placed sensors can cover a teams back and flank as they move, and reduce the size of hostile terrortry. Thus enableing a team to move faster and hunt more effectivly with far less worry about a gettting a bullet up the (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/ass.gif) ;0)  

So keep em. Pity about the lack of blockers. but games a game... don't like it then don't play it ;P

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Ssickboy on August 29, 2003, 04:32:53 pm
I've read enough... I say Ban sensors.  For you guys that are opposing, I believed the same as you, but changed my mind after thinking a little deeper.  The thought of losing sensors can be hard to swallow, but detach yourselves for a moment and think.  

And eight, dutch is right, what you explained is exactly what most of us have been trying to move away from.  I see the strategy in it.  But I think it makes for an overall dull game.  You basiclly described two teams camping until one camping team has spotted an enemy (see below), making a kill, and then hiding behind a sensor perameter.
"until one camping team has spotted an enemy"  - how? if both teams are supposed to be camping?  I guess one guy has bravely come out of his hole, yet into a disadvanatge.  I think we need a game set-up ("chess game") that favors attackers, not campers.    

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on August 29, 2003, 05:29:13 pm
Many clans camp with sensors, but answer me this, did the campers get into the finals? no, so what good does camping do? if camping cant get you to the finals then why try to prevent it? It's the clan's loss if they camp.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Rampage on August 29, 2003, 06:05:19 pm
But Sar m8

one of the things that has come out into the light of day, after the finals - both c| and BTs camped. to my knowledge, thats one of the reasons they drew out like they did.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Fusion on August 29, 2003, 06:27:11 pm
Ok think about this for a second.

My name is El Noobo and I just started a clan called :NoobTastic: and we are going against the collective. Sensors are banned and I am scared to death. Now I find some nice little hiding places on Battlefield that there is only one way in. I convince my fellow :Noobtastic: buddies to just hide in this area till the collective crosses. They cant get a beat on us cause sensors are gone, so we just wait. One walks by, POW, one down, 4 more to go. The collective have covered 90% of the map, they are not real sure if someone got behind them cause sensors are banned, so they  proceed with caution to the location were Ssickboy got toasted(its all in love bro  ;) ) and you and your team have a gun battle with 3 of the other collective members, when that battle is over the :NoobTastic: team has 2 guys left, you(El Noobo) and Super Noober and the last and final Collective member moves in for the kill and .....  ::)  Super Noober Gets him ... The collective wish they could have placed a sensor to find out the location of the camping :NoobTastic: team.

Moral of story..... Campers will camp, with or without sensors. You take sensors away, you eliminate one of the ways we eliminated campers last season. You can say all you want about how sensors help campers camp. I say you remove sensors and you will see some ubertastic camping.

P.S. I was accused of camping in a well known hosts game the other day, but in all actuality I placed a sensor and advance and when the little red lights popped up behind me I moved back and eliminated the enemy. When I was accused of camping by the host I told him to save the replay so he would see that I dont camp, I just place sensors well and he stumbled across one of them. I like sensors and I think they are a huge part of gameplay, and I dont mean for camping. The previous example is why sensors are good for covering your butt while advancing in a different direction. We would have probably follow each other around the map not knowing were each other was . Just out of reach but never seeing each other in a 10 min CB. These are just some of the things to think about before you say .. BAN SENSORS!! IT WILL STOP THE CAMPERS. I say no it wont, it will give the campers an added advantage. Remember, campers will be campers.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on August 29, 2003, 06:29:27 pm
Well of coarse clans are going to camp IN the finals, because the finals are important, b4 the finals all the teams that made it were attacking teams, let that stand as a fact. Even if sensors were banned, camping would go on in the finals, mb even worse camping than that with sensors.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Fusion on August 29, 2003, 07:06:14 pm
thats one of the reasons they drew out like they did.

Drew what out? Have you ever played in the round of all rounds? Ok, let me fill you in. In the game of all games, everyone is on edge and nervous. You move differently in finals, just like you move differently from just playing in someone's game to playing in a cb. The pace slows down a lot when you are in a cb.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Rampage on August 29, 2003, 07:49:33 pm
wow! i should try a cb then.
yes drew out. convos in gr and posts here/damn (by people included in the finals) have often said that there was alot of camping in the finals, and as far as i understand, this is one of the reasons WZ came up was to prevent camping and so was the idea of banning sensors. even if i love my beloved sensors i would be willing to sacrifice them if it would help the game and to some degree prevent camping. But i would preffer to keep them and let LMS stand as it is. Sar absolutely m8, there would be camping but chances are that not only would there be less camping, there would be a new element added to the game.

it would be interresting to see some practice cbs between a new clan and BTs/c| without sensors and look at the outcome. if it works it works, if it doesnt it doesnt. but it would be cool to see if the theory works.

Now maybe Fusion, we can sit in front of a fireplace and you can tell me war stories from cbs uve been in  :)

have a good one yall

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on August 29, 2003, 09:33:20 pm
Ok think about this for a second.

My name is El Noobo and I just started a clan called :NoobTastic: and we are going against the collective. Sensors are banned and I am scared to death. Now I find some nice little hiding places on Battlefield that there is only one way in. I convince my fellow :Noobtastic: buddies to just hide in this area till the collective crosses. They cant get a beat on us cause sensors are gone, so we just wait. One walks by, POW, one down, 4 more to go. The collective have covered 90% of the map, they are not real sure if someone got behind them cause sensors are banned, so they  proceed with caution to the location were Ssickboy got toasted(its all in love bro  ;) ) and you and your team have a gun battle with 3 of the other collective members, when that battle is over the :NoobTastic: team has 2 guys left, you(El Noobo) and Super Noober and the last and final Collective member moves in for the kill and .....  ::)  Super Noober Gets him ... The collective wish they could have placed a sensor to find out the location of the camping :NoobTastic: team.

Moral of story..... Campers will camp, with or without sensors. You take sensors away, you eliminate one of the ways we eliminated campers last season. You can say all you want about how sensors help campers camp. I say you remove sensors and you will see some ubertastic camping.

P.S. I was accused of camping in a well known hosts game the other day, but in all actuality I placed a sensor and advance and when the little red lights popped up behind me I moved back and eliminated the enemy. When I was accused of camping by the host I told him to save the replay so he would see that I dont camp, I just place sensors well and he stumbled across one of them. I like sensors and I think they are a huge part of gameplay, and I dont mean for camping. The previous example is why sensors are good for covering your butt while advancing in a different direction. We would have probably follow each other around the map not knowing were each other was . Just out of reach but never seeing each other in a 10 min CB. These are just some of the things to think about before you say .. BAN SENSORS!! IT WILL STOP THE CAMPERS. I say no it wont, it will give the campers an added advantage. Remember, campers will be campers.

I just read trough the whole thing....twice, and sorry fusion but i just cand find any sense in it. If sensors got banned it would speed up the game, and give the more offensive team if not an advantage then atleast make it easier to take the campers out.

And lets be hounest...c| would easily take out that rookie team, EVEN without sensors  ;)

I think...If sensors got banned, it would speed up the game between the "better" and more oranized clans. The :NoobTastic: clans will keep loosing with or without sensors

just my 2 cents.  :)

hey Flies AKA. test master jay
Im sure there are alternatives, but they dont have the zoom that I need to spot enemys... I guess il be coming after you in next season with twice as much bullets  ;D

Over and out.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on August 29, 2003, 11:06:48 pm
     If anybody is qualified to talk about camping from the camper's point of view, it's me. I'm specialized as a sniper, which means I lurk, I lie in wait, I skulk... I camp. Sensors are essential for camping because they allow me to "watch" multiple enemy attack vectors without moving my crosshair from my primary direction of observation. Without sensors, I would have to physically look around, which would cost time.

     More importantly in my mind for the question of the cost/benefit of banning sensors, sensors give warning. The campers can say, "Here comes a guy along the alley" and then just fix their guns on the end of the alley and wait for his elbow to show. Without sensors, there's no such warning and the attacker, with surprise on his side, may be able to get through the kill zone and into enemy territory.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: BFG on August 29, 2003, 11:35:44 pm
Okey dokey.... I think im agreeing with Fusion here.... Banning sensors could actually increase the ammount of camping. members of :noobtastic: will be so busy wetting themselves at the prospect of going into unknown parts of the map that they will just sit and hide. El Noobo and this fellow noobies will spend the 10:00 mins on their stomaches in a corner paranoid about moving any futher than a few feet into the map....

Not my idea of a great action packed game by any means.

Also like Loth pointed out. Snipers need sensors, providing a sensor net for your sniper is a invaluable piece of teamwork needed.

If people are going to camp the presence or lack of sensors will not make one squit of difference. Sensors are a part of the damn game. If people don't like them then perhaps they should just go and play Quake III or somthing :p

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Fusion on August 30, 2003, 02:45:03 am
ROFL..... You know.. I really do lub most of your guys on here.. Even if we dont see eye to eye on things. It is a great experience talking to everyone and reading everyones post, even if they fire my butt up.

Loth does make a great point about seeing someone on sensor and running to cut them off. If you get there before they do, you stop drop and shoot, and he didnt know you were going to be there. Although, I like this tactic, sometimes it doesnt work. I get there a little to late and I am gunned down by the guy coming out of the alley.

Anyway, I still think that banning sensors will not stop camping. I think it might make it a little harder to find the campers thus defeating the purpose.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on August 30, 2003, 02:57:20 pm
Yeah, as i've been trying to explain. A team can just camp behind a dumpster, in a bush, or in anywhere else hard to see, and that camper can just sit there the whole game waiting for someone to pass by him. Although with sensors, you can track down where he is camping and throw a nade in there, sidestep, or anything else u can think of. If u ban sensors you will just run by the camper's hiding spot without notice and get killed.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Ssickboy on August 30, 2003, 06:33:36 pm
Noobtastic team isn't what worries me.  THey can camp all they want.  It's when the top 6 clans decide hold ground.  That gets tricky.  And I believe that without sensors there would be less camping from those teams on top.  Am I wrong about that?

Just to clarify something... c| has not been trying to eliminate campers from the game.  campers will be campers.  What we have been trying to point out is that with the current cb game set-up, camping-like tactics have been favored with an advantage.  Thus the elite (attack skilled) teams tended to camp a lot more often.  And this leads to very camping oriented games.  We have only been trying to find a solution to give the advantage back to the more "Attack and Control" Strategies.  

I understand that sensors help weed out campers, I value sensors in that way too.  But which is the lesser evil?  Camping with or without sensors?

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Valdar on August 30, 2003, 07:32:28 pm
Taking away sensors will lead to longer games Sensors are a tool to help pinpoint where the enemy is located. Without that tool, one team  has no clue where the enemy is unless they are within direct line of sight. Campers will still camp, but attackers will be forced to turtle across the map if they want to eliminate the entire enemy.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on August 30, 2003, 10:46:42 pm
     As opposed to now, where the attackers can't attack because the campers will know they are coming and will put 20 rounds into the attacker as soon as one nanometer of flesh shows around the corner.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: bronto on August 30, 2003, 11:33:04 pm
just play the game the way it was meant to be.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Raven? on August 31, 2003, 03:39:13 am
[about sensors they suck, show no skill and only pussies use them. i hate to be critical but it's the truth. it's fun to have surprises and get so scared you jump out of your seat! besides one who can play and react to quick reactions and times needed for quick thinking is a good game player. I say ban sensers! who needs them! play for skill not pussie work! they are like using a aimbot for what i think!

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on August 31, 2003, 04:10:46 am
So raven, you are telling me i wont be a pussy and I have skill by camping behind a trashcan, waiting for an enemy to pass by..? hmm

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: GEN BILLY on August 31, 2003, 11:00:42 am

Are we trying to change the game?... WHY!!!!

Its a game.

Play lms.

Play warzone.

Keep sensors.

Ban sensors.

All this talk and youll want to ban snipers and grenades also.

Boys come on its a game.

Play it the way it was made.

And lets start season 5.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Civrock on August 31, 2003, 01:08:21 pm
yeah billy... i totally agree!  :)

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Saberian 3000 on August 31, 2003, 10:56:54 pm
I have to agree with Billy as well.  Keep the game as it is.  this whole topic is kinda stupid as it is to begin with.  Sensors are part of the game.  In every CB league out there they all use sensors.  I think people are making a serious phoebia about sensors that is not really presant except for in their minds.  They can be used offensively and defensively.  And I think that sensors give the game the added bonus of being able to be one step ahead of the enemy.  It's like Checkers and Chess.  The simpleton loves checkers cause the game eliminates the obvious possibilities unlike Chess which opens many doors for attack.  Checkers is like no sensors and Chess is like the original game.  Too many people are bitching about the game and not enough are practicing the moves that will get them ahead.  
     I can understand Warzone, but taking the equipment away from the people that use it is completely stupid.  Ya see, in Warzone at least it dosent take the equipment away that people have grown to love to use.  I personally dont use sensors but do rely on them in the game from some of my other members.  It allows us to also cover parts of the map that we cannot cover cause of area, oherwise we could be searching forever to finish the game and get the final kill.   Sensors have been used in 4 seasons before this and should be used now.  There is no reason to take out sensors just to alleve some phoebia that people have of sensors.   Plus sensors also help in the finding of campers cause if you have the whole map covered with sensors and no one is picked up then it's obvious where they are hiding.  So by taking away sensors it is allowing people to hide easier and in fact have the game last even longer, and let campers get away with it.  Plus the simple fact of Warzone will eliminate most camping tactics like the killing / camping.  So my vote is sensors be allowed in.  


Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Fusion on September 01, 2003, 06:54:17 am
Smart Billy ............  ;D

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on September 01, 2003, 08:12:13 am
     Meh. It's obvious that the League isn't going to change, and we're going to have another season of six-hour CBs. Still, six-hour CBs are a problem in my book. I'm in favor of modifications that fix the problems.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: .::|N| DIESEL on September 01, 2003, 08:17:34 am
.::|N|ice attitude Billy...  I vote to ban you from the this thread!


Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: GEN BILLY on September 01, 2003, 08:19:51 am
As for six hour cbs I have never been in one.
To cure that I thought Mauti fixed it by saying draws count.

Sure wish the updated rules would come out, and we start battling.


Also any one up for some practice cb's?  Post in our forum, and I'll come see ya.


Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: .::|N| juGGla on September 01, 2003, 10:16:33 am
i hereby declare shenanigans on this whole thread......

Just play would yas

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Ssickboy on September 01, 2003, 05:02:49 pm
Dammit Billy.  See what you started.  

It is a game.  That's what brought us all here.  But what keeps me here now is the competition.  And in order to keep the competition heated and interesting it's very normal to make some tweaks as the Damn BL grows and players become more skilled.  

the olympics are a few thousand years old.  You don't think they ever made any rule or format changes during that course of time?  Do you think that maybe the olympics could use some more changes to fit with todays athletic capabilities? Why are ice skaters penalized for doing backflips?

and here's the other point.  I used to have 2-4hours to give for a cb.  I don't have that anymore.  Many of the older players as well.  Possibly why you see a lot of people retiring, or coming around less often.    

The Damn BL is still fairly young.  THere have been rule changes since the day I joined.  There will inevitably be more, and I would like to help get them right this time.   I'm sure Season 5 will start regardless.  

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: GEN BILLY on September 03, 2003, 06:51:05 am
I dont know Flies must be a new rule.. ;)

Any way Ssicboy

I thought Mauti made a rule that draws count... Therefor no more long cbs..

Thats all.  I know sounds too simple,  but there are a lot of simple minds in gr.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Ssickboy on September 03, 2003, 07:49:17 am
1. To do anything amazing within your skate routine that does not follow the strict judging criteria takes away time and energy, and therefore draws lower judging scores.  Skaters are forced to do classical routines, even though the more modern talents are full of soul and exciting stunts.  It's become a historical tradition to see the same routines and spins (Lutz's).  Not to say that its easy to do the classical stuff.  Seems like its more of a challenging mind game and less athletic, hence all the drama that follows it.  There are some good reasons to keep it this way, but I think the future and excitement of skating is being held back.  The more popular olympic sports these days are snowboarding etc.  .... This was just meant to be an example.  I don't really follow skating.  I swear.   (omg I think I killed this thread with this lame skating post)

2. yo Billy... the "draws being counted" has an enhancing effect in favor of camping tactics again.  The current team leading in games won only need to draw the rest of the matches in order to win the whole CB.  So if they only need to draw the match, then why should they ever attack?  So it might speed up the CB's, but only makes matters worse using the LMS game type.  Sorry to bum ya out.    


Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: .::|N|SOC on September 03, 2003, 07:27:05 pm
omg, is this thread serious?

(strike that question, if it's the damn forum, anything is possible)

my 2 cents:

- lack of sensors would ENCOURAGE me to camp, not vice versa. sensors cover my backside, and show me where the enemy ISN'T more often than where they are. for me, sensors make it easier to move around safely, encouraging me to take ground. without sensors, i have to watch more of the map, and i move slower, or not at all.

- whats next? no snipers? they are campers by definition, right? ban them. support guns? they lag the servers. ban them too. and don't get me started on nade-launchers. lag-o-rama. pistols? they suck. ban 'em. oicw? zooms as much a sniper rifle, almost. ban it. what's left? i dunno. let's switch to dope wars, i guess.

just kidding...guess I'm having a hard time taking this thread seriously.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: c| Dr. NO on September 04, 2003, 07:31:40 am
C'mon you guys, your all freaking out about what could happen if we ban this that or the other thing.  Like Ssick said before, we're only looking for ways to improve the game and most of all speed it up. I love cb's, but i hate the time being wasted by sitting around while another team camps, this is why i push for warzone and no sensors.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on September 04, 2003, 10:43:38 am
C'mon you guys, your all freaking out about what could happen if we ban this that or the other thing.  Like Ssick said before, we're only looking for ways to improve the game and most of all speed it up. I love cb's, but i hate the time being wasted by sitting around while another team camps, this is why i push for warzone and no sensors.

I think Fridges tread sums up all I have to say about this.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Ssickboy on September 04, 2003, 06:11:20 pm
I think Fridge's thread missed the point.  

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on September 04, 2003, 10:17:46 pm
I think Fridge's thread missed the point.  

I think ssick's post sums up all that I have to say about fridges thread  ;D

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: core.C o k e on September 04, 2003, 11:45:52 pm
Jokas post sums up what i think of sssicks post summing up Firdges thread. Well said.

That pretty much sums it up.

Dont ban sensors, ban summing up.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Ssickboy on September 05, 2003, 04:29:00 am
btw, I changed my views sensor ban.  Based on Valdar's point and a few others.  the adjusted vote should read 20-25 in favor of keeping them.  Overall, i think sensors make the game more fun, and probably doesn't make much (or enough) improvement as far as camping.  The problem to me is based more in LMS, and not how people like to play.  

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: .::|N| juGGla on September 06, 2003, 11:12:06 pm
To moderators....

You people have no sense of humor deleting the last few posts....

This discussion is lame......stfu and play the game.

end of story.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Ssickboy on September 07, 2003, 12:09:05 am
booooo juggy... some people are taking the suggestions serious.  

btw... where are you guys?  Say No to Tiger Woods.  Just say no.


Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: c| Dr. NO on September 07, 2003, 02:29:00 am
ya that was me jug

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: .::|N| DIESEL on September 07, 2003, 06:00:59 am
Is my assistance needed here jugg?  If it is I will be glad to insert my two cents on this thread...  Next time juggy be sure to insert your proper tags before submiting your post:  <sarcasm></sarcasm>  ;D

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: BFG on September 08, 2003, 02:15:55 pm
Like ive said. Sensors were put in the game for a reason. They are a fundemental part of tatics and team movment within a game - no to mention tatically which member takes them (if they chose to) and where they are placed.

I think people would find that CB's went on a lot longer than they might expect should we loose sensors. Next people will be wanting to ban nades and GL... and then support etc ;0)    ;D

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: | ! | Dutchman on September 08, 2003, 04:12:41 pm
Yeah, I agree. Let's go back to the good old days so we can set sensor traps and hide in the bushes for 10 minutes. Sounds fun!

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: PLOPje on September 08, 2003, 04:42:50 pm
actually i dont mind if they stay in or not
but what dutchman said sounds like fun.
Sometimes I use sensors and sometimes I dont their not an important part of my gameplay so it doesnt really mather for me but hey when I want to hide in the bushes Ill do it no matter if I got sensor or not it even is more fun with no sensor

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: .vooDoo. on September 08, 2003, 06:12:13 pm
Wow! This thread sounds vaguely familiar to when you people got rid of 3rd person view from RS. It too was part of the game.  ;)

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on September 08, 2003, 09:43:19 pm
     And it inarguably made the game weaker in terms of forcing people to be skilled. The case against sensors is not so cut-and-dried, but as I've said before, I'm in favor of any measures which reduce the average time of CBs.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: crypt on September 08, 2003, 10:07:43 pm
i agree, i hate spending 5 hours to do a cb, but it really truly is fun, everything is so dramatic, one mistake could ruin it all, so i dunno. Maybe alter the rules so that cb's won't last that long somehow, But please keep sensors!

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: core.C o k e on September 08, 2003, 10:25:58 pm
I changed my mind.
Bin em

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Valdar on September 09, 2003, 10:01:34 am
Are you crazy? Playing without sensors will make the average cb even longer. This is because sensors reason add certainty.  With sensors you know exactly where the enemy isn't and they also tell you exactly where any enemy soldiers are nearby. Take away that certainty and I guarantee you will have clans playing even more cautiously. You will see even more draws and even more 10 minute games. If you have no clue where the enemy is, then it is extremely hard to kill them. The goal should not be to make clans play more cautiously/camp and that is exactly what taking away sensors will lead to.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on September 09, 2003, 11:45:39 am
You know..... I'm at the point i could realy not give a shit if we have sensors or not.. I'm just ready for this next season to begin.. b/c i know.. no matter what we do we will still get peeps bitching and complaining.. so everyone lets just play and have fun. I mean i know we will see threads in the middle of the season or hear someone during cb's saying how things would have been better if we had gotten rid /or kept sensors or used war zone or WTF ever we do and i could care less. B/c what ever happends happends and i might still not like war zone but that might become the way. OH well!!! if peeps dont like it dont play.. i will try to get used to it.. i hope we dont use it. The same thing for the sensor debate. I hope we keep sensors in but if we dont.. i will just adjust my playing style.. i mean hell i have change it alot during the off season that it wont make much diff. ether way. So everyone lets just get this next season started of good w/ lots of CB's and lots of fun.. and no matter how the season is played.. LEAVE THE BITCHING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!. thats my 2 cents for what its worth.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on September 15, 2003, 11:47:49 pm

no sensors

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Dongman Extraordinare on September 16, 2003, 04:39:18 pm
You terd munchers! banning sensors... are you that goddamn ignorant to not realize THAT JAMMING KILLS THE PROBLEM? fucking morons fucking morons.. <does a jig>. fuck all of you goddamn fucking piece of fuck shit noobs who say sensors should be banned... lets ban nades
  • they take little to no skill to kill someone
  • they piss me off..fuckheads
All you mother fuckers are gonna pay! you are the ones who are the ball lickers! when i get to your houses and find those fucks who said ban sensors, im gonna make you eat my shit. Then shit out your shit which is made of my shit and eat that. Love, Dongman Extraordinare.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on September 16, 2003, 04:43:59 pm
I think we have a winner for stupidest post of the day.
Your bold statement is quite profound.


What game are you playing?  do you know something that all of here don't.

go back to your cave and silence.

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: BTs_eight on September 16, 2003, 05:56:50 pm
I was against the whole banning sensors but after listening to buttmunch who posted before Fah... i might just have to change my oppinion to see if tard boy can really make it to my house.

By the way tard boy enlighten all of us on how YOU can jam sensors... YOU and only YOU can do this.... So im curious

Title: Re:Sensors for season 5?
Post by: Noto on September 16, 2003, 06:38:41 pm
Just a thought about banning the sensors.  Myself along with many of The .::|N|etwork guys play on PC servers for some variety.  Every PC server we have ever played on has banned sensors.  Yes, it took some getting used to, but overall I liked it.  I kept you on your toes, and it seemed to create a bit of strategy as well.  I remember a few times where we would all go to PC land and get wiped out within 2 minutes by these PC players, and we didn't even know where they were.  Maybe they were cheating, but I think it had more to do with knowing where to blend in and anticipating where the enemy will be.  

If we didn't have sensors, we would have to play warzone.  Regular LMS would be a sniper/camp/nade fest.  Most people would be too afraid to advance without their precious sensors, and for those who did, God knows there's a noob waiting for you with a nade launcher, or some sniper 50Km away checking out your eye color.  

Banning Sensors = Warzone
Keeping Sensors = warzone & LMS

Some of you guys should check out the PC servers and get a taste of the 'no sensor' thing.  [RS] Battlefield is one of the better PC servers out there.  Oh, almost forgot... Don't tell them you're playing on a Mac.  You'll get banned faster than a black man in a 1950's diner.

Have a good one folks...

--- Noto