*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: *DAMN Mauti on August 03, 2011, 09:07:19 pm

Title: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on August 03, 2011, 09:07:19 pm
Life is full of strange coincidences. Yesterday my mom asked me if I'm still in contact with Lasse Buch, alias Flies(http://www.damnr6.com/tet/fullnews.cgi?newsid1063973565,96153, (http://www.damnr6.com/tet/fullnews.cgi?newsid1063973565,96153,)) to only receive a devastating mail from RnT Sjaky a few hours later, that Flies passed away on 15th september 2010. He died because of an heart attack. He died way too young. He just got 50 years old. What a shame.

I met him twice in real life and we spend hours together online. He was also a *DBL admin for many seasons. Although I haven't any contact with him since march 2009, where he told me about a very heavy work accident and that he is making his pilot license, I feel very sad about this tragedy. Another one of our small *DAMN community that moved on to another life.

*16.4.1960 - †15.10.2010

Take care, you will stay in our memories forever,


Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: BFG on August 06, 2011, 10:28:40 am
Oh god. First thing i've done this morning was to logon to Damn, dunno why. Devastated to see this. I got to know Lasse over many years and we spent many hours together discussing life on damn, rules and regs, troublesome kids and petty arguments and how best to moderate the dbl, and while we had our differences and disagreements id like to say we became rather good mates. He gave a huge amount of time and energy into helping look after the dbl and its sucess.

Shocked. 50 is far far to young, makes you really realise how important it is to appreciate the time you have.

A little lost for words,

With fond memories.

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on August 15, 2011, 03:58:35 am
Oh this is just shitty news to come back to.  I had many a late night chat session with Flies.  You will be missed.

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: PUNiSHER™ on August 18, 2011, 06:28:58 am
Very sad and sorry to hear that.  Hope he is in a better place.

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: mesa on August 19, 2011, 04:17:02 am

Flies IS a great person.  A lot of fun times  :)

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: Postal Worker on August 22, 2011, 07:56:09 am
While I can't say I actually knew him, due to me being MIA for years, any loss to this community is a shame. Prayers to his family.

RIP good sir.

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: Patterson - RnT on October 25, 2011, 08:39:07 pm
Hey guys

Very sad to hear that, R.I.P Flies :(

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: BTs-FahQ2 on November 21, 2011, 05:58:45 pm
Man I just heard about this. This is definitely sad news. Flies was a great guy when we talked and played. Godspeed Flies.

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: Kinetic on November 21, 2011, 06:00:47 pm
Hey guys. I'm not usually a forum typ of person but this is too sad not to talk about it. I've known Flies a long time in both Virus and Core. He wasn't always the easiest guy around being stubborn and all,but overall we had a lot of fun times playing Ghost recon/rainbow six 3 doing clan battles and such.
I will miss him!

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: KGB on November 21, 2011, 09:53:08 pm
Hey Guys

Just recieved an email from Kev (kinnetic) and had to get on the DAMN forum.
Very sad to hear the bad news.
A great player and a great person.
What I remember most were the rather lengthy chat and teamspeak sessions late at night, his love for motorcycles and american cars.
There used to be a detailed post of his european trip he took a couple of years ago visiting several clan members and dbl adversaries, but I can't seem to find it on the forum.
I had the privilege of meeting him in person during a small lan party at sjakys boat a couple of years ago.

You will be missed

fun memories and good games

stef aka KGB

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: we:JollyRoger on November 22, 2011, 07:17:25 pm
I've only just been informed via Assgoblin via Kin.  :(

Sad news indeed. He was really a fine and fun gentleman. I hope he finds peace in a much better place.

As KGB said, we had fun memories and good games. The small but close-knitted RvS community will miss him.

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: :V:*Beast on November 23, 2011, 08:32:59 pm
:V: The...Beast: "Flies!! Don't nade now!!!" ***while rushing like a fool on Garage map***
:V: Flies: "Oooops... sorry team... ;-)"
:V: The...Beast: "grrmmbll... ok Flies, let's quit for tonight and have some beers together."
:V: Flies: "I was wondering when you were about to ask me!!!"

I met Lasse during the last season of RS:UO and the early GhR & RvS CBs. He was RnT back then, when I persuade him to join ViRuS (sorry Sjaky) or was it EUR...
For me, as Jolly mentioned before, he was the ONLY gentleman on GR. Lot's of fun, great anecdotes, great chats and most important a great friend who was always willing to listen... when he was sober ;-)
I had the chance to meet him in real life during his Europe tour. He stayed a few days at our place visiting Gent & Bruges (Belgium). I regret I never went visiting him at his place in Denmark, his beach house somewhere along the coast of Liseleje.
Whoever is left of the old school GR community and who had the privilege to know him, we will miss you Lasse...

gg Flies... GG!!!

(aka The...Beast)

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on November 24, 2011, 02:15:12 am
I never had the opportunity to know Flies as well as I would have liked, but it fills me with sadness to know our little community has been made irrevocably smaller with his passing.  For those of you that knew him personally, he will live on in your memories, and for those of us that did not know him as well, he will be remembered forever in our memories of *DAMN and the BL, a community and culture to which he contributed greatly, and for the good.


Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: core.Sinister on November 30, 2011, 12:46:58 am
Just jumped onto GR for the first time in a year to be met with this incredibly sad news.

My Gmail got hacked about 18 months ago and the perpetrators sent Viagra mails to everyone in my address book, the upside was that it resulted in me regaining contact with my old friend Lasse Buch.

Flies was an incredible man, with so many amazing stories and anecdotes to tell.
We would often reluctantly end our gaming sessions at a reasonable hour with intentions of getting a good nights sleep only to end up still awake at ungodly hours just chatting and getting drunk on Netfone.

We also worked together on a few websites and design work for some of his peers/local businesses, we would get in deep with jobs that were way too big for us and do nothing except play RvS for weeks. Then cramming a months work into a week with very little sleep or rest, our (questionable) success was again solely due to Flies and his ability to keep us talking and laughing through many a long nights work.

My last contact with him was in April last year, I was traveling to Copenhagen for an annual conference in July and we were planning to meet up for the first time in person. Unfortunately I was unable to get away from my duties and we agreed to reschedule for the same trip next year. I cannot tell you how gutted I am that I didn't get to finally meet up in person and actually get to see Flies fly, as some of you may know he finally obtained his private pilots license last year.

Am left with some amazing memories of the fun we all had both in and outside of core.

Farewell Flies and GG indeed.

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on December 01, 2011, 11:18:47 am
Hi guys, many very touching contributions.

@KGB: the trip wasn't posted on the forum you can read about Flies europe trip 2003 here:
http://www.damnr6.com/tet/fullnews.cgi?newsid1063973565,96153, (http://www.damnr6.com/tet/fullnews.cgi?newsid1063973565,96153,)



Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on December 15, 2011, 08:59:54 am
Worthy fucking adversary.

May he rest in peace.

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: GEN BILLY on December 18, 2011, 11:51:33 pm
God bless.  :(

Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: dr.blake. on July 17, 2012, 05:23:19 pm
It really is amazing what you see on these forums when you decide to check them for the first time in years.

It obviously makes me feel like shit to read this news, but it makes me smile to see everyone still posting on here, sharing warm sentiments about a beloved pillar of our little community- you know flies would have gotten a big kick out of this.

I had my differences with flies, or "files" as I called him for the first year or so that I knew him, back in the RS days.. Ha. I remember he made us CB 4v3 in the RvS finals one time... Stupid aut didn't show up so it was me skillz and friz against virus's best 4.. Really flies? He was a stubborn one, but never quite out of line... And he was nice enough to let me and overthrow into rnt even though we weren't euros.. Haha those were the days. He could be your best friend and your worst enemy in the same day... or the same map. Real smart player though- perhaps the only respectable camper in gaming history. He was legit.

Unquestionably one of the most important people on GR, and one of the most unforgettable.


Title: Re: Very sad news! Take a moment.
Post by: Maniac on September 23, 2012, 03:56:52 am
I am very sad to hear this even if it's years later. Flies was a awesome guy and more importantly a great person in this community that i came to love 10 years ago. The very immature nature of my youth probably made a lot of people mad or hate me back then (and still might). I remember Flies was always down to CB (after i bugged the hell outta him) or just play RVS late at night when all the people in the US were asleep. I wish nothing but the best for his family and friends he will truly be missed God bless. PS i hope everyone is doing well.