*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: BBE_Almelo on May 20, 2006, 11:42:29 am

Title: lockdown patch notes
Post by: BBE_Almelo on May 20, 2006, 11:42:29 am
 ::applause:: dit u guys of the dtd pro mod team knew there is comin a patch for lockdown geiger gave us some patch notes whats gonna change in this patch :
- Sound popping should be fixed both in software and hardware modes
- Improved software buffer sound
- Added in-game option to select hardware/software mixing
- Fixed some 3D sound propagation issues

- Fixed a few AI issues
- Fixed smoke grenade bug for AI team members
- Fixed a few hostage issues in MP Rivalry modes

- Added direct connect to server command line option "lockdown -client ipaddressort", i.e. "lockdown -client"
- Improved ping time number, still does a full game loop ping
- Fixed connection issues when playing online
- Fixed some online dialogs and queries
- Changed PunkBuster behavior so it doesn't automatically turn off
- Added ability to specify game port for online and offline connection
- Fixed unlimited rounds on dedicated server
- Encrypted Ubi.com passwords
- Fixed a few game browser filtering issues
- Fixed Free For All spawn location bug for 'merc' side
- Fixed a few bugs affecting scoring in Rivalry modes
- Added spectator mode view when you die in No Respawn games

Dedicated Server

- New command line "lockdownded filename.nds"
- New rcon command "nextmap"
- Fixed more than a few crash issues
- Dedicated server doesn't require D3D to run anymore
- Multiple bug fixes
- Added a few rcon commands
- Added 16-player dedicated server support
- Dedicated server can now be started from the command line
- Ability to run multiple servers using different ports/IP addresses on a single machine
- Fixed a few issues with reticule disappearing or not being the proper color in some game MP modes
- Fixed a few crashes related to kits and loadouts

Mod system
- Fixed a few crash issues
- Fixed a search order issue preventing replacement of guns, items, etc.

- Added suicide and suicidesp console commands

New Options
"disableVoiceCommand", turn off voice recognition
"spAlternateMovementSpeed", to use old Rainbow Six/Raven Shield walk/run speeds
"usePlayerNameOnline", allows player to use their PlayerName when going online instead of Ubi.com login name
"LANPortNumber", Default 2346 allows you to change LAN port
Changing the offline connection port should only be done if you KNOW what you are doing since ONLY machines using the SAME LAN port will be able to see each other to play the game. Changing this setting on a single machine will effectively prevent the machine from playing with others.

"UBIDotComPortNumber",Default 2346. Changing this can help fix router/firewall issues

"LANIPAddress", default "". Mostly for tech people (not recommended unless you know what you are doing)

"UBIIPAddress", default "". Mostly for tech people (not recommended unless you know what you are doing)