*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Mod Section => Topic started by: Destructo on June 08, 2002, 08:41:00 am

Title: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Destructo on June 08, 2002, 08:41:00 am
I can;t make mods, but if knew how to, i would definatly make one tha thas a number of R6/RS players on it.

For example:
int he list of player when you choose, have the naems of popular R6/RS ppl.

That would be cool, all with there individual talents.

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: bronto on June 08, 2002, 05:54:37 pm
Would you want it to be a completely new character, like with their face on the dude and everything?

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Dest@work on June 10, 2002, 10:31:38 am
Yes, yes i would

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: bronto. on June 10, 2002, 02:36:58 pm
It would take alot of work, but it could be done. Im new to making characters, so it would be a better idea to have a more experienced person do it. I can try though. I just finished adding myself  8).

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Jeb on June 10, 2002, 08:15:47 pm
Dest, if you convince someone to do it, can i be in it? and if so, can my unis be a birthday suit?

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Brain on June 14, 2002, 12:11:20 am
i would like to be in this mod as well
maybe a post in the general gossip would be inorder as well, to see if you can get others to join into your mod

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Wombat on July 14, 2002, 02:15:47 am
Awesome idea. But you'd probably have to keep updating it, and you'd never make everybody happy.  I'd like to be in it though, wouldn't want to play if i wasnt. Lol pretending to be Mauti like youd pretend to be superman?

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: †FiRE Infection on July 14, 2002, 01:55:53 pm
 I'd wanna be in it too, why not all of the battle league? ;)

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on July 17, 2002, 03:49:13 pm
There's a drawback though. If you put someone like Rapid in the mod, everyone would be him and then tk like crazy.  ;)

:-[                                                        ::)

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: *DAMN Alex on July 18, 2002, 05:20:43 pm
lol now thats not nice to say SNIPE. I think that this is a great idea. But who would actually sit down at their computer and design a mod. It takes time and you know that everyone who plays rs will want to be in it. But maybe you just put the clan leaders up.

Title: Yah see...
Post by: jtsoldier on July 19, 2002, 05:38:32 pm
I create characters, but I'm not too good at it, although I admit, I do make characters more than I play (not saying much!) currently trying to get all of [ifB] into Rogue Spear characters, so we can play an awesome coop where we can actually tell who is who, via height, and the face texture ? ;D I don't know the Rogue Spear players well enough to make them into characters prolly though, and the clan mod is currently the top of prioritys.


Title: Re: Yah see...
Post by: †FiRE Infection on July 29, 2002, 10:44:11 am
 Anyone volunteering to make this mod hopefully?

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: jtsoldier on July 30, 2002, 12:54:47 am
I hope you didn't take my last post as a "yes, I'll do that!" . I've quickly passed through the modding Rogue Spear part, and moved on to playing just normal Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. Might be able to get yourselves someone else, quite possibly better at it than me.


Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: *DAMN Silent Killer on August 07, 2002, 02:44:01 am
dude  thats a good idea

i would like to b in the mod that would b so cool

have the  terrors b rapid's  in purple suits with upside down triagles on them

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: *DAMN Alex on August 07, 2002, 05:42:43 pm
LOL good creativity there SK.

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on August 08, 2002, 02:26:10 pm
hey, i think i'll butt in now.

I'm none-too-keen on making unis, but for just BSing the stuff in RS, changing stats, putting in pics, that i can do. if this is what your talking about:


then i can do that, no prob lickety split. I'd just need pics of everyone who wants to be in the mod. I'm not volunteering exactly, but it's definitely soemthign i'd be interested in doing some of.

Title: Re: MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Brain on August 17, 2002, 10:30:12 pm
 can you change background storys?

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: PsYcO Goku.aHa!.ict on August 20, 2002, 05:49:38 am
Ya,that would be cool....only popular rs players such as ejo and ppl like that should be in it tho,or ppl that were at gr at least a year or more (such as myself)  (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/beer.gif)

Title: Re:Make a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: AgT SNiPE on August 20, 2002, 06:56:55 pm
I was recently fiddling around with some rogue spear files, and realized that I could make a completely new character very easily. I just opened one of the character's bio and data in simpletext, duplicated it, gave it a new name, (mine) and then altered the data. I changed the height, weight, pictures background, medical info, etc. to make it be like me. I think something like this could be done in a week if a few people volunteered to work on it. I would, but I don't know much about actually making it a mod, and complicated stuff like that.

Oh btw, if someone does make this mod, i'd like to be in it.
P.S. I passed Goku's 1 year test.  (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/rambo.gif)

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: theN00b on August 21, 2002, 09:49:05 pm
I got a great idea. Make on of the terrys me. So when you come to get me I blow myself up with c4!  Or can I be in it?

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on August 25, 2002, 03:18:26 am
Let myst in the mod... (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/shocked2.gif)

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Mattster on August 26, 2002, 12:27:38 am
If we come threw with the mod let me be in it! Make like all the RS players in it. That would be cool, Make unises For the people like in thre clan have there patch picture and letter on their suite. (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/ass.gif) (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/shocked2.gif)

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on September 13, 2002, 03:05:11 am
Well, back in the day when everyone was talking about this mod, it seemed like a cool idea...

but it was forgotten. Is anyone gonna actually do anything with this? or is it another case of "yah that'd be cool but someone else can do it"  (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/hm.gif)

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Casper on September 13, 2002, 05:12:44 am
It is way to big! but i was thinking about making a person for each clan mb.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: *DAMN Silent Killer on September 15, 2002, 01:58:20 am
How bout just a agent like

*DAMN Agent
AgT Agent

and stuff like that and there armpatch is ther icon and there DoB is when the clan started and stuff like that


Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Casper on September 15, 2002, 02:10:06 am
Thats what i was thinking of. im not sure if people would like it and Which clans would i choose? one other thing what faces would i use i could use 1 person like Chavez.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on September 17, 2002, 10:38:49 pm
Use Bogart. Chavez looks funny.  ;D

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: p u n on September 17, 2002, 11:58:45 pm
i know how to make modifications and i will volunter if u need help creating it.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Geek USA on September 22, 2002, 03:36:41 am
if you make a mod, put me in it... ive been playing r6 and rs for like 2+ years...

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on September 22, 2002, 05:29:45 am
Geek there are two available kos spots. I just need all of the info that is asked for in the first post at: http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/index.php?board=1;action=display;threadid=2482

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Casper on September 22, 2002, 05:53:58 am
Snipe This Spot shit is Stupid people are not going to like If There not in it so instead of having a Certain person use the clan. plus look at the poll olny 3 people voted for 1 person and 8 for a clan and 6 for a clan and some old but realy good people ex. Grifter(Best idea). But I know There is now way in hell i would play this mod that much because Im not a part of it... But whatever...

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on September 22, 2002, 06:22:35 am
Casper, i'm sorry, but not everyone can be in the mod. Why would you want to play as yourself anyway? You do that all the time. I've decided to go with individuals from each old clan, plus a few extra individuals. No one's forcing you to play the mod.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: *NADS Foxy on January 03, 2003, 12:04:47 am
I like the part about just one character representing a clan, sort of like someone else said, a (unt char., an AgT char., FrEaK or aHa! character  ;).
Also there could be a list of R6/RS legends or pros.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Ross Koepke on January 24, 2003, 11:01:06 pm
Yo i've been looking for a project lately. I'm pretty good at 3D modeling so I can handle that part and I already know where all the strings (text) is stored for chracahter info and such. hardest part will be modeling and texturing. We can prolly make these into unis too for adv. Like we could have a generic ?FiRE uni and a generic *DAMN uni for cb's and such. Anyone know what the size limits are on this? Can we have a bunch of midgets running around with huge guns on, we could make midget levels too. WE COULD MAKE EVERYTHING MIDGET! w8 no, then it would all be normal. :(

Title: get some 31337 modelers
Post by: Ross Koepke on January 24, 2003, 11:08:32 pm
Dude guys I think we -CAN- get everyone in it who wants to be. No joke. If you give me a couple months I can get in contact with some students/faculty at the University of Michigan Engineering school who know all about this stuff. Together we can put together a script so that if anyone sends in pics of people they want in it it'll take two seconds after we get the basic models done. Basic models could be "Muscles Man" "Woman with big boobs" "Woman with big ass" "Midget" "Hunched over kid who plays way too much computer games whos neck sticks out oo much" etc. then the texture can just be applied to the specified model and boom. This can happen guys!! If anyone didn't get it, im volunteering. I want this to happen.

Title: WIMPS!!
Post by: Ross Koepke on January 24, 2003, 11:17:57 pm
I CANT BELIEVE YOU GUYS!! How can anyone say this is 'too big'? lets see, if things go slowly at first, in 3 weeks we should have a test ready. if we can actually get a new model in then the max it could take is one more month with good teamwork, planning, and schedualing (strict deadlines and such). This could definatley work.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: bronto on January 24, 2003, 11:31:25 pm
It's an awesome idea, and it should be done. I actually started making a *NADS mod and i had all of the characters done for us, just no custom models, and i handed it all over to capt, so ask him for the stuff if you make the mod. The only problem would be the changing of clans and the people in them, so it would have to be made to resemble the clans of a specific time (ex: *DAMN 2003 Rogue Spear Battle League)

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 25, 2003, 04:20:07 am
This topic was a big hit months ago, but you randomly brought it back. Anyway, the reason I'm replying is that I was developing the mod for weeks, and I still have it. It isn't very professional, but it has a lot of the basics.
It has a lot of biographical information, stats, medical info, a picture of the person here and there, names, and character builds. Example: Oso is 2 feet tall, Infection is 8 feet tall.
I also made a main menu design, and a multiplayer loading screen design (the one that's a picture of canals of venice in urban ops).
I think that if you really wanted to, I could send you the mod. I did, however, have a little trouble working it in multiplayer, but it worked fine in singleplayer. You sound like you could make it professional, very nicely done, very detailed. I think that would be awesome.

Now for the fine print: I would like to keep the main menu picture, the biographical data, the stats, and most of the stuff already done as it is. However, if you did what you say you will, you can alter the main menu picture to have your name there as well, take your share of credit, yada yada, and then do what you will.
So, what do you think? Do you want to use my mod as a baseline, and build from there? Or just start from scratch.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Ross Koepke on January 25, 2003, 06:08:55 am
I'll use ur mod as a baseline for it so far, and if I for some reason need to rape and horribly mutlilate (or just change an itty-bitty detail on that one little itty bitty spot right there->) I'll check with you. I do want to make this look professional and be as unbuggy as possible. I have an FTP server you can up it to, or if you have some other way just email me about it, I dont know how big your mod is so far.  To bronto: yeah we probably will need to make a new vers. every BL Season or at least once a year. and we'll have to work out sizes cuz we cant have some people be 1 ft. tall and others be 8 ft tall. its just not fair. (and you know bigger is not better). Thanks a lot SNiPE for working on it so far, itll be a big boost. I also might need to contact you about problems I run into and such, but I'm pretty good at porting to MP so that things work one-sided. Having a real 2-sided mod like this will let me do so much more.

Title: Months ago
Post by: Ross Koepke on January 25, 2003, 06:21:14 am
hmm yeah SNiPE I didn't notice the dates, it was just the top one on the list for some reason. Looks like this got started about 6 or 7 months ago. Hmm, with the pioneering you and others have done on making new charachters we can most likely get this done in just 1 or mb 2 months max from now. I don't usually give up on projects like this once I start working hard on it.  It'd be great to put in my r?sume portfolio for college and work.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Casper on January 25, 2003, 08:06:06 pm
Ross 1 do you have a pc?
2 do you have 3d Studio max its like a $3000 program.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Ross Koepke on January 27, 2003, 03:19:01 am
I have three PC's, and have access to 3D Studio VIZ at my high school. I can get an educational version for home too. On my two Macs I have Cinema 4D 8 and Maya 4 PLE.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Casper on January 27, 2003, 05:19:02 am
Well you have to use 3ds max  to edit the in game pictures for everything and you cant use anything else for some reason.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: bronto on January 27, 2003, 09:47:59 pm
i think ross knows his shit casper

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Ross Koepke on January 27, 2003, 10:32:34 pm
Actually for RS:UO the ingame pics are .rsb format which you can easily get a macintosh converter for to convert them into PICTS and PICTS into .rsb. however 3ds Max edits the .qob files which are the 3d models. the reason you can only do it in 3d studio is because the .qob converter plug-in is only availible for it. however  once I convert the .qob's into .3ds format I can then take them home and edit them in anything I want. I jsut have to bring them back to school later to convert them back into .qob's because I dont have 3D studio at home. :-[

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Snipe...not logged in on January 28, 2003, 03:59:49 pm
Actually I was able to edit every in game picture. As ross said, most of them are rsb's, which are easily converted to simpletext files, which are easily converted to be opened in photoshop, which can be altered, changed back to simpletext, and back again to rsb's. Most of the text files can be opened in simpletext, without translation.
Only the 3D models need some special program.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Casper on January 28, 2003, 09:02:16 pm
Sorry about persistient i just wasnt sure that but  3D Studio VIZ  was part of 3ds max and that at first you knew what you needed :)

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Ross Koepke on January 29, 2003, 10:03:25 pm
no prob casper, I would have done the same thing ;). My post was a little standoffish but I wanted to let people know that I do know what I'm doing in the 3D department, and that this is really going to happen. I still need some help though, especially in the uniform dept. If anyone has extensive experiance with uniforms or at least thoroughly understands them please, please, please contact me,

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Casper on January 30, 2003, 06:20:48 am
well im pretty good at all the stuff but 3d modeling... I think i understand the unis it would take me a bit to remeber it all but i think i have made a uni before

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: l ! l Dutchman on February 17, 2003, 11:36:12 am
I am very busy at the moment, but I will be available to give some Photoshop-tips.

Dutchman / Virus

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on February 24, 2003, 10:08:56 pm
Heh, I think I'll revive this thread again. Just wanted to show off some of my work:

http://nads.home.attbi.com/captRS.jpg (http://nads.home.attbi.com/captRS.jpg)

http://nads.home.attbi.com/captinrs.gif (http://nads.home.attbi.com/captinrs.gif)

That's what I managed in a morning worth of work... now I know what I'm doing I figure it'll take much less time to do a charachter.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Casper on February 25, 2003, 07:38:48 am
Nice job capt

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Ross Kepster on March 19, 2003, 01:10:13 am
The first post in this series was June 07, 2002, 11:41:00. That's 9 months and one week from today. I am proud to announce that we have been able to create every aspect of this mod. Once snipe, anarchy, and I can get together and do some plans for finishing this, we will provide final instructions for everyone who wants to be in this mod. This list is preliminary and very subject to change, but right now this is what we will probably request from anyone who wants to be in the mod.

1) Three (3) photos of your face, the camera should be in a position looking directly at your face, straight ahead.

2) Three (3) photos of the side of your face (either side).
    Optional: If you have something like a tattoo or noticeable scar that you want to only be on one side of your face, you will need to send in three (3) photos of the other side of your face as well.

3) A biography on yourself.

4) An upper torso shot (this can be artistic, its for the bio screen in SP). Have fun with this photo and be creative.

However, if you have a full body uniform that you want to be included in the mod, you can send the data files to us, and we will be happy to put this into the mod.

Title: Re:MAke a mod that has RS players in it.
Post by: Ross Kepster on March 19, 2003, 04:25:43 am
Also, clans can submit unis. You probably wouldn't want to have a clan face, but rather a whole uniform. Anyhow the way this would work was the uni would be named something like "DAMN Clan, Season 3, 2003". More updates coming soon. Expect one tommorow with detailed intructions, due dates, and illustrations for what's what.