*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: Ahab on June 12, 2004, 08:07:01 am

Title: [BH] vs [01] (Posting Problem)
Post by: Ahab on June 12, 2004, 08:07:01 am
We cb'ed [01] earlier today, and when I went to post the win on the site, there was a problem where it wouldn't let you choose the number of players (3vs3, 4vs4, ect.). Maybe you guys can put it in manually, or whatever. The info on the cb was:
Winners: [BH]
Losers: [01]
Ladder:GR Team
Date:June 11, 2004
Players: [BH] Ahab
             [BH] Mantis
             [BH] Hurricane
             [01] Ein
             [01] Leathal
             [01] Revolt

Revolt said he would confirm it on this thread. Hope you get it fixed soon!
Cheers- [BH] Ahab

Title: Re:[BH] vs [01] (Posting Problem)
Post by: Revolt on June 12, 2004, 08:08:25 am
 :-[ ::)

Title: Re:[BH] vs [01] (Posting Problem)
Post by: Aramarth on June 13, 2004, 08:57:16 pm
Battle posted. [01] can confirm it normally. ;D