*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Typhy on April 23, 2002, 07:20:21 pm

Title: |?K| Style.
Post by: Typhy on April 23, 2002, 07:20:21 pm
Okay I think that this needs to be cleared up: I have had people chalange me many times when there are like 3 |?K|s on. However they're newbies or trainees who aren't allowed to battle.

|?K| Is divided up into 5 groups: Trainees, Newbies, Reserves, Team members, And Elites.

Out of those only: Elites, Team members and somtimes Newbies are allowed to battle. ?

Trainee - As an |?K| Trainee you will wear your name as |?K| You will be trained by the Elites. ?You will be able to participate in only Scrimage battles ( Non ladder non respect non bragging rights ). ?You will be a trainee until we feel that you have reached the correct level of play. This is represented by a black icon and armpatch.

Newbie - After you're finished with your training you will become an |?K| Newbie. As a newbie you can participate in non ladder battles and battles aganst clans who are ranked below 20. ?This is represented by a Yellow icon and armpatch.

Reserve - A reserve is player who isn't very active. They are not allowed to battle however can be promoted when they become active again this is represened by a White icon.

Team Member - A team member is someone who has been promoted past a newbie and is on either the assult team or the Sniper team, They will become an Elite when they do their first clan battle. ?This is represented by either a Orange or red icon and armpatch. They are allowed to battle however they must make their first clan battle along side 2 commanders.

Elite - An Elite is someone who has completed all steps of training. They can battle anyone. However they must battle along side of a commander. ?The only time that they will not be able to battle is if a certian commander who is not on has requested to be there for the battle. ?The Elite icon is Green with the ?K on it.

Please, Don't fell offended if we don't cb you however we battle another clan. This means that the other clan isn't in the top 20. ( That is for if we're battling with newbies ).

So please If you're in the top 20 look for elites before you chalange us to a battle.


Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 23, 2002, 08:07:08 pm
:o someone had to reply..... ;D

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on April 23, 2002, 08:20:08 pm
As the wise Grifter once said, "Why have them in your clan if you will not allow them to cb, it just doesn't make sense"

If they are not good enough to cb, why the hell should they be in your clan? When I ran a clan, I let just about everyone cb. The only exceptions were those who were in the clan because they were friends/clan artists (PsYcO Zero One).

But then again, by keeping up that kind of practice, you wonder why people say the stuff they say about AK behind your back.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d?* on April 23, 2002, 08:27:04 pm
We are an organized clan assassin unlike any other and do team training and team strategies.  We work hard with our trainees to teach them |?K|*???L?* killing.  It's more or less like the army.  You can join, but it doesn't mean we are gonna send you to the battlefield because you joined and are qualified.  You will learn to play with us together in unison as a team and then we will execute planned matters in an obviously effective way that has made us #1.  If all that bothers you, you're free to be bothered but it won't change our organized ways that I run this clan with.  |?K|*R?p!d?*

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Bondo on April 23, 2002, 09:12:22 pm
I suppose they don't allow them to CB because *gasp* they might lose.  I remember back in the days when CBs were just a way to have a good time through playing another clan with stricter rules than just playing for fun, it wasn't about who was the best clan and who wasn't, it was just about playing.  Therefore anyone in the clan could battle if they wanted to.  With that said, I don't think some DAMNs who got in as moders and other community functions ever really played much so it wasn't an issue, but if you were a DAMN you can battle for DAMN.  Face it Rapid, if AK loses, life will go on.

I wonder what Mauti would have to say about your like an army statement  :)

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on April 23, 2002, 09:18:20 pm

... it wasn't about who was the best clan and who wasn't, it was just about playing. ?Therefore anyone in the clan could battle if they wanted to...

Wait a minute.. that sounds kinda like what *NADS is about...

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Bondo on April 23, 2002, 09:30:44 pm
I never said those days were completely gone, just fewer and farther between.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 23, 2002, 10:49:16 pm
Rapid, you completely missed Assassin's point (and mine).  KoS, SWAT and PsYcO were (are) three of the best RS clans ever.  Yes, they all "trained" all learned their collective clans style.  The big difference is that those other clans let everyone fight.  Why?  because they didn't let in newbies.  Everyone in SWAT was great.  Pretty much the same with KoS and PsYcO (with the noted exception).  

To put it in your analogy.... if AK is like the army (with drafties and conscripts) then KoS, SWAT and PsYcO were (are) like the elite special forces.  Nobody gets in that can't pull their weight.  So, from our point of view, it would be weird not to let someone in the clan CB.  After all, if they are good enough to get in the door, they are good enough to CB.  

And I agree Bondo, they are a bit too serious anymore, and not as much fun overall.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on April 24, 2002, 02:17:17 am
it seems that what |?K| has done is eliminate the stage of "noob" clan that most players would go through. to go with the army analogy:

noob clans = army recruits
regular clans = regular army members
elite clans = special forces

And just as with the Army, if the special forces saw that a member of the regular ranks or a new recruit showed particular promise, they would join the ranks of the elite.

?K seems to have done away with this system, and switched to a "train one and all to be elite." However, I do think that the bullshit about different ranks not being allowed to participate in CB's is very... well... stupid. I can understand having the lowercase ?K's not battle, them being on the extreme edge of noobness. But once they get out of that.. do you really need 4 ranks? yowzers.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d? on April 24, 2002, 03:07:32 am
Thanks for your concerns on how |?K| is running.  There are stages that are still being worked on.  That's why my friend, you have your clan and can do things as you like.  If criticizing us makes you feel better and hope to gain friends by it, then you are probably gonna make tons in here!  Good for you and go ahead and bash more so you can be liked more!  It's the "happening" thing in *DAMN Forums!  All join if you wan't to be "in" and get ready to lose friends if you "don't" (Like poor Bondo has ran into.  Not lost friends, just got lip for sticking up for us).  Get your 2? while all are watching or be left behind...

                                     <Sarcasm again>

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Ace on April 24, 2002, 04:18:12 am
Now kiddies, back when in the old days, when we did clan battles we bitched about important things like lag, maps, and whether the object of a !~Syrup~! battle was to kill the other team or kill your own.

*Fondly reminisces on getting Wrath on nades not once but twice in a row after 5 minute long stalemates.*

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d?* on April 24, 2002, 05:10:21 am

Now kiddies, back when in the old days, when we did clan battles we bitched about important things like lag, maps, and whether the object of a !~Syrup~! battle was to kill the other team or kill your own.

*Fondly reminisces on getting Wrath on nades not once but twice in a row after 5 minute long stalemates.*

Heh, "back in the days"...

New generation, New issues...

Makes you appreciate the good ol' days...

Everything changes...

It helps for oldies to be cool and hand down information...

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: MacMan on April 24, 2002, 05:57:26 am
hmmm, you guys are taking this way too serious right now (theres a time and place for that  ;D ). Just play, have fun, and be embarrased by the occasional lost CB

smile! be happy!  :D do some online assing to piss rapid off (all in the spirit of good fun of course).

and, uhm, on a personal note ={Screw ranks}=


Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: jn.wrath on April 24, 2002, 11:44:20 am
*Fondly reminisces on getting Wrath on nades not once but twice in a row after 5 minute long stalemates.*

The only reason you won those two rounds was b/c of your lack of balls and lack of skills to face me w/o grenades. Every time you guys faced us off w/o camping, you lost badly. Anyone remember the game where the only way the SEALs won even a single game was to CAMP ROAD AMBUSH FOR ALL IT WAS WORTH? We never did finish that CB. Get your SEALs together, I'll get the PODs together and we'll finish that, fool. Navy can IP join since he is on AIM frequently and I can round up a few PODs.

A side question for 455: When was the first instance you remember of someone humping? You were in Syrup, so you were probably present at it's first use in R6..

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Typhy on April 24, 2002, 11:54:56 am
I don't really care what you think about this, I just posted this as a reminder of why we won't battle everyone with certian players.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Typhy on April 24, 2002, 12:01:28 pm

it seems that what |?K| has done is eliminate the stage of "noob" clan that most players would go through. to go with the army analogy:

noob clans = army recruits
regular clans = regular army members
elite clans = special forces

Exactually Anarchy! While most clans just offer just one of those teams, |?K| offers all of them!  We have our "Army recruits" which is our trainees.

Regular Army Members - Our newbie section

We also offer an Army Reserve - Our reserves

Special forces - Our Elites.

For the harder missions or clan battles you want to have your elite forces, That is why we have to have elites to battle inside the top 20. ( That may soon be reduced to 12 ).  For an easier mission aganst a weaker clan we an send the regular army members in under command of an elite.


Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 24, 2002, 03:27:21 pm
Well Tyhpy, you must have cared.. just a little... because you could just have "only our elite players (the ones with the green armpatch) are allowed to CB.  Because that's the bare minimum of facts that anyone needed to know (and no need for the "top 20 clan, since no clan below the rank of 17 has any CB's on the current ladder).

So, if you didn't want to hear comments on the other stuff, then you brought it to the wrong place.  And since when are all comments "criticizing" (from Rapid's post)?  

The other thing I would say is thanks for telling us to only challenge the greenies.  Because Rapid loves to yell at us about challenging his newbies, and how the hell was anyone supposed to know who the newbie was (you are a whole clan of newbies to some of the vets here).  And no, that's not a flame... it's just the truth.  So, at least now when Rapid yells that someone is challenging his newbies, he'll be justified (and not just correct.)  Seeing as now people have an idea of what you are talking about.  

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d?* on April 24, 2002, 03:34:42 pm
LOL 8)

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Oso on April 24, 2002, 05:43:34 pm
|AK| style killing = tking

Title: Oso = Cheese Dick
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d?* on April 24, 2002, 11:51:50 pm
Yeah Oso! That's It!  That's how we got to the Top!  You unveiled us!


Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Oso on April 25, 2002, 01:06:13 am
uh rapid you got to the top by cbing the same noob clan over and over (no offense to those clans)... OMG RAPID THATS HOW YOU DID IT!! GOOD BOY!!!


p.s. i posted this in another thread, i forgot where.. but hey, go search..

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d?* on April 25, 2002, 02:31:09 am
ummm, we are a "noob" clan amongst all you older clans around here anywayz oso, so what's ur point?  

The only time we CB'ed a clan twice, was when that clan came back to talk trash and call us back out for a rematch.  That's when we would go back to the battle field, and as the record shows, take them out again8)

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 25, 2002, 06:16:42 am
But only the ones you beat.....

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Oso on April 25, 2002, 03:49:15 pm
you cbed SS 3 times in like a short period, that is 3 wins there, cbed stfu twice. 5 wins right there so technicalllly you would be 6-6 in the bl if you didnt cb the same clans more than once...

P.S. CAN WE STOP WITH ALL THE SCHEDULING CB'S ?CRAP! IT IS STUPID!.... just go hey i want to cb and bam go find a clan (one you didnt cb already plz)
cuz it is like you want to win by default , ( by saying the clan never showed) and not the fun and true way.

I will get off your case if you drop the scheduling poop on cb's and cb an elite (yes kota is one but try for 2 to make me happy.)

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Matt on April 25, 2002, 03:52:34 pm

well cbing the same clan more than once wouldn't be so bad if the clan was a higher ranked clan.. rapid said to me today "well when a clan challenges us, we have to accept" but i guess that only goes for clans that are below the top.. 7 i would say.
also raped claimed they were a new clan so thats why the CB noob clans.. seems they've been around for much more than any of us would like.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Typhy on April 25, 2002, 04:31:53 pm
We'll  cb who ever is on the internet, Those clans just happened to be the ones who were on when we were ready to cb, So stuf.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 25, 2002, 05:25:08 pm
Blazing argument Typhoid, really scalding.  Who are you trying to convince, the good clans out there that already know better... the newbies you recruit that don't know better.. or yourself?

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: j47 on April 25, 2002, 05:43:12 pm

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on April 25, 2002, 06:45:06 pm

you cbed SS 3 times in like a short period, that is 3 wins there

the SS clan is a joke. they have about as much skill as the ?K trainees, that is to say, none at all.


We'll ?cb who ever is on the internet, Those clans just happened to be the ones who were on when we were ready to cb, So stuf.

you noob! cbing clans that are on makes it possible that you could lose! that's why you always CB clans that aren't there. look where it's gotten *NADS!

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Bondo on April 25, 2002, 07:05:55 pm

the SS clan is a joke. they have about as much skill as the ?K trainees, that is to say, none at all.

The real question, is would I beat SS members in RS, because I think me beating someone in RS means immediate banning from ever playing it again.  Actually, I already banned myself from playing it again.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d?* on April 25, 2002, 07:13:14 pm

the SS clan is a joke. they have about as much skill as the ?K trainees, that is to say, none at all.

You like to talk trash on our Trainee Squadron *NADS Capt. Anarchy? ?They Challenge you to a "Respect CB"(Non-Ladder) to show you how much they suck... ?In other words, put you in your place and own you::)

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Oso on April 25, 2002, 07:17:28 pm
Why not a real cb? come on if they are in AK they should be allowed to cb. if not, then they shouldnt be in the clan at all(like grifter said). dont settle for the lame excuse (non-ladder cb), go for the real thing

Title: Who are you to tell me how to run my clan Oso?
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d?* on April 25, 2002, 07:42:58 pm

Why not a real cb? come on if they are in AK they should be allowed to cb. if not, then they shouldnt be in the clan at all(like grifter said). dont settle for the lame excuse (non-ladder cb), go for the real thing

Once again, another ass trying to tell us how to run our clan. ?Oso, go put your clan back together so you can run that. ?We run things OUR way and if you don't like it, FUCK OFF::) ? Easy as that. ?You think your criticism says anything more than you're an asshole trying to bash on the way we run our clan! NOT. ?Capt talked shit about our Trainee Squadron Division, so he should back up his words and take them out if he thinks they are such "newbies" and suck so hard and are easy to take out. ?Otherwise it will show he's another "All Talk, No Action" fool around here. ?BTW, the Leader of SBR(cow) has now joined our clan, so that just goes to show that we are doing something right and even older players respect our performance enough to want to join the leading #1 Clan in BL. ?And guess what, he's a trainee. ?We'll see how good you own him Capt. ?So while you flap your yap, it's all crap...

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on April 25, 2002, 10:09:35 pm
i will back up my words with anything that counts for the battle league. these "respect" CB's are BS. what the fuck was the BL created for in the first place? to show who was good and who sucked. in effect, rank=respect. Well, in some cases at least. The only non-league battle i have done is with some friends from "0" (zero) whose clan is so serious it's not even on the ladder. and when you ?K division owns me, that will be the day when hell defrosts. If you want to start a seperate clan on teh ladder just so you don't have a strike from you ?k's on your record, i'm all for it. But i will only CB clans on the ladder for battles that count on the ladder

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: theN00b on April 26, 2002, 10:21:58 am
OK here is the deal with STFU and SS, they called US out multiple times. SS was battled by our newbies. K!lZO and Sunami under the command of typhy I think. And I don't think we cbed SS twice in a row. God knows what you people are gonna say afterwards. But that is just my 2?

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 26, 2002, 01:09:33 pm
Cossak, lots of clans have called out AK many times... but these clans seem to get the CB's.... the question is why those clans and not the others?

And Kilzo wears the ?, not the ?, which means he's not a newbie according to what was posted before....?

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: theN00b on April 26, 2002, 01:42:21 pm
Me and kilzo have upper case ? but we are new recruits
wich means we are allowed to praticipate in any cbs against clans that are ranked 12 and below.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Typhy on April 26, 2002, 02:05:55 pm
We have battled Stfu and SS both 2 times, Stfu called us out both times, As for SS, We called them out the first time and the second time Viper talked shit about how his guys could own us, Then Paul chalanged us so we took them out.


Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 26, 2002, 02:11:06 pm
And still... the question goes unanswered..... why the lower clans get them, while the better clans don't....

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Casper on April 26, 2002, 02:37:36 pm

We have battled Stfu and SS both 2 times, Stfu called us out both times, As for SS, We called them out the first time and the second time Viper talked shit about how his guys could own us, Then Paul chalanged us so we took them out.


typhy  im sorry to burst your buble but viper never said anything about that exept that he did not want to cb So dont go put his name in

Title: Grifter won't give up Lying to people!
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d?* on April 26, 2002, 02:53:13 pm

And still... the question goes unanswered..... why the lower clans get them, while the better clans don't....

Listen Smart Ass. ?|?K| has CB'ed all clans in top 10. ?We CB'ed DisneY (They Never Showed back Up To finish and we beat them 3-1), We CB'ed OoA (They Beat us), We CB'ed KoS (On their Server after Ultimo said he would CB on Our Server completely if we CB'ed on his completely. Drama), We CB'ed SWAT (A CB that we basically let you have), We CB'ed FBI (Beat them 6-1), We CB'ed ?Kota (Lost 6-7 in Overtime with same amount of Kills. ?Could've gone either way. ?Great CB KotA), We CB'ed *NADS last night. ?We Beat them 7-6 in Overtime after they had Game Point 4 times), We CB'ed IAM (We beat them 5 on 5 6-2), We CB'ed +StfU+ (Defeated them 7-5 and we beaten them TWICE). ?So while you sit here and try and pollute people's brain with LIES, we are in GR playing while you're in here making shit up Grifter. ?Get your head out your ass and stop hating on us with all these fucken lies! ?There are over 30 clans in RS and we are making our rounds and have ALREADY CB'ed the top 10 you fool. ?Now Shut The Fuck Up Lying ass Bitch.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 26, 2002, 03:00:04 pm
Damn, I think I got a booboo.... wittle wapid called me a lying ass bitch... whaaaaaa.

Rapid, how can a question be a lie? ?The question was, why are all the repeats on those lower clans?  Guess you are still having trouble understanding adult talk.

Oh, and since you aren't on GR right now either.... guess that makes you the liar... ?or just the fool.

And you know the old saying... when among asses, you may as well be the smart one. ?You dumbass.

Title: Grifter = Dazed & Confused
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d?* on April 26, 2002, 03:28:13 pm

Damn, I think I got a booboo.... wittle wapid called me a lying ass bitch... whaaaaaa.

Rapid, how can a question be a lie? ?The question was, why are all the repeats on those lower clans? ?Guess you are still having trouble understanding adult talk.

Oh, and since you aren't on GR right now either.... guess that makes you the liar... ?or just the fool.

And you know the old saying... when among asses, you may as well be the smart one. ?You dumbass.

Nice Intellectual come back when I hit the Nail On the Coffin Grifter(The Real Dumbass) ? ? ? ? <??r???m>

Notice how your level of answering diminishes as your frustration on all the shit you said that is backfiring on you. ?Now you are starting to resort to childish acts. ?But wait, you never grew up or got socially accepted! ?That's why you spend numerous hours wasting your time trying to pass GIRLY rumors on us. ?Keep up your Bitch work, it suits you perfect Grifter::)

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 26, 2002, 03:42:17 pm
Hit the nail on the coffin?  You are such an idiot, you can't even get a cliche` right.

So dumbass... your little insults don't do you any good.  As long as I continue to point out that you still avoided the issue, then the smokescreen doesn't work.  Call me whatever names you like, your opinoin of me means less then nothing.  Especially since you are such a dumbass, you don't even know what you are talking about... there is nothing backfiring on me, nor am I getting flustered.  Also, there was a point to my last point, something yours lack.. you know... the "how can a question be a lie?"  and "why do you only repeat with those teams?".  

You continue to avoid any issues Rapid, and your flagerant attempts at misdirection fool nobody.  

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K|*R?p!d?* on April 26, 2002, 03:54:22 pm
Call me whatever names you like Grifter, your opinion of me means less than nothing. ?Especially since you are such a dumbass, you don't even know what you are talking about and Beg of people to listen to you.  So while I have the facts straight and you keep trying to twist them, I will let you rot in these forums and keep talking all your lies and keep feeding people with nonsense to try and steer them to dislike us.  Get a life Loser...  We won't die, we'll multiply...

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 26, 2002, 04:09:01 pm

Rapid, your moronic posts are sure to sway public opinoin.. yeah, sure they are.

First, I beg nobody to listen.. this is a public forum.. people are free to chose to read, post or ignore at their pleasure.

Second, I don't want people to hate AK... I actually like Kilzo and NightHawk (two AK I've had the pleasure of playing with).  You, however, manage to make everyone hate you.  And you do it pretty damn well.  Good work.

Third, you never talk about the facts... you blow smoke and only shout your opinoin.  Like I've said, you wouldn't know logic if it jumped up and bit you in the ass.

Last, nice comment on my opinion... didn't I just see that... oh yeah, in the post right above it.  That's it.  You bafoon.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 26, 2002, 05:36:12 pm

Rapid, your moronic posts are sure to sway public opinoin.. yeah, sure they are.

First, I beg nobody to listen.. this is a public forum.. people are free to chose to read, post or ignore at their pleasure.

Second, I don't want people to hate AK... I actually like Kilzo and NightHawk (two AK I've had the pleasure of playing with). ?You, however, manage to make everyone hate you. ?And you do it pretty damn well. ?Good work.

Third, you never talk about the facts... you blow smoke and only shout your opinoin. ?Like I've said, you wouldn't know logic if it jumped up and bit you in the ass.

Last, nice comment on my opinion... didn't I just see that... oh yeah, in the post right above it. ?That's it. ?You bafoon.

What better way of showing Grifter lie than this.  He doesn't want to ruin |?K|'s rep?  Sure, that's probably why he spends hours and hours in these forums trying so hard.  And now that he is NOT succeeding, he has gone to the good ol "impersonation" scheme.  Nice try steering people away from the truth.  Too bad we already know about you and your "Determination to make |?K| look bad with your lectures"  Nothing you say will be believed by anyone since you have proven nothing but how much of an ASSHOLE you can really be.  Rott in here Grifter.  Rott...

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Guest on April 26, 2002, 05:38:32 pm
Wake up Rapid. Grift may try to show you the truth harshly but he doesn't resort to "impersonations"....That's my job  ;D

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 26, 2002, 07:19:20 pm

What better way of showing Grifter lie than this. ?He doesn't want to ruin |?K|'s rep? ?Sure, that's probably why he spends hours and hours in these forums trying so hard. ?And now that he is NOT succeeding, he has gone to the good ol "impersonation" scheme. ?Nice try steering people away from the truth. ?Too bad we already know about you and your "Determination to make |?K| look bad with your lectures" ?Nothing you say will be believed by anyone since you have proven nothing but how much of an ASSHOLE you can really be. ?Rott in here Grifter. ?Rott...

First, AK's rep is already soiled.. you are it's leader.

Second.. I have never attacked AK.. just the Dumbass at the front.  I guess if you consider that you ARE AK... then I'm attacking AK.. but as for anyone in the clan... I don't give them shit... just you, dumbass.

Third, I don't need to impersonate... I actually find it tiresome when people do it..... and it's an easy thing to prove.. IP's are logged after all.  So, blame me for everything from you being an asshole to your mother not loving you enough (It was Grifters lies that caused Rapid's mommy to stop breast feeding him).  It doesn't make any of it true.  

Last, as for peole taking my word over yours... I have no doubt about that outcome (and before you pop in... no, I  am posative that it wouldn't be you).

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 26, 2002, 08:26:14 pm

First, AK's rep is already soiled.. you are it's leader. ?<====Soiled in your eyes. Big Fucken Deal!!!

Second.. I have never attacked AK.. just the Dumbass at the front. ?I guess if you consider that you ARE AK... then I'm attacking AK.. but as for anyone in the clan... I don't give them shit... just you, dumbass. ?<==== Good way to try and gain friends from my team and try and turn them on me. ?Too bad you are soo easy to see through8)

Third, I don't need to impersonate... I actually find it tiresome when people do it..... and it's an easy thing to prove.. IP's are logged after all. ?So, blame me for everything from you being an asshole to your mother not loving you enough (It was Grifters lies that caused Rapid's mommy to stop breast feeding him). ?It doesn't make any of it true. ? ? <===== Sure Bud!8)

Last, as for peole taking my word over yours... I have no doubt about that outcome (and before you pop in... no, I ?am posative that it wouldn't be you). ?<======= Your People. ?Big Fucken Deal8)

You're a dumbass and always will be! ?Face It! ?Just because you can post the same nonsense over and over and reply to me means nothing more than your determination on steering people from the truth! ?But Guess What, You're gonna do it no matter what, cuz it's your way not to feel dumb in your "Inner Forum Circle" Forums. ?Have fun convincing your peeps. ?We know the truth8)

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Bondo on April 26, 2002, 08:40:37 pm

You're a dumbass and always will be! ?Face It! ?Just because you can post the same nonsense over and over and reply to me means nothing more than your determination on steering people from the truth!

Sounds a lot like what you do Rapid, only you post EXACTLY the same nonsense over and over.  How about you lay off Grifter and give him a reason to lay of you because this battle is more costly to you.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 26, 2002, 08:51:23 pm

Sounds a lot like what you do Rapid, only you post EXACTLY the same nonsense over and over. ?How about you lay off Grifter and give him a reason to lay of you because this battle is more costly to you.

Costly? ?How? ?"Inner Forum Circle" won't like me? ?That's default for you guyz or you're "unaccepted" as you found out the hard way Bondo. ?Sorry that defending us in that DisneY matter caused your buddys to get mad at you, but you were doing what's right, and that's all I'm doing. ?While I don't want to sit here and write long ass paragraphs of NONSENSE like Grifter does, I like the facts to be heard! ?Even if I have to travel them from thread to thread so the people don't think that I've never said it. ?I am new in these forums and simply know how to voice my word and not any other fancy linking. ?Do you think I'm gonna keep fighting this poor excuse of a RS player because of his long ass replies? ?Not. ?I'm gonna point out where he's wrong on "his facts" he's spitting out. ?And there's plenty of those, being that he's trying so hard to make us look bad. ?So, have fun and keep ?rotting in here, cuz I know this is trully a waste of time, but I just wanted to let you know how I feel about it all so you don't think I'm avoiding this fool or acknowledging his nonsense::)

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K| *H??<sum>?* on April 26, 2002, 09:02:03 pm
Rapid you just wrote a long ass paragraph of nonsense...Congratulations

As for Grift...keep up the good work...maybe that whore will soon wake up and see that you're right.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 26, 2002, 09:04:23 pm

Rapid you just wrote a long ass paragraph of nonsense...Congratulations

As for Grift...keep up the good work...maybe that whore will soon wake up and see that you're right.

Nice Try Ass.  That's not even a real |?K|.  Good Smoke Screen Grifter::)

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on April 26, 2002, 09:10:29 pm
i wish you would stop giving grifter credit for work he didn't do.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K|*R?p3r?* on April 26, 2002, 09:11:20 pm
I can assure you this isn't Griter....It's probably someone you  wouldn't expect to say these things about you...and yes thank you rapid i know that's not a real ak...im making fun of your names if you didn't notice..OH! That's right....you're head is up your ass...Have fun |?K| Raped

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 26, 2002, 09:15:52 pm

I can assure you this isn't Griter....It's probably someone you ?wouldn't expect to say these things about you...and yes thank you rapid i know that's not a real ak...im making fun of your names if you didn't notice..OH! That's right....you're head is up your ass...Have fun |?K| Raped

Cool. ?Thanks for the hint Zak. ?Forgot about your involvement of the "Inner Forum Circle" which has nothing to do with you being kicked out as moderator since they all stuck up for you.  And being that I did "rape" you of your crown in Official CB, I can see where the grudge lies::)

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: LMAO on April 26, 2002, 09:18:40 pm
Keep guessing you prepuscent child...

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: LMAO on April 26, 2002, 09:19:55 pm
*prepubescent*  ;D

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on April 26, 2002, 09:23:21 pm
NEW from Ace Hardware, it's the "PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS" kit. As a special introductory promotion, ?K clan members can get a mail in-rebate for the full price.

kit includes:
6 ft. 2" link chain
5 Gallon tub of lubricant
2.5 HP electric winch

Regular Price: $257.50
Special introductory price: $199.99
$199.99 mail-in rebate avaliable to ?K clan members.

act fast, and we'll include our head re-insertion mallet absolutely FREE!

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K| *Wh?R on April 26, 2002, 09:30:16 pm
Rapid = OWNED

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |?K| Typh?ckbrain on April 26, 2002, 09:40:43 pm
Wow! ?A real working Pull-Your-Head-Out-Of-Your-Ass kit? ?:o :o :o
I just GOTTA get one of those! ?Hey Rapidbowels, do you wanna go in halves with me so we can get one for the whole clan? ?After all, we certainly need it! ;D

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 26, 2002, 09:49:45 pm

NEW from Ace Hardware, it's the "PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS" kit. As a special introductory promotion, ?K clan members can get a mail in-rebate for the full price.

kit includes:
6 ft. 2" link chain
5 Gallon tub of lubricant
2.5 HP electric winch

Regular Price: $257.50
Special introductory price: $199.99
$199.99 mail-in rebate avaliable to ?K clan members.

act fast, and we'll include our head re-insertion mallet absolutely FREE!

I guess talking shit in these forums is one way to get out your frustration since you lost to us after claiming so thick::)

Yeah, I called you a loser. ?One that LOST to US! |?K|, Still #1 and doubling 2nd spots wins::)

Title: Now Moderators Gonna Allow |?K| Impersonators Bash
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 26, 2002, 09:51:58 pm
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?*Looks at Moderators* ?

Are you gonna allow |?K| Clan Impersonators Flame up this thread?????????

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on April 26, 2002, 09:58:23 pm
--considers mocking rapid more... decides to let him wallow in the victory--

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Bondo on April 26, 2002, 10:06:05 pm
Rapid, I'm tired of cleaning all this shit up, just be a man and take it.  If you don't respond to it, it will go away.  Didn't your mommy ever tell you that to keep the bullies from picking on you?

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |ak| cow on April 26, 2002, 10:46:45 pm
This goes for grifter and rapid, both of you grow up and stop your bitching.  Grifter if you and your little buddies think AK should not be #1 then prove us wrong.  I looked into the clans we have played and we played everyone in the top 10.  Did we lose a few, of course we did.  The top 10 is the best of the best and I don't expect AK to win every game.  
     For top 10 there shouldn't be bitching after a CB, there should be a virtual hand shake and a job well done.  Mutual respect for all that particapated and the strategies used.  Most of you might not know it but the better clans are looked up to by the lower ones and its every lower clans dream to be in the top 10.  What do we show but anger and bitterness-BL isn't suppose to be swearing in forums and saying you suck.  Its about learning from other teams and respecting other players from different clans.  What I might be saying now doesn't respond to the last post but from reading all this its just dumb.
       And I am not going to take sides in this and say "oh AK is the best suck it and rapid is always right".  He's not, Rapid I am not talking to you as a member of your clan but from LEADER to LEADER.  I don't know what started this hole Grifter Rapid fight but its retarded.  Rapid as a leader you should never deal with this shit.  Ignore it and sooner or later he will stop.  Don't go around saying people lied and making fun and saying AK is the best.  Let Grifter talk it up with his little inner circle.  He will stop if no one pays attention.  You are showing poor leadership by responding to Grifter, you are just digging a deeper hole and sinking to his level.  Being a leader is all about giving respect and getting it, and if you think I am wrong then hang up your mouse and stop playing because RS is based on respect.  The last thing you need to do is lose respect to Grifter and everyone else in the forum.  So when Grifter is talking shit just ignore him.  And for grifter just chill man, sit back enjoy RS don't add anything thats not needed.  
P.S. this is **SBR** Cow, i left SBR because of RB6 not the clan.  

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: CB ???p on April 27, 2002, 12:35:26 am
I fully agree with Cow and NODODY CARES!!!! So your just Make  these post that are yelling at each other that no one reads but you so do this in your own little place or In private messages in Gameranger or dont do it at all!!!!!!!!     :( :(

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Oso on April 27, 2002, 04:35:42 am
ya we will lay off rapid if he stopps avoiding the facts...

rapid why cant you answer grifters questions?

all you do is result to calling him names, and then act like you didnt call him a name, and then try to make people believe you.

all i see from grifter is facts (including the dumbass part)

you, i just see nonsense, i especially like the part where you said that cb with swat "we gave you that win"

as i saw you guys gave up after we were shutting you out 5-0, then AK gives up.

and NADS great kit. lets hope rapid uses it

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 27, 2002, 07:05:57 am

This goes for grifter and rapid, both of you grow up and stop your bitching. ?Grifter if you and your little buddies think AK should not be #1 then prove us wrong. ?

Hmmm... first, I never said anything here about AK not being #1 right now... But when I was in SWAT, I did try to prove it otherwise... too bad we couldn't CB.


For top 10 there shouldn't be bitching after a CB, there should be a virtual hand shake and a job well done. ?Mutual respect for all that particapated and the strategies used. ?... ?What do we show but anger and bitterness-BL isn't suppose to be swearing in forums and saying you suck. ?

Yes, I completely agree... maybe you should talk to Rapid about this.  I've been in 20 or so CB's for the Battle League over the past year, and I only had the experience of seeing one clan bitch after we CB'd them.  Want to guess who that was Cow.  If you read back in the Battle League Forum, I think you'll find someone you know back there bitching.  It was the whole point of why Rapid challenged us to a second CB.


Rapid as a leader you should never deal with this shit. ?Ignore it and sooner or later he will stop. ?Don't go around saying people lied and making fun and saying AK is the best. ?Let Grifter talk it up with his little inner circle. ?He will stop if no one pays attention. ?You are showing poor leadership by responding to Grifter, you are just digging a deeper hole and sinking to his level.

Well Cow, here's where I disagree with you.  I suggest that before jumping in the middle, you read a little history, so you would know what's going on.  Knowing what you are talking about would add some gravatas to your advise.  There is no inner circle, that was one of Rapids altered state comments to explain why one of the moderators here was snipping out spam from his posts.  As for who is sinking to whom's level, I'd say I'm the one sinking, since I tried to use logic and reason to no avail with him.


Being a leader is all about giving respect and getting it, and if you think I am wrong then hang up your mouse and stop playing because RS is based on respect. ?The last thing you need to do is lose respect to Grifter and everyone else in the forum. ?So when Grifter is talking shit just ignore him. ?And for grifter just chill man, sit back enjoy RS don't add anything thats not needed. ?

Cow, I couldn't agree with you more on the respect comments.  The only problem is that Rapid never gave me or many of the others here any respect.  He has lied, been a hypocrite, avoided questions and started personal attacks.  He isn't losing respect to me or anyone, he has very little respect for anyone that disagrees with him, so there is no way he can get any in return.  As for not adding anything that isn't needed... other then stooping down a level or three for some childish response insults, I felt that my other comments were completely needed.  Disagree...?  Feel free to discuss it with me.  Leave the petty little digs behind though, they also lessen the respect that the rest of your statements earn.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Cow on April 27, 2002, 10:11:34 am
Grifter, I wanted to put my self in the middle and start poking in places I didn't know about so I could get answers with out searching all over the place for rapids little crap marks (in the forum) and your fights.  Just ignore those statements I made, i wanted my rant really to be based on BL and Respect.  I had to poke at rapid because of his issues, but it wouldn't be fair to side with you so i added a little something in there.  But I would be thrilled if you could explain everything so I can correct my past statements.  About the whole AK thing, we do a lot of CBs and if we lose some but win most we will get more points.  BUT maybe there should be a new rule where playing teams in the top 10 earn you more points? It would balance out the ladder and fix teams that just play crap teams.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 27, 2002, 01:56:01 pm
No worries there cow.  If you'd like, I could explain the whole Rapid v Grifter thing to you, or just point you to a couple of the links.

The main point being that Rapid comes in shooting his mouth off often, and complains about things, followed by doing those things (or the other way around, depending on which incident you are talking about).  

For some reason, he thinks it's all about a CB we didn't have... when it's about him not keeping his word, then bitching at others for the same thing.  Why I get into it... because I really can't stand a hypocrite, which is what he was being (and still is).  I tried to explain to him that this is a public forum, not a private chat, and if he posts here he is automatically inviting everyone to do the same to his comments... but he didn't like that.  He wants to shout his opinion to the masses without allowing anyone that disagrees to voice that opinion.

All he has to do is communicate reasonibly, like you are doing, like Kilzo and Cossak have... and most of his problems would go away.  Instead, he just makes things up and falls back into the childish stuff.  Which would be more understandable if he didn't claim to be 28.

As for the respect part of your previous post... I couldn't agree with you more.  I even posted something like it a few days ago, while waiting in an airport.  The jest of it was that Rapid's pissed because he thinks AK deserves more respect then it's getting, while not showing any respect to just about everyone (with some exceptions).

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Cow on April 27, 2002, 03:36:26 pm
Cow makes everything all better:

  |?k|*??w*: rapid we need to talk
|?K|*R?p?d?*: hey
|?K|*R?p?d?*: dude
|?K|*R?p?d?*: thanks for that post
|?K|*R?p?d?*: on the forum
|?K|*R?p?d?*: it really helped me get out of my zone
|?K|*R?p?d?*: I was spending too much time
|?K|*R?p?d?*: in there
|?K|*R?p?d?*: I'm done with that forum
  |?k|*??w*: you just need to chill man
|?K|*R?p?d?*: I didn't even see myself after gettin in the heat of the battle
|?K|*R?p?d?*: you're right
  |?k|*??w*: leader to leader man
|?K|*R?p?d?*: and I will chill
|?K|*R?p?d?*: =)
  |?k|*??w*: you just need to turn around and start getting your respect back
|?K|*R?p?d?*: I will just let my performance do the talking
|?K|*R?p?d?*: no need to fight an endless war in the forums
  |?k|*??w*: thats all that matters
|?K|*R?p?d?*: you helped me see that
|?K|*R?p?d?*: join NightHawk's game
  |?k|*??w*: cant english HW
|?K|*R?p?d?*: right on
|?K|*R?p?d?*: thx for jumpin in the middle
  |?k|*??w*: ya man
  |?k|*??w*: i need to save you =)
|?K|*R?p?d?*: it was really needed
|?K|*R?p?d?*: you did =)
|?K|*R?p?d?*: *sighs*
  |?k|*??w*: i will be on later i gotta do english later
|?K|*R?p?d?*: ok
  |?k|*??w*: cya
|?K|*R?p?d?*: c ya bro
|?K|*R?p?d?*: thx
  |?k|*??w*: yup

Fight no more Grifter. we have a new Rapid

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Brain on April 27, 2002, 03:45:07 pm
cow,i will believe it whan i see it

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Cow on April 27, 2002, 03:58:57 pm
Its a damn good start

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: AK_Kilzo on April 27, 2002, 06:18:38 pm
I agree here, Rapid has been the brunt of many a put down, alot of them were unprovoked. So in defense he may get a little hotheaded, so would I. Grifter, although we have gotten along so far I do believe if you are going to consistently call Rapid a child and claim to be the bigger man this will never go away.

Maybe you both should just go 1v1 and settle it in the battlefield, 10 games each server. The winner says good games and so does the loser, after that you should both both have an equal respect for each others games, and if not, just put each other on ignore and drop it. I am getting very sick and tired of reading these posts constantly, Im sure there are much better subjects to relate to.

Both of you have been cool to me and it sucks to sit here and watch this, grudge matches are fine, but this is going way too far....

Peace to all who accept it.....kilzo

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Brain on April 27, 2002, 07:08:34 pm
i accept....
peace kilzo

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Oso on April 27, 2002, 07:16:23 pm

it isnt about skill, it is about rapids mouth and intolerance for others.

here we make fun of rapids skills too since he always bitches that he can own any one, and can never admit defeat..

a 1v1 with grifter would not help, even after grifter shuts Rapid out, rapid will still bitch and whine that grifter cheated, and he was on a bad day of playing..

so 1v1 wouldnt help, but nice try =D

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 28, 2002, 02:35:01 am


it isnt about skill, it is about rapids mouth and intolerance for others.

here we make fun of rapids skills too since he always bitches that he can own any one, and can never admit defeat..

a 1v1 with grifter would not help, even after grifter shuts Rapid out, rapid will still bitch and whine that grifter cheated, and he was on a bad day of playing..

so 1v1 wouldnt help, but nice try =D

Oso, it is posts like this that would piss anyone off. ?You lying to try and make me look bad. ?If you would have read up on my positive side, rather than concentrate on all the negative, you would know that I stated this:


For the record, I do not claim to own you all. ?I simply like doing the good ol' smack talking to get things going the same way it is done in GR(Sorry if it escalates more than it should, but that's everyone else's ego doing that). ?If I was so good (Which I know I'm not) I would have never lost a CB yet. ?So remember that all I'm doing is yes, getting my respect around here because too many people spent time trying to ruin me around here... ?

And trust me, I get the job done when it comes to RS...

Here's proof of me saying "I know I'm not the best". ?So please stop the senseless rumors and lies to my teamates that are simply trying to calm things down.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 28, 2002, 03:03:05 am
Oso's right about the 1 v 1. ?This is never about skill.. it's about respect, and the lack of Respect that Rapid shows.

Rapid, your post says much... you enjoy talking smack.... you enjoy it way too much and do it way too much. ?If you notice, the guys that are all considered the best (and respected) don't talk much smack at all... they don't have to. ?

Also, there were no rumors or lies in Oso's post... just his opinion. ?Which he is entitled to as much as you, me, or your teammates.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Cow on April 28, 2002, 10:37:02 am
Oso you can't just assmue that its not going to work (1v1).  Thats not fair to Rapid or Gtifter, we are trying to fix a problem and you are just bashing it down while doing nothing to help solve the problem.  I say let them 1v1 if things go wrong so be it, but at the end good amount of respect should be delt either way.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: :V:*Beast on April 28, 2002, 11:53:50 am
are we talking about football or ice-hokey??!!
or are we just having fun on GR??
plz... let those AK noobs have fun Typhy, let them CB...
poor AK noobs...


Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: theN00b on April 28, 2002, 12:05:06 pm
We almost had an ?K civil war over this subject, of wich typhy tried to have it so ak noobs could cb.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: :V:*Beast on April 28, 2002, 12:21:19 pm
an AK-civil war?? wtf is going on with AK??
but still... poor AK noobs...
there gonna be 2 AK clans now??
AK-non-noobs and AK-noobs??
mb they can CB eachother, let's say: 50 times...
easy way to go to the top on bl...
but hey!! isn't that the AK-style??


Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: :V:*Beast on April 28, 2002, 01:05:06 pm

|?K| Is divided up into 5 groups: Trainees, Newbies, Reserves, Team members, And Elites.

i think you should have 6 groups Typhy...
group six (cfr: Rainbow Six, not clan-SIX, don't mess with those guys, hi Pig!!!, die die die!!!) so...
group 6: the AK DAMN-R6-forum posters

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Oso on April 28, 2002, 05:51:25 pm
Posted by: Cow      Posted on: April 28th, 2002, 6:37am
Oso you can't just assmue that its not going to work (1v1). ?Thats not fair to Rapid or Gtifter, we are trying to fix a problem and you are just bashing it down while doing nothing to help solve the problem. ?I say let them 1v1 if things go wrong so be it, but at the end good amount of respect should be delt either way.

Cow i never said they couldnt 1v1, i said it wouldnt matter if they did or not, either way rapid would still be a blazing ass.

Your so called "leader" doesnt know how to be a good sport. and wont show grifter respect after the "1v1" or any one else

Grifter has beaten rapid so many times and rapid doesnt just go "oh your the better RS player so i am going to shut up now and stop being gay to you all."

i feel if rapid wants to get on the good side of us all, he should grow up and stop dodging all the facts and questions thrown at him, just cuz he hates being wrong.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Godfather - RnT on April 28, 2002, 08:16:23 pm
Since ?K had alot of bitching about ?K N00bs and all of that stuff, here's a good advice/proposal.

No offence, but u actually stole our idea, not that I care, but u haven't worked it out Rap!d. We were the first clan (|OS| clan @ that time) who started a NEW clan besides |OS| It was called |OS*T|, T stands for Training.
Now, this was taken over by Rap!d very soon, and again, no offence, but u haven't worked it out. Instead of u completely taking over our idea, u changed it a bit. Now rap!d, plz let us do the thinking, we were right after all. If u just start a complete new clan, a subclan for ?K, in which all ?K n00bs can be in, and put them on DAMN BL, they have all the right to CB and have fun. Then u and ur elite crew in ?K clan can CB 'real' clans, and the subclan can CB also, but probably won't take on CB's with KoS or so. This wat, every1 has fun, there are no confusing matters on who is allowed 2 cb or not, and, most important, ur trainees/n00bs can actually LOSE from a clan, in an OFFICIAL CB, while the |?K| clan hasn't got anything to worry about.
So, my idea is 2 completely taking over my original idea, and start a whole new clan. And if those ?k n00bs are getting serious killers, just recruit them into ?K!

It seems logical 2 me, and obviously it didn't 2 u, Rap!d. So just 1 more question, when u did take over our idea, sort of, the ?k part, which u admitted 2 be our idea, why didn't u create a whole new clan, what actually was our idea in first instance?

- [R]Godfather -

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Cow on April 28, 2002, 09:02:49 pm
I cant wait for a new #1 team so you guys can run around and bash them.  If rapid so annoying then ignore him, saves everyone a lot of time including yours.  And don't give me this shit, "Oh he is just so dumb that i cant" just ignore him

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Bondo on April 28, 2002, 09:47:53 pm
Might work for you Cow but I'm not able to ignore anyone as it is my duty to read all the posts and make sure there isn't anything awry.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Grifter on April 28, 2002, 11:52:17 pm

I cant wait for a new #1 team so you guys can run around and bash them. ?If rapid so annoying then ignore him, saves everyone a lot of time including yours. ?And don't give me this shit, "Oh he is just so dumb that i cant" just ignore him


I have to disagree with ya here.  First, when SWAT or KoS were number 1, they didn't get bashed on here.  Neither have lots of other number 1 clans (RAIN maybe, but that's another story).  Clans get bashed on for very specific things... like CB'ing the same team over and over... this bashine has always gone on, even when the clan in question isn't in first place.

Also, turning a blind eye never solved anything either.  This isn't a private house, but a public forum.  It's own society if you would.  Made up of a whole bunch of equals (we all start off the same).  People here are judged by how the present themselves... both good and bad.  And, like in any society, if someone is rolling around naked with their cat in their own house, so be it... but if they are doing it out in the middle of the school yard, they shouldn't be ignored... they should be soundly put in their place.  And, if the society feels that the individual was right in rolling around naked with a cat in public.. that will come out too.  Wonderful the way that works out.

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Destructo on May 04, 2002, 01:03:14 am

[FYI Dest, use BB code in the future, not HTML. :P Ace]

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Typhy on May 04, 2002, 01:29:07 am
I must say, This has been one of the hottest topics in a long time.  91 posts on it.... This was just intended to be an information thing telling clans why there are times that we won't cb them.


Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: Destructo on May 04, 2002, 09:19:06 am
awwww Ace.

Such a nice guy.

I got it mixxed up..whoops!

ty again

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 04, 2002, 12:47:39 pm
 Dio Mio, DEST  how many times to i have to tell you, STFU!!!  ;) Ciao amore!!

Title: Re: |?K| Style.
Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on May 29, 2002, 07:26:04 pm

Rapid, I'm tired of cleaning all this shit up, just be a man and take it. ?If you don't respond to it, it will go away. ?Didn't your mommy ever tell you that to keep the bullies from picking on you?

{Gorf, please don't bring back these old posts unless you actually have a point to make in them}