*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: Fridge! on October 02, 2003, 10:16:12 pm

Title: is every season like this?
Post by: Fridge! on October 02, 2003, 10:16:12 pm
does every season turn into the chatbattle league where more time is spent on the gameplay fields of the forums than in the game?  Or has this season been an unpleasant and ridiculous exception?

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: Fusion on October 02, 2003, 11:00:17 pm

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: FahQ2 on October 02, 2003, 11:10:44 pm
Much like everyone constantly argues the realism of this game compared to war, why can't we also argue the politics of the wars.

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: | ! | Dutchman on October 02, 2003, 11:52:36 pm
I must say Season 3 was more fun (so far).
Why? I dont know. Maybe because the clans weren't too focussed on the replays.
Nowadays a lot of people seems paranoid when they get killed. "OMG I got killed! Save the replay! And if i dont get them all in 10 minutes its a forfeith!"

I think the good mood will get back if we all:
- stopped asking for every replay available.
- don't lay down in craters or slopes.
- don't get paranoid when you loose a cb (shit happens)

I still believe this can become a great season. There are a lot of good clans around (plz, plz cb us!) and we really can have some fun if we all go for it. Loosen up! Have fun!


BTW, plz cb us

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: BTs_eight on October 03, 2003, 12:09:25 am

Welcome to the *DAMN Battle League rookie....

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: BTs_Ch A oS on October 03, 2003, 12:11:03 am

Not every season is quite like the BTs-SL debate that is still ongoing (partly because everyone is adding their two cents to that thread),  but then again not every clanmember is like the 'fridge" character.   I have no problem killing fridge, but his smack-talking (which I like and partake of some myself) riles people up and gets them to gun for fridge in any manner possible.  Smack-talking is fine with me when the talkers can smackdown fools regularly with their playing skills (they can backup the smack with many whacks).  Fridge can talk smack and has the skills to back it up.  I think thats ONE huge reason everyone goes after him in the forums.

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: c| Splinter on October 03, 2003, 12:14:55 am
No, it hasn't always been like this.  It actually used to be fun.  Now it feels like you have to have a law degree before you enter a CB, cause god knows someone is going to contest it afterwards.

Season 3 was fun.  Aside from the occasional flame, we actually played the game.  Each season seems to keep getting worse.  

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: Cutter on October 03, 2003, 01:15:44 am
it's only been like this since BTs formed. ;D

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: SL~ Swiftkill on October 03, 2003, 01:32:38 am
not true cutter.  BTs is just as valid if not more than every other clan out there.  The problem i have with all this is that a win or lose on the battlefield doesnt matter at all. The real fight takes place in the forums...

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: Typhy on October 03, 2003, 01:38:41 am
it's only been like this since BTs formed.  

Coincidently, that was the same time that Ghost Recon came to mac. . . How interesting. . .

The reason that Ghost Recon CBs are camp, cheat and glitch filled, is because people take the game to seriously. If your only goal is to win, then you'll find a way to do that, regardless of wether it's legal or not.

Looking back at my career in this community ( which spans over 2 years ), my favorite and most memorable CB was AK vs KotA, which ( I was in AK at the time ), we lost, 6-5.

It was a spectacular CB. No camping, no glitching, and most of all - no complaining.

I bet very few GHR players can look at their short careers, and call a loss their favorite CB.

On a personal note, I'd rather lose a fair, fun and camper free CB 10-9 then win a CB 10-0.

I laugh when I look at the GHR rules. Replays, cheat tests, blah blah blah. Why can't you forget that bullshit and play the game? Is it that you need replays and cheat tests to scare off cheaters? Let's face it. Cheaters will be cheaters, the same with glitchers. You can try your hardest to eliminate them, or prevent against them, but, no matter what it comes down to, there will always be assholes out there who will find ways around it.

Should you make a game less fun, and make CBs 6 hour afairs, both with camping and all this bullshit, simply to prevent against a few asorted assholes who will try and cheat? Isn't that giving into them? Isn't that letting them win? Wouldn't you be better off looking on, and saying "anyone who camps, glitches or cheats needs to get a fucking life, sense aparently, in a computer game, winning is more important than fun to them."

Even if you do plan to let the cheaters win, and make the game less fun for yourselves to prevent against the former, are you really going about it the right way? There should be no second chances for cheaters. You cheat, you're gone. Forever. No coming back. Not only should you be ban from all clan activities, you should be ban from the entire *DAMN site, and information should be provided so that other clans can ban you from their site, further disconnecting you from this community. Someone who cheats should get GHR's version of the death sentence.

I've done over 35 CBs sense there was a problem with one. That problem, would be the -MP5-/KotA remake issue, where Rancid and Pat C4 camped at Amazon. After Mauti accepted what they did, I didn't further challenge it. I accepted it, and simply said that I'd never CB against Pat and Rancid again, a promise that I've kept true to.

My suggestion to you GHR players - quit ruining your own game anymore than Aspyr already did. Cheaters will be cheaters. Remember, anytime you cheat, your penis shrinks. [/color]

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: BTs_Colin on October 03, 2003, 02:07:50 am

You have spent less then 24 hours in Ghost Recon games. Even less in multiplayer.

Stop bashing a game you don't play and aren't involved in.

You don't know and you aren't right.

That is all.

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: Typhy on October 03, 2003, 02:16:07 am
 Ironically, Colin, I could probably beat your ass into the ground in Ghost Recon.

You'll rarely see me in Mac GHR games, because - why the fuck should I play on a mac at 40-60 FPS when I can play on a PC at over 175?

Also, if you read my post, you will see that I said one thing against GHR, that was "quit ruining your own game anymore than Aspyr already did." Hell, that's hardly an anti GHR comment. Everyone with half a brain can accept the fact that Aspyr did a shitty job with Ghost Recon.

 I gave my suggestions, that people don't let a few selective assholes ruin the game that they like. That's a pretty universal statement, which could be used in reference to just about anything.  

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: BTs_Colin on October 03, 2003, 02:35:19 am
Put your money where your mouth is.

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: Fridge! on October 03, 2003, 04:56:05 am
Pretty soon ghr isn't even going to be a part of the ghr ladder anymore, it'll be, i challenge you to a chat battle for the ghr team ladder!  Glitching will be post editing and the main rule will be everybody has to be registered on the forums

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on October 03, 2003, 06:22:30 am
I acctually think this season will be/is the coolest season, the culmination of the GhR ladder...

Fridge, nobody is forceing you to post on the forums, use emails, private messages..gets less dirty

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: [OZ] Jedda on October 03, 2003, 07:15:09 am
Haha. Unfortunalty not Joka. Just wait till you send a replay 30 seconds late...

Better hope the other clan aint wanting a cheap win.


[OZ] : Campaigning for Skill in the Battle League!

Have a good one! - J

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: BTs_eight on October 03, 2003, 08:11:04 am
rules are rules... u have a problem with emails... then setup a drop box.

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: c| Lin/ret/forgot pw on October 03, 2003, 06:24:17 pm

This I think is the last season, then ppl will move on to RvS (if you got the hardware) . .. and ghost will become like RS is for you guys today, long forgotten. .

So who's gonna win the last season?. ..  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: Typhy on October 03, 2003, 06:50:33 pm

Assuming that there isn't PC/Mac support for RvS, there is always the posibility that the *DAMN Battle League will be an RvS ladder, however, if there is PC/Mac support, I'd say there's no chance.

Secondly, I personally doubt that there will even be GameRanger support for it.

Lastly, the release of RvS is likely to bring about as many new players to this community as GHR did. I don't think the *DAMN Battle League is setup to handle something like that, nor do I think that the nescessary changes will be made.

I'd be very supprised if *DAMN was able to host an active RvS ladder.  

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on October 03, 2003, 06:59:51 pm
well for a season start i didnt c so much troubes (tribe played 3 seasons)
guess its coz newcomers

i hope eight will take lesson about this for btl league and than Mauti will adjust things

i hoped something new (warzone standard?)

but beside some acro shit dick heads its coll to c bts,mod, one and the core still arround

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: c| Splinter on October 03, 2003, 07:01:41 pm
I think DAMN could host a RvS Mac ladder if they wanted.  Migration to RvS will be slower than we think, due to the fact that most people I play with don't have the comps to handle it.

I think a better question is will DAMN even WANT to host a ladder next season.  From some of Mauti's comments in the main news, I think we're pretty lucky that this forum and ladder are even here right now.  With all the insane amount of BS that he has to put up with, I wouldn't be surprised (nor blame him) if this was the last we see of any of the BL.  I mean, him and Elan do all of this for free.  They put in the 100s of hours for the new system for free, and what do they get in return?  A nice constant stream of flames.  I can't even imagine why they still do it.

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 03, 2003, 08:09:50 pm

Secondly, I personally doubt that there will even be GameRanger support for it.

Based on what Typhy?  Aspyr is doing the port, and they've been pretty good about all their games being on GameRanger.  And since they know it will not have PC/Mac compatibility, why would they not bake in GameRanger support?  Why would Scott not want to bring another big game onto GR?  

Title: Re:is every season like this?
Post by: Typhy on October 03, 2003, 08:29:07 pm
 Based off the CD key authorization setup in PC land.

I'd agree with you there, Splinter. I might add that Ghost Recon will be the game hurt by RvS, not RS. The majority of the RS players use iMacs and shit which won't be able to play RvS.

Also, as more and more people start to play, they'll discover bigger things. Even if *DAMN were to offer an America's Army ladder, I'm sure that A2 would remain consintrated on the TWL. *DAMN's setup worked well for R6 and RS, where there were less players, but you can already see it weakening with such a large GHR community.