*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: Flies on February 18, 2003, 06:16:22 pm

Title: This is for DEA only
Post by: Flies on February 18, 2003, 06:16:22 pm

Whenever u are rdy to invite ViRuS to CB,
post ur invitation here - and we will get back to u,
with some answer.

This is NOT a debate room.
This is NOT an arguing place.

This is a room for DEA to drop their invitation to ViRuS.

Flies / ViRuS

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 18, 2003, 10:02:28 pm
Hi flies!

when you answer my question then we'll have a go.... since you never denyed it then i guess i somewhat have my answer...

Need it one more time?


Maybe if you answer this question correctly it might make you and virus look dumb huh? posting a forfiet and all....

And just so you all know we didnt do the cb becuase of a "tactical" whatever for the ladder...

I was insulted by flies, he called me a liar...

Saying i never invited virus to a cb...
how bout the first match flies? OH WAIT mb your memory is failing....



Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: .vooDoo. on February 19, 2003, 04:37:41 am
You are dodging the question Flies. My guess is that you agreed to what Eight asked you. Either way, we all want to see the DEA vs Virus cb. Now stop the whinning and start the dinning.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: ModKilla on February 19, 2003, 09:41:34 am
Why dont you guys settle this on the battlefield!! ::) ::)

As I read this i see only that the Virus clan wants to Battle and the DEA clan looks scarecd in my eyes! Or they would of battled when they had 6 people on line.  If I was in the DEA clan i would challenge this clan and settle this once and for all! The Virus clan opend a room for a challenge but I only see bullshit wrote here::  DEA get some balls and challenge them, and stand up for yourself!

Eyes from a view!!

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [DEA] fire::fly on February 19, 2003, 06:42:40 pm
I can't believe how stupid this has become.  All i want to do is have the damn battle.  Why has it become so difficult? Who cares if we lose? Who cares if we win?  I think everyone needs to remember that this is just a stupid video game, no where near having any sort of consequence in real life.  Its time to shove all of our egos in a drawer, have fun and play!

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on February 19, 2003, 07:44:12 pm
Well said Fire:fly.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_Colin on February 19, 2003, 10:05:13 pm
Flies sometimes an invitation isn't the best thing to organize a CB. Sometimes its best just to see about it when both clans have people online.

I know many people DO NOT play their day around CBing.

That said go kick some DEA ass!!!

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 20, 2003, 09:17:26 pm
Ok Ok...

I just wanted to see if i was the only one that noticed that Flies was avoiding my question. Thanks voodoo!

BUT SURE... we're up for the CB

Here's my invite...
Saturday 4 vs 4 5pm est time.

No more of this AM shit for my team members... we played twice in the am. now it's your turn to give us a good time schedule... You guys ever play on a sunday morning with a hangover?

No restrictions.... If you by any chance have a problem with any maps in os9? then boot in X

Anything else dear you may like?


[DEA] eight (CDC UNIT!)

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 20, 2003, 10:03:10 pm
By 5pm EST  i ment EASTERN TIME. which means the time in NY USA.

As far as a 4 vs 4 whats so lame about that? First you wanted an invite 4vs4 or more... you got your stupid invite... So then what is the problem now?

If you want an observer then fine. But do remember the more heads the mre lag especially since we're on seperate parts of the world.

take the invite or shut up.!

[DEA] eight CDC UNIT (Center for Disease Control)

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 20, 2003, 10:57:45 pm
And now that you got your precious invite wheres my answer?

Didn't think you'd answer but its ok denial answers it all for me...!

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 21, 2003, 02:07:52 pm
Ok this is exactly what I am talking about....

First Flies wants his public invite.... So nothing gets fuckt up in PM on GR. So when i ask him what these arangements are, in a non threathing manner i get this shit....

[DEA] eight.CDC: mornin
[DEA] eight.CDC: what else do u need to setup with god?
[V] Flies: its ok - its been taking care of- cya in cb
[DEA] eight.CDC: can u post whatever u took care of?
[DEA] eight.CDC: the whole point of the forum post was so no private arangements were done
[V] Flies: go fuck urself DEA -Eight, i am honestly so fed up with u, i really warn u - if u dont stop this behaviour u will be the  first person on GR i have had to block messages from
[DEA] eight.CDC: dude all i did was asked what arangements u made
[DEA] eight.CDC: what the fuck is your problem?
[V] Flies: 4
[V] Flies: 3
[V] Flies: 2
[V] Flies: 1
[DEA] eight.CDC: nice

What are you so affraid of dude? Why you so edgy? AND WHY WONT YOU POST?

YOUR one shady ass dude......!

So can we all get to see these arangements so again NOTHING GETS FUCKT UP WITH YOUR SHADY PRIVATE MESSAGES.
I mean you did say you were going to be the first to post right? Or should i be seeing some sort of pattern here? You say your going to do something.... and again it doesn't get done...

thank you....


Should i even ask where my answer is or is it safe to say you like others to follow your dinky rules but you cant follow your own.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 21, 2003, 05:32:38 pm

You guys can't find players?


Should we post the forfiet?

Lets see, we changed the 14th CB date to a sunday which was only 2 days later and we couldnt find the players for the cb.

Now that everything is turned around it's kinda funny isnt it?

Didnt you accept the CB?

I posted times and how many players....

Do i need one of them fancy lil qoute thingys?

As for harrasment, all i asked was for you to post here lemme qoute....

[V] Flies: its ok - its been taking care of- cya in cb
[DEA] eight.CDC: can u post whatever u took care of?

You jump down someones throat.

As for briefing... How bout you post all your findings here like you said you was going to do. KEEP IT PUBLIC!
i dont trust you fLIES.
And for the one with the anger mngt problem i say we take you off the negotiation and i vote for dutchy or vibrate or even your leader to set it up. NOT YOU!

Only fair since this all started with messages getting screwed up on GR between us both?

This whole entire time you have made me look like i was the one the has screwed something up..... Or maybe by your denials or lack of them you have made yourself look bad. Should i dare ask one last time about my question being answered, since you did get your invite.

hehe and as for your dinner plate.... NO CHICKEN its tainted with a virus!! =P

P.S. DEA has no leaders we're all equal.

I respect and like all of ViruS, yes even you sir fLIES... I just wish you would do ANY of the things you said you was going to do bro.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: GOD on February 21, 2003, 06:46:06 pm
I heart boobs.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [DEA] fire::fly on February 21, 2003, 06:51:28 pm
lol god.  Somehow u put it all into perspective.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: The real Mantis on February 22, 2003, 08:19:37 am
I am down to CB....jus name the time...
ohh yeah....boobs are good and firefly has the right attitude.  I just dont understand why we all just cant kill each other peacefully?

I Heart Head (receiving that is!)

My $.02 ;D

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 22, 2003, 06:31:53 pm
Like in previous post it states the virus accepted the cb for 5 pm est time. 4 vs 4....


See you virrii later!

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: ModKilla on February 22, 2003, 07:32:55 pm
I see the DEA  Eight Posted that the Clan has no leader!  

Yet he tries to act like one why is this?  The rest of the clan is wants to battle instead of arguing here as I read I think the Eight should lighten up and Battle

I see you schulded one Good luck to bolth clans

What game do you guys play Ghost Recon or Rogue Spear?

view from a far

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 22, 2003, 11:53:32 pm
"Here's my invite... "
Invitation to ViRuS for a cb recieved.
As for the way its put: No comments.

See the Virus?
Your boy flies has you all screwed up!
Even your own guy is telling you lies which he posted publicly.
if you would ever tend to read post regarding to this issue you would see that Flies setup the Thread in order for things not to get screwed up privately AGAIN.

Yet when i posted the invite he even said in a that same post about accepting our invite that:

"Aside from the time (do u mean australian, Russian, Hawaii or Danish time ?)
we also need to settle a few other things."
even after
My favorite part was he emailed GOD Sugessting something, which he then tells fire:fly that GOD accepted to his terms. Well flies, I TALKED WITH GOD after the email was sent and he said he wasnt even going to be able to do sunday saturday is our better day. And he wasn't going to change a thing about our invite.

Even better 6 Virri online and no cb.... Yet their not idle or anyting Nixon has his own room with all of his Virrii playing....

Yet somehow they can't CB?

Ok... Now to finally finish this post off...

I hope people can see that mister fLIES has shown more times then once that he has backed out of this cb.

Now before this issue i was pretty quiet on this forum... posted any questions i had... and posted cb results.... but stayed quiet....

We have had enough of ViruS crap is all, and it pissed me off even more when they tried to post a forfiet.

Now admins after reading all these posts is this a forfiet? just curious. hehe... Wouldn't it be great if they come out with an answer like ours... "We don't have the right people online"

Which is fine and cool especially after nixon said to a yes in the main chat room at B&G and then saying no....

The mighty Virus, bah.


Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: l ! l Ross on February 23, 2003, 12:13:04 am
It just as simple as we can't get the players online at the time.

We had online at the time:

The Beast
Ze Bitch

Now u might think thats enough for a CB but:

Kin has to leave at 9.

Beast and Bitch don't play much GhR so don't play in CBs.

And Chris, I don't think he even has GhR.

So that only leaves Me Flies and Nix and we don't like 3v3's.

And Eight if you quieten down I might unblock you on Gameranger (and plz don't bother me when I am playing. Thnx).

I think Fire:fly's right we should all shut up and have some fun this is only a computer game.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [DEA] Spike on February 23, 2003, 12:17:32 am
Ok. Here is the final word.

Flies, having suggested that we post invites online has now informed me today that he prefers negotiating one on one for a cb. He has stated that he will deal with [DEA] God only in a private negotiation for a cb date.

I would like the record to show that virus has again refused a cb offer @ 1:30PST on saturday the 22 of February despite sufficient clan members on both sides logged on to GR at the time.

I want no further dealings with this mess. Flies is free to negotiate with whomever the hell he feels like. I hope but doubt if this convoluted procedure will ever result in a cb date.

Finally in the interest of sanity, if anyone attempts to conduct negotiations not publicly viewable after the fact (like this forum) could you please take screeshots and copies of the conversations. Accurate records will cut down on the outright lying and hypocrisy.

Here's another vote for Fire:fly's post. Lets have a freaking match already.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [DEA] Spike on February 23, 2003, 12:23:46 am
So that only leaves Me Flies and Nix and we don't like 3v3's.

Terribly sorry. I didn't know we were operating under any restrictions of that nature.

Would Virus please post a list of the other types of cb's they find offensive.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 23, 2003, 12:25:22 am

You don't have the right players online for a cb?
Wasn't it Virus that said that all of DEA should CB? now all of a sudden you would like to say you don't have the right players?

You don't like 3 vs 3? Your kidding me right? You would rather not play these FUN FUN FUN CBs becuase you don't have a 4th? even after we said we'd take you on 3 vs 3 also?

Amazing what the mighty virus has become....

Like i said before i wouldnt make such a big deal about it if it wasnt for fLIES calling ME a liar then trying to publicly humiliate DEA.

You did call us chicken right?

We're so chicken we have more CBs under our belt amazing huh?

P.S. Chris does have GhR... he was playing in Nixon's room..

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: l ! l Ross on February 23, 2003, 01:13:17 am

P.S. Chris does have GhR... he was playing in Nixon's room..


Must be using his new eMac :-)

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [DEA] Spike on February 23, 2003, 01:51:12 am
Damn man you dodge so many questions. Reading this board is like watching the matrix or something.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: l ! l Ross on February 23, 2003, 02:09:00 am
P.S. Chris does have GhR... he was playing in Nixon's room..

No you were wrong. He only has GhR for his PC and he doesn't have the Desert Siege Expansion pack so to play we have to turn Desert Siege of when hosting witch kind of sucks.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 23, 2003, 02:24:44 am
P.S. Chris does have GhR... he was playing in Nixon's room..

No you were wrong. He only has GhR for his PC and he doesn't have the Desert Siege Expansion pack so to play we have to turn Desert Siege of when hosting witch kind of sucks.

Only for pc huh? You sure? Can anyone here please tell me if they make Game Ranger for PC if they do then it might explain this picture huh?


According to this picture it shows 3 of your members online at 8:23PM EST time and it also shows that yes.. Chris has Ghost Recon on the mac...

With you and Flies still online....

Does it ever stop?


Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: GOD on February 23, 2003, 03:05:14 am
Ok, I talked to Flies a few mins ago, and because I have to work tomorrow at 1200cnt, we are going to try to cb at 1000cnt.  But that would be 0800 on a Sunday for my guys in cali and that could pose a problem.  So chances are its not going to work out, bu I'm hoping by some chance enough DEA will be on to do it.  And if there are not, then we'll just reschedual, we got time still, no big whoop.  Also on another note, I heart boobs.


Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: l ! l Ross on February 23, 2003, 03:10:04 am
Only for pc huh? You sure? Can anyone here please tell me if they make Game Ranger for PC if they do then it might explain this picture huh?

Weird. Wonder why hes playing it on his PC.

Will have to talk to him about that.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 23, 2003, 03:14:39 am
Funny how you always get your ways with your last minute changes...

I say Next week... cuase your guys already think we're cbing on sunday let us get a week of notice then, since you backed out of saturdays gig.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: GOD on February 23, 2003, 06:58:13 am
Ok, Flies and I talked and we are gonna wind up reschedualling the cb for a later date.  8am Sunday is just not gonna work out.  Oh well.  

Msg to DEA, please just dont talk to Virus about anything concerning cb's.  Tell me or Spike instead.

Thats it.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: .vooDoo. on February 26, 2003, 07:21:03 pm
sup flies, I just got back from vacation and read through this really quick. The one thing that I dont think that any of you understand is that in the finals they will have to play you guys. There will be no "dodging the bullet", so to say.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [DEA] Spike on February 27, 2003, 12:20:59 am
Ok this is not a formal arrangement. Consider it a public announcement to allow all parties time to prepare.

I am investigating feilding a team this saturday (Mar. 1) between 9-1200 PST, thats 12-1500 EST, and 1700-2000 GMT.

Virus has already indicated their readyness. This is mainly to give DAMN Snake fair warning (if he's still up for observing) and to quieten down suggestions that we are somehow attempting to pussy out of our final V match.

Flies you will get formal confirmation or rejection of this date from God in the next day or so. I don't see the time as problematic so I hope the message is a go ahead.


Voodoo's comment also raises a good point. DEA amd V are going to play 3 times in the final and I want to put out the suggestion of marking one weekend day during the 14 where we might get all 3 done at once. First this would be freaking EPIC =D (maybe Ace could host the entire match) and second it would get rid of a huge amount of logistical crap that has got in the way of our clans playing before.  This is just a feeler. Plz let me know what everyone's thoughts on the matter are.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on February 27, 2003, 02:36:50 pm
i can tell u a possible reason for why Ross is playing GhR on PC though having it installed on his Mac.

It is the same reason as mine:

my mac sux. I have installed it but i cant play it fast enough in CB or even normal MP. Sometime I do just for fun and think may be with a little practice it get behind it - but after a few round it gives me shit so I stop and join with PC ( it is faster, it lookts better, it runs smoother )

SO that could be a possible reason for him.

And plz DEA start accepting that Virus is a clan with many members and only a few are playing GhR and the resting are still in RS.

I cant get your problem DEA - EUR had 2 CB vs Virus already. And I never saw [V] refusing a CB b/c no reason!!!!!!! AND I KNOW THIS CLAN FOR 3 years now.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on February 27, 2003, 02:40:01 pm

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on February 27, 2003, 03:00:15 pm
Lol Holo only 2 1/2 years as Virus(although Virus writes something different on their website) but I can remember that Hartman and Sniper were 007 when *DAMN was founded.. *DAMN is only 2 years and 8months old and we are a few months older than Virus.

However the reason why I post is that *DAMN Snake won't observe the cb - as you may know he is marine and right now he is back on the way to kuwait.


Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on February 27, 2003, 05:27:17 pm
lol shit I charged. I looked on the wrong date in my life b/c of my playing on GR since 1999 and meeting Hartmann very early as a Virus. it could be 2000  when they started.

But wait what can I see on Viri Site? Oh they were founded in 1999 as I though b/c after I logged into GR my first big and most fun games were against some Viri - ah and the kicked my newb ass.

I think the date on Viri site is correct. I met the Viri before I saw anything that was called DAMN. Sorry Dude.

I charged b/c I though of 1999 - 2003 its 4 years but I did not think of exact dates. So they were founded  at the end of 1999 nearly in 2000 so  u can say I know the 3 years.  :D

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: l ! l Ross on February 27, 2003, 06:39:07 pm
i can tell u a possible reason for why Ross is playing GhR on PC though having it installed on his Mac.

Me on PC??

Am Mac all the way. I have never evened owned a PC in my life, all have been Macs.

I have a 700Mhz G4 15in iMac with 512RAM (plays GhR very well). I also have a 10GB iPod (love it :) ) and will be buying a Powerbook in the next few months.

You can check out my website http://homepage.mac.com/rossrankin/ (all made on the Mac btw)

I have never owned a Windows PC and I never will.

What makes you think I use a PC anyway?

From Ross / ViRuS

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on February 27, 2003, 06:40:37 pm
As I said they posted something different on their site. When I found *DAMN with Bander we knew Hartman and Sniper as 007. However...

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 27, 2003, 06:44:47 pm
umm ok holo...

Check it bro...
We played V twice. We refused one of their cbs and they refused one of ours.

Please hush up unless you know the whole story.

Everyone's got something to say about us and everyone gives virus respect but please can people open their eyes and see that what we do virus also does?

I mean...
On a post i saw awhile back....

"Virus plays all the qaulity clans"

Hrm... We have played AgT twice... Virus has played em once. We have played MP once virus has none. What other quality clans have the Virus played that we haven't?

Like does anyone look at the matchlist??

And we kept asking the EUR clan for cbs but again.... We kept getting refused... So your saying?

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: Typhy on February 27, 2003, 06:52:11 pm
 The difference, Eight, is that Virus beats all the quality clans.

DEA is 1-1 against AgT.

DEA is 0-1 against MP.

DEA is 0-2 against Virus.

Virus is 1-0 against AgT.

Virus is 2-0 against DEA.

Hmm, which is better? 1-4 or 3-0?  

Title: DEA is still scared of ViRuS. 3 weeks later and shit...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on February 27, 2003, 08:45:33 pm
Well eight, you've refused more than one challenge from ViRuS.  

They have been challenging you this whole month and you still can't accept, or give a date to have the CB. :o

Try actually CB'ing, without so much debating.  Obviously you always have DEA members online, yet you can't CB them when they ask you...

Or, hands down, tell the truth and say you're scared to lose to ViRuS again ;D  That's obviously the truth here ;)

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: c| Splinter on February 27, 2003, 09:25:42 pm

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on February 27, 2003, 09:59:00 pm
And we kept asking the EUR clan for cbs but again.... We kept getting refused... So your saying?

Hey I never saw any invitation of DEA to CB us. so Do it offically  - but I will ask Stevie and Red if they got any from you.

But u should know about our CB policy - first Leader says yes we fight.
We also dont have so many user playing GhR some are still RS. So stop involving Clan - who have nothing to do with the Point of DEA vs. Virus CB.

And I also said that that Virus dont refuse CB without no reason, i didn not say that they refuse just for fun. If u refuse with reasons its ok. And  I didnt say anything against you b/c I know u to less but I just said what I think of Virus.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on February 27, 2003, 10:57:06 pm

AK said something?
I dont see any cbs from your loud mouth rapid? That a cb offer? again? you going to stick to it this time?

As for refusing cbs... please keep in mind virus and us are on diffrent time schedules... and we posted a date for saturday.
In the past they wanted to cb vs us while we get the shit time at some god awful AM game on a sunday (who is up in the early mornings on a sunday?) over and over.... yet when we post a time that suits us... everyone then says OH well you know virus is refusing becuase of the time schedule....
So each time we have refused a cb its becuase of time issues. Or not having members online. same as the mighty virii
This forum is a one way street huh? We're the only ones who refuse everyting huh?

And yes we did loose to those other clans... but again... We do cb more.... And the point of me saying that we cb quality clans... means we cb quality clans more then virus...

and as for EUR i have asked many times..... for cbs vs us and i always get a "no later or some other day..."

BUT keep in mind the time schedule.

I am not trying to say that all these clans that have refused us are punks i am trying to say that all of you out there that have an opinion about this matter, to please take a look at their own clans and if they want to cb sometime this season let me know.

so again you were saying?

OHH and Rapid? should i remind you about the 1vs1 you invited me to in ghr for shits an giggles which i accepted then u denied?
You need backup? Should we set something up manboob boy?

Bring it shun!

And i am sorry for cbing so much... but we like it. win or loose we have fun.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: Gladheator on February 28, 2003, 12:56:30 am
Virus is older than DAMN as I remember too

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [DEA] Spike on February 28, 2003, 01:08:23 am
The difference, Eight, is that Virus beats all the quality clans.

DEA is 1-1 against AgT.
DEA is 0-1 against MP.
DEA is 0-2 against Virus.

Virus is 1-0 against AgT.
Virus is 2-0 against DEA.

Hmm, which is better? 1-4 or 3-0?  

If your going to offer your incredible wisdom typhy at least get your shit right. DEA is 2-1 vs AGT.  So thats 2-5. And hell at least we play the good clans. Besides us Virus has played 1 other "elite" clan. We're done 133% more battle against why you call "the good clans". So we lost. Damn. Apart from playing us Virus has 1 match against the entire rest of what you call the good clans..1 Agt, no MP, no |c...

How are we the clan who just battles noobs?(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/hm.gif)

Not that I'm saying Virus isnt a good clan. I'm just tired of this bull. You guys want to talk down to us come cb us and see how you fare. Stop harping on the Virus's acheivements and see if you can make your own.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [DEA] Spike on February 28, 2003, 01:50:25 am
Consider this the formal offer.
We can feild at least 5 players on Saturday @ 11am PST. Bring as many players as you can find (plz, more than 2) and we'll have this cb.

If you can observe, Voodoo, we'd be happy to have ya.

Confirm as soon as you can flies...

Title: CB life could be easy!
Post by: eur.reddust on February 28, 2003, 02:11:09 am
and as for EUR i have asked many times..... for cbs vs us and i always get a "no later or some other day..."

well Mr. [DEA] eight,
we won't take all this too serious.

I think it's a general rule to contact the leader of the clan that one wants to challenge, at least the person that is shown responsible in the BL clan info.
So You have to ask Stevie or me.

I remember only 2 requests from a [DEA] member for a CB pointed at me. The first time we had the CB. The second time I had to refuse because from those 3 or 4 EURs being online i was the only one of our GhR-FireTeam.

So, I think the best way to avoid further misunderstandings is: to simply challenge officially over the BL functionality (there is one, isn't it?) or e-mail. You can be sure then to have sent it to the responsible person and get an answer from an official.

I suggest not to blame any clan or its members when asking them spontaneous for a CB in Gameranger. There could always be some reasons not to feel ready at that certain time. Be lucky when getting an "OK", but don't feel tricked if not.

Call it (Mac like) "OS" style: Make it Official - make a Schedule.
CB life can be so easy.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [DEA] Spike on February 28, 2003, 03:01:36 am
Still havent got any mail from DEA-god.
I remember the deal being" no matter what was written here, the final settlement of CB should be done between DEA-God and myself".

God seems to be away right now. The offer is still valid.

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: Ace on February 28, 2003, 03:34:31 am
While I wish to forget the first CB we had against them, DEA is 1-1 vs MP. We should be having a third CB sometime soon (maybe tonight or this weekend), so then you can talk shit about how bad DEA is because they are 1-2 vs MP.


(Let's hope my TiBooks stays un-pwned long enough for us to do this, hehe.)

PS - Bring it Virus. When are you bitches available this weekend?

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: GladHEATOR on February 28, 2003, 04:17:59 am
The MP will get owned because of there big mouth I think my money goes on Virus anyday ehhe

Title: Don't Talk so DIsrespectully to me n00b!(eight)
Post by: AK_Rap1d on February 28, 2003, 11:28:00 am
OHH and Rapid? should i remind you about the 1vs1 you invited me to in ghr for shits an giggles which i accepted then u denied?

Oh stfu n00b...  You just got into this arena when GhR came out and are already running your mouth as if you're some god...  

GhR is a boring game.  People camp, and maps are huge!  I can care less who's better than who at GhR, but I know n00bs like you aren't all that.  All you are, is hot steam being blown thru posts in these forums.  Your ego making you act like the ass you really are in real life.  How much of a retard can you be to constantly ask for CB's from people, yet deny ViRuS when they ask you?  And no, the time difference isn't an issue.  You being a scared n00b is the issue (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_bluh.gif)

You need to stop being so cocky and accept the fact you're a n00b CB'ing n00bs, retard.

I already took out VooDoo, the leader of AgT out in a 1v1 in GhR(and I barely play the damn game), and I'd be happy to do the same to you(Even though you play it 24/7).  Yes, I am skilled, and yes I can own at GhR.  So I suggest you stfu and stop acting as if you're good or something.  Any old RS'er, can take you out in GhR.  Remember that next time you run your mouth to the elders around here... :o

Just because you ask for a lot of CB's, doesn't make you good obviously.  Look at tonite's loss vs c|...  Ouch 10% of your points deducted... (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/ass.gif)

Now try to act more respectable.  Then maybe others will respect you. :o

Title: Re:Don't Talk so DIsrespectully to me n00b!(eight)
Post by: :V:*Beast on February 28, 2003, 07:21:28 pm
OHH and Rapid? should i remind you about the 1vs1 you invited me to in ghr for shits an giggles which i accepted then u denied?

Any old RS'er, can take you out in GhR.  Remember that next time you run your mouth to the elders around here...

Try out some old-school R6 gamers!!
SIX.The....Pig vs. ...you mb?

Title: R6'ers too!
Post by: AK_Rap1d on February 28, 2003, 10:31:41 pm
Ahhh, so true Beast ;D  

Didn't mean to forget old school R6'ers also ;)

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: BTs_eight on March 01, 2003, 12:23:46 am
I be a noob and u still be affraid of me... what's that make you rapid?


remember you turned down my 1vs1 offer...

But whenever you want bro, BRING IT. AND if you wanna help us score some easy points bring your lil bitches with you....

Your whole claim to fame is (AK won the first BL season) so what!.... 3yrs later =/
new game new players ;P

And maybe you camp i sure don't.


thnx have a nice day crapid

You are and always will be my bitch...

Maybe you should change your nick to AK=8'sBITCH-CRAPid

suits you better bro...

You say i talk alot of shit? At least i back my shit up.


/me is waiting your cb invite now =)

Title: Re:This is for DEA only
Post by: [DEA] Spike on March 01, 2003, 11:16:20 am
K... just a public info update.

It's been 36 hours since I talked to flies and posted the formal invite to V for the Saturday cb. We've recieved no word back.

Still waiting for the confirmation....(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/sleeping.gif)