*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Gaming (All your Gaming needs are here!) => Topic started by: MovingUnit:SOG on December 23, 2003, 08:31:25 pm

Title: SR2004
Post by: MovingUnit:SOG on December 23, 2003, 08:31:25 pm
Alpha Squad is putting on there next Silent Recon Co-op Tournament next february and they have allready started sign-ups lsat weekend.  There are over 35 teams and only 2 macintosh based coop clans entered in the tournament allready.  It would be great if more jumped on the wagon as well, cause it will greaten our chances of being able to participate in this grand coop tournament.

go here for more info... Stealth Recon Forums...

Grand Prize is a hi-bandwidth Hypernia server for 1 year FOR FREE!