*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Suggestions, opinions, criticisms,.. => Topic started by: c| Splinter on September 23, 2003, 01:42:02 am

Title: Potential Problem
Post by: c| Splinter on September 23, 2003, 01:42:02 am
Hey Mauti,

The automated system looks very spiffy...nice work.  I do see a potential problem that we encountered at the c| FFA ladder's automated system.  The c| FFA ladder system runs differently, of course, because you have 4-10 players as opposed to 2 teams.  The problem that we ran into on at least 50%-60% of the matches was the person that came in last would never post their own score.  Usually they are bitter that they lost, so they figure, why bother.  This would end up holding up the matches being posted in the system very often.  

We were able to find a work around for the FFA ladder. There was set on a timer for 2 hours after the match was posted.  If you didn't post your score within that time frame, then you get marked down as having all loses.  This works on the FFA ladder fine, but of course it wouldn't work on a 2 team system, because the point of having the loser verify is so poeple don't post fraudulent matches.  

I have no idea for a work around, but I can easily see clans that are upset that they lost not taking the time to verify they lost.  Hopefully this won't happen, but it could be a potential problem.

Title: Re:Potential Problem
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on September 23, 2003, 02:07:48 am
For this problem PC leagues use penalty points, or we could work something out with some kind of timer.

Title: Re:Potential Problem
Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on September 23, 2003, 06:52:22 pm
here, only the winner can submit a ClanBattle. After that, the loser has to confirm the CB. If it's not confirmed, a BL admin will see that the CB is confirmed.

at the moment there is no timer implemented, but if it doesn't work out this way, i'll implement one.
