*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: Gunm on February 17, 2004, 05:25:11 am

Title: ADMIN : CQB posted three Times
Post by: Gunm on February 17, 2004, 05:25:11 am
Greatings all,
Just confirming that the three similar CQB played and sent the 02.16.2004  - *AGT* against Exe> Aren't three different games. I cannot explain the reason why the results were posted 3 times..I just cliked one???. Anyway, The game has been succefully confirmed by *AGT*, and it should be good to delete the 2 other submissions.
Sorry about that.. That s not the best part of being admin on *damn. !  
Thanks-aboutltteinthehead@voila.fr- if any issue, catch me.  

Title: Re:ADMIN : CQB posted three Times
Post by: c| Splinter on February 17, 2004, 05:35:57 am