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Dancing Well p2 by Wrath 30.8.2001

To continue on from what zak was saying, when you are dancing with someone, always stay behind them, that way they have that less of a chance of hitting or even seeing you. I have lost many people by doing that, giving me enough time to reload my primary.

When you are dancing with two or more people, I always try to dodge in and out of between them to maximize the crossfire so they'll wound each other and maybe kill.

Also, when you are caught up in a fight, never get so caught up i the fight that you forget to check your minimap to see if any other bad guys are coming or friendlies coming to help you out.

When you hear one of your teammates die, immediately rush to that area, you may be able to pick up a quick kill - most people reload and take time to compose themselves before continuing on in the map. Now is the perfect time to strike.


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