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Ghost Recon Cheats & Codes by *DAMN Mauti 22.2.2003Comments[71939]

You don't accomplish a mission? You want to play more arcade like? You want to toggle the framerate counter from ingame? - Here are some cheats/codes for Ghost Recon. To activate them press NumPad enter(default setting). Now a console box should appear at the top of the screen. Type the desired code and press enter to activate it. To deactivate a code just reenter the same code. To leave the console press esc. That's it. Cheats and codes work for all Mac and PC Ghost Recon titles.

Cheats and Codes:

Help - Shows all codes/cheats;
listcmds - Same as help;

Refill - Refill ammo;
autowin - Finished the level;
god - Get struck down;
ammo - Infinite ammo;
superman - Cant die;
teamsuperman - Team cant die;
shadow - Cant see you;
teamshadow - Cant see team;
chickenrun - Turn gernade's into chickens;
autolose - Does what it says;
cisco - Wins with a dog bark (maybe more);
eviltwin - Makes everyone look funny;
names - Shows names of everyone in the game no matter where they are;
rumbleon/rumbleoff - Earthquake mode on/off;
Rock - All your base's are belong to us;
squirrelkite - Turns grenade's to squirrels;
run - Makes you walk fast and run even faster(arcade mode);
boom - Makes the world shake once;
reticule - When you put your reticule over a person or object (including doors, cars, tanks), it shows the name of the item and how far it is away;
mark - Marks your current position;
mark2 - Marks your current position;
teleport - Teleport to mark;
unlockhero - Unlocks the hero for the current mission;
quit - Quit's the hole game;
journalplaystart - Starts playing of record;
journalplaystop - Stops playing of record;
journalrecordstart - Starts recording of game;
journalrecordstop - Stops recording of game;
loc - Shows current location;
listtypes - Does what it says;
listvars - Does what it says;
perf - Shows a lot of stats;
range - Shows range of people when you move your mouse over them;
toggleAi - Toggle's AI;
showmotions - Kind of works like a giant sensor, just not as good;
togglemovetrees - Makes tree stands still, again makes them move;
hidecorpse - Does what it says;
hidegamecounter - Does what it says;
showframecounter(also toggleshowframecounter) - Does what it says;
showgamecounter - Does what it says;
setgama ### - Set's the gamma level (replace ### with numbers);

There are a few others. Just try them out. You probably need only to remember the "Help" command which lists all codes and cheats.

Have fun,



© by *DAMN Mauti a.k.a Clemens Mautner Markhof, Salzgries 17/11, 1010 Vienna, Austria; Phone: +43-676-6158786; Thanks to PlanetRainbowSix a division of Game Spy Networks for hosting and supporting us. All rights reserved.
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