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Rainbow Six Never Dies Review by *DAMN Mauti 5.12.2002

Just because Rogue Spear has been released doesn't mean that Rainbow Six is dead. With the release of R6 Never Dies, the game is created anew. If you take the time to download the huge file, you will be getting the following: Mauti's Hellfire, three sets of training missions, over a thousand multiplayer maps, and some of the best mods available.

  • Mauti's Hellfire is a four-mission campaign, played on the same map.
    You play as *DAMN members protecting important clan members as fakers have attacked the meeting location. Fail, and the future of the battle league is in jeopardy. The missions are very challenging and the map is purely brilliant. Players must always beware of snipers and MUST make sure to stay focused despite the eye candy present.
    [Individual Rating - 9 of 10]

  • The training missions in R6ND are not your standard training levels. Based on maps from the game these missions are extremely tough. Some require stealth, and others speed, while some just require survival against incredible odds. If you can complete these missions, you are truly a master of Rainbow Six, and for Christ's sake, get Rogue Spear and work on those challenges.
    [Individual Rating - 9.5 of 10]

  • The multiplayer maps are divided into several groups due to the limit of maps that R6 allows. The sets are divided by the original map and one is a collection of the best maps ever made based on all maps. While I obviously haven't played all the maps, I can say there are many great maps present. The varieties of maps are great to mix up the tactics, with some as obvious rush maps, while others test a sniper's ability. If you want to spend an evening just killing with you friends these map mods will last you all night.
    [Individual Rating - 10 of 10]

  • The mods available in R6ND are some of the finest featuring new skins, a weapons mod, four new action backgrounds, and a patch to be used to enhance one of the training sets. An installer called Modsettings let you easily change between some features. Don't understand me wrong this thing is also nice but compared to the other features of Rainbow Six Never Dies it is only average.
    [Individual Rating - 5 of 10]

R6 Never Dies Overall Rating - 9.5 of 10
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© by *DAMN Mauti a.k.a Clemens Mautner Markhof, Salzgries 17/11, 1010 Vienna, Austria; Phone: +43-676-6158786; Thanks to PlanetRainbowSix a division of Game Spy Networks for hosting and supporting us. All rights reserved.
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