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Old News

[Upcoming Mods] - [25.4.2004; 7:15:PM by *DAMN Mauti] - [2]
  • Hi guys and gals,

    Few days ago I had a totally stupid bicycle accident, nothing dramatic, but I was unable to do anything for *DAMN. I was coming home from university with my bike, and at high speed, in a curve, the tyre went off the rim due low air pressure and blocked my front tire - bang and ouch!

    Today is the first day I don't feel the pain anymore, and I'm working since 5 hours on few mods. I don't think I can finish the conversions and upload them today, but you should get them really soon. The accident has a little bit destroyed my timetable for preparing the Battle League season VIII but I hope to get everything done until 29th April.

    We will see. Tomorrow I am at work and later at university until 8:00pm but on tuesday I should find enough time.

    Take care,

[Winner icons sent] - [18.4.2004; 6:11:PM by *DAMN Mauti] - [2]
  • Hi guys,

    the Battle League winner icons have been sent to all clans. Autriche and Cutter please send me an email so I can send you your icon as well.

    My vague timetable was totaly trashed by a beautiful 170cm tall red haired girl. Sorry, but the complete War of Infamy 2.4 plus all war theatres should come out soon. Further some nice and handy GR tools should be mirrored here soon.

    Nevertheless I gonna try to spend each day at least 1 hour here at *DAMN until everything is uptodate.

    So see ya tomorrow.


[Coming updates:] - [15.4.2004; 5:02:PM by *DAMN Mauti] - [1]
  • Hi guys,

    another month gone without news. However here is a vague timeframe for the next days:

    Tomorrow friday: Battle League winner announcments, few new updates concerning the coming Battle League Map Pack 2.5 update and new Battle League season. Important informations for all admins.

    Saturday: new Ghost Recon mods and tools, adding RvS mod section

    Sunday: more mods!?

    See ya tomorrow,

    *DAMN Mauti
    ps: still didn't get my promised and won RvS copy from MacGamer :-X


-[One Taps & Headshots Best of Squad Montage
-[The Backcap - St. Elmo's Fire Edit
-[Chinese Checkpoint Under Attack
-[Harju ❤️
-[TOW vs BMP-2

-[ Status notice
-[ GRPA Mod version 2
-[ IMG interviews Mauti
-[ Winner icons
-[ More winners and other things

Game Design as Gameplay
GRPA Reloaded v5.0
Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed 1.0b6 (IT)
Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed 1.0b6 Updater
Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed 1.0b5 Updater
Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed 1.0b5 (IT)


TOP 100

© by *DAMN Mauti a.k.a Clemens Mautner Markhof, Salzgries 17/11, 1010 Vienna, Austria; Phone: +43-676-6158786; Thanks to PlanetRainbowSix a division of Game Spy Networks for hosting and supporting us. All rights reserved.
One Worldwide Gaming Community since 13th June 2000